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Page 6

by Catherine Lievens

“Your cock. You’re looking at it like it betrayed you or something.”

  “I-I don’t—let’s just...” Gentry took a deep breath. “Do you need help to wash?”

  Arlen didn’t stop smiling. “No, thank you. I think I can manage if I sit down.”

  Gentry hovered close as Arlen moved and sat. He grabbed a washcloth and lathered it with soap, then handed it to Arlen.

  The shower door opened and Nick came in. He paused, taking in Gentry and Arlen’s position, and Gentry wasn’t sure how to take the tiny smile that appeared on his lips. Was Nick happy to see Gentry and Arlen weren’t touching? Or was he happy to see them both naked together?

  Gentry groaned and shook his head. This was one of the reasons why he wasn’t sure the threesome thing was a good idea. Gentry felt the need to analyze every single thing they did, every move, and he didn’t want to live like that. He didn’t want to wonder if Nick was jealous, or if he’d rather be alone with Arlen, wonder if Arlen wanted Gentry as much as he seemed to, or if his hardening cock was only a result of Nick’s presence.

  Wet arms slid around Gentry’s waist and he jumped, slipping on the floor. Nick chuckled and kept him upright, pulling him close and resting his chin on Gentry’s head. “You’re thinking too much, Gen.”

  Gentry slumped back against Nick. “I know.”

  Arlen chuckled from the bench, seemingly not worried about Gentry and Nick being so close to each other. “He always does. Remember that time you told him he could get his stuff out of his boxes and really move in? He thought about it for, like, twenty minutes, and I’m pretty sure I saw him write a pro and con list.”

  Gentry blushed and looked away. He knew he was an over thinker, but he couldn’t help it. He felt out of control if he didn’t think about things until he was satisfied he knew what he was up against.

  Arlen got up from the bench. His legs trembled and Gentry reached for him out of instinct, but Arlen pushed his hands away and slowly walked closer. He put his hands on Gentry’s shoulders and used his thumbs to keep Gentry’s face still so that he had to look at Arlen.

  “I didn’t say it was a bad thing. We all have our little quirks. You think too much, Nick is a workaholic, and I tend to be a little too carefree.”

  Gentry nodded. “Yes, I know that.”

  “Good. Do you also know I find the fact that you’re lost in your thoughts more often than not cute?”

  “Ah, no.”

  “Well, it is. And I can understand why you’re doing it right now, but sometimes you should just stop and try to feel instead of think.”

  Arlen’s gaze slid to Nick for a few seconds, then he looked at Gentry again and smiled. He leaned closer and pressed their lips together. Gentry gasped in surprise and tried to back away, but Nick was behind him, and he wasn’t reacting badly. He didn’t push Arlen away, he didn’t even move apart from tightening his arms around Gentry and kissing the top of his head.

  Arlen’s tongue probed at Gentry’s lips. Gentry hesitated, but Nick’s warm breath on his neck and his whispered let go made him decide. Gentry opened his mouth for Arlen. Arlen made a small victorious noise and Gentry couldn’t help but smile against his lips.

  He let Arlen explore his mouth, map it out with his tongue, before pushing back against it to do the same. Nick was there the entire time, and while Gentry could feel he was a bit tense, he didn’t try to stop them.

  It was the exact opposite, actually. One of his arms left Gentry’s waist and looped around Arlen’s, pulling him flush against Gentry. Arlen’s cock—now completely hard—bumped against Gentry’s and pushed against his stomach. Gentry groaned and raised a trembling hand, putting it on Arlen’s shoulder and holding onto him.

  Arlen leaned away and kissed Gentry’s nose, then looked over his shoulder. Gentry knew what was about to happen and leaned his forehead against Arlen’s shoulder as Arlen pressed himself against him to get to Nick.

  Gentry turned his head slightly to look at his lover—or was it lovers—kiss another man. He knew he was doing exactly what Arlen had accused him of doing, but he couldn’t help but analyze what he was feeling. It made him feel more grounded, in control.

