The Witch's Brew (The Witch's Brew 1)

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The Witch's Brew (The Witch's Brew 1) Page 1

by Brenda Cothern

  The Witch’s Brew

  Book 1

  Brenda Cothern

  By Brenda Cothern © 2018

  All Rights Reserved.

  Smashwords Edition

  Cover Artist: Robin Wallace

  ISBN-13: 978-1-943949-28-1

  ISBN-10: 1-943949-28-X

  First Printing Jan. 2018

  No part of this work may be copied, reproduced, altered, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form, in any way, without prior, written permission from the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages within the review for publication in a newspaper, magazine, journal, or on a website.

  This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, (some) places, and situations are the products of the author’s imagination and intended to be fictional. Any resemblances to actual events, situations, or persons, alive or dead, are entirely coincidental.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This book contains M/M sexual situations and extreme mobster violence. This book also contains references to sexual abuse. If this is a trigger for you, please do not read. This book is intended for readers of legal age in the country in which they reside. Please store your adult literature responsibly.

  Wench Publishing, Inc.

  136 E. 145th Avenue

  Tampa, Florida, 33613

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Table of Contents

















  About the Author

  GLBT Support Organizations



  To those who loved Shadows, this one is for you.

  To my friend and fellow author, Ann Lister, who has shared the burden of loss with me after we both lost an incredible friend and wonderful woman at the end of last year. We all miss you Sandy.


  My beta team, both those who have been with me for several books and all of the new members who have joined me for this one, you guys are incredible!

  I love you guys!

  Lora, Lori, Shirley, Danielle, Melissa, & Virginia. Without you, my writing wouldn’t be nearly as clean and the story would suffer.


  Chapter One

  The nightclub, The Witch’s Brew, was packed almost to capacity even though it was only Wednesday. Strobe lights and lasers flashed through the smoke that BT occasionally used to assault the dancers. There was never too much because even though the effects of the lights through the artificial fog entertained the guests, security needed to be able to see the dance floor.

  Any disturbance in the club which required the attention of security usually happened in one of two places: the bar or the dance floor. Most of the time, it was on the dance floor and BT was the first to spot potential trouble brewing since he was elevated above the gyrating bodies dancing to his beats.

  Mikael studied his club through the one-way, bulletproof mirror that covered the entire length of his office wall on the second story. His office was strategically placed above the entrance so he could see anyone coming or going. Patrons danced to the techno beat that he couldn’t hear, but he barely took in the norms that frequented his club and kept his bank account full.

  Instead, his gaze sought out his employees. He wasn’t checking on them because he didn’t trust them. No, he checked on them because they were his family. They were his responsibility, not only to keep safe, but also hidden from the human world they all belonged to in Chicago.

  Barb was working the bar below to his left and Travis the bar on his right. Jules was tending the bar across from his office and all three of his bartenders were busy. Cat was gracefully weaving around the few booths and freestanding tables. The Fae, life drinker, and garouls worked their asses off, but that wasn’t the only reason he loved them. They were genuinely good people.

  Mikael smiled. Time flies, he thought in regards to the last two hundred years he’d known Cat and Travis. Barb had been with him almost as long, though he knew she would more than likely be retiring and leaving their chosen family sometime over the next fifty years. He’d be sad to see her go, but garouls and shifters just didn’t have the same lifespan as the rest of them. She was already pushing three hundred and seventy-five, not that she looked a day over thirty.

  Mikael shifted his gaze to Marci. She was a minx, literally, and the newest member of his family, well she was the newest, after George. George was a rarity among his kind in both that he was a bear garoul and he craved socialization.

  Once more Mikael scanned the norms, before his gaze settled on his soon to be newest bartender. He’d known many changers in his five hundred years even if his current family consisted mostly of garouls. She was a small woman with short dark spiky hair and multiple facial piercings. She stood between two extremely sexy men. Men so attractive they took one’s breath away. Of course, Fae tended to have that effect whether one was human or supernatural.

  However, Mikael’s attention barely paused on the beautiful Fae. No, he was more interested in the female, the changer, but Mikael would have never suspected from where he observed the trio unnoticed. Every changer he’d ever met presented as an almost unremarkable male aside from being big and intimidating.

  This changer was neither. She was an enigma since she was so tiny. Five feet four inches, if that, and the few words they’d exchanged proved her to be shy almost to the point of rudeness. Her appearance was anything but plain as well.

  A throat clearing behind him reminded Mikael that he was not alone in his office. No, he wasn’t alone and would normally enjoy the company of his brother. Right now though, he wasn’t sure how he felt about the older life drinker that was seated comfortably on the leather sofa behind him.


