Dark Widow’s Blessing (The Children Of The Gods Paranormal Romance Series Book 25)

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Dark Widow’s Blessing (The Children Of The Gods Paranormal Romance Series Book 25) Page 10

by I. T. Lucas

  Parker smirked. “Don’t worry, I know how to fight.”

  Magnus sincerely doubted it, but he admired the kid’s confidence.

  In the center of the ring, Parker was jumping up and down like a boxer as he waited for Jackson to get in.

  Smiling, either to reassure Parker or because he found the boxing warmup routine funny, Jackson stepped over the rope and approached Parker with his usual confident swagger.

  Catching everyone by surprise, Parker leaped forward and head-butted Jackson in the stomach.

  Not expecting the sudden attack, Jackson lost his balance and stumbled backward.

  Not missing a beat, Parker kept going and kicked him in the shin.

  “Ow, that hurt!” Jackson’s eyes started glowing, and his fangs punched out.

  Magnus couldn’t have been prouder. The boy had guts.

  The moment Jackson's fangs made an appearance, though, Parker’s bravado evaporated and he turned on his heel, leaping for the rope on the other side.

  Parker had healthy survival instincts. Magnus had to give him that. When outmatched, it was always better to run.

  Except, there was no outrunning an immortal. In one leap, Jackson was on Parker, toppling him face down on the mat and then straddling his legs.

  As Vivian gasped, Magnus reached for her hand and clasped it, but not wanting to disturb Jackson's concentration, he didn’t say anything to reassure her. The quicker the bite was done, the better for Parker.

  Jackson hissed, struck, and eighteen seconds later retracted his fangs and licked the puncture wounds closed.

  “Can I go to him now?” Vivian whispered.

  “Let’s go.” He helped her up.

  Jackson was still kneeling over Parker as they entered the roped-off arena.

  As he lifted his head and smiled at Vivian, Magnus was relieved that Jackson’s fangs were back to their normal size, and that there was no blood on them. “Your son is a fighter,” he said. “I like him, and I’m looking forward to many years of friendship with him.”

  “Thank you.” Vivian knelt next to Parker and smoothed her hand over his hair. “Look at that smile. He looks happy.”

  Jackson chuckled. “He’s flying high.”

  “How long is he going to be out?”

  Kneeling next to her, Magnus gently turned Parker to lie on his back. “Minutes.”

  “I remember not wanting to wake up,” Jackson said.

  “I just hope you gave him enough. Eighteen seconds is on the short side.”

  Jackson shrugged. “That’s what Doctor Bridget told me to do. She said a minimum of fifteen and a maximum of thirty. Since Parker is skinny, I thought it was safer to stay on the lower end, and I counted.”

  “My presents?” Sounding dopey, Parker asked, “How much did I get?”

  Vivian let out a long breath. “Jackson was referring to counting seconds, not how much money you got.”

  The laughter and clapping started at the tables nearest the arena and then spread throughout, until all the immortals in the room were on their feet and cheering.

  Opening his eyes, Parker looked at the wall of smiling faces. “Why are they clapping? Did I transition?”

  “Not yet. It doesn’t happen right away.” Magnus took Parker’s hand and threaded his arm around the kid’s back, helping him up to a sitting position. “But you gave them one hell of a show. No one expected you to launch an attack and head-butt Jackson.”

  “You told me to get him going. So I did.”

  “Good job, kid.” Jackson patted Parker’s shoulder. “See you on the other side.”

  “What now?” Vivian asked.

  “He needs to rest,” Bridget said from behind them and then crouched in front of Parker. “You’ll feel a little loopy and might develop a low fever. That’s normal and nothing to worry about. Don’t eat for the next couple of hours. Your stomach might get queasy.”

  “How will I know that anything is happening?”

  Bridget smiled. “When you feel like you want to eat an entire steakhouse, that’s a clue that your body needs fuel for the transformation. The next clues are swollen gums, a toothache, and a throat ache, not necessarily in that order. I’ll get you painkillers for that.”

