Poison and Potions: a Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection

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Poison and Potions: a Limited Edition Paranormal Romance and Urban Fantasy Collection Page 134

by Erin Hayes

  “What in the—WHAT?” the familiar voice of Zoey’s old friend and Serena’s husband called back. “WHAT? I JUST GOT GREG TO BED AND NOW WE’RE YELL—”

  “Cut the attitude, lover! I need you to pack my bags and watch Greg! I need to go meet Zoe and kick some therion-haters’ asses! Where is this? Wait… did you say apartment? Like, they all live in one complex? Huh… Does it smell like wet dog? Are there pee marks on the walls? Oh, ew! Did they try and pee on you? Is that even something they would do? Cause, I mean I saw this porn once where—”

  “SERENA!” Zoey called out, trying to stop the madness.

  “What? Did I say something wrong?” Serena laughed and let out a long breath, “Okay, okay. I know; you’ve been away from me and my glory for a few days and I’m sure it’s a shock to get all of me at once like that. That’s fair. I’m cool now. Promise. So, in all seriousness, what’s up?”

  Zoey felt her lip tremble at the sincerity in her friend’s voice and finally let the words pour past her lips. Every detail, every doubt, every fear.

  “Wow…” Serena drew in a breath as though she’d been holding it the entire time. “That is a lot to take in!”

  “I don’t want to hear about her sex life!” Zane’s voice interrupted.

  “Dammit, Zane! We’re not talking about Isaac’s dick again! Chill out!” Serena groaned and Zoey could practically see her friend rolling her purple eyes at the other end of the line. “Anyway, listen up, girl, ‘cause I’m about to give you a taste of your own psycho-babble, ‘calm-your-tits-down’-medicine that you’re making me choke down, kay? You are a kick-ass broad and you cannot let this therion-bitch or ANY of those leg-lifters walk all over you. Show them your true self, Zoe. I know you have it in you. So throw on your big girl panties and don’t let anyone intimidate you. Do like I do: be the bitch we all know you can be. And if you ever question Isaac’s love for you I’m gonna slap the stupid right out of you, you hear me?”

  Zoey couldn’t help but laugh at that, and with every fresh roll of laughter, she felt a new wave of confidence swell within her.

  “You know what, Serena? You are the best bitch a girl could ever ask for.”

  “Fucking A, right I am!” Serena chuckled and then paused, Zane’s voice mentioning something Zoey couldn’t quite make out. “Oh, right…” Serena’s voice was suddenly serious and she sighed, “Zoe, babe… I hate to do this to you after so much, but I’ve got some bad news.”

  “What?” she frowned. “What happened?”

  “Well, it’s your friend. The one you’re always emailing and such…”

  Zoey bit her lip. “You mean The Gamer?”

  There was a long pause.

  “Yea,” Serena sighed again. “Zoe, we received a call and… I’m so sorry, but he was recently killed. I know you two worked together on your science-stuff and were close, and I hate that I have to say this right after delivering the news, but…well, The Council says that all that research and stuff you two were working on was being supplied to Xander Stryker and his new clan. They’re worried that Stryker’s pride is going to keep him from reaching out for a new source, so we were kinda hoping…”

  Zoey frowned, taking a deep breath at the sadness of her lost friend and after a moment, she answered. “I, uh… Yea. Yea, I can do that.”

  “Zoey, I’m so sorry. I know it’s super-shitty to dump all that on you right after everything you just went through, but I guess something big’s going on out there and they’re worried and keep insisting. I don’t expect you to look at any of it now—fuck The Council and their urgency bullshit; fuck ‘em right in their uptight asses—but I forwarded the details that they sent me to your email. I wanted to wait on it, but Zane kept reminding me that you’d wig out if I didn’t at least send you everything I had on the same date I received it on.” She sighed and offered a forced scoff, “My little OCD bitchy-boo buddy, right? Anyway… please please please… just don’t let this make you crazy or anything, alright? You know I’m here for you,” Serena’s voice trembled with concern, a sound that Zoey had heard before but never happily.

  “I know, and thank you. I mean that.” Zoey forced a smile even though there was nobody around to see it. “Anyway, I won’t keep you any longer. Be sure to give little-Greg a goodnight kiss from me and we’ll talk soon.”

