Driver, T. C.

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Driver, T. C. Page 28

by The Great Ark

  During that evening the big show roared and flashed all around us. Holy Bible verses filled my mind to overflowing often knocking me to my knees like a hammer. I prayed without stopping but could not concentrate or very well stand, or walk a straight line. “Oh how I loved thee oh Jerusalem-I will make Jerusalem a stone among the nations- Bones trodden down until the time of the Gentiles is full filled! Verses echoed in my head!

  I was constantly miserable and ill-tempered. The planes and light show was incredible. They soared up and down, back and forth, as if leaves in a whirlwind. Our planes anti-collision system and maneuverability was entertaining and put to good effect, it was truly a wondrous spectacle to behold. All heads pointed skyward in wonder, “oohs” and “aahs” were common. When the laser show intensified and images were projected onto the cliffs and into the air, people cheered. Holograms formed in smoke and everyone stood in constant awe of the show. The planes above looked as of the inside of a Christmas tree or a giant whirlwind of light and sound. The sound of the speakers was loud enough to “rock your bones,” with lows so low you could not hear but rather felt the music. Real fireworks also sent shockwaves of sound that could seemingly knock a person down. Many speakers spoke from the platform and it was obvious that this “Gathering” was about one thing “Jerusalem.”

  This show tonight was only a warm up, a practice run or prelude to the big event Saturday night!

  I stood on a railing with Captain Joe Coe and Lou Goodliar. How strange it was to see them together. Many of the other officers stood inside and outside the Great Arks main Bridge in cocktail fashion. These seats were now priceless at “The Gathering” Joe only allowed officers. We all watched the fancy show of glitter and lights and just like a Christmas tree most were fooled. The dark angel is an angel of light that knows his craft. I was sick inside, and stayed constantly in prayer, this “Gathering was not for me.

  Speakers spoke about Jerusalem but not much about Jesus. This show was all about not letting the Islamic world overtake Jerusalem. They spoke about God’s Holy Mountain and protecting it at all cost. This sounded good to many ‘untrained ears” but to one with holiness ears this “Gathering” was a fright, and a heavy burden. I could tell that some Saints felt as I did but most of my shipmates were taken in by the glitter. This was a sick perversion of our Lord Jesus that tried to kill our spirit. The people on ship were drunk, not only with drink, but with evil!

  Yes, each speaker spoke of protecting the city of peace but also then stated they were fair. They talked about the rights of non-Jews and of helping the Palestinians. Many stated that the Jew could not use the Holy Bible to justify a claim to the Holy Mountain! They called it an “International City.”

  “What Bible did they read,” I shouted out loud!

  Speakers at the big podium really wanted to take Jerusalem for themselves, and save it from Islam and Jews both the same. They spoke lies and double speech and sounded like Democrats on political campaign parade always divisive, untruthful, vengeful and ungodly. They were preachers, but were not working for Jesus. Some speakers came very close to true preaching, but still stood as liars in the end, yes even Goodliars.

  These speakers filled me with disgust and fear. I thought about the bloody crusades going on for years and the big light shows Hitler used in his Socialist Party Rallies in old Germany. Bible verses continued to flood my mind and I wished Jesus would return or just turn my giant lose. One is all it would take. God could just say the word, but he instead takes insults from evil men. God was today still giving sinful men a chance! What love is like Jesus! I looked around for my giant, but he was nowhere to be seen. I wondered how many giants Jesus had working for him. If these men could only see, they’d run to the mountains and hide. God has a master plan. God has his own schedule, “to everything there is a season.”

  Joe and Lou went into Joe’s office, talking loud and, or arguing and I joined them. Friday nights show was now about half over and much of us could not stand it any longer. When I walked in Leo Pugh was wound up. He was preaching to Joe, Unk, Duck, Booth, Lou and Chief of staff Friday (who was asleep on Joe’s couch). Excuse me make that drunk on the couch. Yes, both Friday’s show and officer Friday were now one half gone (haha).