  “Thanks, doctor.”

  “Do you want me to carry you back?” Magnus asked.

  Parker cast him an incredulous look. “With all these people watching? No way. I’m walking.”

  “I’ll give you a hand.” Magnus got up.

  When Parker shook his head, Magnus knelt back down. “The venom makes you loopy. No one gets up and just walks away. Every boy who’s ever transitioned needed help getting up and walking home. You can lean on me.”

  “Are you sure no one ever did it? What about Kian?”

  Magnus rolled his eyes. It seemed Parker had found a new superhero to worship. “Kian didn’t have to transition because he was born immortal.”

  “How come?”

  “I’ll explain later. Now let me help you up. Your new idol is waiting to shake your hand.”



  “I went over the list of courses you sent me, and I can’t decide between psychology and philosophy.” Ella forked another piece of beef and put it in her mouth. It practically melted on her tongue.

  Dimitri’s chef’s cooking was the one thing she was going to miss when this was over. Well, she was going to miss the horses too. And maybe having a bidet. But other than that, nothing. Well, maybe Misha too. A little.

  Dimitri laughed. “Do you know what my father used to call such fields of study?”


  “Blah-blah, as in useless talking about nothing. The only subjects of study he acknowledged were medicine and engineering.”

  The conversation Ella had started about choosing a subject to study was meant to make Dimitri believe she was content staying with him, and maybe get him talking about their next destination, but she couldn't help being curious about what had shaped him to become who he was.

  “Was your father an educated man?”

  “He was an electrical engineer, but he spent very little time working as one.”

  “Did you get along with him?”

  Dimitri laughed. “The way to get along with my father was to say yes sir to everything demanded of me. But I can’t complain. He was a good father, and I know he wanted the best for me.”

  “Did you love him?”

  “Of course.”

  “How about your mother?”

  He lifted his wine glass and smiled. “Naturally, I loved her too. She was my mother. What has prompted all these questions?”

  Ella shrugged and lifted her own glass. “I just want to get to know you better. Part of this is finding out what made you who you are. Who were the people who shaped you.”

  He narrowed his eyes at her. “Who do you think I am?”

  “A very powerful man. That’s all I know because you don’t tell me much.”

  “There isn't much to tell. I had a legacy to follow, and I did it to the best of my ability.”

  “Which is quite formidable.”

  That comment seemed to please him. “Indeed. My father would’ve been proud.”

  “I’m sure.”

  Dimitri put his wine glass down and pulled a small tablet out of his jacket pocket. “I have a surprise for you.”

  “What is it?”

  “You wanted an electronic reader. Here is a tablet with thousands of books already downloaded. Also, it’s loaded with a Rosetta Stone Russian course.”

  Clapping her hands, Ella pretended to be overjoyed. With a happy squeal, she jumped out of her chair, kissed Dimitri’s cheek, and snatched the tablet from his hands. “Thank you. This is the best present ever.”

  She activated the device and started scrolling through the book selection. It was enormous. “So many books to choose from. You even got me romance novels. Awesome!”

  Dimitri looked very pleased with himself, which was precisely h
ow she wanted him to feel.

  “I bought the tablet and gave it to the minister’s secretary to load with whatever she thought would interest a young woman. I’m glad her choices are to your liking.”

  “They are. If you see her again, tell her a big thank you from me.”

  He nodded. “I will. Now you’ll have something to do on long flights.”

  Hoping she wasn’t overdoing it, Ella leaned and put her hand over Dimitri’s. “You’re so considerate. When is our next flight?”


  That was in two days. Nervous butterflies flapping their wings in her stomach, Ella tried to keep the excitement at bay. “Is it going to be a long one?”

  “About six hours.”

  So it wasn’t New York.


  “Where are we going?”


  “Ugh. Will I have to cover myself from head to toe?”

