The Consumed: Virgil Series Book Two

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The Consumed: Virgil Series Book Two Page 5

by Kyle J Cisco

  He moved through the mass of soldiers on the outer wall. As his boots hit the ground the sound of crumbling rock, echoed throughout the courtyard. Before he could turn toward the noise, the inner tower of the citadel had toppled to the ground. The dust that had been kicked up was sparse from the previous days rain.

  He barely flinched at the fall of the structure, for he had seen many wars in his forty year army career. He shot one of his aids a nasty glare when the man flinched and lingered too much as, Evon continued through the courtyard. He reached the door as the horn blew which signaled another assault attempt. Evon rushed back to the stairs that lead to the top of the ramparts. As he glanced over the wall the scene below would have turned an ordinary man's stomach.

  A horde of fur covered hillmen ran at the walls full bore. They carried ladders of similar design to those things the goblins carried as well. Evon drew his sword and prepared for the slaughter. The first clack of a ladder hitting the wall sounded hundreds of others did a few seconds behind it. Chaos was unleashed upon the defenders on the wall. As the hillmen vaulted from the ladder, and directly into the fray.

  Evon wadded through the enemies on the wall. In the first mins of the battle he had already killed more then ten of them. Another stepped toward him the enemy wielded a pair of hand axes. The chop cam in fast Evon almost didn't get his sword up in time. The clash of metal on metal rung out as the first axe was parried. The second came in behind it. Evon caught the strike of the second axe with the wide guard of his sword hilt. Evon stepped inside the guard of the man in a split second driving the hilt into the man's jaw. Then with quick change in hand position brought the blade of his sword through the man's chest as the tip of the blade stuck out the man's back, a single rivulet of blood dripped from it's point. Evon made a shoving motion with his sword arm throwing the man impaled upon it to the ground.

  A brush of air passed along his neck, which drew his attention to the source. His eyes scanned the rampart, there he saw the hillman recocking the string of his crossbow. He sparked into motion, his movements were plotted and methodical as he approached the bowman. He drew a long line in the man's neck. Then was taken down in an instant by two more hillmen that crested the wall.

  His grip rocked by the assault was the catalyst, for the sound of metal clanging to the ground. It was out of reach. His hands moved frantic out to the sides as he grasped in vein for the fallen sword. Evon found the hilt of something in the body covered blood red stained stone of the walls. He saw the broken blade and jabbed it into one of the assailants chest as he rolled to the side with the blade embedded in his chest. The other man took a step back from Evon as he raised up his dagger in hand. Sheer terror encompassed the man's face as the descended into his neck.

  Control was slipping from him. He did not know how other sections of the wall held or not. In a frenzy he moved through the men behind him and made it to the gate house and looked to the west side of the wall. They had done well but the loses were heavy. Only a few men of the Order remained on that side of the wall.

  "Reinforcements! Reenforce the wall," said Evon. His voice loud among the lingering sounds of battle. "And start kickin down those ladder's men."

  Men scattered up the stairs, and filled in the ranks. As holes in the line closed and Evon was comfortable with numbers defending the walls is when he began his descent toward his quarters. He left a standing order to wake him upon the next attack. He'd not slept in three days as a method of readying for the defense of the fortress. The gateway to the wide realm of mankind.

  The pounding of rocks reverberated throughout the interior of the fortress as the barrage had started once more. Evon shook his head as he pushed the door of his personal quarters. Not bothering to remove his armor he flopped down onto the bed and fell into a deep exhausted sleep.


  Bits of sun broke through the barrier of clouds like needles poking through cloth. Evon stood at the top of the ramparts as he looked over his troops, pride welled up in him. As he hisgace passed through the rubble strewn courtyard below remembering the barrage from the night prior. They had no clue what was to come next but the bitter sense of foreboding bit into his soul.A darkness hung over this set Adele the darkness that could not be pierced. The entire fortress was shrouded in darkness as the blackened clouds hung over it like flies clinging to the scent of death.

