Running From the Vampire Into the Arms of the Wolf:

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Running From the Vampire Into the Arms of the Wolf: Page 9

by E A Price

  He had treated her so badly, denied her to the point of cruelty. How could he ever of thought he’d be able to live without her? A tear rolled down his cheek and splashed onto her blood splattered body.

  He looked at the bit marks on her neck. That fucker had touched his mate, he had scarred her. His beast snarled in fury. Hans wanted to tear after the vampire, to rip him to shreds, but he couldn’t leave her half naked and bloody. He had to stay with her, he had to protect her. He had to keep her safe no matter what.

  Mindful not to jar her even more, he took off his jacket and wrapped it round her, covering her as best he could. He lifted her gently, she felt so light in his arms. He brushed a kiss over her forehead and she moved against him, snuggling into his shoulder.

  He had to get her somewhere safe.

  Then the vampire had to die.

  Chapter Eleven

  He was chasing her... the vampire... his claws reached out her... no matter how fast she moved it wasn’t enough... he was going to catch her. An icy cold hand gripped her wrist and pulled her back...

  “Hello princess...”

  She blinked awake. It was a dream, just another horrible dream and yet... it wasn’t really was it? He had found her. Again. She had thought she was safe here in Rose. She had almost been happy.

  A silent tear travelled down her cheek. She furiously rubbed it away. No time for self pity. She had to get moving, she had to leave before the vampire decided to punish some of the townspeople. The thought of any of her friends getting hurt because of her was unbearable. The thought that he might hurt Hans...

  Just because she had got away from him doesn’t mean anyone else could.

  Wait, how had she got away this time? Looking out the window she saw it was still dark. She vaguely remembered him biting her. She carefully felt her neck, it felt red raw. Her fingers brushed over the telltale bite mark. Definitely His mark.

  After the bite everything seemed to go black. Panic hit as she realised she wasn’t sleeping in her own bed, or wearing her own clothes. Was this His bed?

  Her eyes tried to adjust to the darkness. She could just about make out the shapes of a wardrobe and bookcase by the light of the moonlight. She was wearing a large dark t-shirt. Gingerly she felt under the covers. Nope, no underwear.

  She heard the door squeak open, followed by a slither of light. She snapped her eyes shut. The door clicked closed and soft footsteps made their way to the bed. She tensed holding herself still as the other side of the bed dipped as someone sat down.

  “I know you’re awake Melody.” His gruff voice was like music to her.

  “Hans?” She squeaked.

  She sat up swiftly and groaned as her muscles protested severely. He turned round to look at her, the moonlight pouring through the window danced over the long silver scar on his face, his eyes flashed amber.

  He was torn between worry and fury. His eyes strayed to her neck. He was looking at the bite. A look of loathing passed over his features, his eyes burning brightly.

  Slowly she closed her eyes and lay back down. She didn’t want to see his disgust for her, imagining it was bad enough.

  She heard two thuds and was surprised when he lay down on his back next to her. He’d taken his boots off.

  He was careful not to touch her. After finding her, bloody, half-naked about to be raped... he wasn’t sure whether a touch from him would be welcome. He’d thought back to what happened in her cottage last night. When he was pinning her to the bed, crushing her under his body. She’d struggled under him, he’d thought she was just being playful. It just turned him on more.

  He was disgusted with himself. He’d held her tightly and kissed her forcefully. She’d snapped and told him to get off of her. Maybe she thought he was trying to rape her too. His wolf whined at the thought. He would never, to any woman... yet he could understand her reaction.

  He suspected this vampire had attacked her before... had laid his dead hands on Hans mate and taken her body without permission. His beast was snarling now. It would explain why Melody would have changed her name, if she was running away. Maybe she was Melanie after all.

  He held his breath and reached out to touch her hand. She didn’t flinch. She turned her hand and clasped it to her, interlacing their fingers.

  He sighed with relief. At least she didn’t hate him.

