Susan and, 157–59, 166, 169–70
third season, 62–66, 77–84
worthlessness vs. inflated ego of, 57, 58, 69
See also Alexander, Jason; specific episodes
George’s parents. See Costanza, Estelle; Costanza, Frank
Get Smart, 10, 51
Gibson girls, 74
Gingrich, Newt, 153
Girls, 224, 265
Giuliani, Rudy, 132
Gleason, Jackie, 146
Golden Girls, The, 31
Golden Globes, 149, 163, 164
Gomer Pyle, 17
Gondelman, Josh, 262–65
Gotham Comedy Club, 242
Gothamist, 257, 269
Governor’s, 242
Grace Under Fire, 99, 158
Great Scott!, 92, 95, 172
Grier, David Alan, 24
Griffin, Kathy, 163–65, 246
Growing Pains, 36, 219
Grushow, Sandy, 203
Guest, Christopher, 41–42
guest stars, 2, 97, 105, 127–29, 142–43, 152, 182, 194–95, 240
bizarros, 107–33
in finale, 208, 210, 211
See also specific guest stars and episodes
Gulf War (1991), 48
Gwynne, Fred, 234
Hall, Brad, 24, 42
Hall, Rich, 16
Halloween (book), 242–43
“The Handicap Spot,” 155–56, 222
Hankin, Larry, 28, 114, 228
Hanks, Tom, 212
Hariani, Babita, 203
Harris, Estelle, 73, 145–46
Hart, Mary, 72
Harvard Lampoon, 92, 186
Hasselhoff, David, 32
Hatcher, Teri, 97, 182
Hayman, Jon, 98
Hazell, Pat, 78
HBO, 115, 148, 164, 216, 223, 239–41, 250, 265
Heaton, Patricia, 41
“Hello, Jerry,” 143
Hernandez, Keith, 1, 2, 4, 142
Hill Street Blues, 137, 138, 234
Hines, Cheryl, 240, 253
Hirschfeld, Marc, 24, 25, 128
Hoch, Danny, 162–63, 164
Hollywood Pictures, 85
Holton, Chela, 254–55, 258–59
Home Improvement, 81–83, 148
Honeymooners, The, 10, 146, 199, 244
Hong, James, 59–60
Hope, Bob, 16, 33, 246
How I Met Your Mother, 225
Hughleys, The, 140
Hulu, 5
Hunt, Helen, 100, 202–3
ICM Partners, 81
I Love Lucy, 19, 199, 244
“The Implant,” 97
importer/exporter, 2, 3
Improv, 9, 11, 62
I’m Telling You for the Last Time, 216
In Living Color, 109, 110
Internet, 6, 134–37, 231, 247, 249, 257, 260–68
Seinfeld and, 134–37, 205, 225, 260–68
“The Invitations,” 169–70
I Spy, 11
It’s Garry Shandling’s Show, 95
It’s Like, You Know, 212
“The Jacket,” 54–57, 61
Jackie Thomas Show, The, 150
Jake and the Fatman, 48, 61
James, Caryn, 214
Jerome Robbins’ Broadway, 24, 26
Jerry, 3, 24
eighth season, 174–95
fifth season, 67–68, 160
finale, 205–15
fourth season, 68–69, 87–99, 112–16, 148, 155–56
ninth season, 163–65, 194–98, 199–217
second season, 50–62, 146
seventh season, 152, 163, 169, 172–74
sixth season, 100–106, 153–55
story lines, 53–54, 88–99, 101, 103, 111–16, 146–47, 155, 159–66, 174–81, 188, 190, 197, 205, 209, 251–52, 261, 268–69
third season, 62–66, 77–84
See also Seinfeld, Jerry; specific episodes
Jerry’s parents. See Seinfeld, Helen; Seinfeld, Morty
Jesse, 137
Jeter, Derek, 194
Jewish culture, 8, 14, 31, 46, 146, 151, 159–60, 180, 184
Jicha, Tom, 82
“The Jimmy,” 187
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, 4, 184
“The Junior Mint,” 2, 4, 72, 92–94, 99, 151, 186, 244
Just Shoot Me!, 104, 204
Kahn, Madeline, 42
Kaufman, Andy, 70, 246
Kavet, Gregg, 186–87, 192, 217, 244
Kavner, Julie, 234
Kazin, Alfred, 159–60
Keaton, Diane, 42
King of Queens, The, 140
King of the Hill, 204
“The Kiss Hello,” 69
KLBK, 218–21
Knight, Wayne, 111, 143, 222
Knotts, Don, 74
Koren, Steve, 160, 176–78, 188, 191–92, 241