  The lights in the office were turned off but enough light flashed in through the windows to see clearly. Lou and Unk got in a few words here and there, but Leo was on a preaching role! Joe tried his best to console and calm down the old preacher back into the party spirit, but to no avail. “The Gathering” had gotten Leo (an old Radio preacher) mad and fired up for God, which raised my spirit!

  “You will know them by their fruits” roared, Leo Pugh slamming his fist down on Joe’s desk. “The angel comes to kill and destroy. He always leaves a river of blood and always tries to replace God. To take over what God loves. What does a modern Catholic Priest say? Your sins are forgiven, that is God’s place not mans! What about Islam? It is a heretic religion of the sword of lies, of mans blood, mans laws. Why that nutcase, pedophile, pervert Mohamed never even came close to Jerusalem. Further most Mosques my ass, there was no Mosque in Jerusalem, not yet back in his day, much less flying off on a winged horse. Death misery and lies are the signs and fruits, the calling card of the angel not of Jesus. The Jews are God’s chosen people and his instrument in this world, no matter what Rome or Mecca says or does about it! Today or in the very last day, during the coming time of Jacob’s trouble Gods Word will stand. The bloody history of Rome, the Crusades, the Inquisition with fifty million dead, the holy wars of Islam these are all fruits of Satan. The Golden Head of Babylon has awakened. The great statue, that profit Daniel warned us about, is coming to life here in these last days of grace. The Jewel of God cuts it to pieces (Jesus). This is how it must and will be. This Great Whore of Babylon, drunk with the Blood of the Saints. The King (Banker) will be in Babylon again. Now watch world wealth pour in after the Iraq war. His whore is Rome, and she is us! Yes, the merchants of the earth will weep for us and our former glory from their slave camps. Open your eyes we are in Cyprus for God’s sake, the jumping off point for the crusades, the Vatican’s Unholy Wars. (Leo slammed his fist down again). Joe pushed his chair back and was uncomfortable with old Leo’s stare and spitting breath (Ha-ha). Joe turned toward me to lighten the moment! While raising his arms in a self defensive gesture!

  “Cornelius, tell us what you think”…. There was a moment of awkward silence.

  “Blood of the Saints,” I stammered. “I’m still trying to figure out the number twenty-six, the Levites, my giant, and being Holiness.”

  Joe Coe jumped in with yet another question. “What do you think might be hidden on Island number two Cornelius, besides old ancient guns?”

  “Are you drunk sir, you’re talking out of your head, and this ship wasn’t named after Noah’s Ark, was it?”

  A simple “No,” was all Captain Coe said.

  “Oh my,” I muttered slowly sitting down. Lou Goodliar then took Joe’s painting of the last supper and took it off the wall. He then walked over to a large mirror and held the edge of the painting up to it and asked,

  “How many men are in this picture now Cornelius?

  “Twenty–six,” I said softly.

  “Which one is the real and true church?” asked Lou! “Which ones are the true disciples of God? What does the angel do in this world? He wants to be as God! He is a counterfeit God! What does Satan Say in Isaiah 12?

  “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds: I will be like the most high!”

  Leo Pugh then started up preaching again, “In this world the dark angel tries to fool and deceive the nations, mix up man and cause confusion. The angel is very good at his craft, and most men do get fooled, and don’t realize it until it’s too late. Few find truth or salvation so ministers must have a heart for the lost and their eternal damnation!

  The worldly way is not God’s way. Wide is the path to destruction and narrow is the path to heaven. This is always true. Loo
k at the river of sick secular music in this world. The great hymns of the church and Gospel music is not the broad road or stream in this world. Satan was thrown down into this world and denied heaven and access to God almighty. God in his mercy has given even Satan and his rebellious fellow angels a season to live, just as he does with rebellious sinful men. Satan’s war is against God. He and his demons try to use men and “Sons of God” alike. They even caused a split and rebellion in Heaven but God will be victorious! God has told us that victory has been won! The old angel that old serpent has been defeated by Christ. Note that the serpent did not crawl on his belly across the ground before his success in the garden and that reptiles once ruled this world but now they do not. Man started out here on Earth in Satan’s prison in a protected garden. Have you asked yourself protection from what?

