by Andy Slayde
His sixth beer finished, and Zed was definitely on the happy side of drunk. Why he'd chosen to read Camp Hell by Jordan Castillo Price was totally beyond him. Maybe it had to do with his self-destructive tendencies and the alcohol. He knew Vic was a PsyCop -- a medium no less, one that could see and talk to ghosts -- and he'd still chosen that one out of all the other titles on his Kindle. But, in the novel they were doing an exorcism. It certainly seemed easy enough. Salt, cinnamon sugar and pepper. Well, maybe not cinnamon sugar. He wondered how much research this Jordan Castillo Price had done into exorcisms. Because, no matter how real these characters were to him, they were living in the author's head and could only do what she wanted them to.
Did Tania have any of these spices in her make-shift kitchen?
Wanting to check, but not wanting to leave the safety the fire offered, Zed figured he'd just have to wait. Besides, the house loomed; dark and unwelcoming. He called himself a coward and went back to reading.
"You don't really want me to go away, do you?"
Odd, no chill. Yet it was definitely Opal. No visual though. "Wouldn't you be happier if you could move on?"
"Then I'd have to leave you."
At least she knew she was dead. That had to be a good thing. "We can't be together, anyway. And you know I'll be leaving here at some point." Never to return. Never ever! Not all the promises of sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll in the world would get him back here.
"Why can I communicate with you? I've never been able to talk to other, er... ghosts."
"Have you tried?"
"No." Stupid question. As if.
"Maybe because we are destined to be together."
Zed couldn't argue with that. Well, he could, but it would be a waste of time. Opal had made up her mind and to try to sway her decision might make her dig her heels in more. So, once again. Why him?
"How can that be if you died, like, sixty years before I was born?"
"It doesn't matter, you've come back for me."
"Why do I prefer men, then?"
"So you didn't fall in love with another woman before we reconnected. You said I am the only woman you've ever loved."
Zed had to admit there was a certain logic in that, twisted as it may be. He still couldn't see himself loving Opal, though. He shook his head and a wave of dizziness hit him. "It's so hot, still."
Opal giggled. It surrounded Zed, high and thin, sending shivers through him. His world tilted and righted itself just as quickly. Wow, the beer had hit him hard; must be the heat.
"You could go for a swim. I promise I won't peek."
"Probably not the smartest thing to do." Even though a swim would be the best thing in the world right now, the cool water against his hot skin, washing away the day's dirt and hassles.
"The water will relax you, soothe you."
Fuck, that sounded tempting. But Alex... Nah, Alex didn't like the water. Would Alex be okay if Zed left him? Zed stroked Alex's cheek. Surely staying here and protecting him from the Opal was more important than a cooling swim.
"I won't hurt him."
"You did before."
"He's sleeping."
"I know."
"No need to wake him."
"He is cute when he's asleep, I've always thought so."
"Not as handsome as you." Opal's voice circled Zed. "Let's go to the pond. It's so pretty with the moonlight sparkling on the surface. You have to see it."
"He's the artist, not me." Zed laughed, but stood anyway, swaying a little at the change of position. Probably better if he went for a walk to work off the alcohol. "Are you coming with me? I don't like to swim alone." Don't like to be alone, hence the reason I'm talking to a ghost. Perhaps, when they got back, Zed reasoned, he might have to go and see that shrink at the hospital again. Or maybe get a referral for another. Whatever, inviting people who had been dead for over eighty years to go swimming wasn't a good sign that all was well.
"Of course I'll join you."
"Do ghosts swim, then?" Zed started off to the pond, hoping that Opal was following and not staying behind to cause mischief.
"I can do anything I want to. Don't you remember how we used to swim naked at midnight?"
Zed shuddered. Of course he couldn't remember, but he didn't need the mental image, either. Probably better not to comment to that one. Not that Opal wasn't an attractive woman, she was. Probably a stunner in her day. But a lot of beautiful women had tried to pick Zed up. He liked females, loved them -- they smelled nice and had lovely hair and skin and dress sense -- but he didn't want to fuck them.
When he reached the pond, Zed stripped his shirt off, choosing to leave his shorts on. Opal was right, the water sparkled.
