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Arlen Page 3

by Catherine Lievens

  Arlen eyed the bathtub with a critical eye. He wanted to say no because he knew it might make at least one of them uncomfortable, but he didn’t think he’d be able to climb in there on his own without falling. “Yeah, probably.”

  Nick nodded. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, okay?”

  Arlen smiled back. “Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere.”

  * * * *

  Gentry had heard Arlen fall, just like Nick, but he stayed in bed and faked sleep. Nick had told him about Arlen the night before, about how he hadn’t realized they were mates until then. Gentry wanted to be angry at how unfair life was, but it wasn’t the first time it had hit him where it hurt, and it probably wouldn’t be the last. It certainly wasn’t the most painful time.

  No, that had been when Gentry had lost his mate, Leonard. Not even shifters could survive the wounds he’d sustained in the car accident that had taken his life almost fourteen years before. Gentry had been mostly alone since then, and he’d started opening his heart again only when he’d met Nick. Trust Fate to have Nick find his mate right when Gentry fell in love with him.

  Gentry couldn’t even leave. He’d moved to Wyoming all the way from Delaware, and he had patients who needed him, like Rick, and probably even Arlen, although it might be worth looking for another psychologist just to avoid having to talk with him. Not that Gentry had anything against Arlen. The wolf shifter had had a hard year, but now that he’d found his mate in Nick, he’d probably get better soon. He also could get back to his family, or at least get in contact with them. That would help him, too.

  Gentry heard the two men talking, and he knew Arlen had shifted back. He really was the only thing keeping Arlen and Nick apart, and while he should probably feel guilty, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. He felt angry, not at Arlen, but at the world in general, and disappointed.

  Wait, that wasn’t right. He was angry at Arlen, for being here and letting Gentry be with Nick even if he probably knew Nick and he were mates. He wanted to hate Arlen for being able to have something that Gentry couldn’t have anymore, he really wanted to, but then he’d thought about the way Arlen had looked at him for support the night before. The wolf had wanted Gentry, not Nick. He’d leaned against Gentry, had licked his hands, not Nick’s, and that made the entire situation even more confusing.

  He buried his face in his pillow, the one that smelled like him and Nick, and let the tears fall silently. He lost track of the time and startled when someone came in the bedroom. He didn’t move and listened to Nick move around, open drawers, and take things out before exiting the room again. Deciding he’d had enough of crying and moping, Gentry got up. He eyed the door and wondered if Nick would come back soon, but decided Nick would probably want to spend as much time as possible with his mate.

  Gentry took a quick shower and avoided looking at his puffy red eyes. He skipped the dress pants and shirts he usually wore and put on jeans and a T-shirt instead, then took his suitcases out of the closet. He’d need boxes to pack the rest of his things, but he could take most of his clothes and the things he’d need right away. Besides, there wouldn’t be space for all his stuff in the room he’d sleep in at the alpha’s house.

  Gentry hauled one of the suitcases onto the bed and opened it. He then took a deep breath, turned around, and opened the first dresser drawer. He grabbed a handful of his underwear and dropped it in the suitcase, then repeated the action until the drawer was empty.

  He opened the second drawer and started getting socks out.

  “Gentry, I’m cooking breakfast, do you want—” Nick stopped at the door, his eyes wide at the sight of the suitcase on the bed. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m—” Gentry’s voice was hoarse. He cleared his voice and tried again. “I’m packing my things.”

  Nick leaned against the door frame, crossed his arms over his chest and arched a brow at Gentry. “Why?”

  “You know why.”

  “But I want you to explain it to me.”

  Gentry huffed in annoyance. “Fine. I’m packing because we can’t be together anymore and I don’t want to live here if I can’t be with you. It would be uncomfortable for the three of us, and it’s not necessary. Arlen will need support and love, not... me hovering around. He doesn’t need to wonder if there’s still something between us while he’s healing. He already has enough on his plate.”

