Poison and Potions: a Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

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Poison and Potions: a Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection Page 79

by Erin Hayes

  His hands inched up her outer thigh under her dress, burning a path. It only took a few moments before she couldn’t stand the cloth touching her skin.

  She pushed him back and sat up. "Take off your clothes," she said, reaching behind her to unzip the dress.

  "Yes, ma’am." He gave her a mock salute before grabbing his t-shirt from behind his head and lifting it up and over in one smooth sweep.

  After she got the zipper down she held the front of the dress close, suddenly self-conscious. What if he didn’t find her sexy? The thought grew big in her mind as she looked up at him. His body was amazing. It was like he channeled all of that sexual energy into working out. He had defined pecs and abs all the way down to a neatly trimmed happy trail into his shorts.

  "I already think you’re the sexiest woman alive," he said, interrupting her pity party. "Let me see you." Gently, he clasped her dress and helped her wriggle it off. He tossed it to the floor and stared at her body, completely naked save the scrap of lace underwear.

  She waited for his response, nerves threatening to choke her.


  There was no time to recover. He leaned down and captured her nipple in his mouth. The sensation shot straight to her core, already growing wet.

  The man had a mouth on him. I wonder what else he might be good at?

  He let go of her nipple with a soft bite and trailed kisses down to her belly. "Let me show you," he said, answering the question she never asked.

  He nibbled his way down her stomach and bit her inner thigh softly before parting her legs further. Without any warning at all, he ran his tongue from her opening to her clit in one hard smooth pass right over her panties.

  "Holy fuck," she gasped, her hands immediately clutching the covers she could reach.

  He ripped her underwear and pulled it away before repeating the pass of his tongue a few more strokes. By the time he moved up, parted her lips to focus on her clit, her knees were shaking so hard she was afraid she might hit him in the head.

  "Relax," he whispered against her wet skin, his breath causing another wave of pleasure to roll through her.

  "Mikon, please. I don’t want to come in your mouth. I want you inside me."

  He did as she asked, kissing his way back up her body until his lips met hers again. She tasted herself on his mouth, and it had to be the sexiest thing any man had ever done.

  "Have you had the inoculations?" she asked, thinking they probably should have talked about this beforehand.

  "Yes, I got them when I was a teenager."

  "Me, too," she said.

  He nodded.

  There were no other barriers, and Connie could think of no other reason to postpone the inevitable. She wanted to wrap every inch of herself around him while he buried himself inside her.

  He sat back and removed his shorts and underwear. Connie got her first sight of him and he was absolutely beautiful. Not too long, but thick and flushed pink, a bit of precum already beading at the head.

  There was a pause. He looked down at her, and she couldn’t read his face.

  "Regrets? Do you want to stop?" she asked. Praying, even though she shouldn’t have been, that he wouldn’t stop now.

  "No." He shook his head. "I’m just memorizing this moment and the way you look, turned on and wet for me."

  "Well, that was a good answer," she said, laughing.

  He settled between her thighs again, the head of him poised at her entrance.

  "No regrets?" he asked.

  "No regrets."

  Slow and careful he entered her, and they both held their breath until he was fully seated within. He felt even bigger inside than he looked on the outside. She was stretched almost to the point of discomfort, but she didn’t want to make him nervous.

  He met her eyes. "You okay?"

  She nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Even the tiny movements he made as he held some of his weight up was about to drive her over the edge. It had been so long since she’d had sex she wasn’t going to last long at all. "Mikon, please. Move."

  He nodded, holding his chest off her so she could look down between their bodies. Staring at the full length of his sexy form, seeing his cock move in and out of her was too much for her overloaded senses, and she could feel the start of her orgasm sparking. "Mikon, I need you to put your weight down and fuck me hard and fast, please."

  He did exactly as she asked, placing a hand on her shoulder for leverage as he slid in and out, increasing the tempo.

  Within seconds she fell into her orgasm. It didn’t take over, it consumed her. Wave after wave of pleasure rolled from her toes to her head and back again as he pumped into her. He started to push out short ragged breaths as he clutched her shoulder tighter.

  "I’m gonna come," he said, groaning, slamming into her now.

  He bit his lip, closed his eyes, and exhaled as he pumped into her one last time. He held himself in the moment of his orgasm, his fingers long ago having bruised her skin and her hip. She watched him as he came, the aftermath of her own release still flooding her senses.

  Another minute passed, and he eased back, releasing her body as he pulled out. She felt the heat of his fluids seeping out as he rolled over and dragged her into the crook of his arm. Curled up with her head on his chest, she thought they could almost pass for a normal couple.

  They lay like that together until his arm started to fall asleep. He lifted her head and sat up. She gasped as she caught sight of his back. Before, his soul-mark had been white outlined in black. Now the lines and curves were black, edged in crimson, filled in completely with sapphire. She sat up quickly and looked down at her arm. It was blank, the only thing remaining was the small feather just below her wrist.

  "Mikon," she said, grasping for his arm to get his attention.

  He turned and looked at what she focused on and his mouth dropped open. In one smooth motion, he leapt from the bed and ran toward the bathroom.

