The Advocate

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The Advocate Page 25

by Teresa Burrell


  "I'm sorry," he repeated.

  "How bad is it?" JP interjected.

  "It's still burning. They're doing everything they can to extinguish it, but right now it's out of control."

  Sabre looked at him, shaking her head from side to side. "My house is burning?"

  He nodded.

  "No," she said, "this can't be happening. How . . . What happened?"

  "We don't know yet. One of the condos next to yours is burning now, too, but it started inside yours."

  "Oh my God, there's a baby next door and an old couple on the other side. Is anyone hurt?"

  "No, they're fine. A police officer detected the fire while patrolling the area. Consequently, the neighbors evacuated. Everyone is okay."

  The pizza man knocked on the door. Nelson sat up, turning toward the door like a lion ready to pounce on its prey. JP checked the door, then opened it. He paid him, took the pizza, and set it on the table. No one felt much like eating.

  Sabre didn't cry, partly because it hadn't all sunk in, and partly because she wouldn't allow herself the luxury in front of people. "Do you think Murdock did it?"

  "We don't know. We don't know yet what caused it. It could've been some electrical thing or something. As soon as the fire is contained, they'll be looking for the cause. We'll know more then."

  "Objection, non-responsive," she said, as if in the courtroom. "I didn't ask you what you know; I asked you for your opinion. Do you think it was Murdock?"

  "If it's arson, he's our prime suspect."

  Sabre stood up. "I'm really exhausted. If you two don't mind, I'm going to go to bed."

  "Go ahead. Goodnight," they both said.

  She walked toward the bedroom, stopped after a few steps, and turned. "Oh, JP, I think I'll pass on court tomorrow. I haven't a thing to wear."

  Sabre lay down on the bed, trying to comprehend the magnitude of what had just happened. She realized all her personal belongings were probably destroyed; every treasure, every memory, and every photo of Ron, all gone. She started to cry – a deep, loud wail. She couldn't keep it inside any longer. Everything is gone! I have nothing of Ron left. That's what he wants. He can't hurt Ron any more, but he can still hurt me. When she remembered her notebook, she reached for it, clenched it in her hand, and tucked it under the covers. She pulled it to her heart and held it tightly with both hands. Her wailing turned to sobs. Eventually, she fell asleep with the notebook secure in her arms.


  Bob walked into Sabre's office after court to gather up some of her files, once again amazed at her organizational skills. Everything Sabre had asked him to pick up was exactly where she said it would be. He noticed, however, something missing in the room. "Elaine," he called to the receptionist, "did you do something with the photo of Sabre's brother?"

  "No," she answered, as she walked down the hallway to the room. "It should be sitting on the credenza where it always is."

  "Hmm . . . well, it's not here. Do you know if Sabre did something with it?"

  "No, I don't think so. In fact, I remember seeing it on Tuesday when I put some things on her desk."

  "Maybe she took it with her when she left for her mother's house for some reason. I'll check with her. I'm going over there right now."


  Sabre welcomed Bob, and the antics he shared about the daily courtroom drama. A pro tem had yelled at one of the new social workers and had her in tears. Bob said, "She made a bonehead call, but he didn't have to embarrass her. Granted, she was a rookie and didn't know much, but he could've cut her some slack. Since he didn't know anything either, he decided to take it out on someone who knew even less."

  "Gee, I miss all the fun stuff," Sabre said jokingly.

  She tried to keep a smile on her face, but it slipped away on more than one occasion during their conversation.

  "Sobs, I'm so sorry about your house. You know you're welcome to stay with us if you'd like."

  "Thanks, but I'm fine. JP said I can stay here as long as I want, but I'll be out looking for an apartment once they catch Murdock. I just need to regroup. I'm okay, really," she said, trying to convince herself as much as Bob.

  Bob didn't want to bring up the photo, but if it was missing, then Murdock had probably been in her office and he had to let the police know. "Sobs, did you do something with your brother's photo in your office?"

  "No, why? What's wrong with it?"

  "It's not on the credenza where it usually is."

  "Where is it?"

