by Andy Slayde
"Nope, you're going to help the girls. I'll go back into the barn."
Alex let go of Zed's hand. "I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions thankyouverymuch."
"I know, but really, you shouldn't have even gone in there in the first place." Since when had Zed been the reasonable one? "I don't want you sick."
"You sure I'll be safe helping the girls? I might inhale some pollen... maybe I should just go somewhere where I'll be safe -- Mom." Alex turned toward the house and skulked off.
Zed's heart sank. He ran across the grass after his boyfriend. "Don't."
"What?" Alex snapped, not breaking his stride. "I'm going to the car -- I should be safe in there."
"Stop!" Zed grabbed Alex's forearm. "I didn't... um, I just--" Great, he couldn't string two words together coherently, and now his ankle thought it would be a good time to let him know he'd hurt it.
"Yeah, I know. I just need to be alone right now. Go help the others." He shook Zed's hand off.
A wave of despair enveloped Zed. For as long as he'd known Alex, Alex had never needed to be alone because of him.
All at once, Zed's insecurities flooded back. What if Alex decided he'd made a mistake and should never have started dating him? Zed thought that as they were such great friends, they'd be perfect as lovers, but maybe Alex was right and that line should never have been crossed. They could never go back to being just friends so, for six months of having Alex in his bed, Zed had destroyed twenty years of friendship. There was a downside to always getting what you wanted.
And his fucking ankle was throbbing.
He flopped down on the grass and pulled his right sneaker off. He prodded his ankle. No swelling, but it was tender. No biggie, he'd just hobble over to the impromptu medical team and let Rhys fix him up. Rhys did have wonderful hands...
"Are you okay?" Alex asked, sitting down next to Zed.
"You came back." Zed took a deep breath.
"Of course I did."
"I thought you wanted to be away from me."
Alex draped his arm over Zed's shoulders. "Never. I just." He sighed. "I hate that I have asthma. I hate not being able to help with the barn or explore that secret room anymore. I hated being coddled by Becca and Rhys."
"Being coddled by Rhys can be kinda nice," Zed said, giving Alex a sideways grin. Relief that Alex hadn't had enough of him pushed all the uncertainty out of the way and enabled him to joke.
"I don't want to be coddled by Rhys. If anyone's going to coddle me, it'll be you."
"That just annoyed you."
"Yes, because you know better than anyone how much I hate that."
"Bitch, bitch, bitch--" Zed kissed Alex. "Make up sex?"
"Later." Alex's pointed to Zed's ankle. "You okay?"
"Yeah, I slipped. All good."
Alex laughed. "You always were a klutz." He dropped a kiss on Zed's neck. "You sure you don't want to play patient with Becca and Rhys?"
"If it doesn't feel better soon, I'll let them poke and prod. And--" Zed removed his other sneaker and got to his feet. "I have my klutziness under some control now, I'll have you know."
By the time dinner time rolled around, Zed was exhausted. And a mass of cuts, bruises and crushed toes. Well, okay, he didn't really have crushed toes, it just felt like it. But on the plus side, his ankle felt a lot better compared to all these new injuries.
He'd cut his arm on a sharp piece of rusty metal and had been forced, by Becca, to phone his doctor to find out if his tetanus shot was up to date. Planks of wood were much more dangerous than he gave them credit for, after dropping one on his toes. He'd bumped into walls, knocked his arms and legs against posts, and even managed to walk into a door. The stupid thing had opened every other fucking time, and now he had a lump on his forehead as well. He hadn't been this clumsy since he was going through that lanky growing stage where he grew an inch a week and earned his reputation as a klutz. At least the spiders hadn't heard he was vulnerable.
Even the cleansing dip in the pond hadn't brightened his mood like it should have. Alex had disappeared into the house for a warm shower, and all Zed had wanted to do was to follow him and cuddle under the soothing heat and have Alex tell him he wasn't a klutz. Instead, he got Rhys flirting, and Jon and Blake's crude remarks that would have probably been funny if he'd been in a better mood. He had let them know, though, that there was no difference between a straight guy and a gay guy other than the sex of the person they loved. He was fed up with them thinking he was into kinkier sex than they were -- just because he was gay -- even though he probably was. But it wasn't because he was gay, it was just because he was. He pitied any girl that chose to date either of them.