  Mikael turned to look at the life drinker who’d saved him from their Sire’s neglect. Not only saved him, but ensured their Sire would never do to someone else what had been done to him.

  Had it not been for Alec sensing his turning and his raging hunger that lasted way too long because their Sire abandoned him, he would’ve gone on a rampage. It would have been a killing spree that would only have ended when another drinker or a Hunter took his life.

  Sebastian, their other brother, arrived in Russia two days after Alec since being second born didn’t alert him to his new brother’s situation as quickly. By then, Alec had assured his hunger wasn’t so threatening to any human whose scent he caught. He owed them both his life, but Alec more, though his brother said otherwise.

  “Will you take them in?”

  Mikael turned to look at his brother after he sat down on the sofa. Of course, he would take the changer and by extension her two Fae lovers into his family because there was no doubt he wouldn’t when Alec asked. He would do anything Alec asked of him, but if Alec thought he was accepting his former employee and her lovers because Mikael still felt indebted to the older life drinker, his brother would lose his shit. Then, of course, an
argument over their difference of opinion about the past would ensue.

  “How long was she with you?”

  “Roni has been with me for a little over ten years,” Alec answered. “Since LA,” he added.

  “And she’s been with the Fae for how long, now?”

  “Almost two years. Zac and Hunter are good people, Mik.”

  Mikael had no doubt all three of them were or his brother wouldn’t be asking him to take them in. “They don’t need employment as well?”

  “No.” Alec grinned. “Unless you need a sexual psychiatrist or a lawyer.”

  Mikael whistled. “Why did they leave Tampa? Surely it couldn’t be because you were bringing her to Chicago to bartend.”

  “It was time,” Alec answered seriously. “Moving is always easier than faking one’s death, you know this.”

  Mikael did and stood. He crossed his office and took a seat behind his desk. He stared at his brother for several minutes and knew there was more to Alec deciding it was time to relocate after his club burned down.

  “Aleksandr,” Mikael started, but was interrupted.

  “Alec,” his brother corrected.

  “Alec,” Mikael conceded with a dip of his head. “What aren’t you telling me?” Mikael continued to stare at his brother. “I’m not a fledgling anymore, so you can tell me anything.”

  “I know you aren’t, Mik,” Alec started, but it was Mikael’s turn to interrupt.

  “Then tell me what’s going on. It’s obvious that you are ensuring their safety by bringing them to me instead of taking them with you when you start over. You always start over with your family. It’s what we do.”

  “I didn’t want to take them to LA. Sebastian has already taken in two of mine into his family at The Witch’s Brew there.” Alec sighed. “What is it with you two and the witch club name anyway?”

  “You let us chose and we liked the name.” Mikael smirked. “And don’t change the topic. I became immune to that tactic over three hundred years ago.” Mikael’s smirk turned into a somber expression.

  “So, start talking.”

  “I want to spend time with my bride. She deserves a proper honeymoon.”

  “The bride I’ve yet to meet?”

  “If you’d come to the wedding, you would’ve met her.” Alec raised an accusing brow.

  “You already know why I was unable to attend.”

  Mikael frowned and a wave of guilt crashed over him again. The last time Alec married was when Mikael had been barely older than a fledgling. He would never forgive himself for missing his brother’s third wedding in Alec’s eight hundred year existence. However, his chosen family had to come first if he were to keep any of them safe. He didn’t regret helping Cat, but that didn’t lessen his guilt over missing his brother’s wedding.

  “I’m calling bullshit,” Mikael declared after a moment of silence settled between them. “What happened down at Shadows? A club fire or honeymoon wouldn’t have sent you relocating those you love and have chosen to be your family.” Mikael leveled a hard stare on Alec and mentally wished for his brother to answer. When Alec remained silent, Mikael continued, “Let me help.”

  “You will be helping if you take in Roni and her men.” Alec smiled but his tone was serious.

  “Dammit Aleksandr!” Mikael growled. “You know I will take in your family.” Mikael stood and paced in front of his desk. “I just want to be prepared for any trouble since you are refusing to let me help with whatever the hell is really going on with you.”

  “No trouble will come to you, brother.” Alec stood and stepped into Mikael’s path. “No Hunters will appear at your door and cause an issue.” Alec took Mikael’s face in his hands. “I’d never put you and your family in danger, you know this.”

  Mikael stared into his brother’s serious gaze. Of course, he knew Alec wouldn’t put him or his family in harm’s way on purpose, but in all the centuries they’d shared he had never witnessed his brother entrust the safety of his family to someone else.

  “I do.” Mikael gave Alec what he hoped was a reassuring smile, hoping his older brother wouldn’t sense his worry.

  “Good.” Alec lowered his hands and gave each of Mikael’s cheeks a kiss before he stepped back. “Shall I bring them up?”

