Embracing Fate: A hot paranormal shifter book (Hidden Hills Shifters 4)

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Embracing Fate: A hot paranormal shifter book (Hidden Hills Shifters 4) Page 2

by Day, Vella

  No surprise, the wallet was empty, confirming that Brody had been robbed. Not only had they taken his money, they’d also snatched any credit cards he might have had, his driver’s license, and everything else. That meant Cord didn’t know where Brody lived, and he wasn’t hopeful the kid would stop by the station on his own. However, a DEA agent for many years, Cord was good at tracking people and would find him eventually. He could always waltz into the hospital and ask Piper for her brother’s information, but he wasn’t sure he could handle being around her without doing something inappropriate.

  Before they snagged one of the empty tables, they ordered a couple of beers at the bar. While they waited, Cord wanted to find out if Storm had any info on the sexy nurse lady. He normally wouldn’t have asked, but Piper had been on his mind all day.

  “By any chance, do you know Piper Capshaw?” She and Storm were both in the medical field, so it was possible they’d interacted.

  “Sure do. She’s friends with Cheyenne in fact, but I met her before my wife did.”


  Storm seemed to be suppressing a smile. “The first time was when I had to take in a young boy who’d broken his leg, and I was impressed with her caring nature. She works in the Diagnostic Imaging Department at the hospital.”

  Cord nodded. “I met her there last night when I had to speak with a mugging victim who was in there for X-rays. As soon as I stepped into her area to find out some info from this guy—who turned out to be her brother—she asked me to leave—and she wasn’t all that pleasant about it.”

  “Wouldn’t you be upset if one of your siblings have been injured? I know Brody means the world to her.”

  “I thought that might be the case.” Actually, he’d sensed how much her brother meant to her, which made it more difficult to push her image aside.

  Storm cocked a brow. “You interested? She’s single by the way.”

  He refused to address the quick change in his pulse. “Nope, just curious that’s all.” Cord grabbed his beer and headed to one of the empty tables along the wall.

  “Uh, huh, sure.” Storm smirked and followed him.

  Christ. He never should have brought it up. He’d only asked on the off chance that Storm would say she was some kind of witch or something.

  For most of the day, he’d studied his reaction to her and didn’t like his conclusion.

  To confirm his suspicion, he’d called his dad and asked what kind of reactions one would have when finding one’s mate. What his dad described pretty much matched how he’d felt the moment he was near her. Cord thought that given his oddities, he’d only be able to mate with another panther or bear, but his father said it was not uncommon for their kind to be attracted to other species—like humans.

  When he was younger, he’d asked his dad what would happen if he bit a human. His father said that for a normal panther, if a human woman were his true mate, she’d become a panther. Since Cord was part bear and part panther, his father said he had no idea what a bite would do to her. Dad had always said it would be best if his true mate were another animal beside human—as if he had a choice.

  The whole discussion with his dad had left him depressed. Cord needed a mate like he needed to be able to shift into a chipmunk or a snake—though the latter might prove useful at some point. If Piper learned that Fate had paired them, and then found out about his flaws, she wouldn’t want him, and the rejection would hurt even worse.

  * * *

  Piper hadn’t slept well last night, not only because she kept thinking about that hunky man and all the things she’d like to do with him, but because she was worried about Brody—not just the beating, but why he was always in trouble. She wondered what else she could do to make things better without enabling him. He always seemed strapped for cash, but giving him what little she earned wouldn’t help him become more personally responsible.

  She’d called Brody earlier today, and when he didn’t answer his cell, she thought something else had happened. She then called the garage where he worked, and he was there. Apparently, he’d forgotten to pay his cell phone bill, and they’d cut off his service. When she asked about his injuries, he claimed he was fine, though a few times during the conversation, he’d sucked in a big breath, as if he were in pain. She tried to convince him to fill the prescription the doctor had given him, but he said pain meds were for wusses.

  At least she’d tried.