  “There are a few things that bother me in what you just said. I’m just going to throw them out there and you’ll tell me what you think, okay?” Nick didn’t wait for Gentry to actually answer him before continuing. “Okay, one, who said we can’t be together anymore?”


  “Later. Let me continue. Okay, so one, no one ever said anything about breaking up. Two, Arlen won’t need to wonder about anything being between us because he’ll know there’s something. I love you, Gentry. I never thought I’d actually find someone who’d stay around long enough for me to fall in love, but you did. You support me when I need it, tell me to slow down, take care of me. I need you with me.”

  Gentry slumped his shoulders. “Can I talk now?” Nick nodded. “How can you say you’ll stay with me when you know Arlen is your mate?”

  “I thought I was clear enough. I love you.”

  “I love you too, but sometimes love is not enough!” Gentry was losing his calm, and it wasn’t something that happened often. Nick didn’t seem fazed by it, though.

  He raised his hands and gestured at the suitcases. “Look, if you really want to go I won’t stop you, but don’t you think we should talk before you leave?”

  Gentry shook his head. “What is there to talk about? You have to choose, Nick. You can’t be with both of us at the same time.”

  “Who said I couldn’t?”

  Gentry gaped. “Are you suggesting you can be with us both? Like, Arlen on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and me on Tuesdays and Thursdays?”

  “What about the weekends?”

  Gentry slammed his suitcase shut. “I’m not joking, Nick.”

  Nick sighed. “Yeah, I know. Sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. Actually, it was Arlen who gave me the idea. He said that he didn’t want me to push you away and that we needed to talk.”


  “It’s not like you’ve never heard of threesomes, Gen.”

  “No, but a relationship is already hard enough with only two people involved.”

  “It doesn’t mean it wouldn’t work. Give it a chance, at least. Please.”

  “Yes, give us a chance, Gentry.”

  Nick swung around at the sound of Arlen’s voice. “What are you doing here?”

  Arlen wore a towel wrapped around his hips, and nothing else. Drops of water still dotted his skin, and Gentry couldn’t deny the man was attractive. Different from Nick, but still handsome. The dark hair and blue eyes played a big role in that, but so did the slim waist and broad chest. Gentry didn’t know why, but he’d imagined Arlen to be smaller than him. He wasn’t.

  He and Nick were well-suited for each other. Both tall, Arlen’s dark hair to Nick’s blond, slightly less muscled and paler than Nick’s wide and tanned frame. Next to them, Gentry felt ordinary and boring. Brown hair, brown eyes. Average height, average everything. He couldn’t help but wonder what Nick saw in him and why he seemed so bent on keeping him.

  Arlen waved Nick away when Nick tried to grab his shoulders. “I’m fine. I managed to walk here, right?”

  “You could’ve fallen and hurt yourself.”

  “But I didn’t.”

  “Still, you could’ve called me.”

  Nick already cared for Arlen, that was obvious, and it made Gentry’s heart hurt. He wanted nothing more than to be able to be with Nick, but could he accept Arlen too?

  * * * *

  Nick wanted to throttle both men, Arlen for walking around as if he hadn’t spent a year—at least—in wolf form, and Gentry for being stubborn to the po
int of martyrdom. Since Gentry wasn’t about to do it, though, Nick took control of the situation.

  “Gentry, call Kameron and Jared.”


  Nick frowned and looked at Arlen. “What?”

  “You asked him to do something. The least you could do is be polite. So, say please.”

  “What are you, the manner patrol?”

  “He’s not your deputy or whatever you call the people working under you. He’s your lover. You can’t order him around and expect him to comply without complaining.”

  “I didn’t hear him complain.”

  “I’ll complain for him if he doesn’t.”

  They both turned to look at Gentry. He looked uncomfortable and like he didn’t know where to look or what to say. “I’ll call them.”

  “Nick still hasn’t said please.”

  Gentry gave Arlen a tight smile. “It’s okay. I’m used to him being a bit brusque most of the time.”

