Zander_Heroes at Heart

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Zander_Heroes at Heart Page 11

by Maryann Jordan

  Rosalie sucked in a quick breath, her eyes wide.

  “Whoa, don’t overwhelm her,” he warned.

  “Sorry,” Pete apologized. “But, I guess what I’m saying is, now that we have your full name, we can find out a lot about you and this is good news. What I find out, I’ll come tell you—”

  “Only with me here.”

  “Is that okay with you, Ms. Noble?” Gaining her enthusiastic nod, Pete grinned, looking over at Zander. “Okay, only with you here.” Sobering, he turned his attention back to Rosalie. “But, hopefully you’ll be able to remember what happened to get you in here.”

  Rosalie opened her mouth but shut it quickly as Zander stiffened. Looking between the two men, she felt the undercurrent of anger, but did not understand the cause. “What happened? Accident?”

  Pete sighed, forging ahead. “Ms. Noble, your accident was not an accident. It was caused by someone who harmed you.” He stopped as she reached over to clutch Zander’s hand. Staring at them for a moment, he continued, “We want to catch the person who did this to you. But, we’ve had little clues so far. So, I’m hoping that you’ll eventually remember what he looked like and tell us. We want to make sure he goes to jail and can’t harm anyone else.”

  Shaking her head in quick jerks, she said, “I don’t know. I don’t know.”

  “Shh,” Zander hushed, sliding from the bed to kneel next to her chair. “It’ll come back when it’s supposed to. Until then, you just concentrate on getting better.”

  She had no idea why she trusted him so much, but in a world that was mostly blank he was the only voice she knew. Leaning over, she tucked her head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around her.

  Pete stood, saying, “I’ll be in contact with what I find out.” With that, he left the room quietly, leaving Zander to comfort her.


  Zander heard Pete leave but did not take his arms from Rosalie. He tried to convince himself it was because she needed him…his strength. But he knew it was because he needed her. Somehow this beautiful woman had come to mean so much to him.

  “Stories,” she said, her words soft.

  Leaning back, he looked in the direction she was staring. The book of classics was still lying on the bed where he had placed it when he walked in. “You want me to read today?”

  When she did not respond, he looked down at her. Moving to the empty chair, he sat, pulling it close so his legs encased her knees, cocooning her. “What is it?”

  Her eyes jumped to his as she said, “I remember the stories.”

  Nodding, he smiled. “Yeah, they said you might be able to hear, even when unconscious. So, I read every day.”

  Confusion filled her face as she scrunched her nose. “It feels like I knew them. Why can’t I remember?”

  “Hey, hey,” he said, pulling on her hands gently until her face was close to his. “Most of what I read you probably read in high school. Sleeping Beauty you would have heard when you were a little girl.”

  She nodded slowly, taking his words in. “Okay,” she finally agreed. She released his hands, allowing him to take the book into his lap, opening to the pages.

  “We didn’t get to finish Great Expectations—”

  Rosalie spoke suddenly, her voice strong and sure. “ ‘I have been bent and broken, but—I hope—into a better shape. Be as considerate and good to me as you were, and tell me we are friends.’ ”

  He jerked his head up in surprise, his heart pounding. “What…what did you say?”

  “Estelle says that to Pip…near the end of the story. It’s one of my favorite lines.”

  “I didn’t get to that the other day,” he said, a smile curving his lips.

  “I remember…I remember that story. I know that story.” Rosalie watched as his smile widened, so handsome it almost hurt to know it was beaming upon her. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of his penetrating gaze, holding her captive. Forcing herself to relax in the chair, she met his smile as he began to read. At that moment, all was right in her world.

  Zander sat in his truck, idling in the hospital parking lot. He had turned the engine off, but had not moved to get out of the vehicle. Sucking in a deep breath, he pinched the bridge of his nose. Even thinking back to the missions he went on in Afghanistan, when his platoon was heading into unknown danger, he could not remember being more nervous than he was at this moment.