  “Alright, don’t be a stranger, hun,” Serena said, then added, “We miss you.”

  “I miss you two, too. Good night.”

  After hanging up, Zoey took a moment to dwell on the news about The Gamer. Though she’d never met the eccentric wizard in person, the two of them had worked together for a long time in developing a synthetic blood substitute to serve as a replacement for their kind. Though they’d never been able to replicate the taste without compromising the benefits, the result had been one that had promised to pioneer a new chapter in mythos history. Unfortunately, he and Zoey were the only two who knew the formula, and he had been the one to revolutionize the spells required to make it. She’d have to talk to The Council about tracking down somebody who could mimic her late-friend’s magic to ensure a steady supply. Clearing the tightening knot out of her throat, she navigated through her phone and brought up the number for Xander Stryker’s private line, trying to think of what to say.

  “Zoey!” Isaac’s voice sounded from the door as he rushed in, laughing. “Zoey! Help!”

  “With what? What’s going on?” Zoey’s eyes widened as she saw two small boys clutching at his legs and laughing as Isaac dragged them into the room.

  She watched, seeing the boys’ eyes filled with admiration as they looked up at Isaac and then, noticing her, paused and drew away. The excitement in the room faded as the two shared nervous glances. Zoey frowned, realizing that the intolerance for her kind was going to keep making things awkward. Knowing that there was no words she could offer that would change the pups’ minds about her kind, she looked down at the phone and, remembering everything she’d just been told, felt another flood of guilt and jealousy growing in her gut.

  “Zoey? You okay?” Isaac pried himself from the kids and stepped forward. “What happened?”

  “I…” she paused, barely recognizing her own voice at that moment. “One of my friends passed away. The Gamer… he…,” she held back a sob, “He was killed…” She didn’t want to throw all this sadness at Isaac and the worry in his eyes made her even more upset. He had just walked in, genuinely laughing and enjoying himself, and she’d ruined it and then added to it with her mood. “I’m sorry,” she added, “I didn’t mean to ruin your fun.”

  “You’re sorry?” he frowned and shook his head, motioning for the kids to leave them, though they didn’t seem to need any incentive to leave. When they were alone again, he moved to the edge of the bed and sat beside her. “It’s okay, Zoe, you know you can vent to me.” He draped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to him, “I’m so sorry for your loss.”

  “I… I need to make a phone call,” she sighed, picking up the phone again.

  Isaac nodded and stood. “I understand. I’ll be just outside if you need me.”

  Zoey took a deep breath as she listened to a painfully brief and stoic outgoing message for Xander Stryker’s voicemail and braced herself for the beep signaling for her to leave the message.

  She still wasn’t positive what she was supposed to say…


  Too late…

  “Hi, Xander… or do you prefer ‘Mister Stryker’? I guess I should’ve considered that first…” She slapped herself in the forehead and rolled her eyes at herself. “Anyway, my name is Zoey Hartnett, and I am calling in regards to a recent passing of a close friend and associate of mine, Dwayne Brinkley, though you might know him better as ‘The Gamer’—most people do.” Her thoughts jumbled in her head and she began to wish that she’d written some sort of personal cues to go by. “God! I really hate leaving voicemails—with the informality of them and everything—but I feel that this is sort of important, so I
hope you won’t think ill of me given the circumstances.”

  She jumped at the sound of the door and looked up to see Isaac peeking in, already looking apologetic for interrupting her. Before he could do anything, the door opened the rest of the way and several younger therions stood, one tapping at his wrist. Realizing he was signaling that they were ready to go, she glanced at the time and saw that she still had a half-hour. “Will you give me a minute, please? I’m TRYING to leave an important voicemail!”

  Two strange therions narrowed their eyes at her while Isaac frowned at the circumstances.

  Like this wasn’t hard enough already… Zoey sighed.