  There was jealousy, yes, but then he hadn’t expected it not to be there. Arlen and Nick were a study in contrast—fair against dark, short hair against longer and curly ones, defined muscles against softer curves. There was jealousy, but there was also heat pooling in Gentry’s groin, because watching Arlen and Nick together was hot as hell.

  Neither man had let go of him. They might have been kissing each other, but they each had one hand on Gentry’s skin, stroking it and moving across it. Nick’s touch was firmer, stronger, while Arlen’s was exploratory. Neither of them went below the waist, but it was there, and it was reassuring. They weren’t excluding Gentry, but rather including him in what was happening between them.

  Arlen finally moved away. He had a goofy smile on his face and his lips were reddened. “That was... yeah. Your turn, come on.” He waved his hands at Gentry and Nick.

  Gentry was surprised, but Nick was already turning him around and kissing him. It was familiar, but not less exciting than kissing Arlen had been. It helped calm Gentry, and it was what he needed to avoid panicking.

  Nick hugged him close and Gentry molded his body against his lover’s. Arlen was suddenly there, pressing close behind Gentry and making him the middle man again. He was surprised to realize it actually made him feel good.

  Who would have thought?

  * * * *

  Things were slightly more relaxed after the kisses, at least until they got out of the shower and into the bedroom. Gentry made a beeline for the suitcases Nick had put against the wall when he’d passed through the bedroom to go shower with his lovers and took two pairs of underwear from one of them. He handed one to Arlen and Arlen pouted.

  “I thought we were over being naked together? We just showered together!”

  “Gentry always sleeps with at least underwear on,” Nick pointed out. He should know—he’d been sleeping with Gentry for months.

  “I know, but this is our first night together.”

  “And we still haven’t been over the rules,” Gentry added. He already had his underwear on and was pulling down the comforter and sheet. “You can sleep naked if you want to, but I always wake up during the night when I do. I don’t feel comfortable.”

  “Fine,” Arlen replied. “So, who’s in the middle and what do we do?”

  “I thought we’d decided Gentry was going to be in the middle?” Nick asked.

  Gentry snorted. “More like we decided it was Arlen, but all right. I’ll take the middle.”

  “I can’t wait until he’s really in the middle,” Arlen whispered from Nick’s side.

  “I heard you, Arlen, and I’m really not ready for that.”

  “I know, I know.” Arlen looked at the underwear in his hand, shrugged, then pulled it on. Nick helped him keep his balance, since he’d decided to do it standing up, then hovered close until Arlen was sitting on the side of the bed.

  Nick usually slept naked, but since both Gentry and Arlen were partially dressed, he opened his dresser drawer and put on his own boxers before sliding between the sheets on Gentry’s right.

  Gentry was rigid beside him, the comforter clutched in his hands, his jaw tense. Nick sighed and turned the lamp on his nightstand off, putting the room in the dark, then rolled to face his lover. “Everything okay?” he asked softly.

  He knew Arlen was listening from the other side of Gentry, and he hoped his mate’s presence wouldn’t push Gentry to try to hide was he was feeling.

  Gentry laughed shakily “Yes, I’m fine. It’s just weird.”

  He inched closer to Nick and while Arlen had to have noticed it, he didn’t say anything. That was good—he was giving Gentry the space he needed to wrap his head around their situation. It looked like Arlen really knew them quite well, and Nick felt the need to know him, too.

  “So, you guys want to sleep right away?” he asked.

  “I’m too nervous to sleep,” Gentry replied.

  “What did you have in mind?” Arlen asked from further away.

  “Well, it looks like you observed us when you were a wolf, but we don’t know anything about you yet.” The day had been too frantic to ask anything, between Gentry trying to leave, the hospital, then Gentry trying to leave again.

  “There’s nothing much to say. Arlen Giron, age thirty-six. I’m from Texas, and my family still lives there, or at least I think so.”

  “Do you need to call them?” Gentry asked gently.

  “Ah, no. They kicked me out when I was twenty.”

  “How come?”