Zed stepped one foot into the pond. Still as warm as a tepid bath, but cooler than he was. Like silk, the water wrapped around his calves and thighs. If Alex's hands had been caressing him instead of the water it couldn't have turned him on anymore. The water felt like fingers; it was the oddest sensation, reminding Zed somewhat of that disastrous Christmas night six months ago. Hands and fingers touching, brushing -- feather-light skims across his skin. He couldn't deny its pleasure -- now or then -- but it made him wonder if Opal had conjured water sprites... or maybe they existed anyway on magical nights like this. His cock didn't care, nor think. Maybe once he'd waded waist deep into the water, he could get rid of the shorts and have a wank. Surely Opal wouldn't notice that. She couldn't really swim with him, could she?
Zed swam to the deck at the center of the pond. The silken fingers of water caressed him, lingering over his balls. He shivered and trod water so he could peel his shorts off and get his hand around his aching cock. The water wove around his cock like the ribbons Alex had eventually used to bind it last Christmas. Only this was almost better; so smooth and changeable... water bondage. "Opal, what are you doing?" he mumbled as he slid under the surface of the water.
Fuck. Every inch of him tingled with ghostly touch; fluid tendrils twining everywhere. It was too much, sensory overload... and he hadn't even touched himself yet. He kicked out, heading for the surface of the pond, gasping for air when he breached.
"Isn't this wonderful? Just like old times."
Zed pushed the wet hair from his eyes and swiped the water from his face with his hand. The floaty fingers were still moving on him; stroking his feet, ankles, calves, thighs, and up to his ass. His cock was captured by them, the softest cock-cage bondage he'd ever experienced. "How are you doing this?"
Opal floated above the pond, ethereal and still elegantly glamorous. She shrugged as fluidly as the water. "Don't you like it?"
Zed nodded then shook his head. "Yes, no... I mean, yes. Oh, fuck... yes. It's..."
"You always were a hedonist. I'm so glad that hasn't changed."
"Never will." Zed tried to kick his legs up so he could float on his back and maybe get the chance to grab his cock and jerk off. The satiny tendrils were all well and good, but were now becoming annoying. He'd reached a point where he needed more of a rough touch.
His legs wouldn't move. The invisible tendrils tightened around his ankles like steel. Kicking did nothing. "What the fuck?" Zed glared at Opal, all thoughts of erotic water-play by himself vanished. "What's your game?"
"You said you were going to go."
"You can't keep me here, in a pond." Zed tried to keep calm. By taking deep breaths, he knew he'd stay afloat, but he wouldn't be able to keep that up all night. His arms were already aching from frantically paddling under the water, assisting him to stay afloat.
"Of course not." Opal giggled, as if that was a favorite childhood joke. "But I can make it so you'll never leave me again."
"You can't." But even as Zed said it, it crossed his mind that she could. If she drowned him, would he be stuck on this God-forsaken outpost with Opal for company? Was that what she was up to? Fuckfuckfuck, he was so fucking stupid. Some beer and pretty words from someone and he was wandering into danger like he was taking a stroll a
round the block.
"He won't help you. He's scared of water."
The contempt in Opal's words made Zed want to hit her, to grab her around that scrawny neck and... well, someone had already done that. Now he knew why. "Fuck off, bitch!"
"Not when you're so close to being mine. You'll still be so pretty..."
"I'll never be yours." For fuck's sake, why did Alex have to be such a heavy sleeper? "Alex! Fuckin' wake up! Alex!"
Zed slipped beneath the water, panicking and struggling back up again in a moment. Gasping for breath, he spat out pond water.
"He won't come."
"He will. He loves me."
"Ha! They all say that -- you said that to me."
"Not me, bitch. That would be the sucker that killed you." Again, Zed sank enough that his nose and mouth filled with water. He'd have to stop talking.
"You said you loved me! We'd be together -- forever!" Opal circled above Zed's head. "You lied! You betrayed me!"
"Zed!" Alex's muted voice filtered through the trees. "Where are you? I told you to stay by the fire. Zed!"
"Alex!" Zed nearly cried with relief. "I'm here!"