  “Anyway,” she pushed herself to continue, “I know of The Gamer’s connection with you and your clan, Xander—congratulations, by the way!—and I’m sending this message as a means of branching out to reach out to you, as I’m sure you’ve found yourself in a bit of a bind without his services. The Gamer and I had actually been working together for quite some time”—she chuckled nervously as the knot in her throat tightened—“we even formed a bit of a rivalry, though I’m sure you were well acquainted with his affinity for competition. Anyway, with our history and my own resources, I’d like to offer any supplies you might need in the wake of his passing. As a co-creator of the substance, I can even offer a constant supply of the synth-blood he’d been supplying your clan with; if your facilities can handle the process, I’d even be more than happy to share the means to synthesize your own. At the moment, I am on a Council-ordered mission away from my clan, and, though I’m not exactly sure when I’ll be getting back, you can contact the Vailean Clan and let them know that Zoey told you to contact them for supplies. Uh… just a quick warning, though: if you happen to reach Serena Vailean—the clan’s leader—you should probably watch yourself. She’s kind of a fan of yours—though I think it’s more of a crush, to be honest—and… well, I probably shouldn’t mention her husband, Zane.” She caught sight of Isaac raising his eyebrow at that and lowered her voice to add “he’s got a bit of a temper,” she laughed again. “Anyway, I’m sure I’ve used up enough of your time, so I’ll be letting you go. I will contact you once I’m back home, but I do hope you’ll take me up on the offer to help keep you and your clan in supply of any materials you may need. Good luck and thank you for everything you’ve done for the mythos community. If even half the stories Dwayne has told me are true—and I never knew him to be a liar; eccentric, yes, but never dishonest—then I know we all owe you a great debt of gratitude. So long for now!”

  Before she had a moment to click ‘END’ the two therions pushed by Isaac to escort her out of the room. Frowning at the hostility, Zoey wrestled to keep from dropping her phone as she stood to meet the two. “Really, you guys?” she glared, steadying her grip on the phone and moving to end the call. “Were you raised in a damn barn or something?”

  “DON’T TOUCH HER!” Isaac snarled behind them.

  Though it wasn’t his clan to be throwing around orders, his history as an alpha seemed to carry just as much weight and the two backed away obediently. Pushing through them, he planted himself firmly between them and Zoey and offered her an apologetic gaze before looking back.

  “I suggest you start spreading the news that anybody who lays a hand on her will lose it just as quickly.” He bared his teeth at them and turned to face them head-on, “And while she might look small, I think it’s only fair to warn you that she’s ripped apart far bigger and far tougher problems than anybody you can find in this dump. So before you go thinking that I’m protecting her, I suggest you start realizing that this warning is more of a protection from her! Is that in any way unclear?”

  The two therions sneered, offering no response, but Zoey watched as their auras withdrew and “bowed” under Isaac’s threat. Though they didn’t want show him any outright respect or submission, it was definitely there.

  Laying a hand on his shoulder, Zoey nodded to him. “It’s alright,” she spoke in a low voice, but knew that their hosts would have no problem hearing her. “I don’t want to infringe on them anymore than I’m sure they want to infringe upon us.” She let her gaze drift to them so that she could be certain they were paying attention, “I can see that they don’t want to make things worse for themselves.” The two blinked at that as they wordlessly fumbled with the worry that they’d just been read. Looking back up at Isaac, she gave a small nod. “We should get going.”

  The two therions offered a bit more room for them to pass than she imagined they would have normally, and once she and Isaac were through the door the two of them followed, closing the door as they did.

  Isaac nudged her as they walked and made a gesture with his eyes, his aura shifting towards her in a subconscious effort to make contact.

  Knowing what he wanted, she breached his mind enough to read his topmost thoughts:

  You didn’t really enter their minds, did you? his thoughts acted like a private conversation for her.

  Zoey fought the urge to grin as she projected a response directly into his head. You know I’d never invade somebody’s privacy like that! She smirked up at him, But let’s not tell them that. So long as they think they thought something, they’re going to continue thinking it.

  Isaac chuckled, but was able to suppress it to little more than a roll of his shoulders. If any of the other therions noticed it, they’re auras showed no sign of it. So you can alter minds without even entering them now?

  Zoey’s smirk grew, It’s a relatively easy trick. Humans do it all the time, after all.

