The Witch's Brew (The Witch's Brew 1)

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The Witch's Brew (The Witch's Brew 1) Page 13

by Brenda Cothern

  “I’ll be fine, Rita,” Mikael softly told her, again.

  Rita looked at him doubtfully, but didn’t say another word before she turned toward the door. Mikael thought she would leave without comment, but he was wrong.

  “Will Adam be returning tonight?”

  Mikael met Rita’s inquiring gaze. He wasn’t sure if their newest security employee would be returning to work that evening or not. He hoped Adam wasn’t scared off by what the man had learned in regards to his world and instead would return to work. His gut told him that what he’d shared with Adam would only ensure the man would return, as opposed to if he shared nothing at all. Still, Mikael couldn’t say with certainty that Adam, the norm he was practically uncontrollably lusting over, would return to work that night.

  “We can only hope he will.” Mikael offered Rita a smile. She gave him a nod before leaving his office and closing the door quietly behind her.

  Whether Adam decided to come to work tonight or not weighed heavily on Mikael’s mind. He had shared much with the human. More than any human should know about his kind unless they were fully trusted. Why Mikael had visited Adam and decided to do so, he wasn’t entirely sure. There was just something about Adam that made him feel like he could trust the man with their secrets. That trust had nothing to do with the attraction he felt, either. No, there was something other than the pull of lust he felt for the norm that made Mikael feel a deep seated trust that he normally wouldn’t when encountering a human.

  Mikael gave his head a shake to dislodge his thoughts of Adam. Now was not the time to be thinking about the man who made his blood race. No, now was the time to figure out what the hell was going on in his club and who was behind the attack on Cat. Whether Adam showed up for his shift tonight or not wouldn’t matter one way or the other when it came to Mikael keeping his family safe.

  He forced himself to think about the incidents that had recently transpired in his club. Even thinking about the timeline of events that had disturbed the peaceful hidden world he’d created for his family brought him back to Adam.

  Adam was the one to point out the drug dealers and prostitutes that had somehow escaped their notice and that seemed to set off a domino effect. The shots fired in his club were random as no one was targeted or hurt. His stabbing wasn’t, however. The knife that entered his side was deliberate; not only deliberate, but would have been deadly had he not been a life drinker. Did the assailant know he wasn’t a human and could survive such an attack? That was the question when he considered the two incidents being connected.

  However, the attack on Cat couldn’t easily be connected to the first two incidents unless Rita’s assumption was true. If he was the target of Hunters who tried to use Cat as a weapon against him, it made sense. What didn’t make sense was Hunters shooting randomly in his club or stabbing him in the side when they would know such a wound wouldn’t kill him.

  Considering these facts made Rita’s claim that they were dealing with two separate factions seem the most believable. The drug dealers or prostitutes’ pimps tried to retaliate by shooting up his club and or stabbing him, but Hunters were involved in the attack on Cat. Mikael was sure.

  Thoughts of how to deal with the humans who were intent on retaliation because he’d fucked with their business wasn’t at the forefront of his mind. No, his thoughts centered on the Hunters who had suddenly targeted his family, once again.


  Chapter Twelve

  Adam was dressed and ready to go to work, but he still paused before leaving his apartment. He wasn’t afraid to go to The Witch’s Brew. No, it wasn’t fear that made him pause before he left. It was indecision. If he went to work, he would not only be acknowledging everything he’d learned since his last shift was real, but would be accepting it all as part of his reality. Not that staying home would miraculously erase everything he’d learned, but somehow Adam thought it might be less real.

  Adam shook his head and closed his apartment door behind him. Nothing he did would make anything he’d recently learned less real. There was a whole world he had never imagined existed and he could either believe everything he’d experienced and learned or delude himself by thinking he was crazy. Adam knew he wasn’t crazy and it was this surety that propelled him out of his apartment and to work.

  He let himself into the back of the club and when he stepped into the club proper, he wasn’t sure what he expected.

