Paladin Rising (The Paladin's Curse Book 1)

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Paladin Rising (The Paladin's Curse Book 1) Page 13

by Kristell Carnie

  Inwardly I shut down, drawing myself in, automatically retreating to self-protection mode.

  “As you know, the Ball is tomorrow night.”

  I nod, stupidly unaware of what is to follow.

  “And I would like to ask you to accompany me, as my date.” Calasis beams down at me, his chest puffed out with pride as I stand there, pure horror plastered on my pale face.

  “Me?” I struggle for something to say, anything beyond the alarming squeak that escapes my throat.

  “Of course you.” His smile never once falters. “You are, after all, an enigma, and I’m the most eligible bachelor in all of Prytora, probably the entire universe really. It’s a perfect match.”

  My eyes search for Blay, desperate for him to intercept and save me, only he’s no longer looking at me. He’s back at the dummy, removing my well-aimed dagger, flicking it around his fingers like it doesn’t have the potential to chop them clean off. His face is passive; in fact he looks completely uninterested in the situation unfolding before him.

  Was I wrong? Had I misread the fleeting connection I assumed we both shared? My cheeks burn as I realise I could have made a complete fool of myself by trying to kiss him. I’m not an enigma to Blay. I’m nothing more than an annoyance he has to keep saving; still I don’t feel comfortable excepting Calasis’s request.

  “Calasis, I really don’t think I will be good company. A Ball isn’t my kind of thing at all.”

  He lets out a laugh, completely dismissing my concern.

  “You’ve never been to a Ball on Prytora, or with me. Trust me, I will make it fun for you. Anyway, Mother has agreed, she thinks you being on my arm will be a wonderful way to present you to our people.”

  My heart falls. If Karadese wants this to happen I know I’m not going to be able to get out of it. I sneak a glance at Blay, his shoulders squared, a frown marring his good looks.

  He finally meets my eye and any lingering hope I hold vanishes when he casually says, “Congratulations, I’m sure you two will be all anyone can talk about.”

  He spins around, throwing the dagger with clinical precision, hitting the dummy square in the chest, piercing its heart to feel exactly like I do.

  Chapter Twelve

  They kneel before me, streaks of sweat trailing crevices through the encrusted dirt and dried blood which stains their blistered and torn skin.

  Their eyes are empty, soulless now that they have been defeated; facing a harsh future they vowed to serve death before ever allowing to eventuate.

  The few who survived are pitiful, weak in body and weak in numbers, though that no longer matters, I have my prize; no one can vanquish me now.

  “Look at me.” My hardened voice, barely recognisable as my own, rings out over the scorched land. No longer does it hold the serene beauty of an endless colourful forest or the green of the hills, I’ve made sure of that. It burns, smouldering in time with my heart until nothing will be left but ash and bones.

  One by one they raise their heads, none having the bravery to meet my eye, except one, the one I will sacrifice first.

  “Bring him to me.”

  The guards stomp over the fallen, not caring that bones snap beneath their weight. They grab him, dragging his broken body to the stone before me. Even with his injures, so evident beneath his charred skin, he still doesn’t stop fighting. He lunges for the guard, reaching for his sword so he can avenge his people by piercing my heart with the blade, but he is weak, damaged.

  I detest the pathetic, damaged weakling and I won’t condone any who fight against me.

  He will die. They all will.

  I lunge forward, swiping my hand across his once beautiful face, my talons gouging into his flesh and hitting bone. Only with his agonising scream does she look up, her own screams filling the singed tainted air, bringing forth my unstoppable laughter.

  He falls to the sacrificial stone, writhing in agony as his life force seeps out of him. The empty space inside of me where my soul used to hide fills with the pleasure that only a death can provide.

  Queen Karadese’s screams simmer down to a whimper, her pain not enough to fuel my appetite any longer.

  “I am your Queen now.”

  The remaining Prytorians bow their heads, but their acceptance comes too late for them.

