Fairy Tales Revisited on Silvery Earth

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Fairy Tales Revisited on Silvery Earth Page 12

by Barbara G. Tarn

  "Only when those parasites are out of here," he grumbled.


  Kurtis helped his aging father out of the carriage. He had wanted to come on his own – it would have been much faster on horseback – but he knew the king's presence was necessary in this case. Lady Blandina seemed to have a lot to answer for.

  The herald introduced them to the main hall of the manor, where the lady curtsied deeply and her sons bowed respectfully. A royal servant opened the folding chair the king always carried with him and put a pillow on it before King Konan could sit. His gout had gotten worse while Kurtis was away, and he couldn't stand for long.

  Kurtis remained standing by his father's side while Lady Blandina sat with her sons standing next to her.

  "Your Majesty, to what do I owe this impromptu visit?" she asked.

  "I was told the Nameless Knight who won the tournament had Lord Alan's shield," King Konan answered.

  "Yes, it was me, like I told Prince Kurtis when I retrieved the shield," William said.

  "I see. And what happened to Rohan?" The king stared curiously at Lady Blandina who paled.

  "He... is not well. He was never knighted and certainly didn't attend the tournament," she said quickly. But she didn't look anyone in the eyes.

  Lying bitch, Kurtis thought.

  "I would love to see my dear friend Alan's weapons once more," King Konan said. "Please indulge this old man, will you?"

  William nodded and headed out. Kurtis saw him enter the stables and, after some fussing, come out with the kite-shaped shield.

  "That sick Cinder Boy hid the rest," William said, presenting the shield to the king. "I've tried to make him tell me where, but he wouldn't speak to me. Maybe you could convince him?"

  "Who is this Cinder Boy?" the king asked, puzzled.

  "Rohan," Lady Blandina answered. "I told you he is not well, Your Majesty. The loss of both his parents made his mind go away."

  Kurtis raised his eyebrows. Rohan had looked perfectly normal and balanced for someone who was obviously treated like a servant in his own house.

  "Why don't you summon him?" Kurtis said. "Maybe he will tell us where he hid his father's weapons."

  Lady Blandina signaled to Tristan. She looked nervous now. Tristan came back with Rohan who kept his head hung and his eyes on his feet.

  "Ah, yes, I see a lot of Alan in him!" King Konan beamed. "Come here, young man, my sight is not as good as it used to be."

  Startled, Rohan approached and knelt in front of the king. He seemed riveted on the old man's face and Kurtis wanted to kiss him blind.

  "Your Majesty..." Rohan whispered, shyly. "I know I wasn't supposed to take part in the tournament because I haven't been knighted, but I wanted to prove my worth and show everyone that my father's legacy is not lost..."

  "It is not, indeed," King Konan said gravely, caressing his cheek. "Kurtis, will you please make a knight out of him?"

  "Wait!" Lady Blandina rose, outraged. "You have no proof it was him! Anybody could be the Nameless Knight..."

  Rohan sighed. He rose and slowly went to the stairs. "Your Majesty will trust his son's word? He shall be my witness, along with Tristan."

  King Konan nodded and Kurtis hurried after Rohan, followed by Tristan. They went to the attic, and Rohan pushed away a bed table, opened a wardrobe and pulled out Lord Alan's armor and sword.

  "That's where you hid it!" Tristan said.

  "No, that's where my father put it when he buried my mother," Rohan answered. "I found it three days ago."

  Kurtis grinned.

  "Let's go back downstairs. I guess I shall make a knight of you, Sir Rohan."

  Rohan finally looked at him and blushed. His sweet and shy smile was the best reward.


  Rohan deposited his father's equipment at the feet of the king.

  "Well, suit up, young man, so we can make a knight out of you and celebrate your victory in today's tournament," King Konan said cheerfully.

  Rohan obeyed. His stepmother was quiet now and he could feel Tristan and William's envious eyes on him. He could also feel Kurtis's gaze as the prince helped him into the mail hauberk.

  He knelt again and Kurtis unsheathed his sword to touch both his shoulders with the flat of the blade.

  "Rise, Sir Rohan, you are now a knight."

