Embracing Fate: A hot paranormal shifter book (Hidden Hills Shifters 4)

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Embracing Fate: A hot paranormal shifter book (Hidden Hills Shifters 4) Page 5

by Day, Vella

  “I need to be naked,” he said.

  He reached down and tugged off his footwear then looked at her as if he wanted to consume her. Taking advantage of his desire, she plucked open the button on his jeans, and then slid down his zipper. Oh, my. The top of his cock peeked out above his briefs and she sucked in a large breath.

  “I guess I should have asked my friends if shifters were bigger. Now I can see they are.”

  He laughed, and the sound altered her insides. “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.”

  “Not if I can help it, you won’t.”

  Fearing he’d go too slowly, Piper slipped his jeans over his hips and dragged them down his legs until they bunched on his massive thighs. She looked up at him. Damn man was grinning. “A little help, please?”

  Keeping his gaze on her face, he removed his jeans and briefs and kicked them off to the side. She was so stunned at his magnificent body that she actually quivered. She’d been the one who wanted to make the first move, but now that he was allowing it, she was almost afraid to touch him for fear of making a mistake.

  Go for it.

  Piper stepped close, reached out, and dragged a finger from his throat to his navel. The path she took was circuitous—around his well-muscled pecs and across his rippled abdomen. The sprinkling of chest hair between his nipples right down to the thatch at his cock had her speechless.

  Cord lifted that finger and drew it into his mouth. He sucked hard, and then twirled his tongue around and around. She didn’t know if he was trying to emulate what he wanted her to do with his cock or if he was trying to drive her wild.

  Regardless of his intent, Piper wanted to experience all of him. Hoping she didn’t make a fool of herself, she grabbed his dick, and slowly pumped her fist up and down. Never did she expect to see his dark eyes turn black and the hair on his face grow before her eyes. It looked as if he was about to shift.

  Cord closed his eyes and cupped her rear with his free hand. He audibly inhaled and squeezed her butt. When the trembling in his hand ceased, he opened his eyes and groaned. “You have no idea what it’s like being me. Right now my inner beast is pounding my insides for release. Forgive me.”

  She wasn’t certain what he meant, but a second later he dragged down her jeans and panties, tossed them to the side then lifted her up, plastering their two bodies together. The kiss that followed was one of possession and passion and nearly melted her soul. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she leaned into him, needing the connection.

  Cord placed his hands on her waist, set her down, and stepped back. “Condom.”

  While she was on the pill, she thought perhaps he’d feel more comfortable having the protection, so she said nothing. Bending down, he grabbed his jeans and extracted a rubber from his wallet. “I never thought I’d be using this today,” he said, waving the packet.

  “May I?” Piper held out her hand.

  Cord ripped open the foil package and donned the condom. “I don’t have time.”

  His comment pleased her. She thought he’d lead her over to the bed, but instead he hovered over her, cupped her rear, and then lifted her up. “Wrap your legs around me and let me take you on a wild ride,” he commanded.

  He walked forward until her back pressed against the wall and goose bumps shimmied up her body. Hunger filling his eyes, Cord devoured her mouth, and she could sense the beast within.

  She, too, could no longer stop her need from overflowing. Her pussy cramped with unrelenting desire, and she lowered one hand to reach between them. She caught hold of his hard shaft, pressed the soles of her feet on his thighs, and lifted up. When she slipped the tip into her wet hole, excitement and mind numbing joy collided.

  “I won’t last long once I’m inside you,” he warned.

  Thrilled to hear his need matched hers, Piper lowered her hips and engulfed him as much as she could. Despite being wet, his wide girth was almost too much to handle. He held her close as he slipped out an inch and then edged back in. This time he made it halfway before he met with resistance. As he blazed another scorching path into her pussy, the friction inside her escalated, and her womb coiled, ready to spring.

  He wrapped one arm around her waist and nuzzled her neck. “I want you so bad.”

  His desperation slackened her inner walls, allowing her to open up. She took the lead and plunged downward. Her breath caught, but she held on, waiting for the tension to lessen. With him fully seated, he kissed her once, withdrew, and plunged in again.