  She heard his sharp intake of breath as he checked out the additions to his mark.

  The implications of what they had just done hit her full force. She could never regret it, but they should have thought about it more carefully. If she had known her mark would disappear, they could have waited until the case was closed. Now, she had nothing to offer Noah— and nothing to catch him with.

  Mikon came back out from the bathroom and found her bent over, holding her head in her hands. "What is it?" he asked.

  "Can’t you tell?"

  He paused, staring at her, then reached out and placed his hand on her shoulders. Finally, he bent down and clutched her face in his hands. "I can’t hear you at all. Nothing. Silence." He laughed.

  "You can’t be laughing right now." She held out her almost naked arm. "We have nothing to catch Noah with now. How can he try and steal souls that don’t exist?"

  Mikon sat down beside her on the bed. "That is a problem."

  "A problem? I’ll say. How do we explain this to Father Reynolds? Sorry Father, we had to sleep together. We didn’t know it would screw up the entire investigation."

  "Calm down, Constance. We will figure something out."

  Connie ran her hands up her face and sat back. He was right. There was no use stressing about it now. It was late, they were both tired, and all she wanted to do was curl up in Mikon’s arms and pass out.

  He walked over and flipped the light switch. The darkness swallowed up the room as she lay back down and pulled the covers to her shoulder. Mikon climbed up and slid under then pulled her back into his body.

  She fell asleep against a wall of male heat and never slept so good in her life.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Connie woke as the sun began to peek through the curtains. Mikon snored softly beside her, and she smiled, reveling in the warmth his body offered. He was so huge and yet so gentle with her. Last night had to have been the best night of her life. There were many things to consider but...no regrets.

  She quietly slipped out of b
ed, careful not to wake him, and padded on the balls of her feet to the bathroom. A shower was definitely in order. She flipped the faucet on and waited until it was so hot she could barely stand it then turned on the shower. It was a huge marble enclave with a glass wall to keep water from pouring all over the bathroom and big enough for at least four people Mikon’s size.

  She waited for the spray to heat up and then stepped under. It was unbearable at first, the water scalding her skin until she got used to it. Once she did, it was a nice hot heat seeping into her bones and relaxing away all her troubles.

  The shower was a place of wonder for Connie; all she had to do was step inside and she could think away all her problems. Some of her best thinking was done in the shower...and some of her worst. The last soul she lost was a result of a shower thinking session.

  Her souls were exactly the problem she needed to consider now. She didn’t have any more chances at life. There was only one left, and if she messed it up...nothing. A single chance to live her life was horrible. Tears prickled at the corner of her eyes, and she had to slow her breathing as it was starting to get out of control. She could barely make breakfast right the first time let alone her entire life. How did they deal with it before the Soul Program? Just walk around being extra careful and hope they didn’t die as they walked down the street?

  Just as she was about to grab her shampoo, Mikon stuck his head around the door. Her initial reaction was to cover herself, but with the events of the previous evening it seemed pointless.

  "Mind if I join you?" he asked.

  She shrugged. Never in her life had she showered with another person. Might be interesting and there was nothing wrong with seeing him wet and naked for a while.

  He stepped in and then ran back out. She laughed so hard her side ached.

  "Why is that water so hot?"

  "I like it this way. Just get in here. I’ll turn it down, only a little."

  He walked back in and stood at the far end until he could tolerate the spray. Once he was able, he squeezed under the main showerhead to warm up.

  "Hey," she said, as he nudged her out from under the warmth.

  "Come here. I’ll warm you up."

  She didn’t even have to consider it. It was like fate, the way they were drawn to each other. He wrapped her in his arms, and she pressed her cheek to his soaking wet chest and hugged him hard.

  "Are you okay?" he asked, turning his head so he could look down at her face.

  "Yeah, fine. I was just trying to figure out how people go about their lives with only one shot. I mean, any second could be my last breath and that would be it. How do I ensure I stay alive long enough to well...live?"

  "Well, you won’t just die walking across the street. You’ll share my pseudo-immortality. You won’t be killed unless by a relic. Well, unless I die. Then you’ll just be a human, open to the good Lord’s will."

  "That speech was not comforting," she said, still pressed to him as water rained down.

  He just held her tight and let her hold on to him.

  "Its morning and we are going to have to discuss Noah," she whispered, after a few blissful minutes breathing in the scent of him and relishing the fact that she was actually clutching his naked body after so long fantasizing about it.

  "I had an idea as I drifted off to sleep last night," he said.


  "You know the underground artists who make soul-marks for those just starting in the business?"

  "Sure, but they aren’t any good. Anyone can tell they aren’t real upon close inspection."

  "But Noah already saw your marks and he would never expect you to need a fake substitute for it. It might work just because he knew you had them before."

  She pulled away and looked up at him. "It might work. At least long enough to get him to try and cement the theft."


  "Hurry up and get clean then. We need to get this done, cause I’m supposed to meet the bastard tonight for him to ask me something..." She held her hands up and quoted, 'very important'.

  "Well, if he goes where I think with that ‘something important,’ this case is way too easy. Why didn’t the Church take him down sooner?"

