Southern Seduction ; Pleasure in His Arms

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Southern Seduction ; Pleasure in His Arms Page 21

by Carolyn Hector

  Demi stared at her iPhone, admiring the pictures she’d taken throughout the day in Ibiza Town. All afternoon they’d snapped selfies and swapped stories, and jokes. They’d enjoyed a late lunch at a tapas bar, and as they flirted and laughed during their meal, her impression of Chase changed. He wasn’t a geek; he was interesting, enthusiastic and playful. He had the confidence to match his handsome looks, and Demi was having such a good time with him she considered canceling her evening plans with her sister so she could stay with Chase. He stood out from the other guys she’d met on the island for three reasons—his intelligence, his sense of humor and his adventurous spirit—and Demi wasn’t ready for their date to end.

  “Let’s check out the marina,” Chase proposed, resting a hand on the small of her back.

  Moving closer, Demi leaned into his chest. Feeling his hands against her skin gave her a rush. Inhaling his scent, she gazed up at him, willing him to kiss her. They related on so many levels it shocked her, and her attraction to him was so strong she’d fantasized about making love to him from the moment they’d left the hotel restaurant that morning.

  “There are some excellent cafés along the harbor; we can grab a cold drink or handmade ice cream to cool us down if you’d like.”

  Cool me down? Demi thought, her eyes glued to his mouth. Right! I’m so hot for you I’m scared I’m going to self-combust! Her cell phone buzzed in her hand and she glanced at the screen, hoping it wasn’t another angry text from her mom. The message was from Gigi but she didn’t respond to her sister’s queries about dinner. Roderick had gotten them tickets for the flamenco show at the Pura Vida Ibiza Beach Restaurant, but Demi didn’t feel like watching the happy couple fawn all over each other for the rest of the night. Geneviève had rented a lavish, eight-bedroom villa for her team, but at the last minute Demi had changed her mind about staying at the rental property and booked a suite at Nobu Hotel Ibiza Bay. She’d wanted to mingle with locals, not watch her sister and future brother-in-law coo and kiss every two minutes.

  Her iPhone rang and she put her cell to her ear greeting her sister in a cheerful voice. “Hey, Gigi, what’s up?”

  “Where are you and when are you returning to the hotel?”

  “I don’t know. I’m having so much fun in Ibiza Town, I don’t want to leave.”

  “But the dinner theater starts in ninety minutes.”

  Hearing loud noises, Demi glanced over her shoulder. A yellow party bus blasting pop music crawled through the streets and tourists, clutching cameras and guide books, posed for pictures all across the marina. “Go ahead,” Demi urged. “You love cocktails, music and period costumes, so go to the show with Roderick and live it up.”

  “Are you sure? We don’t mind waiting for you. Those shows never start on time.”

  “I’m positive. Let your hair down, take tons of pictures and dance until you drop.”

  Geneviève giggled. “Girl, that goes without saying. I always do!”

  “Have fun with your husband-to-be. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do—”

  “Not so fast,” Geneviève said, interrupting her. “Tell me more about this guy you’re with. Where is he from? What’s he like? Are you safe with him?”

  “Absolutely.” Her sister couldn’t see her through the phone, but she patted the side of her purse. “He’s a perfect gentleman, but if things go south I’ll use my pepper spray on him!”

  The sisters laughed. They made plans to meet up tomorrow then Demi ended the call. She noticed Chase watching her with a furrowed brow and wondered why his expression was somber. “What’s wrong?”

  “I overheard your conversation with your friend. You have pepper spray?”

  “Yes, and if you disrespect me, I’ll use it. I’m from Philly. Don’t try me. I’m not the one.”

  The sound of his loud, booming laugh made her smile. They’d hit it off from the moment they’d met last night. She loved hearing about his hobbies, his career and his successes on Wall Street.

  “Tell me more about your job. Do you like being a personal assistant?”

  “Most of the time, but there are days I’m so busy and stressed I feel like pulling my hair out.”

  “I hear you. Creating apps can be tedious, exhausting and disappointing, especially when you’ve spent months working on a project only to have it fail.”