  He laughed. “No, sweetheart. Anything you choose from the wardrobe I got for you is fine. All that’s required is modest attire, no public displays of affection, no profanity, and no insults against their religion, not even as a joke. Also, don’t open doors or offer anything with your left hand. It’s considered unclean.”

  “Got it. Can I stay on the plane? It’s probably very hot there, and I don’t like hot places. How long are we going to be there?”

  “I thought to stay two nights and spend a day sightseeing with you. But if you prefer, I can be done with my meetings in one day, and we can leave the next night.”

  “It depends where we’re going next.” It was hard to keep breathing normally and not hold it in.

  “After that, it’s back to New York.”

  Ella’s heart almost jumped out of her ribcage, but she forced herself to make a face. “In that case, I’ll take you up on your offer to do some sightseeing in Dubai.”

  The rescue team would probably need the extra day to get ready. Ella didn’t want to undermine the operation just because she had no desire to go sightseeing in a place that was hotter than hell.

  “I see that you’re not happy about going back to New York. Where would you like to go?”

  “Paris.” She said the first thing that came to her mind while praying he wouldn’t want to indulge her.

  “Regrettably, I don’t have any business there at the moment. But perhaps I can make a detour when we leave for Belgium after New York.”

  Keeping her face neutral, she asked, “Do you have an estate in Belgium too?”

  “I have a house in Brussels, but it’s not an estate. Besides, if we want to continue to Paris, it’s better to stay on the plane.”

  “Cool. How long is the flight from Brussels to Paris?”

  “About an hour.”

  Ella leaned back in her chair. “I can’t wait to see it. I’ve heard it’s a beautiful city.”

  “It is.”

  As Dimitri told her about Paris and the many places he could take her to see, Ella pretended to listen while waiting for him to be done so she could contact her mother and tell her the amazingly good news. It was crucial to keep her cool, though. If Dimitri got suspicious, he might change his plans, or leave her behind.

  It was another hour before he excused himself to go make some phone calls, and Ella was finally alone.

  “I’m going to read in bed,” she told Misha.

  “Okay. I walk you upstairs.”

  She knew there was no point arguing that she knew the way. Besides, his room was down the hall from the master bedroom, so he was never far even though there was no danger lurking in the house for her or Dimitri.

  “Good night,” she said at the door.

  “Good night.”

  “Dobroy nochi.” He winked. “You want to learn Russian, eh?”

  “I do. Dobroy nochi, Misha.”

  Closing her door behind her, Ella walked over to the couch, kicked off her high heels, and lay down with her new tablet. If Dimitri came in, she could pretend to be absorbed in a book.

  On the other hand, the thing had a camera, so it could be watching her. She'd read somewhere that phones and tablets could do that even when turned off. Just to be on the safe side, she tucked it under her pillow.

  Mom, are you up yet?

  I’m up. Good morning, sweetheart. Or rather good evening, right?

  Right. I have great news. Dimitri told me we are going to Dubai and from there to New York. I’m too excited to make the time difference calculations, so you’ll have to do it. We are leaving Wednesday, and we are going to stay two nights in Dubai and from there straight to New York. I’ll contact you again before we leave Dubai.

  That is the best news I could hope for. I thought we would have to wait for weeks.

  Me too. Did you talk to the team leader? Does he have a plan?

  Not yet.

  Well, what is he waiting for? The clock is ticking.



  “Mom, I’m hungry,” Parker called out from the couch.

  “Scoot.” She sat next to him. “How are you feeling?”

  “I told you, I’m hungry.”

  “Other than that.” She put her hand on his forehead. “Do you feel feverish?”


  “Does your throat hurt?” She patted his neck.

  “Nothing hurts except for my stomach. It feels like I have a vacuum there. Forget that. It’s a black hole.”

  Bridget had said that the first sign would be hunger. So maybe Parker was transitioning. Except, it wasn’t the first time he’d woken up starving.