"What's wrong?" Alex's voice was getting closer. "You should hav-- Fuck!"
And there was Alex, standing three feet away from the water's edge. "Alex. Thank fuck." Zed spat water out again. Was he getting pulled down or losing energy? "She's gonna drown me."
"Fuck." Alex took a step forward and promptly took a step back.
"See. He's useless. Too afraid to even go near the water. He can't help you."
"Fuck you!" Alex stood rooted to the spot.
"I can hear his heart beating faster -- so fast. Overcome by fear. Powerless, frozen in place and he can watch you become mine."
The invisible bonds pulled at Zed's ankles. He kicked at them, to no avail, his hands flying underwater, trying to reach for anything to keep him surfaced. "Alex!" he screamed. His heart pounded like a jackhammer and adrenaline coursed around his body. What use was any of it? He didn't want to die, not now. Not when he had Alex and... only Alex. If he was going under, his last thoughts were going to be of Alex. If Opal was convinced he'd have eternal death with her, she'd never be able to erase his memories.
Zed struggled to get his head above the surface of the pond. He spat water and took in as much air as he could. The fight wasn't over yet.
"No one's going to save you -- no one saved me. I'll have all of eternity to make you pay for what you did to me!"
"Hang on, Zed!"
"Don't. He can't save you."
Pure terror overtook Zed.
He can't save you he can't save you he can't save you.
"He can! Alex... please." Fighting against the pull of the watery tendrils became too hard. One last deep breath, and Zed went under. This time he knew it was for the last time. With everything he had, he tried to kick. His hands and arms worked wildly, harder than any engine, trying to keep him floating. But he knew there was no way he was going to break the surface of the pond again. Heart beating in his ears, head pounding with pressure, lungs burning... This was it. For the second time in his comparatively short life, Zed was saying a goodbye to Alex that Alex'd never hear. He closed his eyes as the fight left him...
"Zed! Hang on, Zed! I'm coming... coming... coming... ing... ing..."
"! Wake! Up!"
Too hard...
"Zed! Not again! Don't you dare!" Alex's voice broke.
It was coming from far away. No wonder it broke; it was a dream.
"Damn you."
Alex's words came out half choked. Warm lips landed on Zed's again... air filled him. Alex's life...
Zed coughed, groaned, coughed again, and brought up foul pond water. He rolled over, letting momentum carry him, and threw up.
That distasteful task over, he rolled back. The world was hard, the grass prickly, the air warm, and nothing was liquid, no fluid caresses. He opened one eye, just a bit, scared of who -- or what -- he might see. Alex. Zed's heart leaped. Thank God. He took in his boyfriend's shabby appearance and slowly realized that the only times he ever saw Alex looking like this were after showers. And the few times Alex miscalculated the weather and got caught in the rain. Zed closed his eyes again, content that Alex had saved his life. Again. Not that he'd ever thought otherwise.
"I thought I lost you." Alex's whole body shook. Water dripped from his hair and landed on Zed's chest. "I thought... I wouldn't... The water..."
"But you did," Zed rasped. Fuck, his throat was raw. And he was cold, now. The warmth from the air just wasn't doing anything to restore his body heat. An involuntary shiver was followed by more until he felt like ice. "I'm cold, Alex."
"Fuck! Sorry." Alex sprang into action. "Can you walk? No, I'll carry you."
And the next thing Zed knew, he was hoisted by familiar strong arms. Just the contact with Alex's skin warmed him. But not enough, he still shivered all the way to the fire. Alex laid him gently on their bed of blankets and proceeded to wrap them around him, one by one, until he resembled a cocoon. And as the warmth gradually seeped into Zed, the violent tremors wracking his body lessened and he drifted into sleep.
"Alex -- the dogs --" Zed mumbled. "Run."
A soft laugh. "No need to run; they won't get you. That's coyotes, and they're far enough away."
The howling continued, back and forth within the pack of the dogs. Echoing and eerie in the still of the night.