  “Wow, that’s tough. I can’t imagine. How do you deal with professional setbacks?”

  “I give myself a couple of days off to regroup. I’ll work out with my trainer, meet up with my brothers at our favorite pub, or vent to my father. Once I blow off some steam, I get my head back in the game,” he explained. “It’s how you deal with failure that determines whether or not you’ll be successful, and I choose to learn from every disappointment.”

  Demi took a moment to consider his advice. “I’ve never looked at it that way before, but maybe I should because I waste a lot of time and energy fretting when things go wrong. People think working for a celebrity is an easy, glamorous job filled with A-list parties and shopping sprees, but being a personal assistant for one of the biggest stars on the planet is a challenging, incredibly stressful job.”

  “I didn’t realize you worked for a celebrity. Anyone I know?”

  A helicopter buzzed overhead and she pointed it out to Chase. “I’ve always wanted to go on a helicopter ride, but I’m afraid of heights. Have you ever tried it?” she asked, anxious to change the subject. It was a lie; Demi had been on dozens of helicopter rides with her mom and sister, but she’d needed a diversion and had said the first thing that came to mind.

  “Yes, several times. Jonas got his pilot’s license a few years back and I often fly around New York with him,” he explained in a jovial voice. “You’ll love it. It’s an exhilarating ride and if I wasn’t going to a charity event with my family in Barcelona tomorrow, I would arrange a private tour for you.”

  Glad she’d dodged his question about her career, Demi nodded as he spoke. She enjoyed talking to Chase, but she didn’t feel comfortable discussing her personal life with him. Every time she told someone that Geneviève was her sister, they changed. They’d beg to meet Geneviève, ask for favors, concert tickets and even money. Chase was down-to-earth, but Demi feared if she told him the truth she’d spend the rest of the day answering questions about her famous sister. “Do you travel with your family often?”

  “Whenever our schedules permit. Jonas and I celebrated our birthday yesterday—”

  “Really? No way! Why didn’t you tell me it was your birthday?”

  “You never asked,” he said with a wink and a grin.

  Gazing out onto the harbor, Demi admired the world around her. The water was so clear and bright it glowed in the sunshine and the views of the Mediterranean Sea were a photographer’s dream. Taking a mental picture of her surroundings, she reveled in the beauty of the great outdoors. The breeze carried a refreshing scent. Birds squawked, laughter rang out and Samba music played in the distance, creating a festive mood.

  Sunshine warmed her face as her thoughts wandered. Demi was excited about her career and eager to put everything she’d learned as a celebrity personal assistant to good use. To her surprise, “Ask Demi” was not only trending but attracting thousands of new followers a week. Doling out relationship advice to heartsick millennials was great fun and, thanks to the popularity of the segment, she’d landed an advertising contract with her favorite perfume company. Her career was on the right track, finally picking up steam, and Demi couldn’t be happier.

  “Our ride is here.”

  Confused by his words, Demi broke free of her thoughts and glanced around the harbor. A yacht with the words The Great Escape written in fine, gold script pulled up to the port and Demi admired the gleaming vessel. Bowing his head, the captain smiled and waved. She glanced around, noticed no one was behind her, and frowned. Do I know him?

“We’re going sailing,” Chase announced. “It’s the only way to see the island and Captain Teo is a skilled boatman who knows Ibiza like the back of his hand.”

  And I wish your hands were stroking my—

  “I booked The Great Escape for the evening, so we can watch the sunset from the comfort of a luxury yacht,” he continued. “Demi, let’s go. Adventure awaits.”

  Demi stared at him with wide eyes, wondering how he’d pulled off the surprise without her knowing. They’d been practically joined at the hip since they’d left the hotel but before she could question Chase about how he’d arranged the private tour, the captain exited the vessel, speaking in a booming voice.

  Introducing himself, he clasped her hands and shook them vigorously. “You’re going to have the greatest time of your life,” he vowed, flashing a gummy smile. “I hope you like champagne because I have Dom Pérignon Rosé on board!”