  It was Friday night, and she often went out with her girlfriends and their spouses, but tonight she wasn’t in a festive mood. On the other hand, she did want to find out about that hot cop and learn his story.

  Before Piper could come up with a plan, her cell rang. Immediately, she thought of Brody and that something else had happened. When she located her cell, she sighed in relief.

  “Hey, Tasha.”

  “Hey, I called to see how Brody was doing.”

  Piper had been so upset this morning that she’d called her friend during her lunch hour. “He says he’s fine, but I haven’t seen him to judge for myself.”

  “I’m sorry. I have something that might cheer you up. Guess who just came into town?”

  “Don’t tell me Em is here.”


  “Fantastic.” Excitement jetted through her.

  For the last two months, their friend Emmaline had been living in Pittsburgh with her husband, Wade Black. Because he had financial customers in Hidden Hills, they periodically returned, but when they’d last spoken, Em didn’t think she and Wade would make it down for another few weeks.

  “She just called and said she and hubby would be at the Cove Bar tonight.”

  Now Piper definitely had to go. “I can’t wait to see what she looks like.” Em should be about six months pregnant by now.

  “Me, too. How about I pick you up in thirty minutes?”

  “Perfect.” While Piper could have driven, Tasha often chose to be the designated driver, and that suited her just fine, especially since Piper could use a drink or two tonight. “See you soon.”

  Because she had the time, Piper didn’t rush to get ready. The bar was often stuffy on a Friday night, so she wore a tank top under a cute little sweater, and even though she was tall, she went with her booted heels, which fit snuggly over her tight jeans. For makeup, she applied her usual light touch.

  When she was satisfied with her look, she clicked on a few strategic lights around the house to discourage any intruders then waited by the front window for Tasha to arrive. Right on time, her friend drove in and flashed her lights. Piper locked up and headed out.

  The passenger seat was empty, so she slipped in front. Tasha had only been married for three months, and it was rare to see her and Burke apart. “Where’s your hubby?”

  “He wanted to come with me, but his dad needed help with something. He’ll try to stop by later.”

  Burke was such a nice guy. Because Em and Wade would probably talk about the birth of their upcoming child, Piper decided to ask Tasha about the mysterious shifter before they arrived at the bar.

  “Did I mention that a bear shifter saved Brody?”

  “No.” Tasha glanced at her. “What’s his name?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never seen him before.”

  “Really? Can you describe him?”

  If she admitted how sexy he was, Tasha might leak it to Burke, who would probably speak with the man. “He’s like Burke. Hot. How many bear shifters are there on the Force anyway?”

  “Not many, but I can ask Dram about him.”

  She didn’t know who that was, but it didn’t matter as long as she learned the hot cop’s name. “I’d appreciate it.”

  Tasha was lucky enough to find a parking spot close to the front entrance, and Piper couldn’t wait to see her friend. “Did Em say when they were arriving?”

  “They should be here any moment, if they aren’t already.”

  They’d barely entered when Piper glanced across the room to look for her friend and
saw him. It was almost as if she sensed his presence. Piper stopped and grabbed Tasha’s arm. “Oh, my God. There he is!” she whispered.

  Tasha looked around. “Where?”

  Not wanting to make a scene, she moved in front of her friend, keeping her back to the cop. “He’s with Storm, and they’re at a table against the far wall. What do you think I should do?” She knew she was acting like a teenager, instead of a twenty-nine year-old woman, but she couldn’t help it. He could be the man of her dreams—assuming he wasn’t married.

  Tasha looked over her shoulder. “Oh, my, I see what you mean. He’s quite the looker in a troubled sort of way. No, I don’t know who he is. You’re certain he’s a bear shifter?”

  “That’s what Brody said. Then again, he thought the man was a panther, too. Can you believe that?”

  “No, but there’s one sure way to find out.”

  “What’s that?”

  “We ask him.”

  Piper placed a hand on Tasha’s arm, not ready to confront him yet. “I plan to apologize for my behavior, but I need a moment to compose myself.”

