Just Lucky that Way

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Just Lucky that Way Page 2

by Andy Slayde

  Alex shook his head and laughed. "How the hell would I know?"

  "Which question are you answering?"

  "Both." Alex grunted and pushed the sliding door again. "C'mon, if you'd put as much energy into pushing as you do into speculating, we'd be in already."

  "Bitch, bitch, bitch." Zed laughed and doubled his efforts. Was it his fault he was a city boy and the most exercise he ever got was working out at the gym and sex? Having never even seen a barn close up, he was naturally curious. The writer in him contributed to the speculation. "Ghosts maybe?"

  "Probably just rats and mice. Possibly snakes, raccoons and opossums." Alex stopped pushing and faced Zed. "Maybe spiders... you know, big ones."

  Zed hadn't even let the thought of spiders cross his mind until now. "And you want me to go in there? Are you insane?"

  Alex laughed. "I don't want you to go in there -- Phil does. It won't be so bad. Don't you have any fantasies about getting groped in a barn?"

  "My fantasies are never as tame as being groped, and they never involve spiders." Zed looked Alex straight in the eye. "Promise me more than a grope, and I'll do it."

  "Let's see how bad it is before I agree to anything more." Alex gave another hard shove and the door slid open.

  "Dark," said Zed, gloomily, and pushed the door open wider. If he was going in, he was going in with as much light as possible.

  "That's why we have our handy dandy flashlights." Alex held up his flashlight and turned it on. "C'mon, the sooner we go in and look around, the sooner we can fool around."

  Zed hung back. That was a tough one; entering a spider infested barn with the promise -- yes, that had clearly been a promise -- of fooling around, or not entering said spider infested barn and probably not.

  "Fuck it," Zed mumbled and flicked the flashlight on. He was right on Alex's heels within seconds and not a spider to be seen. Well, no gigantors anyway. There were plenty of webs playing host to smaller spiders. As long as he knew where they were, it would be okay. "Hey, it's not so bad. Bit smelly and damp." He tapped Alex's shoulder. "Think there might be ghosties?"

  "Why haunt a barn? Unless it's the ghosts of cows past."

  "You have no imagination."

  "What do you mean I have no imagination?" Alex walked over to a stall, the flashlight beam illuminating the area. "I'm an artist. I can envision dueling dragons and paint them on you."

  "That was pretty hot." Zed shone his flashlight into the depths of the barn. Moldering hay covered most of the floor, and Zed was sure the floor boards beneath it had seen better days. Little squeaks and rustling in the dry hay meant they weren't alone, but it was doubtful that spiders -- no matter how big -- were making those noises. Mice and rats probably. Tania would need a couple of cats to keep them under control.

  Zed wandered deeper into the cavernous barn. "What's up there?" He pointed to what appeared to be another floor.

  "Probably the hay loft," Alex said. The light from his flashlight landed on a set of boards nailed between two of the supporting beams. A makeshift ladder that Zed didn't trust for an instant.

  "Let's check it out." Alex, not waiting for a response, proceeded to climb the ladder.

  Hay loft, huh? Didn't sex always happen in hay lofts? Good enough. Conquering his mistrust of the home-made ladder in record time, Zed scooted up after Alex.

  "Ugh, this is no better than down there." Zed's hand landed on a soggy clump of hay. At least, he hoped it was only a soggy clump of hay.

  "You really are a city boy. Hay lofts were made for fooling around. Get over here and kiss me."

  "I just didn't think they'd stink or be wet." But that didn't stop Zed from clambering up the last few steps and stopping in front of Alex. "Just so you know, I'm not fucking you up here."

  Alex laughed. "That's not a problem."

  With one hand behind Alex's neck and the other cupping his cheek, Zed pressed his lips to Alex's. Zed was pulled closer to Alex as Alex deepened the kiss, his tongue invading Zed's mouth, trying for domination. Zed's tongue thrust back, not to be overcome so easily. But his body was giving in to Alex's hands, one of which was between them, alternately palming his cock, then Alex's. Zed moaned and thrust against Alex's hand. If his boyfriend wanted to fuck right here, right now, he'd do it.

  "Alex." Phil's voice drifted up to them. "Zed. If you're defiling my hay loft, I'll kill you."