Kramer, 3, 21–23, 58, 70–74, 224, 228, 245, 246
casting of, 21–23, 27–29
creation of character, 21–23
eighth season, 174–95
entrances and exits, 71–73, 80
fifth season, 67–68, 142–43
finale, 205–15
first name revealed, 154, 156
fourth season, 68–69, 87–99, 114, 155–56
ninth season, 194–98, 199–217
second season, 50–62
seventh season, 152, 169
sixth season, 100–106, 154, 168
story lines, 66, 70–74, 80, 88–94, 101–6, 114–15, 152, 154–57, 175, 185–90, 197, 205, 206, 209–11, 252, 261, 266
third season, 62–66, 77–84
See also Richards, Michael; specific episodes
Kramer, Kenny, 10, 21–23, 27, 65, 124–25, 185, 210, 225–29
Kramer character based on, 21–23, 124–25, 229
post-Seinfeld fame, 226–29, 249
Kramer’s Reality Tour, 125, 185, 226–29
Kubrick, Stanley, 142
L.A. Law, 32
“The Label Maker,” 174
Landers, Ann, 142
Lane, Nathan, 24, 204
Larroquette, John, 74
Larry Sanders Show, The, 104, 114, 148, 177
Late Night with David Letterman, 12, 14, 17, 95, 125, 150, 182, 183, 218, 219, 247
Late Shift, The, 115
latex salesman, 2, 3
Laugh Factory, 246–48
Laugh-In, 10
laugh track, 79, 224
Laundromat, 30, 31
Leachman, Cloris, 32
LeBlanc, Matt, 139
Leeves, Jane, 97
Leifer, Carol, 8, 69, 75–76, 152, 181–82
Lennard, Laurie, 46, 166, 167
Leno, Jay, 178, 182, 213, 246
Leonsis, Ted, 136
LeRoi, Ali, 249
Letterman, David, 12, 17, 95, 101, 125, 150, 182–84, 194, 247
Levine, Michael, 247
Lewis, Richard, 55, 240
Libertini, Richard, 129
“The Library,” 83
lighting, 37
Lipps, Rick, 218–21
Listen Up!, 245
Littlefield, Warren, 17–20, 31–33, 46, 48, 54, 114–16, 138, 139, 148, 158–59, 198
“The Little Kicks,” 126
Lois & Clark, 182
Lonstein, Shoshanna, 149
Los Angeles, 18, 25, 34, 48, 51, 52, 112, 176, 177, 183, 209, 215, 225, 246
1994 earthquake, 130–31
Los Angeles Times, 20
Louie, 224
Louis-Dreyfus, Julia, 41–45, 149, 181, 197–98
background of, 41–42
cast as Elaine, 41–45
children of, 77, 202, 216
comedic approach, 43, 44, 65–66, 73–77, 80, 106, 126, 145
Emmys of, 148, 180, 245, 246
end of Seinfeld, 201–17
fame and fortune, 82–83, 112–13, 142, 148, 150–51, 194–95
physical appearance, 44, 65, 74–75, 126
post-Seinfeld life, 195, 216, 244–46, 250–53
salary negotiations, 194–95
on SNL, 41–44
spat with Roseanne Barr, 150–51
See also Elaine
Low-Talker, 210
Ludwin, Rick, 18, 20, 31–37, 46, 52, 58–61, 80
Mackenzie, Jerold, 151
Mad About You, 100, 106, 136, 139–40, 202–4
Madman of the People, 100
Maguire, Tobey, 92, 172
“The Maid,” 206–7
Mandel, Dave, 175–77, 179, 192, 193, 212, 240
Seinfeld scripts, 175–77, 196, 206, 208
Mandel, Howie, 14, 246
Mandley, Lawrence, 162
marble rye, 2, 152, 159
“The Marine Biologist,” 67–69
Married with Children, 37–38, 178
Marshall Chronicles, The, 35
Martin, Barney, 146–47, 222
Martin Short Show, The, 186, 187
Mary Tyler Moore Show, The, 12, 51, 98, 138
M*A*S*H, 213, 218
“master of my domain,” 2, 4, 90–91
Masters, Bill, 85–88, 98
Seinfeld scripts, 86–89, 98–99, 114–15
masturbation, 2, 4, 88–91, 139, 145, 154
Meara, Anne, 144
media, 19–20, 32
on Seinfeld, 46–47, 60, 80–83, 130–33, 150–51, 154, 202–5, 209, 210, 213–15
See also specific publications
Mehlman, Peter, 50–54, 63–64, 81, 96–98, 100, 106, 177, 179–81, 210, 212
leaves Seinfeld, 193
