by Andy Slayde
Zed shook his head, and grinned. Like he actually wanted there to be a ghost. Or did he want Rhys to be unable to explain something? There were times when Rhys' superior intelligence got on his nerves, but Zed had never wanted him to fail. Zed would much rather one of Rhys' explanations made sense, than the alternative. Mainly because the ghost seemed to have singled him out. He stood. "Face it, pal. This is something your science won't explain. Trust me, I wish it could." He peeled off his T-shirt and jerked his head towards the pond and their friends. "Coming?"
"Just make sure everyone stays clothed."
Zed managed to look innocent, widening his eyes as he popped the top button of his cargo shorts. Rhys laughed, Blake rolled his eyes.
"Woohoo!" Mel called out from the floating deck. "Take it off, Zed!"
"You first, sweetheart," Zed called across the pond.
"Oh, if only you meant it." Mel laughed.
A real laugh. So unlike the tinny laugh of the... voice in the barn. Out here, in the bright warmth, Zed found it hard to believe that mere minutes ago he'd run from the barn like a hysterical girl.
Blake ran past Zed, shoes and T-shirt already shed, and bumped him. "C'mon then. Last one in's a girl."
Zed kicked off his shoes, leaving them where they fell, and chased after Blake, Rhys on his heels.
A photo of Alex flashed up on Tania's monitor. Zed blinked and looked over at his boyfriend. He was beautiful, looking like one of those Abercrombie and Fitch models. Sun streaked brown hair, blue eyes, healthy tan. Zed smiled -- the perfect 'boy next door' look. It had been just his luck that Alex had been the boy next door.
Early evening, work was over for the day, and dinner was all but finished. Mel and Jon were still picking at the remnants of a crisp garden salad, and most of them had a cool drink. Kitty had offered an impromptu showing of the photos she'd taken over the last couple of days. Everyone gathered around Tania's fifteen inch lap top screen and marveled over Kitty's photos. Zed had to admit that she was excellent, and hoped he remembered to ask her for a copy of that one of Alex.
The next photo showed Becca looking up at Alex, laughing. The slight breeze moving her blonde hair away from her face. The perfect golden couple... hadn't someone called them that when they'd dated in high school?
That shard of ice stabbed Zed's heart again, and he closed his eyes. Kitty's photos were wonderful. She seemed to capture personality, whether she was taking a photo of a person or a building. It was all lighting and placement of subject, Zed knew, but Kitty managed it expertly... and effortlessly.
Next was a photo of Zed. Dark and brooding, he was just in the shadows at the back of the barn. Typical, Alex got the light, and he got the dark.
"What's that behind him?" Mel asked.
Everyone moved in closer. A blur of misty white was behind photo Zed. It looked like dust motes had been kicked up in a swirl of wind with the sun glinting off them.
"Trick of the light?" suggested Jon. "There's light at that window and the hole in the roof behind him."
Kitty shook her head. "No, it wouldn't do that. Besides, I saw them when I took the picture. There was nothing else there, just Zed."
"Can you zoom in on that bit?" Jon asked.
"Should be able to, hang on." Kitty clicked the mouse a few times.
Zed's gaze was glued to the screen, as the unidentified misty swirl magnified with each click. The swirl came into focus, losing its mystique... or perhaps gathering more.
"What the hell?" Blake said, breaking the silence that grabbed hold of the others as the shape took the form of a woman.
The shadows of the barn prevented perfect clarity, but it was a woman.
Suddenly feeling vulnerable, Zed wished he and Alex were talking. He never felt more protected than when he had Alex's strong arms wrapped around him. But, as that wasn't to be, he looked around and moved closer to Rhys. "That her, you think?"
"It's a trick of the light," Rhys said with such conviction Zed wanted to believe it. But Zed knew what he'd heard in the barn and a trick of the light wasn't going to explain that as easily.
"I've never seen light do that," Kitty retorted, still examining the photo.
"It's possible." Rhys crossed his arms in front of his chest. "The window panes reflecting something in the barn -- there's so much junk in there."
"Not anymore." Zed shook his head. "Me and Alex got most of it out yesterday."