  Pete had called him at the bar last night to tell him he was ready to talk to Rosalie. When he asked Pete what he found out, the only response was that he would tell them tomorrow so that Rosalie would hear everything first.

  What if she’s married? A mom? If so, why aren’t they looking for her? What kind of shit job did she have that no one reported her for not showing up to work?

  Slamming his hand on the steering wheel in frustration, he knew the answers would not come from the inside of his truck. Looking into the rearview mirror, he scolded himself, “Pull your shit together, man. Whatever comes from this…be there for her.” With that vow spoken aloud to no one but himself, he climbed out and walked into the hospital.

  As he walked past the nurses’ desk, he nodded toward Chloe. She smiled and held up her hand to stop him.

  “Hey…listen, I know the detective is coming in—”

  “Is he already in there?” he asked, not masking his anxiety.

  “No, no, you’re first. I just wanted to let you know that Dr. Calhoun wants me in there as well…you know…uh…in case, well, just in case.”

  Heaving a sigh, he said, “In case the news isn’t good.”

  She reached over and squeezed his arm. “You go on in. I’ll come in when the detective gets here.”

  Nodding his appreciation, he headed to Rosalie’s room. Forcing a broad smile on his face, he entered. His gaze landed on the empty chair and empty bed. His heart stuttered until he saw her standing in front of the board, staring at her name. Seeing her dressed in black yoga pants, he tried to keep his eyes off her ass, but the soft white t-shirt was just as distracting.

  Not wanting to startle her, he cleared his throat as he entered. She jerked around, quickly wiping her eyes. Rushing over, he swept her into his arms, pulling her close. “What? What’s wrong?”

  Her only answer was to cling to him tighter, her face buried in his shirt, her tears wetting the material. Allowing her to cry, he rocked her gently, one hand cupping the back of her head and the other rubbing soothing circles on her back.

  Finally taking a shuddering breath, she leaned back, an apology on her lips. “I’m sorry—”

  “No, princess. You’ve got nothing to be sorry for. I just want to help. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  Her blue eyes blinked, one more tear sliding down her cheek and his chest tightened with emotion.

  Reaching behind her to grab a tissue, Rosalie winced at the twisting movement of her ribs before wiping her nose. A blush rose across her face. “I’m such a mess.”

  With his hand around her shoulders, Zander led her to a chair. Gently pushing her down, he once more brought his chair directly in front, encasing her legs between his. Taking her hands, he asked, “Now, what’s going on?”

  Looking down at their hands clasped together, she said, “I couldn’t sleep last night. I lay awake and thought of what I know.” Lifting her eyes back to his face, she continued, “I know my name. I remember that I know classic stories. I have a memory of a room, with a bed and a suitcase. I have other thoughts that move in and out of my mind, but nothing strong.”

  “Okay,” he said slowly, watching her carefully.

  “I understand that no one reported me missing to the police.” Her chin quivered, but she fought off the sob, swallowing deeply. “It just makes me sad to wonder what kind of person I was…you know…why no one missed me.”

  His heart ached for her, overwhelmed with the desire to wipe away all her doubts. Pulling her forward, he settled her on his lap, enveloping her in his embrace. “I don’t know, Rosalie. I hope to God you
never go away unexpectedly, but I promise, if you ever do, I’ll miss you…and never stop looking for you.”

  She held his gaze for a moment, a tremulous smile curving her lips. “And you never break your promises?”

  Smiling in return, he shook his head. “Never.”

  “Can I come in?”

  The voice at the door caused them to look up, seeing Pete standing there with Chloe at his side. Rosalie, blushing, moved off Zander’s lap and sat back in her chair. She missed his warmth so she reached over, taking his hand in hers.

  He shifted his chair so that he was next to her as Pete brought in two plastic chairs and set them in front of them. He and Chloe sat facing them and she spoke first.

  “Rosalie, I’m here at Dr. Calhoun’s request. We don’t know what information you will find out today and he wanted a familiar member of the staff to be with you.”