  Tasha laughed. “Come on. Let’s find a table and order drinks. When you’re ready, we can head on over.”

  That worked for her, assuming the man didn’t walk out when he noticed her. He seemed to be good at disappearing.

  They grabbed a large table as far from Storm and the mystery man as possible, and then she waved at the waitress to nab her attention. Piper needed a drink badly. She sat across from Tasha, leaving room for Emmaline and Wade when they showed up. If Burke stopped by when he was done with his dad, there would also be room.

  Tasha smiled. “I’ve never seen you so flustered before. What gives?”

  “I can’t explain it. I wasn’t in a good place when I first met him. One of the nurses wheeled Brody in on the gurney and I nearly lost it.”

  Tasha placed a hand over hers and gently squeezed. “Anybody would be upset. He’s your brother. But what about this man has you so flustered?”

  “The moment he walked in, it was almost as if I forgot that my brother was there. He seemed to look straight through me, as if he knew what I was thinking. I know this sounds crazy, but I swear I could almost see my own pain reflected in his face.”

  Before Tasha could comment, the waitress came over. “What can I get you ladies?”

  Right now all Piper wanted was a strong drink. “I’d like a martini with a twist of lime.”

  Tasha ordered an iced tea, not commenting on Piper’s choice of beverage, which was usually a beer.

  “Now you’ve got me curious,” Tasha said once the waitress headed back to the bar. “What else did you notice about him?”

  Piper didn’t know whether she should just spit it out or hide her feelings, but Tasha was one of the most open-minded women she’d ever met.

  “I have absolutely no basis for my feelings, but I think he may be the one for me.”

  Tasha’s mouth opened and then closed. “I’m happy for you. So what are you going to do about it?”

  “Assuming he’s available, I’m going to seduce him.”

  Chapter Three

  Cord pushed back his chair and stood. “I need to go.”

  Storm reached out and grabbed his arm. “We just got here. Sit down and tell me what’s wrong.”

  Storm was one of the few people he’d met who he actually trusted. The man had been a human his whole life until his mate changed him into cheetah shifter. That had to have been unsettling, yet he seemed fine with the transformation.

  Cord sat down but kept his gaze averted from Piper. “She’s here.”

  Storm’s face brightened, and he twisted around. “Where?”

  “Against the other wall, but don’t look now. She’ll know I’m talking about her.”

  Storm turned back to face him and chuckled. “What? Are you back in high school? If you want to get to know her, I’ll introduce you.”

  Cord couldn’t chance it. He might as well explain the real reason. Of all people, Storm would keep the information confidential. “You can’t mention it to anyone—especially Cheyenne.”


  “Piper is my mate.”

  Storm leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms. “Well, I’ll be damned. I didn’t think you were looking for anyone.”

  “I’m not. You know what my issues are. I can’t imagine a human would want someone like me.”

  “What are you talking about? You have a steady job, you protect people, and you’re a shifter in a town where more than half the people are as well.”

  “You don’t get it. It’s complicated.”

  Storm waved a hand as if to erase his objection. “She knows all about our kind, and she’s fine with it.”

  “You know my concerns.”

  “The only way to find out if Piper has any interest in you is to go over and say hello.” He twisted back around. “Okay, we’re stopping over there now.” Storm stood. “Two of my good friends, Emmaline and Wade, are back in town, and I want to say hi.”

  A pregnant woman and her husband sat down at the table with Tasha and Piper. “You go ahead.”

  “Cord Triggert, I never took you for a coward.”

  He wasn’t a coward—just careful. “If I’m near Piper, my body starts doing strange things.” His teeth would begin to extend and his cock would turn painfully hard.

  Storm laughed. “You don’t think the same thing happens to me when I’m around Chey? I get it, man. Just because I was born a human doesn’t mean I’m immune when I’m around my wife.”

