Paladin Rising (The Paladin's Curse Book 1)

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Paladin Rising (The Paladin's Curse Book 1) Page 4

by Kristell Carnie

  It is slightly too long, billowing around my bare feet, yet the rest sits against me like a second skin, enhancing every slight curve of my petite body. I might be short but I still have an hourglass figure and this dress shows just how badly I was starved on Zantron.

  Disgust has me turning away, unwilling to see my reflection any longer. I reach for the closest shawl, dragging it over my shoulders in a feeble attempt to conceal myself.

  Unable to stall any longer, I open the door ready to face the unknown, almost just wanting to hurry up and get it over with so I can rush back and hide in my room.

  Stepping out I find myself in a large stone hallway, the floor covered in a thick, cream, never ending rug, my toes digging into its plush warmth, only then do I realise that I’ve forgotten shoes.

  “My Lady.” A deep echoing voice vibrates from behind and I am startled to find a man standing so close to me.

  Instantly I recoil back, fear locking me in place against the cool wall. My voice freezes in my throat, automatically reversing into its protective quiet stance.

  The man looms above me, his sheer size and muscular physique putting me at an instant disadvantage. My eyes dart around searching for any way to protect myself, or at least a way to escape. He makes no move to harm me, in fact, he takes a step back, giving me the space I need to settle my distraught nerves.

  “There is no need to fear me, My Lady.” He holds out his hands, palms up, showing me that he doesn’t have a weapon, as if this mere fact alone should grant him trust, but I have already learnt that a weapon-less creature is just as dangerous as any man carrying a gun.

  “My Lady, I am only here to offer you protection and to guide you wherever you may wish to go.” He clasps his hands behind his back, yet doesn’t lose the rigid pose of someone on high alert.

  My breath steadies even though my heart continues to pound erratically against my ribs as I search his face for any hints of dishonesty and come up empty.

  His head is shaved down to bare skin, leaving its darkness to glisten in the light streaming in from the continuous windows throughout the hallway. He doesn’t smile, his prominent lips set into a thin line as I appraise him, his dark eyes never leaving my face while mine wander all around his.

  I appreciate his lack of fake-ness, it is clear that he is not trying to impress me, not trying to be something that he’s not and because of this blatant honesty I feel myself beginning to thaw towards him.

  Slowly my muscles unlock, allowing me to pull away from the wall, to stand tall next to him, a small amount of fear still hiding behind my bravado, ready to step in and protect me at any time.

  “Why do you keep calling me My Lady?” We both ignore the quiver in my voice.

  “That is what I have been instructed to call you.” He begins to walk and I follow suit, making sure to keep some distance between us.

  “Well my name is Rayna, please just call me Rayna.”

  He nods again though remains silent as we walk down the hall, his ability to allow the silence and not have to fill it with endless chatter makes me like him a little more.

  I have no idea where we are going and I am in no hurry to get there, instead I take my time, letting my eyes draw in all the little details of my surroundings. The man never rushes me; his pace is slow as if he can feel my need to get my bearings.

  Up this close, his size isn’t so startling, even though he still makes me feel small. He is big, yes, but more in line with a human body builder, next to the Zantronians he too would be dwarfed.

  We pass only one other closed door on our way before reaching the stairs which don’t narrow, allowing us to walk side by side as we descend.

  Voices drift up to us and I falter, hesitant to take the last step into a room full of people I don’t know.

  Unsure what to expect I hold back, letting my heart calm down to a more natural rhythm, while listening in to the conversation below.

  “I expect she has been through a great ordeal.” Karadese’s voice is soft and I have to strain to hear it. “Her body has healed completely, which is a blessing, although the psychological effects of this trauma could take a very long time to overcome.”

  “That is why she should return to her own planet, to her own family, as soon as we can arrange the process.” A chair scrapes along the floor, sending a shiver up my spine.

  “No, Araton, she belongs here, with us, where I can help her through this.”