This sucked; he wanted to go home.
"You're handsomer when you smile," Alex said, taking the seat next to Zed. "Surely Phil's burgers aren't that bad." He gestured toward Zed's untouched dinner.
Zed snorted. "The way my luck's going right now, I'll probably choke on it." He took a bite of his burger with everything only to have half of it fall back on the paper plate, and ketchup and onion to drip down his front. "See?"
"Damn, Zed, did you break a mirror or something?" Alex grabbed a handful of napkins and started to wipe at the mess on Zed's shirt.
"Fuck's sake, Alex." Zed grabbed the napkins off him. "I'm not a baby." He just took the shirt off and dropped it next to him. Relenting -- it wasn't Alex's fault -- Zed winked at his boyfriend. "Maybe you can lick it off next time, huh?"
"Sure, if it's something more lickable than ketchup."
Alex leaned in and kissed Zed on the neck. "You are always lickable. I just prefer chocolate to condiments."
"If we get fed chocolate, I'll be sure to spill some on me. Did we bring any?"
Alex shook his head and turned his attentions back to his own plate. "No I left packing all the sex stuff to you."
"Are you guys at it again?" Jon asked sitting down across from them. "Don't you ever get tired? Blake, I think we're gonna have to move the tent away from them." Jon grinned and bit into his burger.
"You can switch with us," Mel said. "We won't mind hearing them."
"Is that right?" Blake asked, eyebrows raised.
"Chocolate isn't 'sex stuff'," Zed chimed in. "It's all in the way you use it." There; might as well exaggerate the idea that gay sex was kinkier than straight.
Alex swallowed a mouthful of food. "When it comes to you, chocolate is sex stuff."
"Do we have any chocolate?" Phil asked Tania.
"Yes, and you can have it once we have a finished room. Can you imagine all the ants and bugs we'd attract with it?"
"I'm gonna need chocolate before then." Phil groaned. "I'm not talking about sex, sweetheart. We're married for God's sake."
Amidst the laughter and comments of, "that does it, never getting married," Zed whispered that there might be some chocolate in with the supplies they brought.
"Perfect for a midnight snack."
Alex reached for his beer and took a long pull, reminding Zed of those 'outdoorsman' beer ads on TV. He'd had a thing for one of those blokes in his teens. He shifted as his cock became interested in Alex as a rugged 'outdoorsman', with beer and chocolate. Okay, not the ideal gastronomic combination, but the role play was taking shape nicely.
"Did you have any luck finding out anything about Lucky Palmer?" Alex asked Tania.
"A lot of useless information and a link to several porn sites that I'm sure had nothing to do with him and a lot more to do with getting lucky." Tania smiled ruefully. "I'm honestly scared to bring children into a world like this sometimes."
Becca, ever the vigilant listener, jumped on that one immediately. "You're pregnant?"
"Nope. Didn't you hear Phil before? No sex after marriage." Tania rolled her eyes. "But, I did basically manage to confirm what Phil told us last night. And Lucky did give Opal an opal brooch, only she wore it on a head scarf and it had peacock feathers attached." She looked
at Zed. "So that could be what you found. Apparently it made the news 'cause it cost Lucky a small fortune. And opals are supposed to be a bringer of bad luck. But Opal Townsend loved that about it. She was even quoted as saying that nothing could bring her bad luck when she had her Lucky around."
"Well, that explains your misfortune today, Zed," Alex said. "Good thing you got rid of it."
"You believe that? Besides, Phil has it now. Why hasn't the house fallen on his head? Oh, yes, I know why. 'Cause it's waiting for me." Zed looked imploringly at Alex. "Can we go home? You drive." And he was only half joking. Despite scoffing at Alex, Zed did believe in the supernatural. Yes, items could bring bad luck; yes, items were cursed; yes, ghosts did exist; yes, people could be possessed by spirits. Bad things did happen on Friday the 13th, walking under ladders was bad luck, umbrellas up in the house, shoes on the table... you name it, Zed knew most all of the superstitions and believed them. Learning a new one didn't make him overly thrilled.
"If the house tries to fall on your head, I promise you we'll go home."
"Thank you."