  His body twitches, in the final dance of death. His golden amber eyes, losing their last speck of light, stay trained on me, unwilling to die without honour.

  I look at each of them in turn. Karadese, Araton, Calasis and Ellestra, all broken, no better than useless puppets cowering after their pitiful surrender.

  “Kill them all.” My own people act relentless, killing before I’ve even finished my command. “Let them lie with their fallen hero.”

  A smirk pulls at my lips, as I cast one more look at him while his family dies from my order. Blay can’t stop me now, no one can.

  I turn away from the massacre; my hand outstretched reaching for my beloved. He pulls me to him, towering above me, his thin pale lips matching my own. Garvien.

  His raspy voice, hissed through sharpened teeth, fill me with excitement like no other.

  “Let us feast.”

  I sit bolt right up in bed, cold sweat drenching my body, air heaving out of my burning lungs as the last tendrils of the nightmare cling to my mind.

  My stomach lurches, spilling its acidic contents into my mouth and I leap out of bed, only just reaching the toilet before it spews from my lips.

  Screams tear from my throat in between the gagging; all the while images of my killing spree haunt my memories as I try to push away the lingering pleasure that still courses through my blood.

  I don’t feel him entering the bathroom; my body is too busy being attacked by tremors to notice the usual silent warning. Instead of pulling away when he reaches for me, I sink into his arms, my hysterical sobs echoing around us in this cold stone room.

  “You’re okay, you’re safe.” Blay’s quiet voice works to settle down the demons plaguing me. “I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.”

  My fingers twist into his shirt, pulling him closer until my cheek is squished against his hard chest. He rests his chin on top of my head, his arms wrapping around me, holding me still while the shivers continue to run across my skin.

  The sobs slowly turn to low moans and he gently runs his long fingers across my hair, a soft hum rising from his chest as he rocks us back and forth to the low melody.

  We sit there on the hard floor, the cold of the stone seeping up through my body, cooling the burning desire inside of me until I eventually go silent.

  How could this dream affect me so greatly, to pull apart my insides and create a shivering haunted lost soul willingly giving in to the warmth of Blay’s arms? Yet I know deep inside my gut that this was no ordinary nightmare, this was a promise of what is to come.

  I don’t want to pull away from him, his arms provide the safety to which I long for and I’m terrified of what I will see when I finally have the courage to face him.

  His gentle fingers tilt my chin up until I can’t help but look at his serenely understanding face. An image of his lifeless eyes flashes through my mind and a single sob bursts from my dry lips. Tears drip down my cheeks only coming faster as he softly wipes them away with his thumb.

  “It’s okay, Rayna, you are safe here.”

  I make myself look at him, letting him see the depth of my despair.

  “Maybe, but are you?”

  His dark brows twitch into a frown, his lips parting to subdue me in some kind way.

  I can’t sit here, pretending that everything is fine. I don’t know what that dream meant or even if it was a dream, the depth of its hold felt more like an omen, a premonition of what is to come.

  I drag myself from his embrace, leaving his arms to fall to his side, twitching to hold me again.

  “I need to leave. Now. Today.” My voice is strong, filling with resolve.

  I refuse to stay here any long
er, to put them in danger, to put Blay in danger. After everything he has done for me, I will not be the reason his people fall. Maybe I’m overreacting but I can’t take that chance. I will leave, return to Earth and hide from everyone and everything until I figure this out.

  My mum doesn’t need me anymore and the Lonix family do not deserve to have an unknown danger lurking around their home. That dream was too real and it’s taken a toll. I’m through pretending, it’s time to start running.

  “You can’t leave, the Ball is tonight,” his voice is as empty as my heart.

  “Screw the Ball. I’m not playing along with Karadese’s game. Send me home, now.”

  His fists clench while his whole body goes rigid. He’s desperate to change my mind, I can see it written over his pained face, yet the sadness creeping into his eyes shows he knows that I’m not going to change my mind either.

  “It takes time to organise a planet jump. I will speak to Father and have it arranged.” His sad gaze falls from my face, travelling down my thin nightshirt, a frown stopping his progress.

