The Witch's Brew (The Witch's Brew 1)

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The Witch's Brew (The Witch's Brew 1) Page 9

by Brenda Cothern

  “They are,” Adam replied before another spike of pain shot into his head.

  “There are no such things as vampires, Adam,” Lawrence informed in a calm conversational tone. “Vampires are just a fiction of Hollywood.”

  The pain in Adam’s head increased. If he hadn’t known better, which he did, he would think he’d had a migraine coming on. The minimal light in the apartment was shooting spikes into his eyes, but the nausea that usually accompanied the feeling of shards of glass slicing his eyes to ribbons never made an appearance. It was that lack of needing to find the nearest toilet to empty his stomach which told him he wasn’t experiencing a migraine. Not having the urge to puke his guts out even though he felt like his brain was being stabbed with an ice pick was enough to make him realize the attorney was doing something to him.

  Adam looked away from the smaller man and met Mikael’s gaze. His boss appeared calm and collected even though his expensive button-down shirt and slacks were torn to shreds. Adam focused on those tears in Mikael’s clothing. They reminded him of how he found his boss and everything that followed before his coworkers arrived in Mikael’s apartment.

  However, even reminding himself of the fucked up events that happened earlier didn’t lessen the pain in his head. If anything, they made the pain worse. Still, Adam had survived pain in the past. He knew how to function while experiencing agony. So right now, he gritted his teeth and pushed the pain in his head down into the box that had allowed him to survive in the sandbox.

  Mikael met Adam’s steady gaze and held it. The man was fighting Lawrence’s efforts to erase his memory. Sweat covered Adam’s brow and ran down the side of his face to soak into his collar. Adam’s clenched jaw was just another indication that he was struggling against Lawrence’s influence.

  It was more than obvious that his employee was in pain. Adam’s pupils were dilated and his eyes were glazed. His hands were fisted on his thighs and Mikael had never before witnessed anyone resisting a mindbenders’ ministrations to this extent.

  “Stop,” Mikael quietly ordered when the first trail of blood escaped from one of Adam’s nostrils. A great sigh of relief escaped Adam’s lips and the man collapsed back against the couch. His breath came out in pants and his fists were still clenched tightly atop his thighs. However, his beautiful green eyes never broke contact with Mikael’s.

  “Boss,” Randy said at the same time Lawrence questioned, “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” Mikael answered Lawrence without looking away from Adam’s penetrating gaze. “Leave.”

  “Boss?” Randy inquired at the same time Lawrence stood.

  “Check on Cat, but be careful,” Mikael ordered Randy without looking away from Adam who was trying to catch his breath as if he had run several miles.

  From the corner of his eye, Mikael saw Lawrence stand and head to the door. Randy moved more hesitantly and stopped in the doorway to his apartment.

  “It’s fine,” Mikael assured his adopted son and waved a hand toward him. “Shut the door behind you.”

  Adam listened to Mikael’s exchange with the others without breaking eye contact with his boss. He was aware of his bar manager and the lawyer leaving even though he was flooded by the relief of not experiencing the pain that was piercing his brain. The soft snick of Mikael’s apartment door registered with him, but he didn’t unclench his fists. His body wanted to relax, but his mind braced for the pain to return. He had no idea what had been done to him, but he did know it was an attack of some sort and one that hurt like hell.

  Mikael raised a hand to wipe away the trail of blood from Adam’s nose that was quickly making its way toward the man’s upper lip. Adam flinched at his movement and Mikael stilled his hand in midair.

  “I won’t hurt you,” Mikael reassured Adam before he resumed his intent to wipe the blood from Adam’s face.

  Incredulously, now that Adam’s head didn’t feel like it was going to be split down the middle, he believed his boss. He wasn’t sure what had just transpired, but he believed that if Mikael meant him any harm that it would have occurred when the vampire’s mouth was latched to his neck.

  Adam’s hands unclenched and Mikael cupped the side of his face. He used his thumb to remove the trail blood that leaked from Adam’s nose. He forced himself not to think of how good the man’s face felt under the palm of his hand and how delicious his blood would taste if he licked his thumb. He had already traumatized the norm enough that licking the man’s blood from his finger would just be cruel, especially since Adam resisted Lawrence so spectacularly.

