Dark Widow’s Blessing (The Children Of The Gods Paranormal Romance Series Book 25)

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Dark Widow’s Blessing (The Children Of The Gods Paranormal Romance Series Book 25) Page 5

by I. T. Lucas

  “Hello, everyone.”

  Julian, who was sitting in the front row between Yamanu and Arwel, gave her the thumbs up.

  “Is everyone clear on their flight assignments?” Bridget lifted her tablet in case someone had a question, but it seemed everyone knew where they were going.

  Some were flying in the clan’s two jets, and the rest were on commercial flights. They all should be arriving at about the same time.

  Lifting his clipboard, Turner took over. “Ragnar has reserved four floors for us, including the executive lounge, which will serve as our command center. A tour bus is going to transport us from the airport to the hotel. Ragnar bought five used vans for our use. Any questions so far?”

  Peter asked, “What about the equipment?”

  “Taken care of already. We put everything on a truck three days ago. Everything will be ready for us when we get there.”

  After Turner answered several more questions, Bridget verified that every Guardian knew where and when he was flying out. Roni and Sylvia were going with Turner on the smaller of the clan’s jets.

  He followed her to her office, closed the door behind him, and locked it. “We have about an hour before I head out to the airstrip. I thought to put it to good use.”

  Smirking, Bridget leaned against her desk and crossed her arms over her chest. “Don’t you have some last-minute details to take care of?”

  Walking up to her, he put his hands on her waist and lifted her to sit on the desk. “Nope. Everything is done, except for this.” He cupped the back of her neck and kissed her.

  She arched a brow. “Here?”

  “I locked the door.”



  “What’s the game about?” Magnus sat next to Parker on the coffee table.

  “It’s a shooting game. Want to give it a try?”


  Parker paused the game and rose to his feet. “I need to get another controller for you. I’ll be back in a sec.” He rushed into the bedroom.

  “It’s nice of you to play with him,” Vivian mumbled from the couch.

  She was so tired after the sleepless night she’d spent talking with Magnus, holding on for as long as she could, but after dinner, it had become a losing battle.

  Magnus turned around. “I’ve wanted to learn how to do it for a some time. My roommates are game programmers, and I can barely understand what they are talking about.”

  “Your ex-roommates.”

  He wasn’t going back to his old place. Once they moved to the village, it would be into a brand new house together.


  Parker came back with a controller, paired it with the system, and then handed it to Magnus.

  Watching them together and listening to their conversation, Vivian enjoyed the sounds of their voices and the ease with which they interacted. It took less than sixty seconds for her eyelids to start drooping, and another two for her to fall asleep.

  “Mom, wake up.” Parker nudged her shoulder. “Go to sleep in your own bed.”

  Vivian lifted up, rubbed her eyes, and then shifted to a sitting position on the couch. “How long was I asleep?”

  “More than three hours. It’s after eleven.”

  “Where is Magnus?”

  “In his room. After you fell asleep, I taught him how to use the controller and how to play the game. He was clumsy for about ten minutes, but then he got the hang of it and almost beat me. Immortals learn fast.”

  “They do? I thought it was only languages.”

  Parker shrugged. “Magnus didn’t say anything about it. I just figured that he was so good because of his super reflexes. But maybe it’s his soldier training. Like the shooting games made me good in the real shooting range, it worked the other way around for him.”

  “Thanks for keeping him company.” She yawned and stretched.

  “No problem. I like hanging out with Magnus. He’s not like other older guys.”

  “How so?”

  “He’s easy-going, and he is not condescending at all. You know, because I’m a kid and he’s a grownup. He doesn’t do that, doesn’t talk down to me. He treats me with respect. I like it.”

  Vivian liked it too. “I couldn’t ask you before because we didn’t have a chance to be alone, but how are you taking all of this?”

  “The immortal part, or the Mom loves Magnus part?”


  He shrugged. “The immortal part is the coolest thing ever. I feel like the luckiest kid in the world who just won the biggest lottery. All of us did. You and me and Ella. Because what can be better than discovering that you can be immortal with superpowers, right? But then I feel guilty for feeling lucky or happy because of Ella. I shouldn’t be happy while she’s miserable.”

  Vivian rose to her feet and pulled her son in for a hug. “I know exactly what you mean. It’s hard to allow yourself to rejoice in your good fortune when someone you love is suffering.”

  Parker pulled out of her arms. “The way I explained it to myself was that Ella was lucky too. She will just have to wait a little longer to have all that. Immortality and a great new dad.” He glanced at Vivian with a pair of guilt-ridden eyes. “Is that okay to be happy about Magnus wanting to be my dad? I really like him, and I don’t remember my real father. I know he was awesome and everything, but it would be cool to have Magnus around. There is so much he can teach me.”

  Vivian’s eyes misted with tears. “It’s more than okay, sweetie. As long as you keep the memory of Joshua Takala in your heart, you can enjoy having Magnus as your father and even love him guilt free. In fact, it would make me very happy.”

  She turned to discreetly wipe the tears away. “I need coffee.”

  “Why? Don’t you want to go to sleep?”