  "I don't know. I looked around the office, but I couldn't find it. I thought maybe you had taken it with you when you left on Wednesday."

  "No, I didn't. Did you ask Elaine?"

  "Yes, the last time she noticed it was on Tuesday."

  Sabre fell back in her chair. "It's like he's trying to take everything from me. At least anything connected to Ron. He said we were just alike, that we destroy families."

  "Don't be silly, Sobs. You can't take anything he said seriously. He's a madman."

  JP chimed in, "Bob's right, Sabre. That's ridiculous."

  "No, guys, that's not it. It's what he said afterward. He said, 'You destroy families. Well, I'll destroy his, all of it.' Don't you see? He's not talking about just me? When he said I would die, he meant more than just me. He said, 'you and yours.' My mother," Sabre shouted. She ran to the phone. "I need to get my mother out of her house!"

  "Sabre, what are you talking about? What are you thinking?" JP demanded.

  "He knows my mother," she said, as she dialed the phone. It rang once, twice, three times, but no one answered. She let it ring. "She's not answering. I can't be too late. I just can't."

  "Sabre, why do you think he knows your mother?"

  "Why didn't I realize it before? I'm so stupid!" She banged the phone down.

  Bob grabbed her by the shoulders. "What are you talking about?"

  "Murdock said my mother still made Ron's favorite pie for the holidays. How would he know? He couldn't hear that from Ron." Sabre grabbed her coat and her car keys and headed for the door.

  "One second, young lady," JP said. "I'm driving. Just point the way." The three of them jumped into JP's car. The tires squealed as he pulled out of the driveway. JP zipped in and out of traffic like a video game. "Bob, call Nelson and let him know we're going to get Sabre's mother. Tell him we're going to bring her back to stay with us for a while. And tell him why."

  "Sure thing," Bob said. He tried to dial the number, but every time he tried to push a button, JP would take a sudden turn. "How the hell am I supposed to dial with you flopping me all over the place? Can't you go straight for just one minute?"

  JP laughed. "Do you mind if I follow the road, chum?"

  Sabre didn't say much. She didn't seem to notice how JP swerved in and out of traffic, or when he reached speeds well over ninety-five on stretches of the freeway. Nor did she pay any attention to the men bickering in the front seat. She just kept trying to reach her mother, hoping she still had time.

  It normally took Sabre just over an hour to drive to her mother's house from her condo, but JP made it in forty-three minutes. Sabre kept checking her watch and dialing her phone. "Turn right at the second light," she instructed JP. He stepped on the accelerator and sailed through the first light, glowing orange. "Left at the stop sign." He squealed around the corner. "The third street, make another left and it's the second house from the next corner on the right."

  JP followed her instructions. Just before he made the last left turn, he slowed down. He handed Bob a baseball cap and said, "Here, put this on and put your hand up so it covers your face. Sabre, scoot down. I'm going to drive past and see what we can see." As he approached the house, he reported back to Sabre. "There are only two cars on the street; the rest seem to be in garages. There's a Mercedes Benz on the right and a Dodge van on the left at the end of the street."

  "They both belong there," she said.

  "There's a light on in the l
iving room, but there don't appear to be any other lights in the house. There's a white Honda in the garage and the garage door is open."

  "That's her car, but she wouldn't leave the garage door open. There's something wrong." Sabre started to shake. A lump formed in her throat.

  "Maybe she just got home," Bob said.

  "She closes the door first thing, and she's not answering her phone," Sabre said.

  "Is there a back way in?"

  "Yes, but it's fenced. You can climb on up the neighbor's fence and drop down right behind the peach tree. There are two back doors: one is a sliding glass door into the family area, and the other goes through the laundry room. I have a key for the door to the laundry room, but you'll have to cross the patio to get to it."

  "Is there a dog?"

  "Yes, his name is Patches, and he's probably in the house. Even if he's not, he doesn't have a clue he's supposed to guard the place. He won't bark, much less bite."

  JP pulled around the corner and stopped the car. "Here's what we're going to do. I'm going in through the back." He turned to Bob, "You drive around front and park a couple of houses down, but be sure you have a good view of the house. If I don't come out or you don't hear from me in five minutes, call the police and report a burglary." Sabre's hand shook as she passed him the key. They synchronized the time.