"You're convinced the place is haunted, aren't you?" Blake gave a derisive laugh. "Is that your ghost? Is that any easier to explain?"
"Guess not," Zed mumbled. "But it does look like the shape of a woman."
"Not that you're any expert, but I guess," Jon conceded.
"I do know what one looks like, asshole. I've got eyes."
"So have I," Kitty broke in, stopping another potential argument. "And there was nothing there but Zed when I took that photo. That's why I took it; it's beautiful, poignant."
"Only one way to settle this." Alex grinned. "Grab your camera and we'll go investigate the barn. We'll see if 'she' makes another appearance."
"I'm not going back in there." Zed was decisive on that matter.
"Ghosts never hurt anyone," Travis said. "It'll be great -- just like those ghost hunters on TV--"
"Yeah, maybe they'll do a show about the farm," Jon interrupted. "We'll be on TV."
"If you guys think I'm having you anywhere around decent TV folk, you can think again." Phil laughed. "Go on then, if anyone can get rid of a ghost from my barn, it's you."
They moved, as one, to the barn. Zed trailed the group, not wanting to be left alone, but no way was he going in there. He leaned against the door, watching his friends deep in the barn, listening to the dull echoes of their voices. The air grew chill, the scent of Chanel strong.
"I loved you."
"Fuck!" Zed didn't bother looking around; he just ran. Into the barn where his friends were. He didn't give a flying fuck whether ghosts hurt people or not; this one was scaring the crap out of him.
"'Sup, Zed?" Travis asked. "Ghosties after ya?"
Zed gave Travis a withering look. "Yes."
"Bullshit, he just loves the drama," Alex muttered.
Zed chose to ignore that, after one more shard pierced his already broken heart. He shook his head, much rather the drama was happening to someone else or, better still, not happening at all.
"Can you see her?" Kitty asked pointing her camera in Zed's face.
"Stop pointing that in his face," Travis snapped. "You're freaking him out."
"Shut up." Kitty turned her attention back to Zed. "Can you still sense her? I'm taping you, maybe we'll see her."
Zed hesitated and shrugged. It was hot and humid again in the back of the barn. "Don't think she's here."
"They ask questions on Ghost Hunters," Becca informed them. She moved a little away from the group and looked into the murky gloom. "What is your name?"
"Blake," Blake said, from behind her.
Becca jumped, and rolled her eyes, laughing. "Not you, idiot."
"I'm not answering them." The thin voice came from behind Zed, who shivered as icy air enveloped him.
"We might not be able to hear her until we watch the video," Kitty said. "Keep talking to her."
"Are you Opal Townsend?" Becca asked.
"She says she's not answering you," Zed told them. For some reason, hearing the voices with a lot of people around didn't bother him half as much as hearing them when alone. He'd have thought either way would terrify him. But, as he was still unsure as to whether what he was hearing was a ghost or purely part of his fucked up psyche, Zed was happy to go along with the ghost theory. It made him seem less crazy -- and he wasn't exactly sure how that was. Probably because everyone else went along with that theory, even though they knew his history.
"Is she there?" Kitty squealed and reeled off half a dozen photos of Zed and the area around him.
"Look, you can see his breath," Mel chimed in.
"Oh, my God, you're shivering." Rhys moved closer to Zed and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Are you getting this, Kitty?"
"It is colder here," Blake said, and Zed shrank in on himself as everyone moved closer, crowding him. This wasn't good; he hated being closed in like this. Yes, claustrophobia was just another problem. Mainly being in situations he couldn't get out of immediately.
"Back off!" Alex shouted, making his friends pause in their examination. "Give Zed some room to breathe, for fuck's sake."
"Now you give a shit?" Rhys asked.
"Fuck off -- and get your hands off him."
"Get off your high horse, Alex." Rhys wrapped his arm around Zed. "You've done nothing but be an ass all day."
"I loved you." Icy fingers run down Zed's cheek, chilling his face."Why did you leave me?"
"I didn't leave you!" Zed shouted, wanting to flee. To get to his car and get the hell out of Dodge. But he couldn't, his 'friends' had him trapped in the fucking barn with a fucking ghost who was crazier than he was.
"Is she talking to you?"
"Ask her if she's Opal."