  Breaking the kiss, Alex answered, "Would we do such a thing?" He kept rubbing Zed's cock -- for which Zed was grateful.

  "Dunno about you, but I know Zed would," Phil shouted up to them.

  "If I come in my jeans, you are in big trouble," Zed murmured against Alex's neck.

  "Is it my fault you have no self control?"

  "Is it my fault I have a thing for public sex?"

  With a chuckle, Alex stepped away and walked over to the edge of the hay loft. He looked down at Phil. "I take it you came out here for a reason other than interrupting us."

  "Yeah, wanna know what you and Zed can do and what I need to get a contractor in for. That sort of thing."

  "All of it if you don't let Alex blow me," Zed shouted.

  Phil laughed. "So the price of having you help me out is Alex blowing you? Can't beat that."

  "The things I'm willing to do for you and Tania. Think we can commandeer the radio so I can listen to the Uruguay/Ghana game?"

  "Not while I'm getting head." Zed couldn't resist interjecting. Besides, he wanted all of Alex's attention on him.

  Phil just laughed more. "Sure. Give me a yell when you've um... finished. And boys?"

  "Yes?" Alex turned back to the edge of the hay loft.

  "I don't want to hear any more about your sex life."

  "If you stay there, Zed will come quicker and we can get back to work," Alex said, and Zed could hear the laughter in his voice. "He has this kink for public--"

  "Not listening."

  "Has he gone?" Zed asked, when Alex turned to face him again.




  Leaning against Alex -- his boyfriend's arms around him -- and listening to Blake strumming his twelve string guitar, Zed was content. Grasshoppers chirruped, and frogs seemed to answer in their guttural way. Fireflies blinked over the garden and amongst the trees. The bonfire was now low, casting just enough light and seeming to keep away most of the mosquitoes. Good food, good friends, cold beer, and the only man he'd ever love unconditionally. Zed considered himself to be one of the lucky ones.

  "Phil, why restore the house? Wouldn't it be better to knock it down and start again?" he asked the man sitting a few feet away from him.

  "Too much history," Phil said. "Place belonged to an infamous bootlegger in the twenties. Ever heard of Ellison Palmer? Lucky Palmer?"


  "Yes." Alex lifted his head from Zed's shoulder and was looking at Phil instead of breathing softly in Zed's ear. "He had an awesome art collection, apparently."

  "He had everything," Phil affirmed. "Expensive cars, expensive women, one of the best run bootlegging operations around and plenty of real estate."

  "Still never heard of him," Zed countered and threw a small twig into the fire.

  "That's 'cause you never paid attention to local history," Alex said.

  "Pfft." Zed looked at Phil. "So what happened to him?"

  "He got caught for the bootlegging operation. The still was in the furthest barn, in one of the stalls." Phil shook his head. "I don't know how he got away with it for so long. It was also rumored that he murdered his fiancee. No one saw her after a party he held at this farm."

  Blake stopped playing, and Phil had the attention of everyone.

  "So, the place could be haunted." Kitty shivered, and Travis pulled her closer. "The body could be here."

  Phil shrugged. "The murder -- if there was one -- was never pinned on him. There was no evidence, no one saw anything, and no body was ever found."

  "So what happened to her?" Mel asked.

bsp; "She may not have even existed," Jon interjected. "Phil said it was rumor."

  "Oh, she existed." Phil nodded. "Opal Townsend. There were engagement notices in the newspaper of the day. It's just rumor that she was murdered. She may have left him and changed her name. Anything."

  "The Roaring Twenties -- anything was possible." Alex reached for his beer. "She probably found a better catch."

  "How can you be such a dork and so hot?" Zed murmured.

  "It's a gift." Alex's lips brushed against Zed's neck.

  Zed shivered. From the way his cock reacted to that brush of lips, Alex may as well have been kissing it. He tilted his head sideways for more, which, it seemed, Alex was happy to supply.

  "Fuck's sake, you two," Jon said from his position opposite. "Get a room." He looked at Travis and Kitty, who were sharing a passionate kiss. "Oi! And you two. Honestly, have you no shame?" He tutted and shook his head, reminding Zed of Alex's Grandma.

  "No shame," Zed mumbled.

  Maybe they should retire for the evening, but Alex sucking on his neck was just too arousing to interrupt. If their friends didn't want to see, they could all go. Zed loved outdoor sex and certainly didn't mind people watching. No one seemed in a hurry to go.