  Captain Teo spun around, beckoned them to follow him, and marched onto the yacht. Spanish music was playing on the sound system and the slow, sultry love song made Demi think about kissing Chase—and more. Intelligent, sincere and charming, he was the kind of guy women swooned over and exploring Ibiza Town with him was a thrilling adventure. Rich in history and culture, Ibiza was paradise on earth, a favorite vacation spot among celebrities and jet-setters, and Demi loved everything about the small, picturesque island.

  “Welcome to The Great Escape!” said a female voice with a French accent. “I’ll be your steward tonight. I look forward to serving you.”

  The brunette, in a fitted black dress, held a gold-rimmed tray filled with cocktails and appetizers. A heady aroma sweetened the air, but Demi wasn’t hungry. Still full from lunch, she politely declined the offer and moved to the rear of the boat to admire the view.

  “Come on,” Chase urged, coming up behind her. “You have to eat something.”

  “I can’t. I overdid it at the tapas restaurant and my waistline can’t handle any more rich meals, decadent desserts and tropical drinks.”

  “Demi, you’re in Ibiza. Indulge in everything the island has to offer.”

  Really? Then why are you playing it safe? she wondered, wishing Chase would take his own advice. He had a knack for making her laugh, for making her feel desirable and sexy, and Demi wanted to experience the pleasure of his kiss.

  “I heard the sunset cruise is second to none, and I want you to experience everything The Great Escape has to offer, so drink and eat as much as you want. It’s on me.”

  “It should be on me. It’s your birthday, not mine.”

  “Don’t worry, Demi. We’ll have plenty of time to celebrate later in my suite.”

  “Someone’s confident,” she said, raising an eyebrow.

  Water taxis and Jet Skiers cruised past the dock, and swimmers frolicked in the turquoise water, laughing hysterically. Ignoring the world around her, Demi raised her voice to be heard over the noise and moved closer to him. Met his dark, smoldering gaze. He was flirting with her, slowly caressing her shoulders, and Demi loved every minute of it.

  “What makes you think I’m going to your hotel suite later? Did it ever occur to you that I might have plans with someone else once I leave Ibiza Town?”

  “No, never, why would you when you could spend the rest of the night with me? In case you haven’t noticed, I’m one hell of a guy.”

  Demi whistled. “Wow, with an ego that big, it’s a wonder you can keep your head up!”

  “I’m not conceited. I’m confident,” he whispered against her ear. “There’s a big difference.”

  A shiver raced down her spine. Demi wanted to speak, but she was so turned on by the sound of his voice that she couldn’t free the words from her mouth.

  “Go big or go home isn’t just my mantra. It’s a way of life.” Chase wore a broad grin. “I want you, Demi, and I’m going to have you before the night is over.”

  Chapter 5

  Blinking uncontrollably, Demi closed her gaping mouth. Did he just say what I think he did? she wondered, needing a moment to collect her thoughts. Standing as still as a statue, she gazed deep into his eyes. They were filled with mischief, bright and piercing, and the longer Demi stared at him the harder her limbs quivered. It took everything in her not to pounce on him, but she kept her hands at her sides and off his chest. Fantasizing about kissing him, Demi moaned inwardly at the thought of finally tasting his lips. He desired her. It was evident in everything he’d said and done during their sightseeing excursion. So what was he waiting for?

  Frowning, Chase reached into the back pocket of his shorts, took out his cell phone and glanced at the screen. “I have to take this call,” he said with an apologetic smile. “Captain Teo, can you give Demi a tour of The Great Escape while I check in with my COO?”

  Captain Teo nodded. Sidling up to her, he spoke in a husky voice. “Nothing like spending time with a young, scintillating woman to make an old man feel spry again.”

  Old is the right word, Demi thought, resisting the urge to plug her nose. He smelled like an ashtray and the putrid scent made her eyes itch and burn. He led her through the lounge space, past the observation deck and into the enclosed command center on the lower deck.

  “How long have you two kids been dating?”

  “We’re not a couple. We met last night.”