  A wisp of black fog twisted its way under the main gate, and without warning changed growing into a black figure. The figure stretched up to its full height dwarfing the men it stood before. This messenger wore a crown of pointed bones. His form was surrounded in dark energy which shrouded the bottom of his form in the thigh black fog. His hand clenched a white towel signaling the want for terms. Evon rushed to where the demon stood, not thinking about the consequences he approached the figure. Although he might not of thought about the consequences he did think to grab the hill to the sword and release it from its sheath before he approached.

  "what is it you want to demon," said Evon.

  "You know of what I've come full. I come to destroy the world of men," the demon said.

  The demons voice was guttural as if it had not spoken for thousands of years. Evon however did not reproach from the demon. He gathered himself and his strength as he approached the demon. His sword aimed at the demons chest as he marched forward.

  "Deliver your terms demon and get the hell out,"Evon said, his blade still leveled at the demons chest.

  "but perhaps this conversation should happen in the privacy of closed doors Executor?" said the demon.

  "I remember what happened last time we trusted evil alone with the executor. Do not think me some simple fool," Evon replied. "I shall hear your terms here in front of all of my men. Now speak demon!"

  " The terms are as stated. Surrender the Fortress. Leave the shadow pass. And dissolve the Covenant Of Man, and giving all land back to the shadow kingdom."

  "Your master, must be joking," said Evon. "For we shall never relinquish anything to the shadow kingdom not now, not ever. Take your terms, and shove them strai-"

  "Your, commander has made a grave mistake this day. He has condemned all of you to die here. No one rejects the terms of the night bringer, and lives." The Nightbringer spun as he dissolved into the thick black fog from his arrival.

  Evon watched as the fog wished its way back under the gate. He stood upon the battlements. "For the Covenant of Man!" As his hand lowered in a chopping motion. This was the signal the snap of tightened rope could be heard as the ropes were cut, releasing their deadly payload. The pots were thrown far into the enemy ranks exploding upon their impact with the ground.

  As he stood up on the ramparts Evon continued to wonder if in fact of this would be the last stand of the covenant of man. This is not the first time that the fortresses been sieged many had come before trying to clean the fortress but none have ever breached the outer walls. Evon hovered over the battlefields as his sword drawn the shining blade in his hand he waited for the enemy ladders to approach." I don't know if we were live this day but if not it's been a blessing serving with you all," said EVON.

  The frenzy of mix troops approach the wall, they could see goblins, and Hillman.

  "ready your arrows, here they come," said Evon. "fire at will men. And"

  Arrows flew over you've on setting response to his command, there was only a limited amount of time the archers would have before the assault force reach the wall. There was no need for bringing up letters since many littered the grounds before the walls. The previous assaults that already taken care of that.

  The clack of ladders started to sound as Evon on moved toward the parapets from where the archer shot. Allowed warcry cracked out, as the goblins in Hillman began the scale of the ladders.

  There's not much Evon could do but watch the Men as they came up, He waited for the first pop it Head up. Which he quickly removed it with the blade of the sword. The black blood of the goblin spritz to his face like the condensation that is been bui
lt up within this helmet. The club hit him from the side, what's drew his attention to the blow. Three assailants now surrounded him, As each one of them moved in blades ready. In that moment eve on thought it was going to be as last. His palms sweat with the anticipation of the clash to come.

  Things could get no worse now as Evon moved into combat with three men. Each of them circled lives of vultures eyeing a corpse on the battlefield. The patiently he evaluated the situation waiting for the perfect moment for him to strike. His blade danced before them, as it came in for the killing blow on the first man. The blade bit deep into the man's shoulder listing a howl of pain. Evon relished in the in the man suffering for he truly did love and war.

  "You think you can defeat us, Even with your Army of darkness you are nothing," said Evon. "you may kill some of us but there will always be others that follow the light. Get your asses off my wall."