  Nodding her appreciation, she turned her gaze toward Pete. “Okay, I’m ready…or as ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Pete held Zander’s eyes before dropping them to their clasped hands. Turning his gaze fully to her, he said, “Please understand that we are just at the beginning of finding out any information. But I will tell you what I know.”

  She clung tighter to Zander as Pete took the folder in his hand and opened it. Receiving a reassuring squeeze back, she leaned into his strength.

  “Okay, I ran your name through national databases and you are Rosalie Marie Noble. Here is a copy of your driver’s license.”

  He handed her a photocopy of her Maryland license and she stared at the picture of herself. As she devoured the information, he went ahead and told her what it said. “It’s a Maryland license. You’re twenty-four years old. You have no police record…not even a speeding ticket.”

  That news sent a breath of air rushing from her body and another squeeze from Zander’s hand.

  Pete smiled slightly and said, “From that, I ran a check through public records. You owned an older model car and I ran the tags. Assuming you had it when you came here, it obviously has not been reported stolen, nor has it been reported by anyone as being abandoned. My guess, it’s still at the place you were living, which we don’t know at this time, or your assailant stole it. We expect he has your identification and your keys since they were missing at the scene.”

  Her mouth opened and closed several times, but no words came. Shaking her head slightly she had nothing to say as she took in the information.

  “I did find out you graduated two months ago from a small, public college in Maryland. You received a bachelor’s in education and a master’s degree in English Literature.”

  She jerked her head toward Zander, her eyes wide, no longer filled with tears but with surprise. “That’s how I recognized your stories,” she said.

  Zander smiled, loving the sound of her voice full of excitement. Releasing his hand from hers, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her in closer.

  “Now, about your family…” Pete began, his voice now full of hesitation, immediately drawing their attention. “Rosalie, I’m so very sorry, but the reason no family was looking for you…well, you have no family.”

  Rosalie’s forehead scrunched in confusion and she felt Zander’s fingers tighten. Swallowing audibly, she repeated, “No…no family? Not at all?”

  “Your birth certificate lists Philip and Elizabeth Noble as your parents. And, I’m so sorry, but I found records of their death. Your father had a heart attack ten years ago and your mother was killed in a car accident your freshman year in college. You were orphaned at the age of eighteen.”

  Unable to think of what to say, Rosalie sat perfectly still, letting his words flow over and through her. “Orphaned? Orphaned…”

  “I found no living relatives. You attended college, living in dorms or apartments for the next six years. Running your social security information, I found that you worked in a restaurant during college to help with tuition. It’s possible you had just moved to this area when you were attacked. Your college apartment lease ran out a month ago.”

  Zander let out a slow breath, taking the information in. The good and the bad. So, she’s not married, but she has no family. He looked at her face, her fading, light purple bruises stark against her pale skin. She stared straight at Pete, her eyes barely blinking, as though in shock.

  “Rosalie? Babe? You with us?”

  She blinked rapidly as though coming out of a trance, her head jerking around. Lifting her gaze to his, her breath shuddered slightly, as she nodded. “I…I’m just trying to take it all in.”

  Chloe spoke up, “Rosalie, Dr. Calhoun has explained to you that memories come back in their own time. Sometimes slowly and other times rapidly. Don’t force it. Just take in the information as Detective Chambers gives it to you.”

  “I understand,” she said, turning back to Pete. “So, what now? Do you keep looking to find more about me?”

  Pete reddened slightly, squirming in his chair, first shooting a glance at Zander before answering. “I’m assigned to your assault case and, of course, part of that was needing to identify you. What you have to understand is, I am still assigned to your assault case and I promise to keep working that but, now that we have your name, know that you are not wanted for anything, I won’t be digging into your past anymore.”

  Zander growled, but Pete forged ahead, “Now, that doesn’t mean that I won’t help you any way I can. But, my priority is to find the man who is responsible for your injuries.”