  “So you’re single?” Salivating all over his crisp white uniform, Captain Teo dropped his gaze from her eyes to her cleavage. “I finish at midnight. We should hook up later.”

  Demi forced herself not to laugh in the Spaniard’s round, fleshy face. He was old enough to be her father and although his salt-and-pepper goatee gave him a distinguished look, Demi didn’t want to meet up with the aging captain after dark. Everything about him screamed sugar daddy and she had no desire to be his plaything of the week. “What kind of boat is this?”

  His face lit up. “I’m glad you asked. It’s a Sunseeker 60 Predator.”

  What a fitting name! It was a challenge but Demi listened to what Captain Teo was saying about his beloved yacht, even though she’d rather hear more about his celebrity clients. His enthusiasm was contagious and his stories about Ibiza Town were fascinating. He pushed a cocktail glass into her hands, said it was his signature drink, and winked. “Drink up. It’s called the Great Escape. I created it myself.”

  Tossing her head back, Demi burst out laughing. Couldn’t stop. As if, she thought, putting the peach-colored cocktail on the side table. I’d rather drink squid broth!

  “I’m back,” Chase said, entering the command center. “What did I miss?”

  Eager to share what she’d learned, Demi gestured to the window with her hand and spoke with excitement. “Did you know that the Phoenician settlers who founded the island originally named it Ibozzim and dedicated the land to the god of music and dance?”

  “Yeah, I did. I’ve always been a history buff and I did a paper about the Balearic Islands in high school. In case you’re wondering, I got an A plus.”

  “Of course you did! I was right. You are a nerd. A fine one, but a nerd nonetheless.”

  “And proud of it. Intelligence is sexy.”

  “Tell it! I’ll take brains over brawn any day, but both would be nice.”

  “Then look no further. I’m the total package,” Chase boasted, stretching his hands out at his sides. “I’m single, successful and incredibly sexy, and if I were you, I’d kiss me.”

  Captain Teo coughed as if he’d just come down with bronchitis and rubbed his chest. He reviewed the route they were taking, explained all safety measures and advised them of what to do during an emergency. Wanting to be alone with Chase, she grabbed his hand, climbed the steps and entered the seating area. It had wooden floors, lounge chairs and potted candles. Chase dropped his mouth to her ear and wrapped his arms around her waist.

  At his touch, her breath caught in her throat. If y
our erection was any closer to my thighs, it would be between my legs! They danced on the deck, flirted and laughed for so long that Demi lost track of the time.

  The evening breeze felt warm against her skin, rippled through her hair and across her flesh. Peering over his shoulder, her eyes widened in surprise. The sky was a striking shade of pink, as vibrant as pastel paints, and watching the sun melt into the Mediterranean Sea was one of the most beautiful things she’d ever seen. “I’m all danced out,” Demi panted. “I need a break and a cold drink.”

  Taking a seat on the plush, wraparound bench, she kicked off her shoes and made herself comfortable. Her feet ached, but Demi was having a great time and enjoyed having Chase all to herself. He’d turned off his cell and now she didn’t have to worry about one of his employees or family members blowing up his phone during their romantic boat ride.

  “It looks like you could use some more Cristal. Allow me.” The steward filled Chase’s empty glass with more champagne and flipped her curls over her shoulder. She was pleasant and professional, but Demi noticed the brunette making eyes at Chase and wondered if the steward had slipped him her number when they were alone. All afternoon, women had been ogling him, but he was either oblivious to it or didn’t care because he hadn’t acknowledged any of his female admirers.

  “Thanks, Miss that will be all.” Feeling jealous and territorial, Demi rested a hand on Chase’s thigh. She wanted the brunette to know he was taken—at least for the night—and snuggled against him on the bench to prove it. Sure, they’d only met twenty-four hours earlier, but Chase was a catch and she didn’t want to compete with the tanned beauty for his attention.

  The light in her eyes dimmed but she spoke in a cheerful voice. “Very well. I’ll be below deck, but if you need anything, press the call button on the remote control and I’ll be right up.”


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