  Captain Joe Coe tossed me his globe again. My Holy Bible lesson continued even as the evil “Gathering” waged outside. Joe pointed to the top of the globe.

  “Say King of the North” Joe shouted

  “King of the North,” we all answered. Joe then pointed to Jerusalem!

  “Say City of peace,” he demanded

  “City of Peace,” we all answered. Joe ran his finger down the Globe and said,

  “Say King of the South.” We all answered.

  “Look outside at the Gathering, Cornelius! Do you see anything that looks like a whirlwind? How many ships? Do we conquer and pass over these days.

  Leo Pugh stepped back into our discussion again very much calmer now and teacher like then before with his loud preaching.

  “The king of the North is much stronger and comes first into the glorious land or into Jerusalem in time of peace to “protect,” but of course the covenant is broken. The North betrays the Jews. Note that the North also does not regard the natural desire of Women. (They have turned over to a reprobate mind set or turned homosexual). Men will be in strong rebellion against God! Read all of Daniel and Isaiah tonight, Cornelius, and let us all read together Daniel 11-40 right now;

  (40) And at the time of the end! Shall the king of the South push at him; and the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen and with many ships; and he shall overflow and pass over

  (40) He shall enter also into the glorious land and many countries shall be over thrown; but these shall escape out of his hand, even Edom and Moab and the chief of the children of Ammon!

  (45) And he shall plant the tabernacles of his palace between the seas in the glorious Holy Mountain: yet he shall to his end! And none shall help him!”

  I then shouted out almost unable to control myself! “Between the Seas Joe,” just like in South Amer……

  “No Cornelius!” shouted Joe!

  “But tabernacles is plural Joe” I answered

  “I said, No, Cornelius, now shut up,” so I did!

  Leo started his calm teacher voice again, very much tired of Joe and I interrupting his lesson. “Yes the North comes in peace invited by the Israelites. The Catholic Church is not all bad or 100% evil, part of the true Church does still work for God even today. Just like the disciples in the mirror both good and bad are present. Some godly Catholic leaders still remain, and of course some followers. Look at the men in this room, you for example Cornelius. You claim to be Holiness? Look at yourself, you are covered in blood and drunk with power and you’re not even anybody important. Imagine having real power, how would God’s profit describe you men; drunk with the blood of the Saints is an honest appraisal of your leaders don’t you think? The day of the Lord draws near. The birth pains of this creation cries out to his coming presence. These often flawed but faithful workers on God’s advance team are not perfect as he is. They are not bullet proof or all powerful or all knowing. No, they are flawed, but in a relationship with Jesus, just like true saints of the Church. You know not the power of faith at all! This might be a let down or a shock for some but just look at the last 100 plus years, the quickening of this age is at hand just as the Bible told us. “As in the days of Noah, so shall it be.” Gentlemen they are back, the Sons of God are back, and they are not teaching anyone how to build an Ark this go round. They are preparing the way for the Kingdom of God, the changing of a season. The Israelites have bigger friends than the ole US of America. God keeps his word and the nations are toast. There is no hope for fools like Osoma to win. He has put us all in danger and judgement.

  These “Sons of God” came from the safe haven of God’s Heaven and into the danger zone, or this prison called earth on missions for God. Both angels and Sons of God come into this realm (or this world of ours) as warriors and prison guards. Satan and his demons can not travel the heavens as God does but he can “hitch a ride” to approach God. God’s angels must often fight when they are sent to answer prayers. Just like when Jesus walked this earth in the flesh Satan came among the disciples and tried to deceive them. Satan is in jail here. Man was made for the garden, but then turned out for a season. When the Sons of God come here Satan is free to try to deceive them too. He is not bound, as he will be, during the reign of Jesus here on earth. During this time we saints will become sons of God and the one only begotten Son of God, Jesus, will rule for a season from Jerusalem. When the Sons of God show up the game of the ages is on. Satan knows his clock is ticking. Sons of God must work with the church “as it is,” not as it will be. Soon the two witnesses and then Jesus himself in the flesh will be back in this realm. Now they must deal with the counterfeit half of the church just as men do, Jesus has not yet separated out the goats, has not yet sat in judgement or sifted the wheat. Here on earth there is sin. Sons of God are not Devine like Jesus. God will tell Jesus when to get his Church and when to end this season. Only Jesus is able or worthy to open the seals and to give orders to the angels to finish this battle. “As in the days of Noah, so shall it be with the coming of the son of man.”