  Melody held onto his hand tightly, not wanting to let it go. The feel of his flesh was warm and comforting. She needed this. She never wanted to let it go, she wanted to stay here in this little moment forever.

  But... they needed to talk. She needed to know how much he knew.

  She opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling. “Where are we?” She asked tentatively.

  He exhaled loudly. “My brother’s house. I figured it was safer for you to be on pack land. I would have taken you to my mother’s but...”

  She bit her lip. “You don’t want your mom and sisters to be in danger because of me, I completely agree.”

  He turned to look at her. “I guess” he agreed grudgingly. “I was actually gonna say that my sisters are incredibly nosy and I didn’t think you’d want grilling right now.”

  She looked at his serious expression gave a small chuckle. She reached to him and stroked his cheek. “My hero.”

  He felt a surge of happiness, which was quickly deflated when he remembered the vampire. “What happened with the vampire Melody?”

  She winced. “It’s a long story...”

  “I’m not going anywhere.”


  Melody, no Melanie, told him everything. She was ashamed but she told him. She told him her real name, how she had met Him, how he had hunted her, the things he did to her... she couldn’t bear to look at Hans as she told him. She turned her face away to look at the wall. Worried he would look at her like she was sullied, worried he would pity her.

  She told him everything right up until when the vampire attacked her again.

  “I only remember Him biting me, nothing else after that...” Her voice broke into a sob.

  Hans, keeping hold of her hand sat up on the bead and leaned on the headboard. Gently he pulled his mate into his arms and held her in his lap like a child as sobs wracked her body. She clung to him fiercely.


  She looked up at him and smiled sadly. “It’s nice to hear my name again.”

  He kissed her softly. He waited to see if she would object before deepening the kiss. Heat rushed through her body and she felt him swelling beneath her. His wolf howled in pleasure.

  He pulled back and gave her a fierce look. “I’m not going to let him hurt you again, you’re mine, you belong to me!”

  She focussed her eyes on the window, watching the bright moon. “That’s what he always said to me...”

  “Don’t compare me to him!” Both man and wolf roared at her. He shook with rage, but she paid him no heed. She nestled into his shoulder and gently bit his neck.

  “What happened after I passed out?”

  “I saw him attack you, when I came for him he ran off.”

  “Thank you. It’s lucky you were there...”

  He tutted impatiently. “You don’t have to thank me... I’d... I’d do anything for you, anything to keep you safe... I couldn’t bear it if...”

  “Thank you... for caring.”

  He huffed, not unhappily.

  “My clothes?”

  He gritted his teeth. “Shredded.”


  She closed his eyes and listened to the steady beat of his heart. “Did Acksel lend me this t-shirt?”

  “No!” He snapped. “It’s mine, I wouldn’t allow you to wear one of his... I know he had a thing for you.”

  She giggled lightly. He was so prickly. “He doesn’t really, he just asked me out once.”

  “He what?!” Bellowed Hans.

  “He asked me to go to the Halloween party, that’s all.”

  Hans ground his jaw, trying to calm the baying beast wit
hin who wanted to run downstairs and rip apart the rival for his mate. But then Acksel was his little brother...

  “When was this?” Hans asked tightly. “The night he was naked and flashing you?”

  She pushed against his chest so she upright. She kneeled between his legs and rested her hands on his biceps. His face was furious, she suspected his fury wasn’t actually directed at her though.

  “How do you know about that?”

  He jutted his chin out at her. “I followed you home.”

  She blinked a couple of times. “You did? Have you done it before?”

  “Every night since I met you.” He told her boldy and unapologetically.

  She cocked her head on one side, regarding him closely. Hans had protected her from Him, he’d been protecting her since the moment he met her. The thought warmed and elated her.

  “Thank you.” She moved forward and threw her arms round him, planting a thorough kiss on his lips.

  He snaked his arms round her and rubbed her back. “Any time sugar.”

  He rested his forehead against hers inhaling her beautiful scent. The smell of death still lingered making his beast growl.

  He lifted his hand and rubbed a thumb across the mark left by the vampire. She froze and grimaced.