Seinfeld scripts, 53–54, 63–66, 76, 87–88, 96–99, 166, 179–81, 192, 193
Mencken, H. L., 23
“The Merv Griffin Show,” 197
Miami Vice, 27, 70
Michael Richards Show, The, 217, 244–45
Michaels, Lorne, 126
Mickey, 74
Midler, Bette, 142
Miller, Larry, 24, 27
Milton Berle Show, The, 147
minority characters, 161–63
Mischke, Sue Ellen, 193
Modern Family, 224
“The Mom and Pop Store,” 142–43
Monk’s Café, 45, 68, 104–5, 121–24, 144, 162, 225, 250, 269
Moore, Jack, 262–65
Moore, Mary Tyler, 12, 36, 42, 75, 138
Morgan, Mr., 162
Morris, Phil, 132, 161, 162, 211
Morissette, Alanis, 240
“the Move,” 155
“The Movie,” 98, 256–59
MTM Enterprises, 138
MTV, 17, 46, 137
“The Muffin Tops,” 4, 185–86
Mullally, Megan, 41
Munsters, The, 234
Murdoch, Rupert, 220
Murphy, Eddie, 41
Murphy Brown, 87, 106, 152
music, 37–40, 140, 189, 260
Must See TV, 100–101, 115, 137–40, 221
My Sister Sam, 36
Namath, Joe, 11
Nanny, The, 105
National Lampoon, 178
NBC, 7–8, 14, 17, 34–49, 62–63, 80–81, 156, 158–59, 245, 250, 251
as brand name, 140–41
eighth season, 174–95
end of Seinfeld, 199–217
in fictional Seinfeld plot, 108–16, 157, 158
fifth season, 67–68, 129–30, 160
four-episode order, 34–47
fourth season, 68–69, 83–84, 87–99, 112–16, 148, 155–56
Must See TV, 100–101, 115, 137–40, 221
ninth season, 194–98, 199–217
origin of Seinfeld, 7–8, 17–20
pilot episode, 21–33
renews Seinfeld, 46–49
revenues, 141, 150, 194–95, 204
salary negotiations, 194–95, 199–200
second season, 50–62
seventh season, 172–74
sixth season, 69, 100–106, 154–55, 168
third season, 62–66, 77–84
Wednesday-night ratings battle, 81–83
networks. See specific networks
New Adventures of Old Christine, The, 245, 246
Newhart, 138
Newman, 111, 143, 222, 261
New Republic, 151, 240
NewsRadio, 140–41, 167
New York City, 5–8, 25, 31, 38, 42, 46, 53, 95–96, 100, 123, 138, 140, 152, 176, 184–85, 200, 201, 225, 229
Seinfeld effect on, 131–33
New Yorker, 23, 204, 230, 239
New York magazine, 60, 80, 133, 257
New York Mets, 1, 132, 142
New York Observer, 214, 239
New York Post, 132, 196, 203, 205, 215, 237
New York Times, 77, 96, 132, 201, 209, 214, 267
New York Yankees, 21, 69, 132, 171, 194, 206, 227
Night Court, 27, 70, 145
North, Sheree, 128
“No soup for you!,” 127, 203, 233–36
“not that there’s anything wrong with that,” 165, 222
Nutt House, 32
O’Brien, Conan, 101, 172
Odd Couple, The, 147, 234
O’Donnell, Rosie, 41
Office, The, 224
off-site episodes, 77–79, 86, 224
O’Hurley, John, 117–18, 230–31
O’Keefe, Dan, 119–21, 178–79, 211, 231–33
Seinfeld scripts, 178, 188, 206
Olympics, 141
Oprah, 221
Original Soup Man, 237
Oscars, 148
“The Outing,” 165–66
Padnick, Glenn, 46, 107
Paramount, 48, 131, 152
“The Parking Garage,” 77–79, 206
Parks and Recreation, 224
Past Imperfect, 14, 18
“The Pen,” 64
People magazine, 152, 213, 215
Peterman, J., 116–18, 126, 175, 186, 229–31
Peterman Reality Tour, 186
Pete’s Luncheonette, 10
Pez dispenser, 62
Philbin, Regis, 243
“The Phone Message,” 156
“The Pick,” 88
“The Pie,” 131
“The Pilot,” 228
pilot episode, 21–33, 38
casting, 21–30
screening, 31
testing phase, 31–32
Piscopo, Joe, 42
Pitt, Mr., 78
Piven, Jeremy, 114
“The Pool Guy,” 162–63
Pope, Elaine, 156
“The Pothole,” 178, 189–90