  You’re something else, love, he nudged her again, this time playfully. So is everything okay? I mean, are you… the thought went unfinished.

  I’m fine, babes. Just thinking about what’s going on and… well, The Gamer and I were close. She let out a heavy sigh, I guess I just sort of wish I hadn’t found out now of all times…

  I know, he smiled, heading down the hallway towards the entrance they’d come in through, spotting Delilah waiting for them at the corner. But we’ve got this little job now. I can’t say I was expecting it, but I’m sure it’ll help distract you, at least.

  “You think we can’t tell that you’re having a little conversation there?” one of the therions chimed in. “It’s not like normal folks just grin and laugh at nothing.”

  “Maybe we’re both crazy,” Isaac said flatly as he stopped in the middle of the hall, not bothering to look back.

  The footsteps behind them stopped and for a moment nobody spoke.

  “You ain’t seen crazy,” the other therion quipped under his breath.

  “You don’t know what I’ve seen,” Zoey glanced over her shoulder, being careful not to challenge the pair with her eye contact. “And I imagine you and your lover have private conversations too, right?”

  “This big dope?” the other laughed, slapping his friend in the belly, “He can barely talk to girls!”

  He and Isaac laughed. The other scowled. Zoey offered him a sympathetic look. It didn’t help.

  “Like it’s any concern of mine,” he grumbled, his aura twitching with embarrassment as he looked away. “‘Sides, I don’t care what you two do, just don’t like you thinking we’re stupid.”

  Zoey shook her head, “Nobody thought that. We were just talking about a friend of mine that recently passed.”

  Isaac cleared his throat. “So what’s the story with this club, anyway?” he asked, turning around.

  The two stared for a moment as if he’d asked a stupid question. Finally, the first let out a chuckle, seeming to play along with what they must have thought was a joke.

  “You haven’t read the reviews? It’s the hottest scene in the whole town—hell, the whole damn state! People come from all around just to stand at the door of The Blue Moon”--Zoey remembered her dream and the song Isaac had been singing; had she subconsciously read his mind while she was dreaming and “seen” the name of the club?—“and others make road trips from as far out as the coast for the VIP slots.”
  “So what kind of jobs do you do?” Isaac asked.

  “Whatever needs to get done, brother,” he smirked, patting the bigger one’s belly again. “This one’s a bouncer—no big surprise there, right? Me? I mix drinks and help out with the mixes.” He smirked, “Hoping they’ll let me DJ soon, though.”

  “Can’t say a couple of noobs like you two are gonna get anything too special,” the second shot in, waving past them. A moment later Zoey felt Delilah’s aura approach as she stepped inside.

  “‘Noobs’?” Isaac repeated the word, not realizing they had company yet.

  “It’s this one’s word for ‘newbies,’” Delilah chimed in with a laugh.

  “Not just my word,” the therion pouted.

  “No, no. Of course not. It’s an Internet thing, I’m sure,” Delilah added, draping her arms over Isaac and Zoey’s shoulders.

  Isaac’s aura shifted under the female therion’s touch and Zoey bit the side of her cheek to keep from making any comments. The doubt returned; the burning jealousy and uncertainty flaring up as she found herself wondering if Isaac’s response was repulsion or attraction. His face gave no clues, and he seemed to be looking everywhere except at her. After a painfully long moment, Delilah shifted her weight and, in doing so, removed her arms.

  “Come along now,” she called, patting the two on their backs—the hand on Isaac seeming more to rub while the hand on Zoey seeming more to slap—before she turned and started for the door.

  Zoey glared after her as everyone started after. “So what is it that she does at Blue Moon?”

  “Oh that’s the best part,” the talkative therion perked up. “She’s the dancer!”

  The Blue Moon

  Even from outside, the club was loud with both music and shouting as well as the thoughts and primal instincts of those inside. Though she was sure that the volume alone would have been too much for even most humans Zoey’s keen senses and auric abilities took it to a near unbearable level. Despite this, however, she knew it was for a completely different reason altogether that it took as much effort as it did to even step inside. She knew—knew in the way she knew the daytime sky was blue—that Delilah was up to something, and that if she had her way Isaac wouldn’t be going home with her when this mission was completed.


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