  “And what’s she supposed to do until you catch him?” he bit out.

  “I will give you the name of a reputable private investigator who can ferret out more information about you, but honestly, with your name and social security number, you’ll be able to find out a lot yourself.”

  As Pete stood, Rosalie pushed herself out of Zander’s embrace and stood as well. Thrusting out her hand, she said, “Thank you, Detective Chambers. I’m still in shock, but thank you.”

  Pete took her hand in his, holding it warmly, and said, “This isn’t over, Rosalie. Every bit of information that I find, I’ll get to you. And, if you would do the same, we might just be able to catch the man who assaulted you.”

  After Pete left, Chloe walked over, wrapping her arms around her in a gentle hug. “Focus on the good, honey. You’re getting better by leaps and bounds. In fact, Dr. Calhoun is almost ready to release you.”

  As Chloe headed back to the nurses’ station, Zander lifted Rosalie’s chin with his finger. “I know you must be overwhelmed, babe.”

  Her face pale, she whispered, “Orphaned…I have no one.”

  His heart was pierced at the declaration. Cupping her face with his hands, he vowed, “Not true. You have me.”


  “You sure you know what you’re doing?”

  Zander glared at Jaxon from across the table at Miss Ethel’s house. “You ever know me to not know what I was doing?” he retorted.

  “Look, all Jaxon is saying is that you need to think carefully about taking Rosalie into your home,” Jayden added. “There’s still a lot you don’t know about her…hell, a lot she doesn’t know about herself.”

  Sending his glare to the others, he said, “I know she’s not married. I know she’s not wanted by the police. I know she worked hard to put herself through college and has a master’s degree. And I know she’s got no one in her life to help her out right now. I think that’s enough.”

  “Are you sure this isn’t some kind of hero complex you’ve got?” Asher asked.

  He felt like punching someone and, at this moment, did not care which one of them felt his fist. He knew his face must show his anger because he could feel the red-hot heat pouring off him.

  “I think Alexander is a hero,” Miss Ethel said, walking into the dining room, a plate of homemade cookies in her hand. Setting them down in the middle of the table, she smiled as they all stood while she took a seat. “I think all of you are heroes.”

  No one said anythi
ng for a moment, allowing her to pass the plate of cookies around. “One thing I can say is, I taught my boys good table manners.”

  “Miss Ethel,” Jaxon said, swallowing a bite before continuing, “you taught us a lot more than just that.”

  She shrugged her bony shoulders, “Well, I’m glad you think so.” Looking around the table, she settled her gaze on Zander. “You’ve told us the practical reasons why you’re taking Rosalie home with you. But what you haven’t said is what you feel.”

  His face heated, this time with embarrassment, as he stared at his plate. “I feel like I want to help her…”

  “That’s what you might tell your friends, but we’re family,” she prodded. “Do you just want to be her hero?”

  “No,” he argued, shifting in his seat, thinking of Rosalie’s gentle voice, her smile, her piercing blue eyes. And the way she looked at him, every time he entered her room. Sighing, he said, “She makes me feel…feel things I didn’t know about.”

  He noticed the table had grown quiet and he took a chance, lifting his head, wondering if he would see ridicule on their faces. Instead, what greeted him was calm acceptance. Even Jaxon had no ready quip. He watched Miss Ethel’s smile deepen the lines from her eyes.

  “You always took charge, Alexander,” she said. “Being the oldest, you were the leader, so responsible.” Reaching over, she clasped her fingers around another cookie, but paused before taking a bite. “Keep in mind that Rosalie has a long way to go to remember all about her life, and you can’t rush a relationship. She’s going to your apartment to continue to heal. It’s not a large apartment. You have feelings for her, but remember to protect her first.”

  He understood her unspoken words. Rosalie was under his protection, not for him to take advantage of. “Yes, ma’am,” he responded.

  Nodding, she said, “All right, then. Who needs more cookies?” She grinned at the unanimous ‘yes’.


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