  Connie considered what he’d said for a moment. Of course he was absolutely correct. It had been way too easy to get Noah exactly where they wanted him.

  "Yeah, not a good thought," Mikon said, moving some of her hair back from her face.

  "Well, we can talk about when we’re dry. Clean up," she said, about to step out.

  He grabbed her upper arm and pulled her back into him. "Where do you think you’re going?"

  "To get dressed."

  "You really think so?"

  Connie hesitated.

  "You’ve never shared a shower with your lover before, have you?"

  She shook her head.

  "Oh, my dear."

  He drew her face up for a kiss, but she tried to recoil away from him "I haven’t brushed my teeth yet," she whined.

  "Too bad," he said, holding her face so she couldn’t get away.

  She struggled for a moment longer until his lips descended on hers and she lost herself to him. Even in the morning he held an addictive edge she couldn’t quite shake. It was as comfortable as breathing, and each pass of his lips drew her taut like a bowstring, her entire body singing for what she knew he could do for her.

  He pulled away. "You haven’t seen anything yet."

  She swallowed, waiting.

  He reached behind him and detached the showerhead from its stand and brought it down.

  Connie just stared, not comprehending what he meant to do. Finally she just asked. "What are you doing to do with that?"

  "Come here," he said, a slight growl to his tone.

  She sidled closer, stepping back into his arms, uncertain now, but knowing he would never hurt her.

  She nearly jumped out of her skin as he aimed the spray up into her intimate parts, her eyes flying wide when he found the spot he wanted. A damnable grin covered his face and all she could manage was a gasp as she clung to his chest and arms.

  The pressure from the water hit every sweet spot she had; in mere moments, her knees began to shake from the pleasure. Why hadn’t she realized she could do that sooner?

  He began to swivel his wrist to make the water spray curl up against her clit, as if his tongue were actually touching her. It was her undoing. Her orgasm exploded inside, and he had to hold her up so she didn’t sink to the floor.

  "Where in heaven or hell did you learn to do that?"

  He just grinned. "A gentleman never kisses and tells."

  There was such a look of satisfaction on his face for the small act of bringing her pleasure. That alone was a gift to her.

  "Do you want me to..." She gestured to him.

  "No, we don’t have time. I can wait until tonight." He planted a quick kiss on her lips, turned her to exit the shower, and slapped her ass to drive her out.

  She left, grabbing the towel off the rack. "I’m going to kick your ass for that later," she called as she left the bathroom.

  She dressed so he wouldn’t try to force more sex on her before they could solve their problem. Force was a strong word. Coax her into more sexual situations, where their judgment might be clouded, was a better thought.

  At least she now knew she wasn’t the only one who felt that Noah had given in way too soon. Usually she only carried her knife latched to her thigh, but if she spent any more time with Noah, without Mikon, she might think of carrying a stronger weapon. Guns had been outlawed after the war. Knives where what most detectives carried. Anyone partnered with a Reaper didn’t concern themselves. No one stood up to them.

  For a moment she considered what it might be like to stand up to Noah with Mikon at her side, even more so now that they were lovers. He could easily take out the bad guys because most wouldn't assume him a Reaper as not many people outside the church had much experience with born Reapers.

came out of the bathroom butt naked, rubbing a towel over his head.

  "It’s going to take me awhile to get used to this casual nudity thing, Mikon," she said, but couldn’t peel her eyes away from him. "Are you worried about letting Father Reynolds and Bishop know about us?" she asked.

  He approached and knelt down in front her, dropping the towel by his side. "No, we’re soul-mated. There is nothing shameful in that. Yes, the act that led us to be soul-mated did break a vow and I’ll pay penance for that, but in the eyes of the church we belong together."

  Connie swallowed, still uncertain and nervous about the whole thing. She would feel better once everything with Noah was wrapped up and done with.

  "Let me get dressed so we can get out of here. I can hear your brain screaming at me to hurry up, even if I can't hear your thoughts anymore."

  She shook herself. "Sorry."

  "Buck up," he said, "I’m sure there will be someone around for you to hit soon."

  She laughed. "Goodness, I hope so. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy last night or having you in my arms. It’s the uncertainty of our situation, the frailty of my life now, and the fact that since we talked about Noah being too easy to catch I have this terrible feeling in my stomach. Like something bad is about to happen and I won’t be able to stop it."

  He finished buttoning his pants and sat on the bed to wrap his arms around her. "I know we might have moved too fast. I know you’re scared and so am I. We just have to take each day and see what happens. If we worry and look to the future we can’t enjoy the now.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Noah Hannock had found the solution he’d been seeking for almost ten years. His twin sister lay alone and sick in her bed while he’d been out in the world trying to find a way to heal her. An unexpected visitor had given him the answers he sought so desperately.

  The scotch he clutched in his hand shook slightly, the ice inside hitting the glass. So close to a solution after such a long time, his heart ached with the joy of it. There were risks, of course, but he took them every day.

  He wouldn’t even ask Tanya for permission. He’d just do it. If it worked, then he could keep her safe by his side forever; if not, then he would join her down the twisty road of death and hope someone took mercy on his tainted souls.


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