  “The usual. They found out I was gay and it went against their beliefs. I moved to Montana, found a job in a coffee shop and one as a waiter while I supported myself through college. Once I graduated I found a job in a school as the History teacher, and that’s what I did until the crazies from the lab kidnapped me.”

  “Is there anyone you want to contact, though? Even if it’s not your family?”

  Nick let Gentry talk. He was better at this than Nick was anyway. It wasn’t an interrogation.

  “I have—had a few friends, yeah. Some of them are human, so I doubt I could explain what happened to them, but there’s Malcolm, and my shifter friends.”


  “My best friend. He’s human, but he knows about me. He was the same as me, kicked out for being gay, so I took him in, and one day I was so tired I kind of forgot he didn’t know about me. I shifted right in front of him. He freaked out and it took me a while to convince him to talk to me again, but that was more because he was offended I hadn’t trusted him enough to tell him. He’s great.”

  Nick could hear the affection and sadness in Arlen’s voice. He reached over Gentry to take Arlen’s hand and was surprised to discover that Gentry was already holding it. He smiled in the dark and took the free one Arlen offered him. “He sounds nice.”

  “He is. I’m sure he made himself sick with worry for me when I disappeared. He’s probably still looking.”

  “Then you’ll call him tomorrow. Where does he live in Montana?”


  “See if he can take a few days and have him come here. I’m sure you can’t wait to see him again.”

  Nick felt someone move and an arm slid around his waist.

  “Hey, you do know I’m still right here in the middle, right?” Gentry groused. “I kind of like breathing, so leave me a little space to do that.”

  They all laughed, and it seemed to be enough to diffuse the tension that was still lingering between them. Nick fell asleep listening to his two lovers talk softly.

  Nick woke up to a sunlit room. He was hot. A lot more than usual, even considering the comforter he was half under. He heard a soft snuffling noise and looked to his left, smiling at the sight that greeted him. At least he knew why he was so warm and felt restricted.

  He was on his side facing Gentry. His arm was being used as a pillow by both Arlen and Gentry, which would explain why it felt like it was about to fall off. Gentry was snuggled against Nick’s chest, his face buried in the crook of Nick’s neck, his breath hot and damp against Nick’s skin. Arlen was plastered against Gentry’s back and hugging him close, his face buried into the back of Gentry’s neck and his hair, his hand pressed against Nick’s stomach. Nick’s free arm was slung over both his lovers. There literally wasn’t any space between them.

  Nick moved slowly, sliding the arm that was around his men away and moving to his back. Gentry groaned and moved closer, if that was even possible. He pressed his nose against Nick’s armpit and sighed deeply, then stopped moving.

  Nick chuckled and pawed around his nightstand, seeking his cell phone. He looked at the time and was surprised they’d managed to sleep until eight AM without waking each other up. Gentry would have to get up soon, and Nick was pretty sure his arm was dead, so he’d try to wake them.

  He rolled to his side again, this time not caring about not waking Arlen and Gentry. He kissed Gentry’s forehead, then his nose. Gentry scrunched it and tried to move away, but Arlen was too close to him to allow him that.

  “Stop moving,” Arlen grouched.

  Gentry groaned and Nick saw the exact moment when he realized he was in bed with two men rather than one. His eyes popped open and went wide and a little panicked. Nick cupped his cheek and shushed him. “It’s only Arlen.”

  “Aww, thanks. Only? Really?” Arlen said. He raised his head and Nick thanked God for small favors. Now he only had one sleepy head to get to move from his arm.

  “He was panicking,” he pointed out.

  Gentry sat up and Nick shook his arm, trying to get at least some feeling back in it.

  “I’m fine. I just... I guess I’d forgotten about you, Arlen.”

  “I’m not sure if me being forgettable is a good thing.”

  Gentry turned toward Arlen, and to Nick’s surprise, he kissed him. “That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”

  Sensation was coming back into Nick’s arm and it hurt like a bitch, but he was distracted by his wolf growling at Gentry. Nick frowned and ignored the wolf, but Arlen had noticed.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah. I just can’t feel my arm anymore.”

  “Two people sleeping on it for a good part of the night will do that to you,” Gentry said with a smile. “What time is it?”