  "All in good time." Alex's teeth gently grazed Zed's neck.

  "They've already defiled my hay loft," Phil said. "I think they want to add my lawn to the list."

  "Not fussy where we do it." Zed laughed and turned in Alex's arms, pushing him down on the grass and kissing him, the tastes of beer and barbecue fueling his desire.

  "Woohoo! Now that's entertainment." Becca cheered.

  "Bets on who breaks first to go to the tent?" The snick of a beer opening accompanied Blake's words.

  Everyone voted for Alex, except Becca.

  "Alex hates to lose." Becca giggled. "I think we'll all leave before they do."

  "And we all know Zed is shameless."

  "Am not." Zed wriggled against Alex. He pushed his hand between them and unfastened Alex's shorts. "I just don't let anything stand in the way of what I want."

  "We have to go to the tent eventually," Alex whispered against Zed's ear. "Stuff's in there."

  Zed laughed. "Don't have to fuck. But they'll go soon enough." He pulled Alex's T-shirt up and focused on a nipple, nibbling softly.

  "So, that's why men have nipples." Kitty sounded breathless, and Zed turned his head slightly to look at her.

  She winked and grabbed Travis' hand, dragging him off to their tent.

  "Have fun, boys. Don't let the mosquitoes bite your ass, Zed." Jon laughed as he made his way to his tent.

  "Right behind ya." Blake grabbed a couple beers and followed Jon. "Don't get any ideas about sharing my sleeping bag."

  "I'm not that curious."

  "Let's continue this in the tent," Alex said as he thrust against Zed. "I don't want mosquitoes biting my willy."

  "They won't be getting anywhere near that; I'll be keeping it well covered." Zed continued his trek down Alex's torso. "Who's left?"

  "Rhys, Becca and Mel."

  "And we're not going anywhere," Rhys said, accompanied by the girls' giggles. "There's still plenty of beer."

  "You're not getting an invite either," Zed countered. "And no cameras."

  "You're no fun anymore." Zed could almost see Rhys' pout. "Before Alex a threesome or a fivesome wouldn't have fazed you."

  "He doesn't need extras when he has me." Alex wiggled his way out from under Zed, his shorts riding obscenely low on his hips. "But--" He stood and pulled his shorts up after giving the audience a quick flash. "I'm not the exhibitionist that Zed is."

  Zed rolled over and looked up at Alex. "You won't let me be."

  "I remember you used to be," Rhys chipped in, and Becca agreed.

  "Where was I when Zed was being an exhibitionist?" Mel asked.

  "No idea. You didn't have to try hard to see it." Becca laughed and dropped her arm across Mel's shoulders. "We should go and see what Jon and Blake are up to."

  "And on that note--" Alex pulled Zed up and threw him over a muscled shoulder, cave man style. "I'm taking my reformed exhibitionist to bed."

  "Spoilsport," both Zed and Rhys chorused.

  Alex dropped Zed on his feet when they reached their tent.

  "Look at you, all alpha and taking control." Zed laced his arms behind Alex's neck and rubbed up against him. "Does that mean you're gonna fuck me 'til I scream?"

  "I might have to gag you." Alex's hand slid down Zed's back, slipping under the waistband of his cargo shorts. "I'd hate to keep our friends up all night with your screaming."

  "They're expecting it." Zed ground his hips against Alex's. "You wouldn't want to disappoint them."

  "True." Alex dropped to his knees but, instead of unzipping Zed's shorts, unzipped the tent. "So get in there and strip."

  "I love it when you go all dom on me." Zed wasted no time slipping into the tent and ridding himself of his clothes. "What would you like? Compliant slave? Feisty rent boy?"

  "Hmm, choices, choices." Alex crawled in and secured the tent flap. "You didn't happen to pack the silk rope?"

  Zed shrugged. "Who knew that camping would make you all alpha male? You'll have to improvise."

  "Not a problem." Alex's shorts slid off his hips onto the floor. "Rules -- I'm the only one that touches your cock, and you can't come until I say so."

  "I can do that with my hands tied behind my back. Which they're not." Zed laughed. "C'mon, love, something different."

  "What? Fucking you in a tent isn't different enough?" Alex sighed. "Why me?"