  "And my son's trusted lieutenant," King Konan added, clapping his hands. "He will be the captain, but you shall answer only to him, like your father did with me."

  Rohan dared to look at the old king's face.

  "Thank you, Your Majesty." He felt overwhelmed. He could see Kurtis's eyes on King Konan's face. He glimpsed the grin on Kurtis's face, then lowered his eyes again.

  He was a knight. He had inherited his father's post. Things would change from now on.

  "You will have your chambers at Ker Noran," Kurtis said. "Will you entrust your manor to your stepmother or would you rather find someone else?"

  Rohan turned to look at Lady Blandina. She sat composed and defiant. Tristan and William both frowned, wondering if he'd kick them out of the house where they had abused him for so many years.

  "She can stay, as long as she leaves as soon as I find a suitable bride," he said. "I'm sure William and Tristan will soon marry and move to their own manors. Unless she'd rather follow them, of course."

  "I will not live off my stepson's charity." Lady Blandina rose and regally walked out of the room, followed by her sons.

  Rohan sighed. As if she hadn't lived off her stepson for years.

  "Do you want me to find someone to take care of the manor?" Kurtis asked.

  "The servants will take care of it. I will let the extended family come back. They'll keep it clean and will have a roof over their heads for the time being."

  "Very well." The king rose. "We shall wait for you at the banquet tonight. You can bring your things at your leisure tomorrow."

  Kurtis allowed his father to lean on him as they went back outside and into the carriage.

  "See you tonight," Kurtis whispered with a wink as the coachman turned the carriage around.

  Rohan felt his cheeks burn. Now he was truly trapped.


  Kurtis brightened when Rohan entered the great hall. Finally the young man wore clothes that showed his rank and he looked even more handsome than before.

  Kurtis waited impatiently for the herald to show the guest his place, right between the king and Kurtis himself.

  "Your Majesty." Rohan bowed to King Konan before taking his seat.

  Kurtis leaned towards him.

  "Did you bathe in your hot pond before coming?" he asked in a low voice.

  "No, I tried the castle's bath chambers," Rohan answered, keeping his eyes on his plate, but smiling.

  "Don't you think the pond is... more intimate?"

  "It is, but I need to get used to a crowded castle, don't I?"

  "What if I told you that you don't have to and can just use my bath-tub when you feel so inclined?"

  Rohan's blue eyes stared at him.

  "Your Highness, I guess we will have to talk about my duties. But not now, if you don't mind. I'm quite starved and all these dishes smell delicious."

  "Then help yourself, Rohan. Tell me, have you ever been to a ball?"

  "No, Your Highness, my social skills with the nobility are non-existent. I will have to learn that too."

  "I will happily teach you everything," Kurtis assured him with an impish smile.

  "I may not be ready for certain... teachings, Your Highness," Rohan warned, but he didn't sound angry or upset.

  I will seduce you, Rohan.

  Kurtis changed the subject, pointing out his favorite dishes. Rohan might be shy and introverted, but this only made him more interesting.


  Rohan hadn't slept so well in years. He'd been given a chamber with a big and soft curtained bed and private outhouse. There was a chest for his clothes and armor, a table and stools, and a cozy hearth that he didn't h
ave to clean up.

  There was also a door that connected to Prince Kurtis's private chambers, but he had locked it before going to bed. Except when he woke up, he found a note on the pillow next to his face.

  You're beautiful even when you sleep. You look so peaceful, I can't bring myself to wake you up. Sweet dreams, Rohan. We have a lifetime to explore this.

  Startled by the "K" at the end of the note, Rohan glanced at the door that led to the prince's rooms. The lock was unbolted. Probably Kurtis had entered from the main door on the corridor, when he'd found the internal door locked, but had gone back to his room the more direct way.

  And he hadn't awoken him. Rohan blushed at the thought of what Kurtis hinted. He'd been so isolated at the manor, he didn't think he could actually function in the crowded castle.

  He hid the note in the chest, and quickly dressed and shaved.

  He went to the great hall to grab a pastry and see if the royal family was already up. He had obviously overslept in the comfortable bed, since they were all there. King Konan, Prince Kurtis, Prince Ewan and his wife, Princess Johanna...