  “I won’t hurt you, Adam,” Mikael repeated and attempted to lower his hand from Adam’s face.

  Adam’s hand shot up of its own accord to grasp Mikael’s wrist. He wasn’t sure why he wanted to feel his boss’ warm palm on his face. Maybe it was some sort of vampire compulsion over him, but at the moment all he cared about was feeling Mikael soft palm along his slightly stubbled cheek. He was surprisingly relieved when Mikael spread his fingers and allowed him to press his palm against his cheek again.

  Mikael was momentarily startled when Adam grabbed his wrist. He was confused by Adam’s action and even more so when his norm employee placed his palm back against his cheek. Not only moved his hand back to the cupping position he’d just abandoned, but leaned into his caress. Adam’s bright green eyes never shifted away from Mikael’s scrutiny, but Adam holding his gaze didn’t lessen his confusion over his new employee’s behavior.

  “What were you trying to do to me?” Adam asked almost on a whisper.

  “I tried nothing,” Mikael answered honestly even though he knew exactly what Adam was asking.

  Adam tightened his grasp on Mikael’s wrist, but didn’t move Mikael’s hand away from his face. He knew from the fictional books he’d read, if they were even true, that Mikael could grow claws that would slice his face or his strength would allow him to pull away if he wished. Mikael didn’t do either.

  “You are lying,” Adam accused.

  “I’m not.”

  “What did your lawyer try to do then? Or Randy? One of you tried to do something,” Adam finished with confidence.

  One of the men in the room had tried to do something to him. Of that he was sure, especially since the moment his boss ordered a stop, the pain in his head disappeared. He wanted to know whatever it was they tried to do to him. Perhaps, he should be more concerned about sitting next to a vampire which he always believed to just be a fictional character in some authors’ imagination. But right now, he wanted to know what the hell caused his head to feel like it was splitting.

  “You were never supposed to know about us.”

  Mikael dreaded Adam’s questions. Still, he thought he could salvage the secrecy that they all worked so hard to maintain. If he could just delay answering Adam’s direct questions he might come up with a plan that would work when Lawrence’s mind-bending failed. However, his spinning thoughts didn’t offer him a solution. Instead, they distracted him and he was caught off guard when Adam moved.

  Mikael’s answer wasn’t an answer at all and Adam reacted without thought. The hand that gripped Mikael’s wrist flew wide at the same time two things happened: Adam’s free hand grabbed Mikael’s other wrist at the same time his body shifted. Adam easily spread Mikael’s arms wide before he straddled the smaller man’s lap. Thoughts of Mikael being a vampire who could throw him off or even kill him by drinking every drop of blood contained in his body never entered Adam’s mind when he moved.

  A grunt and puff of air escaped Mikael’s lips when Adam settled on his lap. He didn’t feel threatened by having his arms thrown wide and a larger man pinning him down against his sofa by nothing but his knees bracketing his hips. No, Mikael didn’t feel threatened at all. What he felt was arousal. He had been lusting over his newest employee since the norm was hired two months ago. So having the man above him holding him down as if he were helpless was more than enough to stir his cock to life.

  “Tell me what I want t
o know,” Adam growled out close to his boss’ face

  He applied pressure to Mikael’s wrists which he held on the back of the sofa. The reaction from his boss to his demand was the last thing Adam expected and caused him to freeze.

  Adam’s face was so close that Mikael felt the puffs of air from the norm’s demand to know more information about the things Mikael strived to keep secret. It was the warm breath that ghosted over his face and the position under his employee who he’d been lusting over that resulted in Mikael’s impulsive action.

  He closed the distance between them and locked their lips together. Mikael didn’t shut his eyes so he clearly witnessed the stunned shock that shone from Adam’s green eyes. Still, that didn’t stop him from pushing his tongue against the seam of Adam’s lips in an effort to gain entrance. It didn’t stop his hips from thrusting up to feel more of Adam’s weight against him, either.