  Gentry took his cell phone from his nightstand and carefully walked around Arlen. Once he was gone Nick narrowed his gaze at his trouble-maker mate. “You didn’t put on the clothes I brought you.”

  “No offense, but they’re too big for me.” Arlen reached up and squeezed Nick’s biceps. “Too many muscles. I think Gentry’s clothes would be better, but I’m not sure if I should ask him. I guess I can just roll up your sweats legs or something. I’ll still look like a kid playing dress-up, but at least I won’t fall on my face.”

  “We’ll ask him when he’s done. I don’t think it’ll take him long to tell Kameron and Jared you’re human again. In the meantime, sit on the bed.”

  Arlen arched a brow. “You forgot something.”


  Arlen crossed his arms on his chest and Nick watched the downward movement of the towel Arlen had around his waist. “I’m up here, big guy, and I’m still waiting for you to change that order into at least a suggestion.”

  Nick gritted his teeth. “Fine. Please, can you sit on the bed? I don’t want to have to pick up pieces of you when you fall and break something.”

  Arlen clucked his tongue. “Sassy. I like it.” He reached around Nick and pinched his ass.

  Nick jumped, but Arlen was already moving to the bed and sitting on it. “I’m in trouble. So much trouble,” Nick muttered.

  Arlen gave him wide, innocent eyes.

  Innocent my ass.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re a trouble-maker. I can already see it. You’re going to question everything I do and point out every mistake I make. You’re going to try to get Gentry on your side, and the worst thing is, you’re probably going to manage to do just that.”

  Arlen chuckled. “It’s the blue eyes.”

  “I don’t know what it is, but I’ll find out.”

  “Umm, Kameron and Jared are on their way,” Gentry said from behind Nick. He stood at the door, seemingly hesitating between entering the room and going back to the living room or wherever he’d gone to make the calls.

  “Oh, come here,” Arlen exclaimed. “I really need some clothes, but Nick is like, freaking big. Do you think I can borrow something from you?” He batted his lashes to make his puppy look complete.

  “Uh, sure.”

  Gentry went to the dresser and opened a drawer. He rustled in it for a moment and took a blue T-shirt out, then closed the drawer and opened another one, taking some yoga pants out of them. He blushed a bit but handed the clothes to Arlen anyway, then went to his suitcase and opened it. He reached out to Arlen and dumped a pair of white boxer briefs on the small pile of clothes already in his lap, still blushing.

  Arlen crooned at him.

  He crooned.

  “Aww, you’re adorable.”

  Gentry looked at Arlen with wide eyes and took a step back. Nick wanted to reassure him, to hold him close like he did when Gentry had one of his nightmares, but he wasn’t sure Arlen would take it well. He was Arlen’s mate after all, but he also was Gentry’s lover.

  Nick groaned. Why was his life so complicated?

  Arlen stood up to put the clothes on and stumbled. Both Nick and Gentry reached forward to help him, but when Gentry realized what he’d done he blushed and stepped backward. “I’m going to go wait in the living room.”

  “Nope. Nick can go. I want you to help me dress.”


  “No buts. Nick, do you have a problem with that?” Arlen was looking at him like he’d tear his throat out if he said yes, so no, Nick had no problems with it. “No. I’ll be in the living room.”

  Arlen smiled. “Thank you.”

  Nick left the two men alone. He sat in front of the fireplace and thought about Arlen’s question. Was it a problem for him? He couldn’t deny it made him jealous, and his wolf was grumbling in his mind. He should be the one tending to his mate, not Gentry. But then, Gentry wasn’t just another man. He was Nick’s lover, and might become Arlen’s too. So where did that leave Nick?

  It leaves me fucking confused, that’s where. He had no idea how he felt about the threesome thing, and he knew he wouldn’t find a solution now, not when he could hear Kameron and Jared talking on his porch. He rose from the loveseat he was sitting in and made his way to the door.


  The two men smiled at him.

  “How’s Arlen doing?” Jared asked.

  “Oh, he’s doing well. Almost too well, in fact.”

  Both men looked amused. “What’s he done?” Kameron asked.