  Rohan was about to sit at the courtiers' table when he saw the king signaling him. A little puzzled, he went onto the dais and bowed at King Konan.

  "Good morning, Your Majesty. How are your feet today?"

  "Eh, still hurting." The king shrugged. "Have you met Ewan and Johanna? This is Kurtis's new lieutenant."

  "The Nameless Knight, yes, we heard of him," Prince Ewan said with a smile.

  "And also Lord Alan's son," Kurtis added proudly. "Now in his rightful place."

  "That would be with the prince heir," King Konan commented without looking at anyone in particular but smiling broadly.

  Kurtis cleared his throat and smiled. "Yes, well, he's still the best man protecting the royal family," he said. "Rohan, please, help yourself to some pastries and then we can begin our day."

  "And what is my duty today?" Rohan asked as Kurtis passed him a tray of sweet smelling cupcakes.

  "You will have to familiarize yourself with the castle grounds," Kurtis replied as Rohan picked a pastry. "I understand you haven't been allowed to come in the past ten years or so."

  "True." Rohan nodded. "And will I need further knightly training?"

  "I don't think so," Prince Ewan said with a chuckle. "You almost beat the shit out of my brother! Who taught you anyway?"

  "My father, and then I watched my stepbrothers train with their uncle." Rohan shrugged. The pastry was delicious, but it was gone in two bites. He leaned over the table to pick another. He didn't dare sit with the royal family.

  "Very well, let's make our first inspection." Kurtis rose as Rohan quickly finished the second cupcake.

  Rohan followed the prince outside the great hall and through the castle corridors. When they reached the top of the castle tower, they spent some time watching the landscape. From that height, they could see the hexagon of the outer walls, the river, the faraway coastline. And the mountains.

  "And your manor." Kurtis pointed at the brown spot against the green of the trees. "And the secret pond behind it. How about a ride and a hot bath?"

  "Your Highness, I appreciated you letting me sleep and not embarrassing me last night. But I'd really like to know where this is headed and if I have a choice in the matter."

  "Of course you have a choice." Kurtis grinned. "I want you in my bed, but I won't force you."

  Even though he was expecting this, Rohan blushed.

  "I... I don't think... I don't deserve such an honor," he blurted out, feeling his cheeks on fire.

  "Why not?" Kurtis stepped closer and caressed his cheek. "You're young, handsome, of noble blood... What's missing?"

  "I just... I don't think I..."

  "You don't know what you want. You're a virgin, aren't you?"

  Rohan gulped and nodded, staring at his feet.

  "Well, I'll let you play with women first, if that's what you want," Kurtis said, stepping back. "You know where to find me when you're ready."

  And with a dazzling smile, he headed back for the lower floors.

  Rohan had to take long, calming breaths before following him down the spiral staircase and into the castle main building.


  Kurtis sat under his favorite willow on the river shore. Rohan was busy socializing at the castle and the prince felt the need to get away from the hustle and bustle for a while. What he had appreciated the most while in Moriana was the fact that he was just another prince, a hopeful who may or may not become the next Moren Emperor, but nobody actually gave him a second glance.

  At Ker Noran he was still the prince. Maybe not the heir, since his father had announced that Ewan would inherit the castle and Kurtis would be his trusted captain, but still the prince. There were still ladies who wanted his babies, in spite of the fact he had made it clear he didn't want to get involved with any of them.

  And watching those same ladies surround Rohan got on his nerves. He knew Rohan would have his rightful experiences with women before – hopefully – surrendering to him. Now that they had talked about it, he wasn't going to try anything until he saw Rohan was ready.

  "Hey, Kurtis, you're back at last!"

  The cheerful voice startled him. From the river emerged three pale beings with tunics of a nacreous fabric and eyes the color of the water they had come from. All three had chestnut brown hair, and the one female had a longer tunic. They could probably pass off as Humans if they wore different clothes, but Kurtis knew who they were.

  He brightened at the sight of his Waiora friends. They lived in the Wated and he had met their "cousins" of the River Ondan when in Moriana, but he knew he was lucky. The Waiora didn't like to show themselves to Humans after Humans had taken down their kingdom.