  JP checked his gun and hopped out. He climbed up on the neighbor's block wall and dropped into Sabre's mother's yard just behind the peach tree. The half-moon gave out light and more came from the house, making JP an easier target as he sneaked along. He stayed close to the fence until he reached the end of the house. Crouching, he cautiously stepped along the hedge to the patio to keep from being seen through the windows. He had to cross the patio to reach the door. His only other option was to navigate through a patch of rose bushes. He opted for the patio. He crept across, careful not to bump into anything. As he reached the end of the patio, he saw movement in the house. He stopped and listened, but he couldn't hear anything.

  JP carefully put the key in the door and unlocked it. He held his gun ready and pushed the door slowly open, peeking inside, unsure what he might encounter. Satisfied he occupied the space alone, he stepped inside the dark room and crept along past the washer and dryer to the slightly open door leading into the family area. He could hear voices. He moved as closely as he could to the door, and tried to peer through the crack. He couldn't see anyone, but he could make out most of what was said. He heard a man's voice say, "Where is she?"

  "I don't know," came the response from a woman JP assumed must be Sabre's mother. She spoke softly and her voice trembled.

  "She's history, no matter what, just like your asshole of a son, so you may as well spare yourself."

  "I don't know where she is. She wouldn't tell me."

  JP wanted to barge in and save her, but he couldn't be certain she would be safe. He didn't know if Murdock had a gun or maybe a knife on her. He heard Murdock say, "Well, then, you're not much good to me, are you?"

  "Bang!" The gunshot deafened JP's ears. He flung the door open and dived toward Murdock, bringing him down. They struggled and Murdock's gun went flying across the room. JP could see Sabre's mother lying on the floor.

  Sabre and Bob heard the shot ring out through the neighborhood. Sabre jumped out of the car and ran for the house, Bob close behind, yelling at her to stop, but she kept running. She had to reach her mother. Nothing else mattered at the moment. She could hear sirens blaring close by as she dashed across the grass and up the walk to the front door. She threw open the door and charged into the family area. Tears burst from her eyes as she threw herself on the floor and enveloped her mother in her arms. "Mom, Mom, are you okay?"

  "I'm fine, dear. Just help me up."

  Sabre put her arm around her and pulled her up from the floor. Turning, she saw JP had his gun to Murdock's head. She didn't look at Murdock. She didn't want to feel the hatred. Instead, she smiled at JP and whispered, "Thank you."

  Within minutes, the police swarmed the house. "What happened?" an officer commanded.

  Her mother replied, "I went out to visit someone in the hospital, and when I returned, Murdock was waiting in the garage for me. He grabbed me from behind when I got out of my car and dragged me into the house. He held a gun to my head and tried to make me tell him Sabre's whereabouts. I didn't know exactly, but I wouldn't have told him even if I did. No, I would've died first. I wanted to spit in his face and tell him that, but I was too terrified to say anything else. I don't have the spunk my beautiful daughter has. She gets it from her father."

  "What happened when he shot the gun?" the officer continued.

  "He made me sit in the chair and he stood over me. He pointed the gun at my head. I could see the evil in his eyes. He threatened to kill me. For a moment, my fear left and I got angry. I couldn't see any reason not to fight back. Besides, I owed him one for saying those nasty things about my children. I figured I had the perfect angle so I pulled my foot back and kicked up as hard as I could right between his legs. The gun went off and I think the bullet went through the floor as he doubled up. Just then, this nice gentleman charged through the door and tackled him."


  Sabre hopped out of bed, took her shower, put on one of her new outfits, and ran out the door, yelling goodbye to JP as she left. Breakfast at Clara's Kitchen awaited her, and she was delighted to be engaged in one of her routine activities. She wore a huge smile as she enjoyed her newfound freedom. She was devastated by the loss of her house, but determined not to let it bring her down. Heck, if Scarlett O'Hara could rebuild Tara against all adversity, I sure as heck can replace a little condo. Sabre, elated Murdock had been caught, still wore the smile it generated as she greeted Bob at the restaurant.