  Cord had been told that this intense physical reaction would lessen over time. If he walked out now, not only would that look bad, it wouldn’t help make him any more immune to her. “Fine, but I’m not staying long,” Cord said.

  Storm picked up his beer and headed over to the large table. Cord followed.

  As he approached, Piper looked up, and a surge of intense lust almost made him miss a step. Fuck. He should just tell her she’s his mate, but not to worry—they didn’t have to be together because it would never work. She’d say thanks for the warning, and all would be good.

  Right and all criminals would leave town permanently in the next thirty seconds.

  As if Storm was trying to push his buttons, he left the seat next to Piper free, and then greeted his friends. “Everyone, this is Cord Triggert. He’s one of Hidden Hills’ Finest, and he’s also a bear shifter, if you can’t tell.” Storm looked at Piper, as if he said it for her benefit.

  Most shifters couldn’t detect his dual shifting species. They sensed the bear in him, but not the cat. From what he could tell, there were no panthers in town, making him even more of an oddity.

  Not wanting to come across as a jerk, Cord painted on a smile and sat down. “Nice to meet you all.”

  He didn’t dare look over at Piper. Not only was her linen scent driving him to distraction, he could feel her gaze on him. Her mere presence heated him up.

  Storm lifted his drink. “I’d like to toast Cord. Yesterday, while on duty, he heard three men attack a man, and when he rushed to save him, he successfully fended them off. While the downed man had to be rushed to the hospital, he was released after a few stitches.”

  Cord wanted to kill him. He never did anything for the notoriety. Hell, he’d worked his whole life to stay under the radar.

  Emmaline sucked in a big breath. “Oh, that’s wonderful. You’re a town hero.”

  Cord inwardly groaned and mentally calculated when he could safely leave.

  “There’s more to the story,” Piper said. “The man Cord saved was my brother.”

  If Cord could have disappeared, he would have. The chatter began, and when Wade insisted on hearing the details, Cord saw no way out of it. Making sure not to mention he was in his panther form, he told them how the three men had run off when he growled at them. Thankfully, everyone at the table laughed.

  Piper sipped her drink. “This may not be the best time, but I need
to apologize to our officer here for how I handled myself when he came to check up on Brody.” She placed her palm on his hand, igniting his body on fire.

  As much as he wanted to withdraw it, he couldn’t. Her touch mesmerized him. “There’s nothing to apologize for. You were upset that your brother had been injured, and I should have sensed that and come back later. I’m the one who should apologize.” He was pleased with the way he handled that, especially since his body was close to exploding with need.

  “So where are you from, Cord?” Wade asked, almost breaking the spell between him and Piper.

  Thankful for the interruption, he slid his hand from hers and faced Wade. He liked these people and didn’t want to lie to them, but he wasn’t in the habit of giving out too much information. “I’m from Virginia.”

  “Were you in law enforcement there?”

  The truth would come out eventually. “I worked for the DEA for many years.”

  Storm leaned forward. “Like myself, he became a little tired of the rat race, and when a job opened up, he jumped at the chance to move here.”

  Maybe he’d keep Storm on as a friend, after all. It didn’t matter that his decision hadn’t been that easy. The conversation turned to Emmaline’s baby, and Cord was able to relax until Piper spoke or laughed. Then his senses heightened once more.

  About an hour later, Tasha’s husband, Burke, joined them, and this seemed like a good time to leave. He pushed back his chair. “I’ve had a long day. It was nice meeting all of you.”

  Piper reached up and touched his arm. “Is there any chance you could give me a ride home? Tasha drove me, and I don’t want her to leave now that Burke is here.” She yawned, but he sensed it wasn’t real.

  His first instinct was to ask if Storm could drive her, but he recognized that would sound rude. Had Piper been anyone other than his mate, he would’ve been happy to take her home.

  “Where do you live?” It didn’t really matter, but he needed to say something.

  “About four miles west of here. Is that out of your way?”

  He didn’t want to lie. “No, it’s actually on my way.”


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