  One of the four Magical Races, the Waiora had taken part in the creation of the succession spell weaved for the first Moren Emperor some three centuries earlier. Kurtis had heard the story from them – the descendants – since Ker Noran was too remotely far from Moriana to have heard of the Empire.

  Busy with the tournament, the Nameless Knight and his infatuation with Rohan, Kurtis had forgotten his secret friends, but now he was happy they'd showed up.

  "Good to see you," Kurtis said as the three sat around him on the grass. "I missed you."

  Mostly he'd missed Mekhi, who stared at him with his luscious lips curved into a smile. Next to him sat his sister Maxene along with her vivkunulo (or life-mate), Warin.

  "Really?" Maxene giggled. "I thought you had lots of fun in Moriana!"

  "How do you know what I did in Moriana? It's miles away!"

  "News swims pretty fast, trust me." Mekhi winked. "So how was Sir Michael?"

  Startled, Kurtis looked at Mekhi.

  His meeting with the handsome Waiora had awakened his senses when he was barely seventeen. Mekhi had been his first male lover, and he'd been madly in love. But then after a couple of years of secret meetings, Mekhi had vanished for a few days.

  The members of the Magical Races weren't liars and when he'd come back, Mekhi had admitted he'd had his parigha nagho, or mating swim. Kurtis's sudden violent jealousy had ended their relationship and extinguished his passion for the handsome Waiora.

  Both had moved on since, even though they were still quite fond of each other.

  "Are you still jealous of my Human lovers?" Kurtis asked, amused. "They can't compare to you, and you know it!"

  Mekhi chuckled. "And they can't stick to you even though you don't have to hide your meetings with them."

  "I do, I was prince heir until I went to Moriana, I was supposed to marry and breed." Kurtis shrugged.

  "But then in Moriana you felt free to do as you pleased, away from your people's eyes," Maxene said. "So how's the homecoming?"

  "It's been great." Kurtis pondered. "I met someone, and to tell the truth, at first I thought he was one of you."

  "Why would you think that?" Warin asked, puzzled. "Where did you meet him?"

>   "In a warm pond at the edge of the forest. He was naked and had stark blue eyes, so I thought... But then I saw his clothes and his house, and then I knew he was Human."

  "Would that be Rohan de Alan?" Mekhi asked with an impish smile.

  "Do you know him?"

  "Any Human who often goes to a body of water is known to us, Kurtis," Maxene teased. "You should know!"

  Kurtis smiled. His love for swimming in the river had brought him to the attention of the Waiora siblings at first, then to the whole underwater community that lived along the Wated, especially near Ker Noran.

  "Did you show yourselves to him?" he asked.

  "No, that pond is secluded enough to grant him privacy." Mekhi shrugged. "But one of us has been keeping an eye on him."

  "So you should know I met him five days ago."

  "We didn't talk to her yet. She lives up near the source of that stream and doesn't come down very often. So, where is Rohan now?"

  "At the castle, socializing for the first time in his life..." Kurtis sighed. "His stepmother kept him as a servant, so he has a lot of catching up to do on his knightly life."

  "Why don't you tell him to come over to the river?" Maxene suggested. "Or does he like only warm ponds?"

  "I haven't asked him." Kurtis grinned. "I didn't even manage to take him back to the pond where we met yet. Maybe I should suggest a day-trip on the river!"

  "We'll make sure the currents push you to a secluded green alcove," Mekhi promised with a smile.

  "Thank you." Kurtis pondered some more. Yes, he should definitely take Rohan away from the castle at some point. Be it the pond or a river trip or a ride somewhere... he must find the right excuse, and then Rohan would be his.


  Rohan had never been so much the center of everybody's attention. Beautiful maidens competed for a word with him, young knights wanted to know how he defeated them even though he hadn't been properly knighted, older nobles kept telling him he was just like his father... He felt a little overwhelmed!

  Over the first few weeks of his moving to the castle, life was so busy he had no time to think. Learning court etiquette and what was expected of him as a knight, socializing with his peers and adjusting to the new life made him crumble in bed at night without thinking about nightly visits.


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