  “A few minutes past eight.”

  Gentry groaned. “I have to get up.”

  “At least you have only one appointment, and we’ll wait for you to go shopping,” Arlen said.

  “Shopping?” Nick hoped he’d heard that wrong.

  “I don’t have even a jockstrap to call my own,” Arlen pointed out.

  “Can’t you two go on your own?” Nick hated shopping with a passion, which was why he owned only jeans, T-shirts, and a few suits and shirts he rotated to go to work.

  “We can, but are you going to be okay with that?” Gentry asked.

  Nick took a few seconds to assess his feelings. His wolf still wasn’t all that happy, but it was just as confused as Nick was. They both wanted Arlen, but they also wanted Gentry to be happy. Huh.

  “I think so. And even if I’m... jealous of the time you two spend together, I have to get used to it, right?”

  Gentry didn’t look convinced, but he nodded anyway. “Right.”

  Chapter Five

  Arlen hovered next to the phone. He reached for it but let his hand fall before he could take it.

  “It’s not going to bite you, you know?” Nick’s voice was amused and Arlen turned to face him.

  His mate—no, his lover—was clicking away on his computer and looked totally focused on his screen, but Arlen could see the smile playing on his lips.

  Arlen slumped on the couch and sighed. “I know. I’m just nervous.”

  “Just do it. You’ll feel better afterward.”

  Arlen nodded to himself and grabbed the phone. He dialed the number he still remembered and waited for Malcolm to answer.



  “Yes? Who is this?”

  “Umm, Arlen.”

  Malcolm squeaked and Arlen heard some clunking sounds. He moved the phone away from his ear and looked at it as if he could actually see Malcolm through it, then put it back to his ear again. “Malcolm?”

  “Arlen? Oh my God, are you okay? Where have you been? What happened?”

  “It’s a long story, Mal, and I really, really don’t want to do this over the phone. Do you think you could take a few days off and come see me?”

  “Where are you?”

  “Wyoming. Small place called Gillham.”

  “Are you all right?”

  “Yeah. I’m fine now, don’t worry. I just really missed you and I want to see

  “Aren’t you coming back home?”

  Arlen hesitated. He hadn’t talked about it with Gentry and Nick, but he really didn’t think he’d go back to Montana. “I don’t think so. It’s a bit complicated, but I met someone. Two someones, actually.”

  “Two? You can’t tell me something like that and just stop!”

  “Come here and you’ll find out.”

  “You better tell me everything. I want to know every detail of what happened to you. It’s been almost a year, Len.”

  “I know. I’ll tell you everything, I promise.”

  “Text me the address you need me at and I’ll be there in a few days, just the time to talk to my boss and pack your stuff.”

  “You still have it?”

  Malcolm snorted. “What, you thought I’d throw everything away?”

  “Not really, but like you said, it’s been almost a year.”

  “I never lost hope, Arlen,” Malcolm said quietly. “I never stopped looking either, but there wasn’t any clue. The only thing I was able to find was that you stopped for groceries on your way home one night, but no one ever saw you in the store. You disappeared somewhere between your car and the store and no one saw anything.”

  “I was kidnapped.”



  “Did it have anything to do with your furry problem?”


  “Okay, now I really want to know. I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Arlen could hear Malcolm already moving, passing by people.

  “I’ll be here.”

  “Send me the address.”

  “Yeah. See you soon.”

  “I’m going in to talk with my boss now. I’ll see you in a few days.”

  Arlen hung up and leaned back against the couch.

  “See? Was it that hard?”

  Arlen smiled at Nick. “No, of course not. What are you doing?”

  “Checking stuff about threesomes.”

  “Really?” Arlen got up slowly and walked to the armchair Nick was sitting in. He sat on the arm and Nick slid his left arm around his waist without even looking up. Arlen’s eyes widened in surprise. He didn’t think any of them would be comfortable enough to casually touch one of the others after only a day, but then Nick had accepted Arlen’s solution to their problem quite easily. It was Gentry who was still hesitant.


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