  “Let me bite you, let me mark you and cover this.”

  She chewed on her lip for a few seconds before nodding.

  Melanie moved forward and straddled his legs so their groins were touching. He could feel the heat radiating from her making him even harder.

  He kissed her, then pulling away he pressed small butterfly kisses across her jaw and down her neck. Her stomach fluttered, wanting him to perform this intimate act but also worried it would hurt.

  He smoothed his tongue on her neck, over the vampire’s bite, preparing her. His fangs lengthened and he tenderly scraped them over her skin sending tingles to her womb. He reached a hand under her shirt and began massaging her breasts one by one. She groaned her appreciation and ground her sex into his.

  She gripped his shoulders tightly as he pushed his fangs into her skin, her body accepted his bite so easily, like he was pressing into butter. She moaned a little at the pain but found herself too distracted by his soft kneading and his rapidly swelling shaft.

  Smoothly he pulled out of her skin and sighed at the exquisite taste of her blood. He licked the wound to seal it. He looked at the raw mark, admiring his work, his wolf roaring his approval. Much better.

  Melanie pulled him into a kiss whilst she moved her hips over his groin. He groaned and deepened the kiss, his tongue tangling with hers. He moved his hand down to her sex gently cupping her mound.

  Bang, bang, bang! “Hans! Lets go!”

  Acksel was pounding on the bedroom door shouting at his brother.

  Melanie pulled away abruptly. Reluctantly Hans lifted Melanie away from him and leaned over the bed to retrieve his boots. “Adam and Alec are probably here.” He explained. “I told them about the vampire attacking you, Acksel put together a search party to find him.”

  “Oh, what about the Halloween party?”

  “Cancelled. Can’t risk anyone being out with a vampire on the loose. All the pack have been told to stay inside, and Alec’s put the same order out to the other shifters and humans.”

  She nodded dumbly. “This is my fault, other people might suffer because of me.”

  He turned and gripped her arms. “None of this is your fault. Don’t ever think that.” He ordered fiercely.

  He sighed and then relaxed his arms. “I’m sorry I don’t mean to...”

  Melanie traced the scar down his cheek. “Don’t be sorry, I like how passionate you are.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah well, you’re the only one.”


  Bang, bang, bang! “Hans!”

  Hans roared at the closed door, a moment later Acksel stomped down the stairs muttering to himself.

  Hans stood up, towering over her. He leaned down, his face inches from hers. “Stay here.” He gave her a quick chaste kiss before leaving.


  Hans ran downstairs to find members of his pack waiting for him, including the Alpha, Beta, his brother, Don the pack tracker, Mal one of his brother’s fellow Enforcers and Jake a Sheriff’s Deputy.

  “How is she?” Asked Adam.

  Hans’ jaw ticked. “Fine... considering. Have you found it?”

  Don exhaled loudly. “No, not yet. Fucker’s wily and fast movin’ I’ll give him that.”

  “Could it have been the vamp that ripped out the Darlington woman’s throat?” Asked Mal.

  “No,” said Jake, “turns out that was her boyfriend, a hyena shifter. Apparently got pissed at her when she cheated on him.”

  Alec nodded. “Thankfully the vamp hasn’t attacked anyone else, we just need to find him. We don’t want him running around randomly attacking...”

  “It won’t,” interjected Hans, “it followed her here, it attacked her on purpose. It wants her.”

  Hans filled them in on an edited version of Melody’s... no Melanie’s dealings with the vampire. He explained about her change of name and moving around from city to city. He told them the vampire sucked her blood but didn’t go into the more depraved details. If Melanie chose to tell people that was her decision.

  “Maybe now the vamp knows that he’s wandered into a wolf pack he will just leave town?” Suggested Mal hesitantly, noting the murderous look on Hans’ face.

  “No it’s been stalking her for over three years... it won’t just give up.”

  Achoo! The assembled wolves looked to the staircase.

  Melanie blushed furiously as she walked slowly into view. “Well that was embarrassing.” She muttered.