production, 18–19, 36, 67–84, 166–67, 170
eighth season, 171, 174–95
end of Seinfeld, 199–217
fifth season, 67–68, 76, 130–31, 142–43, 149, 160
final episode, 205–15
four-episode order, 33–47
fourth season, 68–69, 83–84, 87–99, 112–16, 135, 145, 148, 155–56, 165–66
influence on other sitcoms, 138–40, 223–25
ninth season, 120–21, 163–65, 190, 194–98, 199–217
off-site episodes, 77–79, 86, 224
pilot episode, 21–33
post–Larry David changes, 172–98
second season, 50–62, 146
seventh season, 152, 163, 169–74, 176, 183
single-camera approach, 19, 37, 79, 217, 224
sixth season, 69, 75, 76, 100–106, 153–55, 167–68, 174
theme song, 37–40, 189
third season, 62–66, 77–84
weekly schedule, 52
See also specific episodes
Prognosis Negative, 17, 255, 260
Pross, Max, 91–92, 95–96, 172–73
Pryor, Richard, 246
Puddy, David, 143, 155, 193, 243
“The Puerto Rican Day Parade,” 206–7, 212, 216
puffy shirt, 3
Quinn, Colin, 241
racial issues, 161–63, 207, 212, 246–49
Rainbolt, Adam, 134–36, 205
Randolph, John, 144, 222
ratings, 45, 48, 81–84, 136–40, 141, 194–98
of 1992–93, 81–84, 96
of 1994–95, 101
of 1996–97, 194
of 1997–98, 196–97, 199–200
second season, 61–62
syndication, 225
Wednesday-night battle, 81–83
Ratings Game, The, 14
RCA, 141
Reagan, Ronald, 15, 16
Reba, 140
redubbed scenes, 222
Reiner, Carl, 17, 18, 52
Reiner, Rob, 18, 24
Reiser, Paul, 100, 139–40, 202, 246
Remote Control, 17, 46
Ren-Mar Studios, 45
reruns. See syndication
“The Revenge,” 61, 222
Richards, Jason, 261–68
Richards, Michael, 14, 16, 27–29, 64, 69–74, 124, 149
background of, 27–28, 69–71
cast as Kramer, 27–29
comedic approach, 27–29, 65, 66, 70–74, 80, 106, 140, 143, 189, 190, 197, 210–11, 228, 246–48
Emmys of, 74, 148
end of Seinfeld, 201–17
fame and fortune, 82–83, 148, 194–95, 225
physical appearance, 27, 28, 65, 70–73
post-Seinfeld life, 194, 217, 225, 244–49
salary negotiations, 194–95
2006 comedy-club meltdown, 246–49, 260, 266
See also Kramer
Robin, Andy, 91–94, 99, 186–88, 192, 217, 244, 245
Seinfeld scripts, 92–94, 186–87, 191
Rochelle Rochelle, 142, 255–60
Rock, Chris, 216, 248, 249
Rodriguez, Paul, 248
Rolling Stone, 82, 83, 150, 209, 210
Romano, Ray, 101
Roseanne, 41, 47, 82, 104, 150, 219
Rosenbaum, Ron, 214
“The Rye,” 2, 152
Sack Lunch, 255, 260
Sagansky, Jeff, 62
St. Elsewhere, 70, 138
Sammy and Friends, 167–68
Sarandon, Susan, 213
Saturday Night Live, 9, 16–17, 34, 41–44, 92, 95, 108, 125, 126, 160, 176–78, 186
Schaffer, Jeff, 79, 120, 172–74, 177, 185–86, 192, 196, 206, 212, 240, 250, 251
Schimmel, Robert, 24
Schindler’s List, 159
Schwartz, Alvin, 175
Schwarzbaum, Lisa, 74
scriptwriting. See specific episodes; writers
Second City comedy troupe, 44, 109
“second unit,” 131
“The Secret Code,” 106
SeinFAQ Internet page, 134–36, 205
Seinfeld, 1–6
bizarros, 107–33, 226–38
casting, 21–33
comedic approach, 4–5, 52–54, 58–66, 77–80, 86–106, 107–33, 153–71, 175–76, 189, 208–9, 224, 228, 268
critical reaction to, 19–20, 32–33, 46–47, 80–81, 150–51, 154, 160, 165, 196–97, 213–14, 240
cult hit, 50–66, 84
culture permeated by, 153–71, 180, 194, 221
Curb Your Enthusiasm and, 239–41, 250–53
curse, 239–53
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