  Nick sighed. Kam would find out sooner or later anyway. “He’s my mate.”

  Kameron grimaced. “I’m sorry. This kind of complicates everything, huh?”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “How’s Gentry taking it?”

  Jared gestured toward the living room but Nick shook his head and pointed at the hallway. “They’re in the bedroom.” Jared nodded and left Nick and Kameron alone.

  Nick needed coffee, so he went to the kitchen, Kameron hot on his heels. Nick took the time to pour himself a mug of coffee and take a sip before answering. “He was packing his stuff earlier. We haven’t even talked, and he was already moving away.”

  “Well, try to understand him. You found your mate. He knows how it’s going to end.”

  Nick slammed his mug on the counter and swore when coffee spilled. He grabbed a napkin and cleaned the mess he’d made as he tried to keep the anger under control. “No, he doesn’t know. Why does everyone think I’m going to break up with him?”

  Kameron looked confused. “Because you found your mate. You know your wolf won’t let you be with Gentry.”

  “Arlen came up with another solution, actually.”

  “He did?”

  Nick rubbed his hands on his thighs. “We haven’t talked about it yet, so nothing’s decided, but Arlen hinted at the fact that he liked Gentry and that he might want to see if the three of us can make it work.”

  “Like a threesome?”

  “Yeah.” Nick knew Kameron probably wouldn’t have problems with it, but still—it wasn’t something that happened all that often, and he was kind of nervous about his friend’s reaction.

  “If that’s what the three of you want, then I hope you can work it out, man. I like Gentry and I think he’s good for you, so I hope the two of you can find a way to avoid breaking up.”

  Nick shrugged. “I love him.”

  “I know. That’s why you should fight for him.” Kameron clapped Nick’s shoulder. “It’s not going to be easy.”

  “I know.”

  “Do you want Andy to take over your duties while you work it out?”

  “God, please, yes.”

  “See? I knew you could say please if you really wanted to.”

  Nick turned to face Arlen. “Did Jared examine you already?”

  Nick’s mate was standing in the doorway, Gentry and Jared behind him. He’d put on the T-shirt and p
ants Gentry had given him and Nick’s wolf growled at the thought of their mate wearing another man’s clothes. Nick ignored it and looked at Jared. “Do you need to take him to the hospital?”

  “Yes. He seems to be fine, but I want to do more extensive exams.”

  “Oh joy,” Arlen snarked. “I want Gentry to come with us.”

  “I have to go to work.”

  Arlen turned to look at Gentry. “Can’t you reschedule?”

  Gentry shook his head. “No, I’m sorry.”

  Arlen opened his mouth, probably to protest, but he closed it without saying anything else. Gentry made to walk away but Arlen was there, grabbing his hand and pulling him close. “We’ll see you later, right? You’re not gonna move away?”


  “Please? Can we talk before you decide anything?”

  Gentry sighed heavily. “Fine. I’ll see you later.” He gently extricated his hand from Arlen, but Arlen didn’t let go of him so easily. He leaned forward and kissed Gentry’s cheek, making him blush as he hurried away.

  Jared and Kameron were talking, but it was obvious they’d heard what had been going on. Nick sighed and went to them, but a hand sliding into his stopped him in his tracks.

  “Are you angry at me?”

  Nick turned to Arlen and smiled at him. “No. I’m a bit jealous, but I wasn’t expecting anything different. Things will be easier once we’ve talked.”

  Hopefully anyway.

  Chapter Three

  “You have to check me for what?” Arlen couldn’t believe what he was hearing. No one would, because it was too weird.

  “Ovaries and a uterus.”

  Jared looked serious as he said that, but he had to be joking. Right? “Why do you need to check me for-for that? I’m a man!”

  “Believe me, it doesn’t mean anything, not with the Glass Research Company. I don’t want you to worry because I don’t think they did anything of that kind on you, but a member of the pride I belong to ended up with an ovary and a uterus and got pregnant because we didn’t know it was possible.”


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