  Hans looked at her, rage written all over his face. He advanced towards her and started pushing and pulling her back to the stairs. “You need to stay in your room.”

  She struggled, twisting and turning in his arms. “No, I need to hear this.”

  He roared at her. “The hell you do woman, get back up those stairs now!”

  “You’re not the boss of me!” She shouted before elbowing him in the stomach.

  He snarled and flipped her over his shoulder, she was suddenly very aware that she wasn’t wearing underwear. She reached back and pulled at the t-shirt to make sure it covered her rear. “Asshole!” She hissed.

  The other wolves, in spite of the serious situation, could barely hold back their laughter at seeing the most aggressive wolf in the pack being brow beaten by a small Latina witch.

  Adam pulled himself together. “Wait, she’s right, she should hear this.”

  Hans looked at his Alpha for a few moments before grudgingly setting Melanie back on her feet. She smirked at him triumphantly before sobering before the stony face of the Alpha.

  “Melody...” Began Adam.

  “Melanie.” Interrupted Hans. “Her real name’s Melanie.”

  Adam cocked his head. “Melanie... we need to find this creature and fast before someone else gets hurt, we can’t risk him attacking one of the pups or humans. What can you tell us that might help us catch him?”

  She rubbed her neck absently, still feeling the sting from Hans’ bite. The wolves noticed the mark and raised questioning glances in Hans’ direction. He looked back at them defiantly.

  “Not much really, he’s been kind of hunting me for three years, but I don’t even know his name... I don’t know what to say... magic doesn’t seem to affect him much... sadly...” She chewed her cheek. “Maybe you could use me as bait to catch him...”

  “No!” Roared Hans grabbing her arms and shaking her. “Never!”

  Jake and Mal tried to step forward, fearing Hans was going to hurt her but Adam motioned for them to stand down.

  Melanie puffed out a breath. “Alright settle down grumpy butt, just a suggestion.”

  Hans loosened his grip and rubbed his thumbs in circles on her arms.

  Adam’s voice rumbled through the room. “
I doubt the vampire would fall for that, if he saw you out alone he’d know we were setting a trap.”

  “He is still quite a young vampire though, he can’t stand sunlight. The closer it gets to daybreak the more he’ll need to find somewhere safe to spend the day.” Vampires could build up a tolerance to sunlight, but it took centuries and a lot of patience...

  Acksel snapped his fingers. “The holiday bungalows out past crescent rock. They’re boarded up this time of year, and because they’re vacant he wouldn’t need to be invited in.”

  Adam nodded. “It’s the best guess we have. Don and Acksel you and the Enforcers continue to try and track him. Alec and Jake, you’re with me...”

  “And me.” Declared Hans. “It’s my right to kill it.” Considering it had attacked his mate.

  “No!” Cried Melanie. “I don’t want you to go, you might get hurt!”

  She laughed awkwardly and looked around at the other wolves, and added, “or any of you, I don’t want any of you to get hurt of course.”

  Jake snorted. “Yeah okay.”

  Hans led Melanie into the kitchen whilst Adam dished out more orders. He stood in front of her and kissed her. “I have to go sugar, I can’t let what he did to you go. He has to die.” No way was this thing getting making it to the next daybreak, not after the way he had tortured Hans’ mate. His wolf would never allow that.

  How could she live with herself if he was hurt trying to protect her? “But...”

  He held her face in his hands. “No buts, I have to do this. I’ll be fine.”

  She huffed. “You better be, you come back dead I’ll never forgive you.” She winced a little at her poor taste joke.

  “That’s my girl.”

  Chapter Twelve

  1st November

  Melanie flicked through the TV channels. It was 5am. Still early. Ripples of sunlight were only just starting to dance over the horizon.

  Acksel had found her a pair of sweatpants that just about fit her, and oddly enough Hans was able to give her one of her own pairs of panties to wear. One of his trophies from their store room trysts. She was sort of concerned that he had apparently been carrying them around in his pocket.


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