  “Go brush your teeth, and I’ll make you something to eat.”

  “Do I have to? Can’t I get a one-day pass as a reward for my brave performance last night?”

  “Nice try. Go brush.”

  Grimacing, he got up and padded to the bathroom.

  Vivian opened the fridge and pulled out a pack of cold cuts, mayo, and a bag of buns. Other than sandwiches or cereal, there wasn’t much else she could make without a stove.

  When she was done preparing two overstuffed sandwiches, the front door opened, and Magnus walked in with Scarlet trotting behind him.

  “Is she still mad at you?”

  After her stay with the guys at the guard station last night, the dog was behaving like a kid who was resentful after being left with a babysitter for the first time. Ever since Magnus had picked Scarlet up, she’d been casting him sad sidelong glances and keeping her tail tucked between her legs.

  Except, taking her into the gym had been out of the question. Even restrained, she would’ve tried to protect Parker and barked at Jackson, which would’ve broken his concentration.

  “We had a talk and reached an understanding.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Every time I have to leave her behind, I’ll later reward her with a treat, and she’ll forgive me.”

  “What did you give her?”

  “All the bologna from my sandwich.”

  As soon as Parker opened the bedroom door, the dog’s tail started wagging, and her tongue lolling as she gave him a doggie smile. It seemed Scarlet was mad only at Magnus.

  “Here is my girl.” Parker crouched down and let her lick his face.

  “Your sandwiches are on the table.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “Wash your hands.”

  Rolling his eyes, Parker went over to the bar sink and did as she asked before picking up a sandwich from the plate.

  “I have great news,” Vivian said. “Ella contacted me earlier. Gorchenco’s next stop is Dubai, and after that New York. We need to tell Turner.”

  Magnus didn’t seem excited by the news. In fact, he looked doubtful. “And he just told her that? After keeping her in the dark about everything?”

  “Apparently, her plan is working.”

  “I wasn’t aware that she had one.”

  Vivian glanced at Parker. What went on between Gorchenco and Ella was not really appropriate for his young ears, but on th
e other hand, he’d earned the right to be included in grownup conversations.

  “She’s pretending to like him and makes him believe that she wants a life with him. It seems that he’s falling for it.”

  Magnus shook his head. “I doubt an eighteen-year-old girl can fool someone like him. Nevertheless, we need to call Turner. Let’s do it from my place.”

  “Are you okay here with Scarlet?” What Vivian had actually meant was whether Parker felt offended by not being included.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m going to finish my breakfast and then go back to bed and watch anime. No schoolwork for me today, right?”

  “You’ve earned a pass.”

  Parker’s eyes widened. “I totally forgot! Where is the box with all my presents?”

  “On the floor in the closet.”

  He looked at the half eaten sandwich in his hand, then at the bedroom door, and then back at the sandwich again. “I’ll eat first and then count my money.”

  “Good choice.” She gave him the thumbs up.

  Wanting to watch over Parker, Vivian hadn’t spent last night in Magnus’s room. She’d offered to sleep on the couch and let Parker have the bed, but he’d plopped on the couch and gone to sleep right away. She’d put a pillow under his head, covered him with a blanket, and then left the door to the bedroom open in case he needed her. He hadn’t, but just in case, she’d gotten up several times during the night to check on him.

  “I’ll brew us some coffee first,” Magnus said as they entered his room.

  “Yeah, I need it. I didn't get much sleep last night.”

  “I figured. Any signs of transition?”

  “He woke up starving. But that’s all.”

  “It’s a good start.”

  When the coffee was ready, Magnus handed Vivian a mug and sat next to her on the couch with his.

  “Let’s make that call.” He pulled out his phone and dialed Turner’s number.

  “Magnus. What do you have for me?”

  “Ella contacted Vivian. She and Gorchenco are leaving for Dubai Wednesday, and two days later they’re going to New York. What I find suspicious about this, however, is that he’s suddenly confiding in her.”


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