  "You look happy this morning, Sobs. It's nice to see your beautiful smile."

  "Thanks, it feels good to be free. Don't get me wrong – I'm really bummed about my house burning and losing all my little treasures, especially my photos of Ron, but it could've been so much worse. I could've lost my mother. Heck, I could be dead, and then how would you ever survive?"

  "You're right, but I'd still like to kill the slime bag. Not only for what he did to you and your mother, but for dumping poor, little Honey in the desert. That's reason enough to off him. JP should've done it when he had the chance."

  "He'll get his," Sabre said. "Enough about Murdock. What does your day look like?"

  "I'll be in court all day. I have a pretty heavy calendar."

  "Need some help? I owe you big time."

  "No, it's mostly just review hearings. Why, is your calendar light?"

  "I have one case this morning and then the Smith/Murdock settlement conference this afternoon. I thought I'd go by and see Carla for a bit after my morning calendar. I haven't seen her since before Thanksgiving. Even though I don't expect any real problems on the Murdock/Smith case this afternoon, I still want to go through the file one more time."

  "There's nothing either Gaylord or Peggy can do at this point. They're both in jail. The trial will have to settle. Their attorneys will make them see the light. I must say I'm looking forward to seeing Murdock in silver bracelets."

  "I don't want to see him at all, handcuffed or otherwise," Sabre said. "I'd be happy to never lay eyes on him again."

  They enjoyed the Clara's Kitchen flower garden and each other's company while eating their breakfast. When they arrived at court, they were greeted by a new bailiff, working the metal detector with Mike. "Good morning, Mike," Bob said. "How goes the war?"

  "Same ol', same ol'," he said. "You know, Sabre, you really ought to keep better company. Bob is not good for your reputation."

  "I know, but someone has to keep an eye on him."

  "Who's the new guy, Mike?" Bob nodded toward the bailiff behind the metal detector.

  "Oh this is Stimson, Mike Stimson. He has my given name, but don't let that fool you. He's not nearly as smart or as good looking as I am," he said. "Stims
on is our brand new rookie, fresh from the classroom. It's his first day, so we thought we'd throw him into the really tough stuff, like watching the screen on the metal detector. After this, we're going to teach him how to fetch donuts."

  "Nice to meet you, Stimson," Bob said. "You'll do just fine, if you can live with the harassment this bozo gives you."

  "Nice to meet you both," Stimson responded, looking nervous.

  Sabre felt like a celebrity at court. Everyone gave her special consideration. She knew it wouldn't last long, so if they wanted to give her case priority she wasn't going to argue with anyone. As a result, she finished early and headed out to see Carla.

  She poked her head into Carla's room and saw her sitting on the edge of the bed.

  "Sabre," Carla shouted. She stood up and gave Sabre a hug.

  Sabre, surprised at her behavior, couldn't remember the last time she received such a greeting. "Carla, you look great, so full of energy."

  "Yeah, they changed my medication, cut it back, actually. It doesn't make me so groggy."

  "You must be doing really well for them to reduce your meds. Are you having fewer episodes?"

  "I haven't had one in almost a week," Carla said. "And it's a good thing, too, since you've been on vacation and not around to help me."

  "Yeah, vacation."

  Carla looked at her and smirked. "I know what happened. They told me in session because they were afraid I'd see it on television. I got pretty upset, but I knew you'd want me to be strong. So I tried harder . . . for you, Sabre." She sounded like a little girl trying to make her mother proud. Sabre was proud – proud of Carla's efforts and her obvious improvement.

  Carla and Sabre visited the rest of the morning. They both needed to laugh, and found humor in the least little thing. They chatted like two school girls enjoying each other's company. Sabre was so pleased with the change in Carla. She had had moments like this before, but it had been a while since she'd experienced hours of lucidity. As the morning went on, Carla began to tire. She sat down on her bed, leaned back, and said, "Sabre, tell me about the butterflies and green pastures." Sabre spoke to her softly like she had in the past, but she could see Carla was not desperate for her narration as she'd been so many times before. She could see some light in Carla's future . . . and hope.


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