"Why is she here?"
"What does she want?"
"Tell her to go to the light."
"Shut up!" Alex forced his way through the crowd to stand protectively in front of Zed. "Back. Off!"
"Fuck, Alex, we're just trying to get some answers," Jon said. "Zed's a big boy; he can take care of himself. He doesn't need you to protect him."
"I'm warning you... back off."
Zed knew that tone well. He'd heard it many times before; every time Alex had stepped in and fought off the bullies in high school. Jon had better watch his step; he'd already become acquainted with Alex's right hook. Maybe things weren't as bad as Zed thought, Alex was protecting him. Alex still cared.
Zed placed his hand on Alex's shoulder. "It's okay."
"He's mine!"
Zed watched in horror and Alex was thrown against the wall of the nearest stall.
Zed wasn't sure whose voice that was, as it was drowned out by the girls' screaming. The light on Kitty's camera dimmed and went out, throwing everyone into gloom.
Zed cared only about one thing. Alex.
The voice could go and fuck itself, as could any half-hearted apparitions and Chanel scented cold spots.
The barn erupted into chaos, everyone suddenly only concerned about themselves, their focus shifting from Zed. Rhys had grabbed his arm, trying to make him leave the barn, but Zed wasn't going anywhere, not until Alex was with him. The panic continued around him until Alex finally looked up at him, from where he'd landed on the ground, and gave a tired smile. Becca, who had been ensuring Alex wasn't too injured, caught the smile and stood.
"He's all yours. Nothing broken." She glanced to the door of the barn. It was becoming quite dark outside, but was probably lighter than the inside of the barn. "Um... I might just wait for you two, if that's okay."
"Okay." Zed nodded and knelt next to Alex. He felt surprisingly calm in the aftermath, even though his heart was beating fast. Maybe it was the adrenaline spike calming him. "That was pretty awesome. Didn't know you could fly." Cracking a joke, no matter how bad, seemed the thing to do.
"I've got moves even you haven't seen yet." Alex winked. "You okay?" He rested his hand on Zed's thigh. "Is she still around?"
"I don't know. I'm not cold anymore." Zed looked around, not sure what he was expecting to see in the darkness. "Um, can we make up later? I wanna go."
"Sounds good." Alex slowly stood. "Seems the whole 'ghosts can't hurt anyone' theory is a myth."
"She's jealous," Zed said by way of explanation. "Apparently I loved her, but I left her." He slid his arm around Alex. "Are you okay to walk?"
Alex nodded. "That makes no sense. You've never loved a girl."
"Maybe she's getting me confused with you." Zed gave a small laugh and bumped Alex's hip with his. "I dunno, I think ghosts are easily confused."
"I don't even want to think about the psyche of ghosts."
"Can we get outta here?" Becca asked, huddling close to Alex. "I don't want to be here when she gets back."
"I don't think it works that way." Zed huddled close to Alex's other side. "But yeah, I'm outta here."
"Poor Phil," Alex commented. "I don't think he'll get anyone to stay and help renovate."
"If I were them, I'd sell the place," Becca said weakly, as if she didn't want to be overheard by the ghost.
"I just want to get in the car and drive home." Zed gently nudged Alex toward the door.
Twilight had descended over the farm. The booms, cracks, and fizzes of fireworks cluttered the distant night. High, shrieking whistles pierced the air and colored stars flashed in the black evening. Purple, blue, red, silver, gold, green -- reminding Zed of the opal he'd found earlier. People were having fun and celebrating and partying while all hell was breaking loose here. Zed never had good luck with anything. No, that wasn't entirely true. He did have Alex.
Heated voices overshadowed the fireworks the closer they got to the impromptu parking lot.
"What the fuck?" Travis barked. "Mine's dead, too."
"What's wrong?" Alex asked.
"Zed, start your car." Travis climbed down from his Jeep and headed toward the Mustang.
"I'm sure Zed's car will be the only one to work." Blake stood next to Travis and was soon joined by the others. "Even if it does, we can't all fit in there. What are we going to do? Draw straws for the backseat?"
"What're you talking about?" Zed asked fishing the keys out of his pocket.
"All the cars are dead!" Mel panicked. "Our cell phones too!"