  “You came back,” Jules greeted with a smile and looked genuinely pleased to see him.

  Adam wasn’t sure how to reply so he gave the beautiful bartender a nod to acknowledge her. Travis was behind his bar and Marci appeared to be talking to him until Jules spoke. George was nowhere to be seen, but Rita approached him.

  “Glad you came in.” Rita smiled at Adam. “We weren’t sure you would.” Adam wasn’t sure what to make of Rita’s pleasure at seeing him. “It’s a lot to take in and adjust to, but they are just like us for the most part. Think of the supernaturals like superheroes living amongst us. It’s kind of the same thing.”

  Adam tried to see the supernaturals as Rita called them as superheroes, but all his mind conjured were vampires and werewolves wearing capes.

  “It took me a while to adjust to the reality that there were more than just us.” Rita paused and Adam maintained her gaze. “Mikael and the family are good people.”

  “People,” Adam muttered softly.

  “Yeah, people,” Rita reiterated. “They are no different than any other culture we might encounter.”

  Adam could see the sincerity, the belief Rita felt in her words and all he could do was nod in agreement even if he wasn’t sure he actually believed what Rita claimed. However, whether he believed Rita or not Adam was still here to work.

  George made an appearance before Adam was forced to reply one way or the other to Rita. His large security boss looked him over intently, but Adam didn’t fidget under the man’s scrutiny. He clearly remembered George denying that he was like Mikael, but that didn’t make Adam believe the large man before him was just a human. Still, his suspicions over what George may be didn’t cause him to flinch under the man’s gaze. Instead, Adam waited patiently for George to speak.

  “You’re covering zone one.”

  “Okay.” Adam nodded to George and headed toward the stairs.

  He wasn’t sure if George assigned him the balcony zone to keep him out of the way or to ensure he was closer to Mikael’s office. He had no doubt his head of security was well aware of his recent knowledge in regards to their world. Whether his newfound knowledge had anything to do with his security zone placement was yet to be determined.


  As the night wore on, Adam had to continuously refocus his attention on the patrons instead of his coworkers. His gaze kept stopping on his fellow Witch’s Brew employees. Each time it did, Adam’s mind tried to determine what they were. He knew Chris and Rita were human and Travis and Randy were vampires. Still, it was his other coworkers he tried to figure out. They were something, Adam was sure.

  Once more Adam caught himself tracking Marci’s movement through the crowd below. Sure, he could tell himself that he was just watching her in case she was attacked like Cat was last night. However, Adam never lied to himself. He pulled his gaze away from Marci and turned to do a circuit around the upstairs bar area.

  Adam startled and almost walked into Mikael who stood a few feet behind him. He hadn’t heard his boss approach which wasn’t surprising considering the volume of the techno music that blared through the club. He wasn’t surprised he hadn’t seen the vampire approach, either. Between being distracted with watching his coworkers below and the size of the upstairs bar, Mikael could easily have approached him unseen.

  Mikael had been observing Adam for the last two hours while he stood next to the hallway door that led to his office. It was clear the man was distracted and frequently had to refocus on his job. He wasn’t surprised that was the case after everything the norm had learn
ed in the last twenty-four hours. He wasn’t surprised the man was able to re-focus on his work nor concerned that Adam wouldn’t be able to do his job if trouble broke out.

  “Shit.” Adam frowned when he cursed. His curse was more at himself for letting his spatial awareness lapse than Mikael’s sudden appearance behind him.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you, Adam,” Mikael offered with a smile.

  “You didn’t scare me,” Adam corrected because he didn’t consider being startled the same as being scared.

  “My apologies, just the same.”

  “Is there something you needed?” Adam scanned the area surrounding them in case there was a problem Mikael needed him to address. He didn’t spot any potential trouble.

  “No. I just wanted to see how you were doing.”

  “I am fine,” Adam informed his boss. “I was just about to do a circuit.”

  “I’ll join you, then.”