  “Yes.” Mikael moved around his desk and resumed his seat. He spoke again right before Alec stepped into the hallway. “What have you told them about me?”

  Alec looked over his shoulder and grinned. “Only that you are my brother.” He shot a wink at Mikael and chuckled as he walked out the door.

  “At least they aren’t norms.” Mikael sighed before leaning back in his chair to await the three new additions to his family.


  Three nights later, Mikael found himself once more looking down into his club. He took a sip of his expensive cognac as he studied his new bartender, Roni. He was still watching her when several minutes later George’s voice spoke in his ear piece.

  Every one of his security employees had the ability to reach him directly in his office through their communication devices. Some of the bouncers were norms, so he liked giving them the ability to contact him directly if there was trouble. It rarely happened and when it did, it was usually George notifying him of the arrival of a patron that might cause trouble. That was the case this time.

  “Mancini men just entered.”

  Mikael frowned and looked directly below to see the new arrivals. He had no issues with the Italian mobsters just like he had none with the Irish who were at war with them. No, his frown wasn’t because the Mancini men decided to enjoy themselves in his club tonight. It was because they were here and there were already Irish mobsters, O’Reilly’s men, enjoying themselves in a corner booth.

  If all the men were smart they would honor the truce he enforced on the heads of their family. The Witch’s Brew was neutral ground in their war whether they wanted it to be or not. The ongoing mob war wasn’t any of his concern or business and he had every intention of staying out of it. Unless of course, they fucked with his family or club.

  Mikael watched the two Italians until they settled at a table with their drinks. They were far enough away from the Irish that he only spared all of the men a moment’s thought to ensure the humans weren’t going to cause any trouble before he returned to his desk. Mikael didn’t stay seated at his desk for long, though. Something caused him to resume his place at the glass he hid behind to observe his club.

  He really wasn’t sure what he was looking for, so he let his eyes relax and become unfocused. Time passed and he had no idea how long he stood in front of the glass before a knock on the door pulled him out of his almost trance-like state. Mikael blinked rapidly before turning to face his office door.


  The door cracked open and the head of his bar manager peeked through. Randy had been with Mikael since he was hardly more than a fledgling. Randy was just over a century and a half old and the affection Mikael felt for the young life drinker was akin to a father for his son. In fact, Mikael was sure if Randy’s Sire hadn’t been murdered by Hunters, he wouldn’t be part of Mikael’s family at all.

  “The applicant for the security position is here,” Randy informed.

  “Come in,” Mikael ordered.

  He knew Randy wouldn’t have brought the man to his office without permission, so Mikael wasn’t concerned that the guy was in the hall behind his bar manager. Randy stepped into the office and automatically shut the door behind him. Mikael never left his door open and all of his employees knew to keep it closed whether he was in the office or not.

  “Show me,” Mikael requested politely and turned once more to the glass.

  “I put him at the end of Barb’s bar.” Randy motioned down to where he left the norm.

  Mikael had no problem spotting the man even though he could be mistaken for another patron by the way the guy was casually leaning on the bar. The norm’s body appeared relaxed, but his eyes were constantly scannin
g the club as if waiting for trouble to make an appearance so he could intervene. That was the first thing Mikael noticed.

  The man’s appearance was the next. The guy was huge. Even leaning against the bar his size could easily make Mikael assume he was a changer. Of course, if the guy weren’t a norm, George would’ve called him on his ear piece. That was one reason he kept the large garoul at the door. George always knew when a patron was anything other than a norm. Still, this man was huge and Mikael had no doubt that the guy’s height matched the muscular build that was threatening to bust the seams of the pale blue dress shirt he wore.

  From where Mikael and Randy stood, Mikael couldn’t tell more about the guy other than his build and light military buzz haircut. The club lights made it difficult for Mikael to tell if that crewcut was blonde or just a very light shade of brown. He would know soon enough.

  “He’s hot, huh?” Randy nodded toward the man they were observing.

  Randy’s comment echoed Mikael’s thought, but he replied as if he hadn’t been thinking the very same thing. “You know the rule, Randy,” Mikael chided gently. “No fucking family.” It was a rule Mikael instituted years ago and applied to the norms he employed as well.

  “He’s not family yet, boss,” Randy replied teasingly.

  Mikael hated it when his family called him boss and even after over one hundred years; he was still trying to get Randy to stop. Though, he was more than sure that his bar manager only did it to drive him crazy. So, Mikael ignored the title.

  “What’s your impression?” Mikael asked while continuing to watch the norm.

  “He’s big, hot as fuck, your type, former military, and has experience.” Randy ticked each point off on a finger and Mikael could see his smart assed grin in the reflection of the glass.


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