"We could always walk," Blake, ever practical, suggested.
"I wouldn't advise it." Phil's voice was surprisingly calm. "It's dark. There aren't any street lights. It's the Fourth of July -- drunk drivers aplenty. And not to mention the occasional black bear that swims across the river looking for something to eat. But if you want to risk it -- go right ahead"
Everyone huddled together as they contemplated their options. It reminded Zed of those maritime stories of sinking ships, and the people treading water in large groups -- each praying they wouldn't be the first to fall to the sharks. Zed's fingers clutched around his keys, the metal biting into his skin.
"Let me try my car." Zed walked over and unlocked the door. "The ghost likes me; maybe she spared my baby."
Alex grabbed Zed's arm. "It's you. You're the connection. Whenever she's been around, you have too."
Zed rolled his eyes. Nothing new to him, but he was hoping he was wrong. "Yeah, I know." He unlocked his car and slid into the driver's seat, immediately wishing he'd left the windows open a crack to relieve the blast furnace conditions. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Zed pumped the gas once and turned the key.
Not the dying whirr of an engine trying to kick over.
Not even the driving beat and darkness of My Chemical Romance's 'This Is How I Disappear' coming from the CD player. And that was very sad.
"She wants to keep you here," Travis grouched. "And for that to happen, we're all stuck as well."
As if Zed couldn't feel any worse. "Not my fault," he mumbled, unreasonably depressed that his car didn't work.
"I like having you here."
A few fireworks whistled and popped, but it was like a vacuum. Kitty's eyes went wide and, for once, she reached for Travis instead of her camera. Mel and Becca screamed, shifting closer to each other and the group. Blake pointed to the roof of Zed's car before Becca bumped into him. He dropped his arm around her.
"Fuck..." Seemed to be the general word that covered an event like this.
Zed twisted out of his car and there was his ghost, a mere two feet away from him. He backed up, straight into Alex. "Tell me you can see that."
"Short black hair, white lace Flapper style dress, mottled neck -- glowing? Yeah, I see her." Alex rested his hand on Zed's hi
p. "She's pretty strong for such a petite girl."
Zed nodded, quietly snorting a mirthless laugh. The ghost appeared to be ignoring them all, but no one moved. Where were all the questions everyone was throwing at him before? Where was the bravado? It was all right when Zed was the only one being haunted -- he wondered briefly whether they'd even believed him or whether it was just an interesting enough distraction. But now that the ghost had manifested, they were all as scared as Zed had been. Except that now, Zed wasn't as bothered by her. Unless, of course, she hurt Alex again.
"Opal?" he called.
She looked straight at him, her eyes narrowing when she caught sight of Alex standing so close."Why do you touch him?"
Alex pulled Zed closer. "He's mine."
Opal frowned and her gaze shifted from Alex to Zed and back to Alex. "No. He's mine! He said he'd love me forever! He found my brooch."
"This?" Phil pulled the opal from his pocket. "Well, I have it now."
Opal's head turned quickly and she narrowed her eyes at Phil. "Why do you play with me? You'll be sorry."
"Don't!" Zed shouted, just as Phil flew backward, much the same way Alex had.
Opal turned her wide eyes on him and laughed before disappearing.
Then it started. Everyone talked at once. Tania was crying, over where Phil had been flung. Both Rhys and Becca were with her, even though Becca looked as horrified as Tania and kept glancing around. Mel was shouting that she wanted to go and she didn't give a damn about what might be out there -- Zed presumed she was referring to Phil's previous warnings -- it had to be safer than what was here. Blake and Jon were both trying to calm her. Kitty was telling Travis to get the Jeep started. Like the other guys, he was quietly trying to explain the difficulty with that.
"You think she's buried down there? Under the still. And I disturbed her when I dug out that opal?"
Alex shrugged. "Maybe. Judging by the marks on her neck, I'd say she didn't die of natural causes. She definitely has unresolved issues."
Zed rolled his eyes. "Master of the understatement. She's got more issues than I do."
Alex gave a wry smile. "No one has more issues than you." He pulled Zed close. "Kidding. You're doing just fine. But maybe... maybe that's why she's targeting you."