  “Rayna?” I catch the barely disguised hint of fear in his voice.


  “Your arm.”

  I follow his gaze, my heart dropping and ultimately hardening my resolve completely.

  Spider-like veins of a brilliant bright blue are etched beneath the pale skin of my arm, pulsating from the thin pink scar left behind from the daggers cut and weaving all the way up to disappear beneath my nightshirt.

  “What’s happening to me?” I whisper.

  He shakes his head, his face hardening to stone.

  “I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.”


  When Calasis raps on my bedroom door I’m the epitome of perfection.

  Gone are the worry lines etched into my sickly pale skin, replaced by an artificial glow which a lady in waiting spent hours applying.

  Chocolate brown ringlets frame my face, falling past my bare shoulders to lie against the soft pink silk, sleeveless dress which hugs my torso provocatively before flaring out at my hips, falling in gentle waves to the floor.

  I feel exposed, on show in a way that is demeaning, and when Calasis’s eyes light up as they run across my lithe body, lingering in certain places much too long, it only confirms my suspicions that this dress is way too revealing.

  The bracelet lays hidden beneath a well-placed corsage which Blay had arranged for me and the blue markings dissipated once I had calmed down to a less neurotic level, thank God, otherwise I don’t know what I would have done to get around that.

  Blay had sat with me, talking about silly everyday things, trying to stave off the escalating panic that now lays dormant just below the surface.

  I draw in the sweetly floral scent of my room, willing myself to keep it together long enough to get through this night.

  Blay promised he would get me back to Earth; I just have to wait it out and trust him until then, something I would never have thought possible mere days ago, but despite the still present warning he sets off, I do find myself trusting him. He is a man of his word and the only real ally I have here.

  “You look exquisite, Rayna.” Calasis’s appreciative smile is infectious and I find myself warming enough for my red painted lips to twitch up at the corners.

  “Thank you. And you look very handsome too.”

  It’s true of course. His hazel eyes sparkle with a hint of mischief, while that lopsided smile makes promises of adventures yet to come. His sun-kissed brown hair falls strategically over his forehead, creating a casual and effortless style that I’m sure he spent hours perfecting.

  The dark charcoal suit he wears does nothing to hide the bulging muscles beneath, in fact I’m certain he had it designed like that on purpose – any way to show off how well built he is and impress the girls.

  I place my arm in his, already knowing what is expected of me since Ellestra took the time to explain it all in vivid detail. As long as I smile, nod and stay on my best behaviour at all times, I should be fine.

  Of course that doesn’t cover any freakiness that the bracelet might throw at me, and ruin everything. Knowing my luck I will probably burst into flames in front of everyone and be killed on the spot.

  Funny how death no longer holds the same fear over me as it once did. If the dream accomplished one thing then it was to prove that dying isn’t the scariest thing that can happen now. It’s not a lesson I’m enjoying.

  Calasis leads the way while I concentrate on not falling over in these ridiculously high-heeled shoes. They might provide me with a few extra inches of height but the pain they cause just isn’t worth it in my opinion, but I’m not allowed an opinion – not tonight anyway, as per the rules I have to abide by.

  We head down several flights of stairs, twisting and turning until we finally reach an area of the castle I haven’t yet ventured into.

  From the hasty glimpses of the view, I manage to catch from the scattered windows, I can see that we are now on the base level of the castle, adjacent to the servant’s quarters.

  People line the pathway to the castle, so far back that they stretch all the way to the town. The sight makes my throat tighten and I have to look away.

  Soon I’m going to stand up in front of all those people, claiming an impossibility in a way that sounds brave and inspiring and somehow not reveal the truth that I had fought for my life because I saw no other option.

  Calasis pulls me to a stop outside an elaborately carved solid wooden double door.

  “Are you ready for this?” His tone is full of excitement, clearly anticipating what is about to take place.