  That night back in my cabin on ship I looked up the number twenty–six on the web, and played with billiard balls. Doctor Fuller it read, the closest stacking of spheres. This Fuller math guy talked about spheres made out of triangles made from his spheres, like that big ball at Disney World. I wish I could understand this math stuff but I was too lazy to work out the problems. (I wish I could play the guitar better but I don’t practice my scales either). This same lazy way of life stops people from bible study, and growing close to God. People become satisfied with their own miserable state and don’t hunger for anything better. If you, my friend, no longer hunger after God, if you don’t pray everyday for a closer walk with Jesus, then start afresh today with Bible study and prayer and worship. Anyway this Fuller math guy invented those Mushroom shaped houses we bombed in the desert, or missed in the desert. Sometimes you just don’t know. I played some solitaire attacking cards by 13 from the bottom of a Christmas tree triangle. You know the game. I put the kings together and split them into two stacks one red one black this made 26 stacks I grew drowsy and was thinking to myself while half asleep…. The trees on Easter Island we were planting and the disciples have a heart for god, and we saints are covered by the blood .The diamond is a priest Aaron’s rod sprouted an almond tree, The king his priest, What do we buy women? Diamonds! God has twenty four elders in Heaven around his thrown, one King of kings and four beasts, four corners of the earth! Pyramids have square bottoms, my God does not change, city built four square, what did he do the last time the seasons changed as in the days of Noah so shall it be, so shall it be.

  I sat up in my bed. I realized what that old Preacher Leo had said. They’re back! The Sons of God they’re back, my God! My spirit will not always dwell with man, but will again. Mel’s church was just like the Israelites in the wilderness, it shown before them like burnished brass. Jesus is not a spirit he is coming in the flesh just as he went away. How does a real flesh and blood man who is God Travel to earth? I just don’t know. Could he use his Sons of God? Does he transform himself? The scripture says no, that in like manner he will re
turn. I jumped out of bed and poured three fingers of red wine! Praise God for a glimpse of understanding. God uses angels and he also uses Sons of God and Saints. God knows that the Jews are about to be double-crossed, and God made a covenant with Abraham. God keeps his word. My God comes right on time and he never changes. What he did before he will do again. My giant does not need a space ship, neither do angels, nor are they given in marriage. Jesus is the king of kings God’s only begotten son! Sons of God are not God or God’s. Sons of God are joint heirs with Jesus in all of his riches and glory. They work for and report to Jesus.

  Jerusalem has become a stone among the nations. Jesus is the stone not made by human hands that breaks up the statue of Babylon! Daniel told the king “You are the king of all earthy kings you are the head of Gold. God almighty works this stuff out no matter what man does. A great shaking is coming. This ole’ World is toast. Good night giant. Even so Lord, please come quickly! Being Holiness means we don’t have to worry about this failing world, because you are invested in a city. I’m going to a City where the lame can walk. Praise God! I’m going to a city where the dumb can talk! Praise God! I fell asleep feeling much better and praising, and worshiping God.

  In the morning the day was lazy and hung over. At our Bible study nobody showed up. Lou Goodliar was supposed to teach, I could not find him. People on ship were short tempered. Old friends snapped at each other. It was like the after Christmas blahs times ten. This hang over was not from drink but rather one of sinking spirit. The ship’s brig was now over flowing onto the deck above it requiring extra guards. Just days ago the brig had been emptied by Captain Coe to increase the painting and cleaning crews. There was an electricity of excitement in the air but no peace. It was like waiting in line all night in the rain for tickets to a rock concert tired and not trusting of the others in line. Fights and arguments were breaking out all over. That evening the sun started setting, as people finished eating, and our planes were in the air early doing their stunts. The blinding lasers soon started shooting holograms changing color and type. Yes, the curtain was going up on the greatest show on earth!


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