  Adam was stunned stupid. Mikael’s mouth on his was the last thing, the absolute last fucking thing, he expected while trying to gain answers from his boss. It wasn’t until he felt Mikael press up against his groin that he snapped out of his shocked stupor. The insistent pressure of Mikael’s tongue against his lips had him opening without even realizing. He allowed Mikael in, allowed the vampire to explore his mouth before the urge to return the exploration overtook him.

  The tight grip on his wrists lessened and suddenly Mikael’s hands were free. Free to touch, roam the body of the larger norm above him that was driving him absolutely crazy with lust. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Mikael knew this was wrong. It was wrong on so many levels. He didn’t know if he could trust Adam knowing about his world, but that wasn’t the worst of it. No, after a few centuries, he was breaking his own rule about fucking family. Still, the taste of Adam’s mouth trumped both concerns as he delved in for more.

  Mikael’s mouth was intoxicating and, if Adam had a single brain cell that could function rationally, he may have considered how Mikael’s taste was suspicious. Perhaps his taste made Adam crave more, like some sort of vampire spell had been cast over him. However, Adam didn’t have a rational thought in his mind. He was too absorbed by Mikael’s tongue dueling with his and the man’s hands suddenly digging into his chest. Adam had no idea when he released Mikael’s wrists and grasped the back of the couch instead. He didn’t care either, especially when he felt Mikael’s hardness thrusting up against him.

  Adam pressed down into Mikael while he moved his hands to the side of the man’s head. Without a conscious thought, he released the clasp that held Mikael’s long blonde hair at the base of his neck. The moment Adam felt Mikael’s loose hair, his hands buried into the hair at the base of Mikael’s nape. He used his hold to maneuver his boss’ head to where he wanted it to be.

  Mikael groaned into the hungry kiss when he felt Adam’s fist tighten in his hair. He kept his hair long for a reason. He loved it pulled. The slight twinge of pain on his scalp had him thrusting up again. Feeling Adam’s hardness meeting his own only spurred him on while his hands sought skin under Adam’s shirt.

  The sensations of hands burrowing under his shirt didn’t register in Adam’s mind until he felt nails breaking his skin in an effort to pull him closer. Those nails acted as a reality check. They brutally reminded him that it wasn’t a man who he straddled and had him so riled up. No, it was a fucking vampire; a deadly undead being that could drain him of blood and kill him at any time.

  Adam pulled away, leapt back and off his lap so fast that Mikael was grasping nothing but air. The look in Adam stunning green eyes told Mikael everything he needed to know in regards to the lust that had consumed them and stopped so abruptly.

  His employee remembered what he was and Adam’s fear had returned. However, Mikael didn’t think fear was the right word. Adam hadn’t shown any fear since he came to the Mikael’s rescue. Shock at what had happened, yes, but not fear. Even now, the expression on Adam’s face was one more of wariness than fear. So, Mikael did nothing but drop his suddenly empty hands onto his lap and wait to see what his norm employee would do next.

  Adam steadied his breath and willed his hard cock to go down. He stood three feet away from his boss, but was sure the distance wouldn’t matter if Mikael decided to reach for him. He studied Mikael’s face for any indication that the vampire was about to move. All Mikael did was meet his gaze. His boss appeared passive, but Adam didn’t for a minute think Mikael was passive by nature.

  “What did you try to do to me?” Adam demanded again.

  Mikael wanted to answer with something flirty like ‘I tried to get you off,’ but the seriousness in Adam’s expression told him that his attempt of humor wouldn’t be appreciated. So, he decided to answer honestly.

  “Lawrence was trying to take away the memories of how you found me.”

  Adam frowned. “What do you mean ‘take away’?”

  “He would’ve replaced your memories of finding me with those more benign. Those of finishing your shift and going home.”

  Mikael could see Adam thinking about the last time he’d encountered Lawrence. It was more than obvious when Adam connected the dots between tonight and the night of the shooting.

  “He is the reason I said something different than what I intended to say to the police,” Adam said with surety.

  Mikael remained silent, but Adam didn’t need him to confirm or deny his accusation. He knew it was true regardless of if his boss said anything or not.

  “Do not do that to me again,” Adam growled and pointed a stern finger at Mikael. “I said I will keep your secret, so stay the fuck out of my head.”