  “Karadese, you can’t put yourself through that, it will be too much.” The man’s deep voice wavers, clearly not liking her suggestion.

  “I am the only one who can help her and I plan to do just that. Now you can support me, Araton, just as I have supported you through countless endeavours, or you can choose to stay out of my way, but either way that girl is not leaving here until she truly wants to and only then will I allow it.”

  Already I can imagine Karadese standing tall; her elegant figure pulled back, her unique eyes narrowed as she stares down her opponent. It must be a menacing sight.

  My guide clears his throat, effectively drowning out Araton’s response and also alerting them to our presence. I flash him an irritated glance which he simply ignores.

  Within a heartbeat Karadese is at the bottom of the stairs, her expression set back into one of infinite kindness and patience. A smile touches her lips as I take the last steps into the room.

  “There you are, Rayna, you look lovely my dear.”

  “Thank you.” I adjust the shawl nervously while glancing around the room. I’m pleasantly surprised to find only one other person here, the man, Araton, whom Karadese had been discussing my future plans with.

  The lack of other people has me relaxing enough to step further into the room, led by Karadese, up to the man.

  “Rayna, I would like you to meet my husband, Araton.”

  Araton’s scrutinising hazel eyes narrow as I approach. His ruggedly handsome face barely hides his aversion towards me, making my steps falter, unwilling to go any closer to anyone who openly despises me.

  He rubs a weathered hand across his closely shaved beard, his eyes flickering to Karadese before a deep sigh rumbles from his chest and then he returns his attention back to me.

  “Rayna, it is nice to see you up and about.”

  I don’t bother to smile, we both know he doesn’t want me here; pleasantries aren’t going to change that.

  “Thank you,” my voice is robotic, unable to summon any warmth.

  His long oval face, heavily tanned by years in the sun, shows fine lines around his eyes as he finally breaks his determined stance and smiles.

  “You must forgive my gruffness, Rayna. I have only just returned from a long journey brought on by your discovery.” Araton turns and pours himself a drink from the pitcher on the large wooden coffee table in the centre of the room. The clear liquid reminds me of the drink I had before in my room, and the thought sets my mouth watering.

  “My people were unaware of the Zantronians indiscretions. Had we known that they were taking humans and using them in such a way, then we would have intervened much earlier.”

  Araton’s comments set me on edge and I nervously glance around the room, unwilling to meet his gaze.

  The room is very large; the walls, soft cream in colour, match the ivory and gold furnishings. Bouquets of multicoloured flowers grace every surface and add a sweet scent to the room, giving it an inviting ambience, while the thick gold curtains shimmer in the setting sun.

  I have yet to look outside to see what surrounds us, I can only hope it is not endless smouldering rock, as the creatures home is.

  “Well, let’s not discuss this now.” Karadese scowls at Araton who quickly takes the hint.

  “Yes, by now you must be getting quite hungry. I will see to it that dinner is served promptly.” He stops to kiss Karadese on the cheek before leaving the room, the sweetness of the gesture is not lost on me. He is obviously concerned for Karadese, but why?

  “Now, my dear, the bo
ys are eager to meet you. I can only delay it for a short while longer if you wish me to?”

  I don’t know how to respond as Karadese waits, watching every emotion playing out across my face while I struggle to come up with an answer.

  I should be eager to meet and thank the people who saved my life, who fought the Zantronians at what I can only imagine were impossible odds, yet I don’t feel ready to do so.

  These men saw me at my most vulnerable state, when I was weak and tormented. Seeing them now might force me to face up to those memories, which I would rather bury deep inside of me, to never think of again.

  But really what can I do? Hide out here; cower away from life for the rest of eternity? I owe these people a great deal; they rescued me, protected and healed me even though they weren’t obligated to. The least I can do is meet Karadese’s sons, thank them for all they have done and hope not to embarrass myself in the process.