  The sound of combat and engulfed the air, As the battle raged on. Evon was growing exhausted of the combat then add in rapture them for almost 15 minutes already. yet the battle was not over, no not nearly over. Masses of troops climbing the ladders that were braced against the outer wall fortress. A nonstop flow of combat since the battle began. Almost every man able to wield the sword and was defending the outer wall. As archers covered the outer wall with fire from The Citadel.

  Evon now stood on the ground level as the courtyard beneath the outer wall began to fill with enemies. This is where they would make their stand in defense the outer wall. For once it was lost the citadel would be the only survival they could hope for.

  Large blast sounded from the courtyard, has bits of wall fell onto the occupants within. Evon looked to see the whole smoldering within the wall. Fire encompassing the wood that was built into the stone has a framework. Enemies pour through the hole in the wall. Sword in hand Evon rushed into the combat, his blade moved with the swiftness none had seen before as he took out two of the goblins one by one. This was going to be his date win glory. For it was his time to leave the order to greatness for it was his time to do you do this all me in its greatest darkness against a foe more ancient and evil than what they have ever faced before.

  In their ancient enemy prepared for this assault, while the world of men rested on its laurels of victories from the past.

  "the time is now. They will make their final push for the wall we must told them here not one step back," said Eve on.

  The hell that came from the man was glorious as it sounded. The voices of all the men raising to a high and chaotic pitch. Once the battle cry was sounded, All of the men including Avon charge to the enemy coming forth from the hole in the wall.

  If we make it out of this it'll be a miracle.


  Goblins were the first through the hole. As a streamed fourth from the breach in the wall. He didn't waste anytime before reading into the combat, for Evon was already waiting through enemies in the middle of the Courtyard. He took a glancing blow, To the shoulder that knocked him off balance. The blow stumbled into the side, as he gathered himself from the strike he realize he fought Specter. The long flowing cloak of the specter hung like the black clouds above the fortress. This was no consequence to Evon. With Bladen and he embraced the clash of steel and steel.

  "finally somebody worth killing," said the Specter.

  "I think you might a bargain for more than you can handle demon," said Evon.

  In that instance they both broke into a run that would lock them in combat. The blade from the Spector sward swung down towards eavons head. He ducked the blow, and send his own sword ended looping swing to war the specters body. But it was too late the specter had already dodged the blow. Evon took a step back analyzing the situation. Trying to get a beat on this foe he now faced. It would be difficult but it would not be his first Specter. He had killed many in the name of the order since joining.

  Suspect to take the advantages's opponent analyze the situation. He lunged at Evon, with the fury not seen in a specter before. He would have a hard time with this one. Evon lazily Dodge low that came in on him. While his opponent was off guard and off balance with strike, Levon made his move. He drove the blade home into the into the abdomen of this foe. The specter fell then disintegrated into ash leaving nothing but the cloak on his back and the sword he had held in it's hand.

  The sounds of battle die down, Evon now took this chance, two look at the damage done To the wall. As E stuck his head out arrows began to fly at him. From the archers stationed to watch the hole until the next waves of the assault force could arrive. The surprise of it all made contact behind a rock it was craggy and half broken. Evon touched it with this finger feeling the dust and debris, this is been the only time in history wall has ever been broken.

  "Times up boys we need to start fighting harder." Evon said, as he raise the sword above his head. "if this is to be our final stand, then I shall have it be the most glorious last stand this world."

  Once more the man charged into the gaping whole left from whatever exploded it. The men of the order clogged up the whole as they waited for the next round of assaulting the infantry to come. They could see this was no ordinary goblin or Hillman and now joined the battle. For this was the ancient Legion of the consumed. The only markings that they could see what is the standard of the unit marching forward towards them. It Sigil was of a coiling snake as it stalks the helpless rabbit. These were no ordinary full soldiers the consumed have been in use since The first war of darkness. Their brutality is famed in the world of men. It is said that they devoured the souls of all they kill.

