Wilde Novellas

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Wilde Novellas Page 15

by Janelle Dennison

  He reared up over her, and she felt the head of his erection slide along her sex, unerringly finding the entrance to her body. She closed her eyes, arching into him and wrapping her calves along the back of his thighs as he flexed his hips and drove into her, high and hard and deep… possessing her completely. Not just her body, but her heart and soul as well. And she was helpless to stop the invasion. Realized she didn't want to.

  A sob rose up into her throat, and she gripped his straining biceps, waiting for him to move. Other than his choppy breathing, he remained still, but she could feel him throbbing within her, his entire body taut from holding back.

  His warm fingers touched her face and gently smoothed strands of her hair off her cheek. "Open your eyes and look at me, Faith."

  She swallowed hard, instinctively knowing this moment was more than just about hot, unforgettable sex. He was going to make love to her, and he wanted her to be sure she knew it, too.

  Pushing aside the fears and insecurities she'd been carrying with her for too long, she opened herself up to Matthew and met his gaze, taking that first tentative step in trusting him with her heart and emotions.

  He smiled, seemingly relieved that she hadn't shut him out, and it amazed her that this strong, confident man had a few vulnerabilities of his own and wasn't afraid to display them with her.

  He stared deeply into her eyes, his own so dark and beautiful, like twin windows into his soul. "I want you to know that I'm falling in love with you."

  His declaration was more than she'd anticipated, and she shook her head in denial. "Matthew… no."

  "Yes," he refuted softly. "What I feel for you is real, Faith. I want you for more than just one night. I want you forever. All you have to do is trust me and believe in yourself and what you feel, too."

  That said, he framed her face in his hands, kissed her, and made her feel. He rocked against her, into her, and every muscle clenched, pulled, and tightened around his shaft. He growled against her mouth and thrust into her, deeply, then deeper still, pumping in a hard, steady rhythm that had her hips lifting off the bed, straining, seeking yet another end to the thrum of desire coiling tighter and tighter within her belly. Her climax rolled through her, lifting her body against his, stretching her nerves to the breaking point one last time.

  She whimpered as she came, stunned at this man's sexual and emotional power over her, and he was right there with her… her name a sweet promise on his lips as he lost himself in the same immense pleasure consuming her.

  Flat on her stomach, replete and sated after a night of the most erotic lovemaking Faith had ever known, she eased awake by slow degrees. She was disappointed to find herself alone, but judging by the scent of coffee teasing her nose, she guessed that Matthew was in the other room, waiting for her to join him.

  Smiling at the provocative, unforgettable memories dancing in her head, she buried her face in her pillow, inhaling the intoxicating scent of Matthew and of sex and all that they'd shared in this big bed. Seemingly unable to get enough of each other, they'd made love numerous times during the night. Hot and hurried. Slow and languorous. Intense and demanding. In ways that had thrilled Faith and allowed Matthew to fulfill a few fantasies he'd whispered in her ear.

  She'd surrendered to him in every way. A scary prospect, that. Scarier still was the knowledge that Matthew was falling in love with her. And if she was honest with herself, she'd been fighting her feelings for him for months, too. He'd just been able to verbalize his emotions, while she'd clung tight to her insecurities for fear of being hurt again.

  She'd asked Matthew for one night of unforgettable sex, and he'd given her that and a whole lot more. He could have reaped the benefits of a one-night stand and enjoyed their time together and been on his way in the morning. That's what she'd expected him to do since she'd fallen victim to the gossip about him around the hospital. But now she'd learned a lot about Matthew, and one of the most important traits he possessed was that he was a man of integrity—when it came to his work, his family, and his relationships. When it came to her.

  Last night he'd told her that all she had to do was trust him and believe in herself and what she felt inside. A part of her was still scared and cautious, but listening to her heart, she knew she couldn't just walk away after last night. She wanted more with him, and that meant taking chances and opening her heart to the possibility of love.