  Adam’s tone was full of anger and Mikael was marginally grateful that it wasn’t fear he heard lacing his employee’s words.

  “Okay.” Mikael nodded in agreement, but still wasn’t sure what Adam would do. Now or with the revelation of a world the man never knew existed.

  Adam held his glare on Mikael for only a moment longer before he turned toward the apartment door. He didn’t pause after stepping through even when he saw Randy and Travis in Mikael’s office. Instead, he stormed past his coworkers who were more than likely vampires like his boss and jogged down the stairs. All he wanted to do was go home and strip out of his blood encrusted clothes before taking a long hot shower.

  “We are good people.”

  Jules’ voice reached him just as the security pad beeped. Adam opened the door, but paused. His mind was too clouded with everything he’d learned tonight to formulate an answer, so he said nothing at all.

  “I hope you’ll come back to work tomorrow,” Jules said quietly. “You fit in well with this family.”

  Adam stepped into the employee hallway and refused to contemplate how Jules came to her conclusion that he could fit in with a family of vampires.


  Chapter Nine


  Mikael lowered his hand that had been covering his eyes and looked up at his adopted son. With the sigh that had more to do with Travis and Randy’s expressions than exhaustion, Mikael took the crystal goblet Randy held out to him. He swallowed a deep drink of his backup supply of blood and tried not to wince at how bland it tasted compared to Adam’s.

  “You fed from him,” Randy stated. “Just how injured were you to lose control?”

  “I didn’t lose control,” Mikael corrected.

  “Then why?” Randy seemed as if he couldn’t help but ask even though they all usually fed from humans.

  Travis spoke before Mikael could answer. “Just look at his clothes, Randy.” Travis waved at Mikael before he did what he just told the younger life drinker to do. “It was bad wasn’t it?” Travis directed his question to Mikael.

  Mikael finished his blood without answering and handed the goblet out to Randy in a silent request for more. Randy’s frown turned into an expression of concern. Mikael glanced up at Travis and met his employee’s knowing gaze. In the two hundred years they had known each other, Mikael had never fed from an employee or family m
ember. That alone was enough to answer Travis’ question.

  “It doesn’t matter now though if Lawrence was here.” Randy seemed to come to terms over Mikael feeding from Adam while he was in the kitchen.

  Mikael fought not to wince, but he must not have been as successful as he wished. Both Travis and Randy’s eyes widened. They knew how Mikael ensured their safety when it came to norms finding out about them. So, Mikael wasn’t surprised by their shocked expressions.

  “He was resisting Lawrence’s attempt to alter his memory,” Mikael reluctantly informed them before he accepted his refilled goblet from Randy. “And I wasn’t willing to kill him,” Mikael admitted quietly.

  Once more Travis stared at him with understanding in his gaze. However, Randy was clearly beginning to panic. Mikael wasn’t sure which expression from his employees he preferred. Neither, more than likely if was he honest.

  Randy had never experienced the threat of discovery, so his fear was understandable. Mikael and Travis had lived through this sort of threat before, even if his actions tonight in regards to Adam exposing him weren’t how they normally dealt with a norm who found out about them. That was why the understanding in Travis’ gray eyes seemed to unnerve him so much.

  “He could expose us. Tell Hunters or other norms about us.” Randy’s tone of voice climbed to a higher pitch with each word.

  “He won’t,” Mikael said with the confidence he had no business believing.

  “You don’t know that!” Randy yelled. “You have to send Lawrence back to him. If that doesn’t work…” Randy let his statement hang between them.

  “Calm down, Randy.” Travis laid a hand on the younger life drinker’s shoulder. “Mikael would never put us in danger.”

  “I wouldn’t,” Mikael confirmed with a slight shake of his head before he stood. “You know this, Randy.” Mikael held Randy’s panicked gaze until he started to calm. “As much as we need to be concerned with Adam right now, I am more concerned with what happened to Cat tonight.” Randy looked reprimanded even though that wasn’t Mikael’s intent. “Tell me how she is,” Mikael requested and handed his now empty goblet back to Randy.


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