  Memories flooded into the Evon's mind as his hand glided over the scar above and through his eye. For a consumed had almost killed him that day. Instead he was left with sightless and gray looking eye. Not many could forget the encounter with a consumed especially not one that almost lost an eye.

  The howling coming from the consumed, send fear into most who had heard it. "stand your ground men. For we must hold this position, in give time to our allies to gather their forces. So we may send these bastards back to the shadow." Evon said.

  It was too late the men could not gather their bearing before they're consumed charge through the breach. They slaughtered all of the men in their path, And the blink of an eye. He had seen such things before, in the last war. Evon else is long sword with two hands, as he pushed off of the Rubblestone in his foot and into the fray. The consumed carried great swords, their barbed edges meant to peel through armor. One of the blades reached out and and Clacked against Evon's shoulder plate. The blow rock him, but it would take more to take them down.

  Iran recovered in the flash of pain. He was able to get a sword up in the nick of time to counter another strike from the large blade. Once inside the guard of the consumed, he drove his blade up in the fury trying to eviscerate the man. He was too fast, the consumed warrior just jump to the side. Is Blade coming down hitting balls Evon's forearms. The blow caused him to drop his longsword to the ground. The savage kick rack Evon in the rib cage dropping him to the ground.

  The sounds of footsteps drew closer is the beach racked against the rubble street ground. Evon of the corner of his eyes saw the barb sword raisin to the air. Beset on its path to remove his head. His reactions weren't what they were when he was younger but he was able to get out of the way. He rolled swiftly as the blade messed digging deep into the dirt of the courtyard.

  Evon was determined not to receive a scar this time. This time he would come away unscathed from killing consumed. Eve under the hand blades to both sides taking one in his right one in his left. He ran at this consumed, giving know thought to his health for the determination to kill is what drove him. Consume tried to hack at Evon as he came in with thrust that would skewer the man. The warm sensation of blood covered Avon hands, as the blade drove deeper into the man's abdomen releasing the putrid news from the stomach help within. He kicked the man free from his sword and watch some toppled to the ground.

  The death of the consumed caused t
he man behind Avon to regain their confidence in the fight. In a wave they all march forward towards the enemies coming through the wall. They were determined now to defend their homeland. They were determined to fight until the end.

  But can we hold out. When so much is stacked against us.


  The sight of trees filled his vision as he woke, Virgil raised his head from the ground to realize he was still in the woods. The last thing he remembers is looking up upon the face of Xavier, has consciousness left his body. Hey scrambled to his feet in an awkward manner. The blow must've taken more than he expected.

  Audible footsteps approach from behind him as he worked his way to his knees. His head turned on a swivel as he looked behind to see whose footsteps they belong to.

  "What the hell you doing sitting out here," said Natasha.

  "It's not like I was just lying around for fun. I followed Xavier into the woods, but he call me with a blast of energy they came from nowhere."

  "What do you mean he hit you with a blast? If you done that why didn't he just kill you," said Natasha.

  "I don't know why you didn't kill me, I didn't think it was the best time to ask him," Virgil said.

  Virgil rose to his feet, with the help of Natasha. She grasped his forearm as she lifted him from the ground. He should've known that she would be the first to find him. She was the only person in the order that I actually understood him. Horns sounded in the distance signaling reinforcements to come to the camp.

  "We need to get out of here, Virgil," said Natasha.

  "I know, but we need to find the others first. The sounds of combat are still strong on the Eastern side of the camp we need to go check it out before we can leave."

  Together they made their way across the camp toward the sounds of combat that still lingered in the air. As they passed the large tent they knew they were backing the camp. The noises came from where they enter the camp. As they crest of the small hill on the outskirts of the large tent, they saw Laura Lockton combat with four or five enemies. They all we're garbed in the fanatics robes that they have become so familiar with upon reaching the valley of the tribes.


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