  Because ultimately, Matthew Carlton was a risk she was willing to take.

  Matthew glanced up from the morning paper he was perusing when he heard the bedroom door open, not certain what to expect from Faith the morning after. Especially after he'd bared himself to her, physically and emotionally.

  She was wrapped in one of the hotel robes, the hair he'd tousled during the night brushed so that it fell around her shoulders in soft layers. She strolled across the expanse of space separating them, and unable to gauge her mood or read her expression, he offered up a smile, despite the anxious feeling settling in the pit of his belly.

  "Good morning," he greeted.

  "Morning," she murmured, her voice husky with remnants of sleep.

  "Would you like some coffee or fruit?" he asked, motioning to the continental breakfast he'd had room service deliver for the two of them, if she stayed long enough to eat. Then there was the one present he still had left to give her, a Christmas gift he wanted her to take with her, no matter how this morning ended.

  "Maybe in a little bit," she said, and slid onto his jean-clad lap, surprising him with the playful move, until she spoke her next words. "Thank you for the most unforgettable night of my life. Never would I have imagined that sex could be so incredible; you more than fulfilled my Christmas wish."

  So, she was still thinking in terms of sex and an affair. His hopes plummeted, but he managed, just barely, to keep calm instead of making demands. "It was my pleasure." He reached for the gift on the table, wrapped in bright Christmas paper. "I have something I want to give to you, and I won't take no for an answer."

  "Another memento?" she murmured as she took the present from him and lightly touched the gold bow on top.

  "Yeah, something like that," he replied gruffly.

  She shifted on his thighs as she ripped off the paper, and the lapels of her robe gaped open, offering him a view of the creamy slope of her breast. He hardened in a rush, aching to take that soft mound of flesh in his hand, his mouth…

  She opened the box, peeled back layers of tissue, and gasped when she revealed the beautiful prism she'd admired down in the boutique yesterday. "Oh, Matthew." She pressed a hand to her heart, her eyes filling with moisture. "How did you know I secretly wanted this?"

  "Because I was watching you with that prism and how fascinated you were." He went on to explain to her what he saw in that crystal, the different facets that reminded him so much of her, and each brilliant layer that represented such an intriguing part of who she was.

  "Thank you." She stroked her fingers over the glossy surface before putting it back in its box and setting it back on the table. "I'll treasure it always."

  Still, he couldn't read her tone, and all he could think was the worst… that he hadn't been able to sway her last night to believe in him. Frustration welled inside of him, and unable to be passive about the situation any longer, he let his thoughts be known. "Dammit, Faith, I'm not letting you walk out of here today, leaving me behind and acting as though we never spent the night together. A night that was way more than sex."

  She blinked at him, seemingly taken aback by his sudden outburst. "I could never do that—"

  "Forget falling in love, I'm in love with you," he said, forging on determinedly and stating his case before she could stop him. "And I know you felt things last night, an intimate connection that superceded a mere affair. I know everything between us has happened quickly, and I know it scares you, but I'd never deliberately hurt you like that jerk you were dating did. I don't care that you're a schoolteacher and I'm a surgeon. Those differences don't matter
to me, and they won't make a bit of difference to my family, either." He knew he was rambling, but couldn't help himself because he didn't want to give her the opportunity to say no to him. "I swear we'll take things slow and easy, one day at a time until you realize how serious I am, but in order to do that you have to give us a chance."

  "I know," she said softly, affectionately.

  His mouth opened, and then he snapped it shut again and frowned, certain he'd misheard her. "Excuse me?"

  She pressed her cool palms against his cheeks and in her eyes he saw enough emotion to make him believe in true love, soul mates, happily-ever-afters and them. "I wasn't going to walk out of here today. Not without you by my side. I woke up this morning, and after everything that happened between us yesterday, everything we shared about our pasts and relationships, I knew that you'd be the one person I could trust with my heart." A small teasing smile tipped the corner of her mouth. "And I figured if there was going to be any gossip about the two of us at the hospital, it ought to be fact, not fiction."