"How about a game of Charades or something?" Travis called. "It's not even that dark yet."
As darkness fell, Charades had to be abandoned in favor of something that didn't require as much seeing. Spin the Bottle and I Spy had been vetoed.
Kitty suggested a game of I've Never, which involved drinking a shot of whiskey every time someone mentioned something you had done. Phil refused to give up his 'good whiskey' for a silly game, so they made do with shots of beer. Zed figured he'd still get drunk quickly.
The game started sedately enough with statements like, "I've never kissed a girl." and "I've never kissed a boy."
Zed drank a shot for both of them, and both he and Becca had to explain how Zed had taken her to the prom as a favor to Alex and she hadn't known he was gay when she kissed him. Then the debate of whether Becca kissing Zed was the same as Zed kissing Becca came up, and Zed had to admit that he had, in fact, kissed Becca back. For some reason, Mel kissing her best friend Dina when they were both fifteen didn't warrant as much interest.
The game continued the way it usually did. I've never: cheated on a test, shoplifted, run away from home, broken a bone, lied, watched porn, read porn, got drunk, been videoed having sex, masturbated in public, had sex in public, had a threesome, had a foursome, been tied up during sex, used sex toys, fucked a stranger, been to a BDSM club...
The group around the campfire were watching every movement each other made, learning more and more as the night went on. Kitty was the most sexually repressed, and Travis said he liked it that way. Zed, it seemed, was the most sexually liberated. Whether Alex liked it or not, he wasn't sure. Probably not. But he was having a good time, especially now the questions had become more interesting and he was quite drunk.
"My turn again." Jon looked squarely at Zed. "I'm beginning to think there's nothing you haven't done."
"Oh, there's plenty," Zed answered. He raised an eyebrow, almost daring Jon to say something filthy. He doubted his friend would, given the girls' company. He also wondered when their friendship had deteriorated into this game of thinly disguised innuendo and insults.
Maybe he was reading too much into Jon's comments, but Zed couldn't shake his unease. The whole evening had an underlying layer of edginess to it. Maybe he'd watched too many horror movies, but he felt like he was being watched, which was ridiculous. However he still scanned the area behind him, finding it pitch black with quick flashes of green and yellow from the fireflies.
"I've never," Jon started, his eyes fixed on Zed. A smile touched Jon's lips, and Zed became wary. There were some people who knew way too much about him. "I've never tried to commit suicide."
Becca and Mel gasped and the silence was sharp. Very deliberately, and aware that it was only him doing it, Zed drank his shot. "Because of assholes like you," he muttered, before getting unsteadily to his feet and walking into the darkness.
"You fucking prick!" Alex's voice carried in the still night, as did the thwack of a fist hitting flesh. "What's gotten into you?"
The beam of a flashlight cut through the darkness surrounding Zed. As much as he wanted to be alone, he needed Alex. Alex could always be counted on to pick up the pieces.
"Zed, you okay?" Alex asked closing the distance between them.
"What's the fucking matter with him?" Zed turned on Alex. "He's been having digs at me all afternoon."
Alex held up his hands. "No idea. Don't take it out on me."
Zed relented. "Sorry. I know." He reached out and pulled Alex to him. "Did you hit him?"
"He deserved it." Alex wrapped his hand around Zed's wrist, his thumb tracing the scar. "He knows better than to bring that up. Probably just had too much to drink -- that's why I only hit him once."
"My hero." Zed's lips sought Alex's. "Can we just go home?"
"We're drunk, can't drive. Let's see how things are tomorrow. I'd hate to bail on Phil and Tania -- they did nothing wrong."
Zed looked around again. He was so aware of someone watching him that he was ready to go back to the bonfire and count everyone, just to make sure everyone was there. "This place is creepy."
Alex laughed. "It's the country. As long as we don't hear dueling banjos we're safe."
Zed shivered. "Fuck off, that was one awful movie. I'm going to get you back one day for making me watch that." Even if Zed had had his eyes closed through most of it. "Besides, that was the South. Don't think we're there... quite."
"You made me watch Pirates of the Caribbean how many times? And you'll drag me to see Stranger Tides how many times? I think I can 'force' you to watch a movie every now and then." Alex wrapped his arms around Zed. "So... wanna go sit in the car and neck?"