  For a brief moment I contemplate telling him the truth, that I would rather be anywhere else but here, yet I don’t say a word. I simply keep my mouth set into a tight smile and nod.

  He needs no further encouragement, and before I know it the doors pull open, guards standing back in a line waiting for us to pass before shutting them again, effectively locking me in hell.

  There are people everywhere, crammed into any available gap, seemingly enjoying themselves while gorging on free flowing food and ale.

  I can feel their eyes burning into me as Calasis escorts us through the throng of people to the front of the massive ballroom, the Prytorian people somehow managing to part a way for us to pass, the gap merging together just as quickly as it had begun.

  There must be thousands of people here, all staring at me with a varying range of curiosity, although I do catch a few glares of contempt from several exceedingly beautiful girls who look like they want to claw my eyes out if the chance arises.

  I snort, almost wishing that they would try it. Maybe taking my frustrations out on some random person would ease this yearning rage buried deep inside the corners of my mind, a hunger that I know doesn’t belong to me yet still urges me on with a strength that is fast becoming untameable, plus a cat fight would shut down this whole stupid Ball and get me out of here way faster – but would it be worth the repercussions?

  Calasis raises an eyebrow in a silent question. I shake my head, sending my delicate curls bouncing. He gives me a reassuring smile which causes the girls to glare with added contempt.

  Movement catches my eye as we ascend to a raised level where the rest of the Lonix family are already seated behind a monstrous table hosting even more delicious looking food.

  Blay sits on a golden throne beside his mother, his clear amber eyes watching every moment of my approach, his face hardened, not giving any detail away and it only proves why the girls prefer Calasis, with his open smile and charming personality.

  Blay remains closed off, keeping everyone at a distance with a simple twitch of his eyes. To someone who hasn’t spent time with him, he would appear detached, almost hostile. But I know differently. I’ve felt his warm, strong arms holding me in all of my weakest moments. He’s been there for me more than anyone else has since, well basically since my dad died, and the support he willingly gives while I�
�m consumed with terror, his own fears never showing through, proves he is filled with an unselfish nature.

  There is more depth to him than the show pony that Calasis represents and I find myself being filled with sorrow, bringing the simmering rage to a stuttering halt.

  I’ve had boyfriends before, sure, but none of them made me feel the way Blay makes me feel - cared about, special and not because of something miraculous that I supposedly did. He’s trying to help me in spite of what I have done, regardless of what I’m becoming, while seemingly having no interest in me romantically at all.

  The ache in my chest grows stronger when Blay looks away from me, his ever-watchful eyes taking in everyone around us, including those fickle beautiful girls and suddenly I’m the one who is steaming with jealousy.

  Queen Karadese stands and walks to centre stage, her movement automatically silencing the people, all eager to hear what she has to say.

  Calasis, still holding my arm, turns me to face them. My stomach clenches as so many eyes openly evaluate me, expressions mixing from hope to open disbelief while they whisper to each other.

  I can’t summon the smile that is required from me. I don’t have the energy to pretend to be something that I’m not. I’m already pretending enough as it is.

  So when Karadese starts her speech I release Calasis’s arm, stepping away slightly to stand on my own, not wanting his pretences to be misinterpreted as my need. I keep my eyes glued to the Queen as her strong voice rings out through the enormous ballroom, reaching everyone and inspiring them as she goes.

  “Welcome, one and all, to this joyous occasion. I am so pleased you have all joined me in tonight’s gathering. A gathering in which we celebrate our victory, however small, against our eternal enemy, the Zantronians. Many of our previous battles have proved elusive, yet we do not give up our fight against such evil. As you have heard, we recently learned that the Zantronians have moved their hatred and directed it to other planets, mainly the planet Earth. Upon our discovery of their abduction of humans, we sent our warriors to retaliate. In doing so we gained a great foothold, killing many of their species. Though I do believe our greatest victory comes in the form of a human girl.” Queen Karadese sweeps her arm towards me, an encouraging smile prompting me to step forward, to display some characteristic of strength.


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