  He laughed, and reassured that this wonderful woman was his, he lifted her up so she was sitting on the table, then stood, pushing her knees apart and slowly sliding his hands beneath the hem of her robe and up her soft, smooth thighs. "It's Christmas Eve, and I want you to spend tonight and tomorrow with me and my family."

  "I'd love to," she said happily, and sucked in a breath when his fingers encountered her soft, wet heat.

  He grinned rakishly as other more pressing matters made themselves known. "God, I'm suddenly ravenous."

  "Me, too." Knowing exactly what he was starving for, he watched as she untied the sash around her waist, and with a shrug of her shoulders the robe slipped down her arms and off.

  Faith sat there, gloriously naked, trust and love shimmering in her eyes, along with a wealth of passion for him. Cupping the back of his head, she brought his mouth to her breast and murmured, "Breakfast is served."

  The Wilde One

  from Bad Boys To Go anthology


  Janelle Denison


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter One

  Adrian Wilde took a long swallow of his beer in honor of the relaxing three-day weekend stretching ahead of him, and nearly choked on the drink when he caught sight of Chayse Douglas, the one woman he'd spent the past four months turning down and trying to avoid. Standing at the bar as she ordered a drink, she waggled her fingers at him in greeting and smiled in a way that made him feel like a hunted man.

  You can run but you can't hide…

  He all but heard the words conveyed in that determined look of hers, and his body warmed with a familiar lust he'd been fighting since the moment he'd met her, followed closely by annoyance. That she'd ventured into such a public place as Nick's Sports Bar to fight for her cause was enough to put him on full alert, and it didn't surprise him that she'd enlisted his hellion cousin, Mia Wilde, to help persuade him into agreeing to be a part of Chayse's beefcake calendar project.

  He thought he'd finally convinced the pint-sized bundle of fortitude that he wasn't interested in posing half-naked for her Outdoor Men calendar. Since he knew she had a deadline to meet, he'd assumed she'd found another willing victim and he was off the hook. But hav-ing been the recipient of that purposeful gleam in those violet-hued eyes, Adrian knew, without a single doubt, that the delectable Chayse still had her sights set on him.

  Christ. While he admired her tenacity to go after what she wanted and found her brazen pursuit too much of a turn-on, she was setting herself up for another dose of rejection, because there was no way in hell he was going to change his mind. He was doing her a huge favor by saying no. While she might think he was exactly what she wanted for her calendar, he was far from model material.

  Frustrated by the entire situation, along with his unwanted attraction to Chayse that made everything all the more complicated, he returned his attention to his table mates and eyed them suspiciously. "Who the hell tipped off Mia that we'd be here tonight?" he demanded, because that was the only way Chayse could have found him so easily.

  Three pairs of curious eyes glanced toward the bar, where he'd pointed his bottle of beer. His brother Steve sat next to him on the left, then there was Cameron, Steve's good friend and business partner, and their cousin Scott, older brother to Mia.

  Cameron, who'd been fighting his own battle of the sexes with Mia, shook his head adamantly. "Not me, man. The last thing I'd do is invite the wild child to crash our little party and ruin my perfectly good evening. "

  Adrian believed him, though the fire and challenge in Cameron's eyes spoke a tale of its own. Cameron wasn't altogether upset about Mia's appearance. Not that he'd ever admit to the attraction that sizzled to life whenever the two were in the same room.

  Adrian's gaze shifted to Steve, and his older brother held up his hands in defense. "Hey, I haven't spoken to Mia all week. "

  Which left Scott, and judging by the sheepish look on his cousin's face, Adrian rightly assumed the man was responsible for this interesting turn of events." 'Fess up, Scotty-boy," Adrian said.