  Taking a steadying breath I steel my shoulders to stop the tremor which courses through my body, and then nod.

  “Of course I will meet them.”

  Karadese smiles and turns to my escort.

  “Zaneth, please inform the boys that they may enter now.”

  Zaneth? These people certainly have unusual names.

  Zaneth leaves the room, his muscles rippling with every step and only once he goes am I able to breathe deeply, relaxing fully in only Karadese’s presence.

  She turns to me, taking note of the emotions clearly written all over my face.

  “As I’m sure you are already aware, Zaneth will be your protector whilst you are on Prytora. You have no need to fear him, he has taken a sworn oath to protect you at all times and at all costs.”

  I don’t understand and my face pulls into a confused frown.

  “Why are you going to all of this trouble to look after me? You don’t even know me.”

  She steps forward, hesitantly raising her palm to gently cup my face.

  “I feel that I do, Rayna,” she whispers. “I am closer to you than you will ever understand.

  The meaning behind her softly spoken words doesn’t connect in my brain as all I can feel, all I can focus on, is her skin pressing up against mine. Her touch is soft, yet it is still too overpowering; my nerves, raw and on high alert, can’t stand the contact.

  I flinch away, unable to control myself any longer. Hurt passes her eyes, but the fleeting moment is interrupted by a noise at the door.

  Karadese takes a step back, a warm smile plastering her face for whoever is entering the room, yet I can see beyond the smile, to her depth, which she so skilfully keeps hidden. For that fraction of a second, her own pain, grief for whatever reason, echoes behind the graceful exterior.

  The mere fact that this woman, this basic stranger, is able to conceal her inner pain while still remaining completely in control leaves me in awe. How could her heart be so broken just for me?

  Mimicking her confidence I turn to face the people who are entering.

  The cold icy sensation of fear tip-toes its way up my spine, digging its callous grip beneath my skin. This terrifying awareness, that I have suffered a thousand times over the last few weeks, pulls at my subconscious, a voiceless warning which won’t be ignored.

  My body turns rigid as stone, each muscle constricting, ready to act the moment that the threat becomes visible.

  They are here. I know they are. Close enough to sound my internal trigger yet not close enough to see them.

  How is it possible that they have found me? Why are they here? Karadese had promised me safety, that the Zantronians could not gain access to Prytora, but if that was true why can I feel them?

  That silent warning has kept me alive, has forced me to trust my instincts. I will not ignore it now.

  I don’t glance at the people entering; any one of them could be a Zantronian. They can take on whatever form they want, Human or Prytorian. What does it matter? I have to be ready for anything.

  Chapter Four

  Lunging back, my eyes do a quick sweep of the area, coming up empty for any useful weapons. As a last resort, I grab the pitcher, smashing it in one quick movement against the table, giving me a decent enough sharp edge. I’m out of other options; the makeshift blade will have to do.

  I don’t hesitate as the others freeze, they obviously can’t feel what I can and their safety is not my priority. I will not be taken by the creatures. Not again. Never again.

  I lash out wildly, not knowing where to aim, where the source of my fear is coming from. All I know is that they are near, somewhere too close for my liking. I can feel their evilness working through my veins, my senses fine-tuned to their presence from being on high alert for so long, only this time the sensation is dulled, less forceful, to a point where I can’t differentiate who it’s coming from.

  My eyes dart from face to face, their appearances muddling in my confusion. All eyes are trained on me - well more on the broken jug I clutch in my death grip as I wave it back and forth to stop any attempts of them advancing.

  Only when my eyes land on Karadese’s face do I realise that she is talking to me, whispering calmly, her tone reassuring while her words make no sense.

  “Rayna, it’s alright. You have nothing to fear from us, you are safe here. I promise you that.”

  Mere moments ago I had trusted her, believed in her promises of help, how could I have been so naïve? This was just another one of the Zantronians traps.