  Adam could do nothing except accept Mikael’s offer to accompany him while he walked around the balcony bar area. He couldn’t really tell his boss no, after all. Still, there was no reason Adam could deduce as to why Mikael currently walked at his side. He could understand his boss checking on him, but not Mikael’s current behavior. So, Adam decided to ignore Mikael’s presence and just do his job. If only it were that easy.

  Mikael kept a respectful distance between them while they walked. Adam was sure it was to give him plenty of room to react to a problem if he needed to move as opposed to Mikael thinking he scared Adam. Adam wasn’t afraid of his boss, not really; he was more unnerved than anything else.

  Mikael studied Adam from the corner of his eye while they walked around and in between the upstairs tables. Adam scanned the area. He was focused on his job and Mikael didn’t have the impression Adam’s behavior was just an act to ignore his presence. No, Adam was just an excellent employee even if Mikael walking next to him may have distracted Adam.

  His attraction to Adam was strong. So strong, that Mikael was taken aback by how he felt toward the norm. He’d been attracted to and lusted over humans before, but this felt like something else. What else he didn’t know, but it was definitely stronger than what he’d ever felt before toward a human.

  The longer Mikael walked silently at his side, the more aware of the vampire Adam became. Adam tried to ignore his awareness of Mikael and the urge it brought to look at his boss. Every step they took made it harder to do just that.

  Adam was finishing his circuit when a commotion broke out at one of the tables. That disruption was enough to chase all thoughts and urges Adam had for Mikael out of his mind. In fact, he totally forgot about his boss altogether when he strode forward toward the two men who’d stood and were staring each other down.

  “Take it somewhere else, boys,” Adam ordered while he placed himself next to the men in order to intervene if a punch decided to fly.

  Mikael stayed back. Not because the two humans were a danger to him, but because he didn’t want to distract Adam from doing his job. A job Mikael was currently enjoying watching Adam execute. Adam towered over both humans and easily weighed more than both men combined. Adam’s arms were crossed and displayed his huge, muscular biceps. How the security shirt Adam wore didn’t shred when the man initiated his intimidating pose was beyond Mikael. Just looking at Adam had Mikael feel the need to adjust the sudden bulge that filled his slacks.

  Both posturing patrons took a look at Adam and decided he was a larger threat then the other. Adam mentally smiled. He’d seen the urge to fight dissipate once he intervened more times than he could count. His size alone made men consider other options than fists to settle their disagreements.

  “We’re good. Right, Charlie?”

  “Yeah, man. We’re good,” Charlie agreed and quickly resumed his seat. His friend followed suit.

  “Well, stay good and we won’t have a problem.”

  Adam gave both men a glare and waited for them to agree before he moved away. Adam was still looking at the two men when he walked around another table close to them. However, when he shifted his attention back to his boss, he almost tripped over his own two feet. The expression on Mikael’s face was hungry. Not hungry as in ‘I want to suck blood’ hungry, but hungry as in ‘I need to fuck’ hungry.

  Just the look in Mikael’s eyes was enough to slow Adam steps. When his boss licked his lips, Adam stopped walking altogether. He had to or else he would have rushed the vampire and claimed those moist lips.

  Mikael tensed slightly when Adam halted his approach. His employee didn’t stop because he suddenly became afraid of him. No, even though Mikael could hear the increase of Adam’s heart rate, regardless of how loud the club music drowned out everything around them, the steady thump, thump was not the rhythm of fear. Adam’s eyes were focused on his mouth. It was a laser focus that screamed that the man wanted to kiss. A cursory glance down Adam’s body displayed the human to be just as aroused as he.

  Shit, Adam mentally cursed when Mikael smirked and started to walk toward him.

  He wasn’t sure he wanted the vampire to come any closer. The urge to kiss his boss was still strong even though Adam reminded himself to remain professional. He also reminded himself of his personal rule and Mikael’s professional one that ensured coworkers or in Mikael’s family’s case, didn’t fuck one another. Those reminders flew out the proverbial window when Mikael stopped in front of him.