  She shook her head. “After such a long nap, I doubt I’d be able to. Besides, I feel bad about not spending time with Magnus.”

  “You kind of did. You were right here on the couch while we played.”

  “Did I snore?”

  “Just a little. But I turned the volume up so Magnus wouldn’t hear.”

  “Did you forget about his enhanced immortal senses? He heard.”

  Parker shrugged. “If he wants to marry you, he should know that you snore.” He flipped the two big couch cushions to the floor. “I'm unfolding the couch, so you can’t invite him to sit here. You need to go to his room.” He pulled the bed out.

  “I’ll help you with the bedding.” She tucked in the sheet and fluffed up the pillows.

  “You know, Mom, it would be much more comfortable for everyone if you and Magnus moved in here, and I moved into Magnus’s room. I hate the pullout bed, and I hate having to go through your bedroom to get to the bathroom when you sleep.”

  Vivian felt her cheeks catch on fire. This was so awkward. “You’ve slept on the couch without pulling the bed out, you can keep doing it, and I can leave the door open.”

  Parker rolled his eyes. “I know what you’re doing. You’re changing the subject because you think I’m too young to understand, or something like that. I’m not. You and Magnus love each other, and you are going to get married.” He scratched his head. “What I’m trying to say is that it’s okay with me if you want to sleep together. I mean, I know that you want to, and that you are not doing it only because of me. It makes me feel bad.”

  Again, she’d underestimated her son’s maturity, and by doing so had hurt his feelings. Maybe she could salvage the situation by implying a different reason.

  “I don’t want you to be alone in the apartment. Not because I think that you are not safe here, or because I don’t trust you to be alone.” She waved a hand around. “I wouldn’t want to be by myself in here. It would creep me out. This place is nicely decorated, but we both know that it’s just a fancy dungeon, with no windows and a door that can probably withstand one heck of an explosion.”

  “I don’t mind. I think that’s super cool, and I know how to open the d
oor with the phone. So if you leave it with me, I’ll be fine.”

  Vivian narrowed her eyes at him. “Is this about you wanting me out of here so you can play all night?”

  His sheepish expression confirmed her suspicion. “That too, but it’s the weekend, and you said that I can play as much as I want. It would be fun to have this entire place to myself, though. It’s soundproof, and I can blast music as loudly as I want, and jump on the couch and on the bed. Please, just go.” He made the puppy face he knew she couldn’t resist.

  “Fine. But I need to check with Magnus first. What if he doesn't want me to sleep in his room?”

  Parker snorted. “Really, Mom? I’m not five. Of course he wants you there.”

  Ignoring the last comment, Vivian picked the phone up and sent out a text.

  Parker is kicking me out of here. Can I spend the night at your place?

  The answer was immediate. I’m coming over to move your things.

  Smiling, Vivian quickly typed another text. Not so fast. I’m going to grab a nightshirt and a toothbrush. We will figure out logistics tomorrow. Start the coffeemaker.

  Yes, ma'am.

  They’d found the thing in the cabinet under the sink, tucked all the way in the back corner. Not that Magnus had made much use of it. He either got coffee at the vending machines upstairs or at her place.

  In the bedroom, Vivian put her nightshirt and a few toiletries in the paper bag Amanda had brought the wig in. Perhaps she should take it too?

  Nah, they could have fun with the wig some other time.

  Tonight, she was going to experience the real Magnus for the first time and actually get to remember it, including the fangs and the biting and everything else that was different about having sex with an immortal male. She should stay real as well.

  She’d taken a shower in the morning, but maybe she should have another one?

  On second thought, she could shower at Magnus’s suite. Hey, they could shower together. Now that she was going to spend the night, they had time to indulge.

  Vivian smiled. With the rooms being soundproof, they could do all kinds of naughty things in there.

  Though nothing was more naughty than having sex with a vampire-like lover. Talk about fantasies coming true.

  Except, getting bitten for real was scary.

  While brushing her teeth, Vivian’s eyes gravitated toward the reflection of her neck in the mirror. There was no way it wasn’t going to hurt like hell, at least for several seconds until the venom numbed the pain and turned it into pleasure. And in those seconds, Magnus would have to hold her head still to prevent her from jerking away and tearing her skin.

  When he’d explained all of that last night, she’d found it both arousing and frightening. The wicked-looking fangs that were going to end up in her neck were scary enough, but the temporary immobilization was even more so.

  Then again, Vivian trusted Magnus not to hurt her. The only difference between this time and those that came before was that she was going to remember everything about it.



  Vivian was coming to spend the night with him.

  Magnus felt like going over there and giving Parker a big hug, but that was highly inappropriate, and so was a twelve-year-old kid telling his mother to go sleep with her lover.

  Future husband.

  That made it a little better.

  The coffeemaker finished brewing at the same time Vivian walked in.

  “Oh, good. I’m in desperate need of coffee.”

  He pulled her into his arms. “And I’m in desperate need of a kiss.”

  Vivian smiled. “Kiss, then coffee. I can live with that.” She puckered her lips.

  He would’ve gladly skipped the coffee and carried her to bed, but the lady always got what the lady wanted, at least as long as it was within his power to fulfill her wishes.