  "You're just lucky." Zed pushed his carry all towards Alex. "You might find something in there."

  "That's my boy, always prepared." Alex rummaged through the bag's contents, mumbling to himself, until, "Aha! What every camping trip needs."

  "What did you find?" Zed leaned up on his elbows but still couldn't see what Alex was holding. He'd packed a few interesting items, and it was pitch black in the tent.

  "How many toys did you pack?"

  "A few. Didn't want to get bored."

  Alex laughed. "Just in case I wasn't around to cater to your every kink?"

  "Nope." Zed laughed, too. "Just in case you were."

  "We're not here to play. Hands over your head."

  Zed quickly complied, flexing his fingers when Alex buckled the leather cuffs around his wrists and passed the small chain joining them behind the tent pole.

  "You knock the tent down, and you are putting it back up," Alex stated. "How much can you see?"

  "Probably about as much as you." Zed pulled on the chain to gauge how much distance he had and how strong the tent pole was. Hmm, not much and not very. "Maybe you'd better just feel your way. With your tongue."

  "You didn't bring a flashlight? Lantern?" Alex's voice was muffled and Zed hoped that was because he was taking off his T-shirt.

  Zed gave a short laugh. "Closest I have is a glow-in-the-dark dildo. I left all the practical stuff up to you."

  "Good of you to tell me. Fuck knows what else we haven't got."

  "We'll make do." Zed wriggled. "C'mon, Alex, fuck me."

  One of Alex's hands landed on Zed's hip, inching its way across to wrap around his cock. "Do me a favor?" The hand gripped and pulled, nothing gentle in the way Zed was being handled.

  Zed loved it.

  "Oh fuck, yes. What?"

  "Behave like a good sub. Don't top me from there and in the dark."

  "Yes, Sir." Zed was glad Alex couldn't see his smile.

  Chapter Two

  Saturday July 3rd, 2010

  After an early and filling breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, and gallons of coffee, Phil had suggested that the girls might like to work on clearing the horse pen of weeds and undergrowth. The boys, he'd said with authority, would be in the barn. While the morning sun was still lighting the front area of the barn, Phil and Rhys were rigging up some lighting so they could see at the back.

  "You know,"
Blake started conversationally. "Jon didn't even hear me having a wank last night."

  Zed nudged Alex. "You know where this is going, don't you?" he murmured and grinned.

  "I have a horrible feeling I do."

  "Is that right?" Travis answered Blake, a note of fake surprise in his voice.

  "And the mood Kitty was in--" Blake raised his eyebrows at Travis. "Well, a gentleman doesn't ask questions, but he can assume."

  Travis nodded. "She gets a bit frisky after a few drinks."

  "Nice," Jon approved. "Didn't hear ya."

  "I'll be sure and tell her."

  Zed laughed at the almost choreographed conversation his friends were having. It was obvious where it was leading. Was it his fault if Alex made him lose control? At least the tent had stayed standing.

  "So that," Blake turned to Alex and Zed, "begs the question as to why the fuck can't Alex and Zed fuck quietly?"

  "'Cause I don't want to," Zed retorted. "Why? Did you wish I was calling your name?" Damn, but Alex looked cute when he blushed like that.

  "Perhaps it would've made his experience all the better," Travis suggested. "He would've felt like he was with someone."

  "Yeah, Alex." Blake laughed. "You stud. I'd say all of West Summerset knows of your prowess."

  "Get fucked," Alex mumbled. "And no, I'm not offering."

  "Yes, Alex! Fuck me hard." Jon and Blake chorused before laughing hard.

  "Odd that, I would have picked Zed as the top," Travis said.

  "I was feeling mellow, 'cause Alex sucked me off right up there earlier." Zed pointed to the hay loft, grinning. Could Alex get any redder?

  "Gross. Thanks for that, Zed." Travis screwed his face up and pretended to puke.

  Zed raised an eyebrow. "What? Seems to me you're all mega-interested in my sex life."

  "It's hard for us to ignore after last night." Jon picked up a pitch fork that was leaning against one of the stalls. "If Kitty had been as vociferous as you, we'd be picking on her and Travis." He walked out of the barn and placed the old tool in the 'save' pile.

  "Might as well get started. We can work on this area while we wait for Phil," Alex said and headed over to the stall furthest away from the guys.


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