  Mikael’s hands itched to touch Adam’s large arms that the norm again had crossed over his equally muscular chest. Seeing Adam take the same stance as he had with the potential troublemakers did nothing, absolutely fucking nothing, to lessen his desire to kiss the man.

  Adam folded his arms across his chest to prevent himself from pulling Mikael close and kissing the hell out of him. The thought that his boss was a vampire and not just a sexy as hell man didn’t even seem to matter at the moment. Mikael licked his lips again and Adam realized it was his current stance that seemed to turn his boss on so much.

  “Adam,” Mikael started, but never had the opportunity to finish before a shot sounded above the club music.

  Adam reacted instinctively the moment his subconscious registered the shot. He ignored the searing pain along his triceps and lunged forward to slam into Mikael. Adam took them to the floor and covered Mikael’s body with his while he pressed his com.

  “Shots fired on the balcony,” Adam informed the security team.

  They likely were already aware something had transpired upstairs since the patrons were fleeing down the stairs. Their rush and panic to get away from the shooter caused a ripple effect downstairs that Adam was sure his coworkers would recognize.

  “Do you have the shooter?” Chris asked.

  “Was anyone hit?” Rita’s question followed almost on top of Chris’.

  “Secure Mikael in his office, Adam,” George ordered.

  “Don’t have the shooter,” Adam started answering the questions that were asked. “I’m grazed. Don’t know about Mikael yet.”

  “What do you mean you don’t know about him? Are you too injured to get to his office?” George demanded to know.

  “I’ve been shot through the shoulder, George, but I am fine,” Mikael answered and Adam heard his boss’ voice in stereo since the man’s face was by his ear.

  Adam pushed up on his forearms to lessen his weight against Mikael and look at the vampire’s face. A hand pressing against the center of his back stopped Adam from fully rising.

  “Adam are you with Mikael?” George inquired. “Do you have him covered?”

  Adam clearly saw amusement in Mikael’s eyes when he answered George, “yes.”

  “He has me covered,” Mikael said at the same time as Adam and shot the man above him a wink.

  “Get him to the office,” George ordered.

  “Yes, get me to my office,” Mikael agreed for Adam’s ears only for a totally different reason than George’s concern for his safety.

“On it,” Adam confirmed then winced at his words.

  “You are,” Mikael chuckled.

  Any arousal either man felt was long gone, but would no doubt return quickly if they remained in their current position. Had the situation that caused Adam to be lying atop Mikael not been so serious, it was likely neither man would have moved at all. Adam looked around at the now empty balcony bar area. All the patrons had fled and they were alone as far as Adam could tell. Still, he needed to ensure the gunman wasn’t hiding up there somewhere before he could escort Mikael to his office and see to his boss’ wound.

  “Stay down,” Adam ordered and pushed up onto his knees to look around.

  “You say the sweetest things.”

  Mikael couldn’t help but flirt after feeling Adam’s body flush with his. Adam’s eyes shot back down to him and all Mikael could do was chuckle at the man’s expression and give him another wink for good measure.

  “This is serious,” Adam growled out quietly.

  “I know.”

  Adam was ninety-eight percent sure they weren’t talking about the same thing if the grin on Mikael’s face was anything to go by. Now was not the time to consider that thought, however. Now is the time to ensure the shooter was no longer on the second floor with them.

  “Stay down,” Adam repeated.

  “I am in no danger of dying, Adam.” Mikael continued to smile up at Adam’s serious expression.


  Adam said nothing more before he pushed himself up into a squat. He ignored how his new position placed him directly over Mikael’s groin and focused on the space around them. The club strobe lights were still flashing and shifting the shadows, but they didn’t stop Adam from scrutinizing the area closely.

  Satisfied that they were alone, Adam looked down at Mikael and held out his hand. He pulled when Mikael took it and a moment later his boss was in his arms. Adam enjoyed the feeling of Mikael’s body pressed against his for only a moment before he turned his boss away and toward the hall that led to Mikael’s office.


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