"Change the first two letters in neck and I'm all yours. Just not in the car though, it's not very comfortable."
"Wouldn't want to risk ruining our leather seats." Alex's lips brushed over Zed's.
"Takes a lot to ruin leather." Zed pushed Alex against a tree. "Or we could just stay here, and I'll fuck you against a tree."
"Don't think we've done that before."
"Didn't think you'd want to." Zed breathed against Alex's neck before biting and sucking hard.
"Always up to try new things."
Alex's voice hitched slightly, and Zed stopped biting so he could pull the T-shirt over Alex's head. His fingers trailed down Alex's chest. "You sure? They're just over there... can hear them still." A thumb rubbed Alex's nipple -- back and forth until Alex gave a low moan and closed his eyes. "Any one of them could come looking for us... or just wander this way..."
"They know better than to follow us." Alex grabbed Zed's shorts, hurriedly working the zipper. "Can't fuck, stuff's in the tent."
Zed dropped his head to Alex's shoulder. "Yup, that's about the way my luck's going." He unfastened Alex's shorts and pushed them down in one economical movement. His hand curled around Alex's cock. "So, what am I to do with a naked boy?"
"I'm sure you'll think of something," Alex said, thrusting into Zed's hand.
Zed's hand stayed loose around Alex's cock and gently moved in time with his thrusts. "Nope, I'm out of ideas," he murmured against Alex's lips.
"You could put that mouth to better use."
"You like my mouth?" Zed nibbled Alex's bottom lip. Oh fuck, his cock was aching. Why wasn't Alex doing anything about that? Zed pushed his own shorts down and took both their cocks in hand.
"Your mouth, your hands, your ass... everything about you."
"You're still making sense." Zed dropped to his knees in the soft leaf litter beneath the tree, and hoped that there wasn't an ant nest under it... or anything worse. "Don't come before me." He gradually drew Alex's cock into his mouth, alternately sucking and licking, while moving his hand along his own cock in a loose fist.
"Oh, fuck, that's good." Alex's fingers threaded through Zed's hair, tugging gently.
Zed snorted and took Alex's
cock back into his throat. Of course it was good; he didn't waste time on shoddy head. Determined to make it impossible for Alex not to come before him, Zed sucked hard before drawing back and letting his tongue play around the head.
Alex groaned and his fingers tightened in Zed's hair. "Don't... ah... don't try so... oh, fuck, nono..."
Zed laughed softly. It looked as though Alex would blow within seconds, so he was free to give in and wank as he wanted. And fuck, that felt good. His hand tightened as he worked to get himself off just after Alex came.
His fingers echoed the touches of his tongue. He pulled his lips from Alex's slick cock and licked the head, musk saltiness on his tongue. His thumb rubbed the head of his own cock, encouraging a small rush of precome. He licked Alex, his fingers closed around himself, his lips closed over the crown and slid to the base, his hand pulled his cock.
Oh fuck... oh fuck... oh fuck. Alex first. It was so difficult to keep details straight. Zed groaned. There was no way he was going to last; not while Alex's cock was heavy on his tongue, and the precome leaking down his throat added to the stimulus of jerking himself off.
"Fuck, yeah!" Alex shouted, gripping Zed's hair for more leverage as his thrusts became wild, frantic.
No way their friends hadn't heard that. Not that Zed gave a damn. Making Alex lose control was something to relish. Fuck all that were bothered by it.
It was a race to see who would outlast the other. Zed had set the rules; Alex knew the game. It was rare that Alex ever came before Zed, but this time the circumstances were different. Their friends were just a few feet away and could probably hear them. Zed wondered if he was about to find out that Alex had a public sex kink as well, as much as he denied it.
He pulled off Alex's cock and gave it a hard lick. Alex shuddered and whimpered. "They can hear us, you know? Does that turn you on?"
"Fuck, don't stop."
Zed laughed. Obviously it didn't bother Alex. Well, not right now, anyway. "Me first." Zed guided Alex's cock back between his lips, giving it a few strokes for good measure.
Alex thrust into Zed's mouth. "Don't think I'm... Fuck, yes." He stilled, breathing heavily as his orgasm hit. "Oh, that's good... Ah!"