  Scott shrugged. "Okay, so I was leaving the office today and casually mentioned I was coming here for a drink with some friends. When Mia asked who with, I wasn't about to lie. "

  "Your honesty is a refreshing and noble trait," Adrian drawled wryly, giving his cousin a hard time. "Next time, lie. "

  Cameron and Steve chuckled in amusement.

  Scott leaned back in his chair and absently stroked his finger along his jaw while regarding Adrian specula-tively. "Why do I get the feeling that your problem isn't so much with Mia, but that hot little number she's with?"

  Adrian downed the rest of his beer and motioned to the bar waitress for another one, wondering if he ought to order a chaser to go with it. "Because she's the photographer who's been dogging me for the past four months to do that damn beefcake calendar for charity, and she's having one helluva time taking no for an answer. "

  His male counterparts offered nods of understanding and grunts of sympathy, and a moment later Mia and Chayse were strolling across the establishment toward their table, each with one of those fancy, designer martini drinks in hand.

  Despite himself, Adrian took in the long-sleeved, pink cotton shirt that clung to Chayse's petite curves and the snug jeans that outlined the gentle flare of her hips and the rest of her compact body. He'd noticed more than once that she had small but firm breasts, maybe a handful by his experienced estimation, and that was being generous, considering he had large palms and long fingers. Not that he'd ever get the opportunity to test the weight and size of those luscious mounds in his hands, except in his dreams. Oh yeah, in those nightly fantasies he'd caressed those soft breasts of hers, and a whole lot more.

  "Hello, boys," Mia said cheerfully. "Mind if we join you?"

  "Yes," Adrian and Cameron echoed at the same time Scott and Steve said graciously, "Not at all. "

  The women opted to ignore Adrian and Cameron and accepted Scott and Steve's invitation. Dragging two nearby chairs up to the table, Chayse flanked Adrian on one side with Mia on the other, which put Mia conveniently right next to Cameron. Mia, with her stylishly cut black hair and exotic silver eyes, slanted Cameron a smug grin full of her brand of sensual torment. He met her gaze unflinchingly, the instantaneous sparks of awareness between the two of them nearly tangible.

  As was the feverish heat and undeniable hunger Chayse generated whenever she was near him, Adrian thought as the waitress delivered his second beer. He took a long drink of the cold brew, which did nothing to extinguish the fire that had started in his chest and was gradually spiraling its way lower.

  Damn her, anyway.

  Setting the bottle on the table, Adrian reclined back in his chair, glanced at the woman sitting next to him, and met that direct, sultry gaze of hers that never failed
to unnerve him. It wasn't so much the rare, extraordinary violet color that disturbed him, but rather the way those eyes seemed to see past the footloose and fancy-free rules he'd lived by the past few years. Rules that kept his real emotions under wraps. Her pursuit felt personal, as if she found him much too intriguing to give up on. And quite frankly, her uncanny ability to unsettle him so effortlessly scared the crap out of him.

  Thank God she had no clue how much she affected him. And she never would, he vowed, because he wasn't about to let down his guard, or allow her to rattle his control.

  Then she smiled. A slow, sensual smile that affected him like a blow right to the gut. Just that easily, just that quick, he ached to kiss those pink, glossy lips of hers, wanted to eat her up, inch by delectable inch, and taste her in every hot, sweet womanly place. Most of all, he wanted to push her up against the nearest wall and let her feel exactly what she did to him.

  Shrugging off his too stimulating thoughts, he lifted a brow her way. "What a coincidence meeting you here," he said, and didn't bother tempering the edge of sarcasm in his tone.

  She laughed off his scorn, the lilting sound full of confidence. "What can I say? I'm a determined woman. When I find something I want, I go after it until I've exhausted every possible approach. "

  And what she wanted was him. "More like obstinate and too damned tenacious," he muttered, though loud enough for her, and everyone else, to hear.

  "I think her persistence is very admirable." Scott lifted his beer to Chayse in a mock salute.

  "Why, thank you." Chayse beamed at Scott for his support. "Being persistent has definitely served me well. "


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