  With an effort, Magnus let her out of his arms. “What exactly happened with Parker?” he asked while pouring coffee into two mugs. “I assume he didn’t really kick you out. Because if he did, I need to have words with him.” He handed Vivian a cup and sat next to her on the couch.

  Vivian patted his bicep. “Of course not. My son is a respectful young man. He would never do that.” She made a sad face. “Before today, I would’ve said that he’s my sweet little boy.”

  “Parker is a sweet boy, just not so little anymore.”

  She took a long sip of the coffee and sighed. “I know. He’s so mature. He said that it would be much more comfortable for everyone if you moved in with me into the bigger suite, and he moved into your room. It was his way of telling me that he’s okay with us sharing a bed. I think he knows we were sneaking around, but he’s too polite to say it.”

  Magnus put his mug down on the coffee table. “I’m surprised he’s taking it so well. We’ve been together for such a short time. How did he react to your other boyfriends?”

  Vivian arched a brow. “All two of them?”

  “Yes. You said that you dated each one for several months. Did Parker interact with them?”

  “Mostly, he ignored them. I didn’t encourage anything because I didn’t want him to get attached to a guy until I was sure he was the one.”

  Magnus couldn’t hide the smirk. “If memory serves me right, you didn’t try to discourage Parker from spending time with me. Did you know already then that I was the one?”

  “I didn’t, but you were so good with him, and he needed a distraction. I wasn’t about to interfere with that.” She finished the last of her coffee and handed him the mug for a refill. “I think all three of us have bonded so quickly because of how intense everything was. Still is.”

  Magnus poured the rest of the coffee from the carafe into Vivian’s mug, stirred in a little creamer, and handed it to her. “Or, we might have bonded because it was meant to be.”

  Cradling the mug between her palms, Vivian nodded. “Or maybe both.” She looked up at him with a sly smile on her beautiful face. “Now that I’m properly caffeinated, I feel like taking a shower. I took one this morning, but that was a long time ago. Would you care to join me?”

  Given the hitch in Vivian’s breath, his eyes must’ve started glowing. He ran his tongue over his fangs, but those hadn’t elongated yet.

  Cupping her cheek, he asked, “What’s the matter? Are my eyes glowing?”

  She nodded.

  “That’s because I’m aroused thinking of you naked with me in the shower. Are they freaking you out?”

  She shook her head.

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  She pointed at his mouth.

  “Not yet.” He flashed her a broad smile, showing his teeth.

  Vivian let out a breath. “I don’t know why it freaked me out. I’ve already seen them, but then you told me that they were only slightly elongated. I’m scared of seeing them at their full length.”

  “Then we should turn the lights off.”

  “In the shower?”

  “Why not? I can see in almost complete darkness. I’ll wash you.”

  The sly smirk returned. “I guess I’ll have to trust you. I’ll be at your mercy.”

  Quickly, Magnus closed his mouth. If Vivian didn’t want to see his fangs, he’d better get her into the bathroom using immortal speed and turn the lights off.

  Lifting her up into his arms, he leaped into the bathroom and kicked the door closed.

  The only source of light was the charge indicator on his shaver, a small blue dot that was enough for him to see by, but not for Vivian. She was completely helpless.

  “I can’t see a thing.” She clung to him, her arms wrapped around his neck.

  “I got you. Don’t worry about a thing.” He stepped into the shower. “I’m going to lower you onto the bench, and then I’m going to undress you.”


  When she was seated, he knelt on the tiled floor in front of her. “I’ll start with your shirt. Lift your arms.”

With a chuckle, Vivian did as he asked. “Your eyes are like small flashlights. I can see exactly where you’re looking because they mark the spot.”

  “You should close your eyes, then.”

  “Why? Are there any more secrets you don’t want me to see?”

  “There aren’t. But when the eyes are deprived of sensory import, the other senses go into overdrive. You’ll feel everything more acutely.”

  Vivian nodded and closed her eyes.

  Pulling the shirt over her head, he tossed it outside the shower. The bra he was saving for later.

  “Lift up for me.” He pulled her pants and panties down, flinging them in the same direction the shirt went.

  Lastly, he reached behind her and unclasped her bra. “I must have a little taste before I turn the water on.” He took one ripe berry into his mouth and swirled his tongue around it.

  Vivian arched into his mouth, her hands finding his head and holding it to her breast. She moaned when he switched to the other one.

  Magnus would’ve loved to continue showering attention on Vivian’s sensitive nipples, but judging by the goosebumps rising on her arms, she was getting cold.

  “I need to warm you up.” He stepped out of the shower and leaned inside to turn the water on.

  When the temperature was right, Magnus shucked off his clothes and stepped into the shower, closing the glass door behind him.



  By the sounds coming from outside the shower, Magnus was taking his clothes off. Imagining his magnificent body, Vivian opened her eyes and tried to catch a glimpse. Except, straining to see in the dark was pointless. It was better to just keep her eyes closed.

  Instead, she listened.

  He was moving fast, the garments hitting the floor at an incredible speed. Then he was stepping in and closing the door behind him. A moment later, as his large hands gripped her waist, she switched from listening to feeling.


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