  The faces around me begin to take on a familiar shape. Araton stands several feet back, his body trying to block my path to Karadese, as if I am the threat here. Zaneth eases his way towards me, his hands outstretched, palms facing out, his face showing no hint of emotion as he advances, his full focus on trying to contain me, yet he doesn’t frighten me. It is not him that sets my skin quivering.

  Twisting slightly I swing my blade at the two remaining people in the room. Two young men stand side by side, their faces nothing but a blur in my panicked state, all I can concentrate on is their drawn weapons, even as Karadese orders them to lower their swords.

  They are fast, faster than me and my pitiful jug. Within a heartbeat, the shorter one brings his arm up with such speed I don’t even register that he has knocked the broken weapon from my hand until a dull ache spreads through my arm from the blunt blow of his fist.

  A flash of dark brown passes my eyes as the taller of the two lunges towards me, his arms wrapping around me, twisting my body in an effortless swoop until my back is pressed against his chest, his arms encircling my body, pressing my arms against my stomach in a firm enough grip that makes it impossible to move.

  “Calm down,” his soft voice reaches my ear, bypassing my fear to speak to the very part of me I can’t control.

  “You are safe here. No one will hurt you in my presence.” His whispered words are at odds with the vibrating warning which seeps out of him.

  It is him, I’m utterly sure of it. He is the one who has set off this internal sense of unease which has kept me alive in the past. Yet standing here with his strong warm arms wrapped around me, his own chest heaving in time with mine, I am suddenly uncertain.

  My pounding heart stutters in my chest while my lungs burn with each breath. The momentary dash of adrenaline which fuelled my attack begins to fade and I find myself shaking in his embrace.

  “I’m going to let go now, stay calm.”

  The room has gone oddly quiet. Not a word is uttered as the guy gently releases me, his hands lingering just long enough to be sure I won’t snap again.

  I stand here, arms hanging uselessly at my sides while a shiver wracks my body. The absence of his body against mine leaves me feeling cold, even as heat works its way up my chest to settle in my cheeks as I war with the embarrassment over what I have just done.

  The sensation of danger still pulses heavily in my veins, yet I can’t deny it is less intense than what I’m used to.

  He bends, quickly retrieving the shawl I dropped in my haste, and as he hands
it back to me I summon the nerve to actually look at him.

  A breath catches in my throat, not because he is terrifying, no, because he is so completely different to what I was expecting.

  A slight reassuring smile touches his full, deep pink lips that sit perfectly on his cautious face. His dark chocolate brown hair is short at the sides and slightly longer on top, a style that would take no more than running his fingers through to be perfect. His thick dark eyebrows draw together as he watches me studying him; seriousness clouds his face, making him appear detached.

  My eyes finally land on his and my breath comes out in a rush. They are not solid black with a white pupil as I was anticipating, the image still so embedded in my head. No, his are unusual, unique in a way that it is both alluring and unsettling at the same time. His amber-gold eyes dart around my face, waiting for some indication from me to show that I’m no longer delusional.

  My neck aches from craning back to look up at him and I finally pull my eyes away to see everyone still on high alert, waiting anxiously for me to calm down.

  I open my lips to speak only to find that my voice has retreated once again, and I have to force myself to talk even though the warning still vibrates beneath my skin, burning like fire, gaining strength as it leads down to ache in my arm.

  I glance down, more to keep from looking at everyone than to actually see why my arm continues to burn. When I see it, my stomach recoils in disgust, whereas my mind is overjoyed. I still have it, Garvien’s ring. It is still wrapped around my left wrist; the ruby facing away so only the thick gold engraved band is visible. How could I have not noticed it before?

  A frown pulls at my face as I realise the dull ache is radiating directly from the bracelet, travelling up my arm before weakening and dissolving throughout my body.


  My head snaps up at Karadese’s voice. I wrap the shawl around my shoulders, making sure to discreetly cover the bracelet. I don’t know what is going on with it, but I do know that I’m not ready to confide in these people just yet.


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