As his eyes opened, awareness settled on Zed. Fuck, he was comfortable... but on a hard surface. The ground. Okay, that'd do it. The two blankets over him were heavy. And hot. He pushed one of them off and sat up. Too quickly... Whoa, head spins and bright spots dancing in his peripheral vision. And behind his eyelids. A bit like the fireworks... or the effects of one of those pills Stan had given him years ago. Best not to think about that.
Alex sat as close to Zed as he could without actually sitting on Zed. He, too, was wrapped in a blanket.
"Should I be dead?"
"Not on my watch."
"But you weren't there. Opal tried, didn't she?" Vague recollections seeped into his consciousness -- being held under water, struggling against nothing.
"Yes. That fucking bitch tried to take what's mine," Alex said, throwing another log on the fire. "I was on the shore watching you go under, Opal taunting me, and I've never been more scared in my life. I thought... I thought I wouldn't be able to save you." He was almost talking to himself.
Zed nodded, when he was sure the dancing spots wouldn't leave traces. Alex had saved him. Since nearly drowning in his parent's swimming pool when he was eight, Alex hadn't been anywhere near a large body of water. "You did. Thank God." Zed opened his eyes now that he was safe from colored spots. Keeping the one blanket wrapped around his shoulders, he shimmied closer to Alex. "That's twice now."
"Try not to let there be a third. I don't think my heart can take it."
Alex opened his blanket, allowing Zed to lean against his solid warmth. Zed unwrapped himself from his blanket and shamelessly snuggled. "This one wasn't deliberate. I don't want to leave you."
"I know that." Alex looked out into the darkness. "I don't know why Opal let us leave the water. I don't know why she's not here now. But I think this is far from over. Definitely not how I pictured spending my birthday."
Fuck! How could he have forgotten? Zed looked skyward and smiled ruefully. Probably quite easily. He wrapped his arm tighter around Alex's neck and kissed the corner of his mouth. "Happy birthday, love. Wanna fuck?" It was the same line he'd used on Alex every year for his birthday since Zed had come out.
Alex laughed. "Always wanna fuck you, but do you think that's a good idea considering the fucking ghost tried to kill you?"
Zed moved around in front of Alex and knelt between his legs. They were both naked, so... "Let's just see where it takes us. I need you, Alex."
"Well, what kind of boyfriend would I be to d
eny you?"
Kissing Alex was the only thing to do, right then. Kiss him and push him back on the blankets. And open the blanket so Zed could lie against him. Skin on skin. "How did you get me out of the pond?" The question had been bothering Zed, hovering on the fringes of his consciousness. It needed asking -- and answering.
"No idea." Alex's lips brushed along Zed's jaw. "I don't remember much. One second I'm having a panic attack and watching you go under, and the next I'm in the fucking water towing you to shore. I have no idea how I did it."
"She didn't think you would." Zed tipped his head back so Alex could reach his throat. "She said you'd be scared."
"Bet your ass I was scared."
"I... I almost didn't think you'd--"
Alex's hands framed Zed's head and pulled him closer. Their lips met in a gentle kiss. "I'd do anything for you. I just needed to tell myself that I could do it." He closed his eyes and sighed. "You mean more to me than anything. I figured we'd either both be okay or both go under."
"My hero." Zed pushed his hand down between them and clasped their cocks, his practiced stroking making them both groan. He didn't want to dwell on the near drowning anymore. Not that evening, anyway. Right now, he wanted to feel alive again and know that he and Alex were fine. He needed to flood his body with endorphins and make things normal.
He let go of their cocks and found Alex's hands, pushing his fingers between Alex's and holding tight. He needed so much, but mostly to reconnect with Alex. He needed to know that Opal hadn't done irreparable damage to their relationship.
Zed's cock rested next to Alex's. Pushed right up alongside each other, all Zed had to do was twist his hips slightly to elicit a sigh from Alex. That was perfect. Like this, barely moving, just being together.
Laughing softly, Alex untangled his fingers and threaded them through Zed's hair. He pulled Zed's head down so their noses were touching. "Are you sure you're okay?"
Zed nodded. His throat was rough and his chest tight. Yeah, okay, he was a little fragile. But if Alex was content to just lay here and love him, he'd be more than happy to reciprocate. He licked Alex's lips. "I love you. Never forget that."