  It was then that the gates of passion opened and welcomed both of them in. She dropped her forehead on his shoulder and gripped him tight. She lifted and then dropped down again just as he thrust upward. Fire consumed her as her climax built. Dragging her nails over his body, she kissed his neck and then nabbed his earlobe between her teeth and tugged. The more she touched him, the harder she wanted to fuck, and the more she wanted him. Her desire consumed her to the point where thought no longer existed—only the two of them were real.

  When she raised her head, Cord possessed her mouth, and their breaths mingled as their bodies joined. When he drove all the way to the hilt, waves of ecstasy slammed into her, and her orgasm exploded.

  Cord lowered his face to her shoulder, and sharp teeth scraped against her skin. As his cock detonated, his groan sounded closer to a howl. His heat seared her and joy spread everywhere.

  For the next few minutes, she was barely able to synthesize all that had happened, but Piper hugged him hard, wanting to memorize the texture of his skin along with his sensual scent. She finally lowered her feet to the floor, and Cord slipped out of her.

  He lifted her chin. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes.” Actually, so much more than all right.

  “I’m sorry I never made it to the bed. I got lost in you.”

  She smiled. “I like that you went all animal on me.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Yeah, but I would have freaked if you’d turned into a bear.”

  His cheeks dimpled. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  For the next time? She could only hope there would be one.

  Cord leaned over and lightly kissed her. “That was incredible,” he said with a smile in his voice. He grabbed his briefs and jeans and donned them. “You think breakfast is salvageable?”

  “Cold eggs, dry toast, lukewarm coffee, and limp bacon? It’s doubtful. How about I call my brother at the garage, and then maybe we can go out to breakfast?” If he thought it was too dangerous, he’d surely warn her.

  “If you agree to park your car in front instead of in the garage it should discourage anyone coming near that might be connected to last night’s incident. If we eat out, it’ll also give us a chance to stop by the hardware store and order your new window.”

  Piper didn’t know what to say. She was thrilled he was willing to help her, but on the other hand, she didn’t want him to think she wasn’t capable of ordering the window herself. She’d address that issue later.

  She dressed and then followed him out to the kitchen where she’d left her cell. The number for Chandler’s garage was already pre-programmed, so she tapped the button and paced as it rang. Cord tossed the uneaten food in the trash, and the domestic scene wasn’t lost on her. He was a good man.

  “Chandler’s garage, Denny speaking.”

  He was the owner’s son. “Hey, Denny, it’s Piper. Can I speak with Brody?”

  “You could if he was here.”

  Tension rumbled in her stomach. “It’s almost nine o’clock. He’s supposed to work today, right?”

  “Yes, and if you find him first, tell them to get his ass in here. I’ve got three engines that need to be worked on.”

  Her mind whirred. She glanced at Cord who was staring at her. “If you see him before I do, have him give me a call, okay?”

  “Will do.”

  She disconnected and set her phone on the counter, a wave of depression washing over her. “Brody never showed up for work this morning, and
he never misses.”

  “Let me put on my shirt and we can look for him.” He glanced down at the floor and scooped it up. “Damn. Mind stopping at my place so I can pick up a clean one?”

  Piper felt bad that she’d messed it up and then hadn’t washed it, but she’d been distracted. “Not at all. Do you think he’s in trouble?”

  “I say we go find out.”

  Chapter Seven

  Cord had told her the truth when he said her place was between his apartment and town, but Piper hadn’t expected he’d lived in a garage apartment. She thought a cop would have a bigger spread, complete with a man cave.

  “You want to come up? I’ll only be a minute.”

  “Sure.” Not only was she curious to see what his place looked like, sitting alone in his truck didn’t appeal to her.

  He came around to her side and opened her door. “Excuse the style. It came furnished. I’ve only lived here six months, and it looks the same from when I moved in. I’m mostly here just to sleep.”

  In other words, it wasn’t decorated. “I won’t judge, I promise.”

  His brows pinched briefly, but she had no idea why. He led her up the steps and unlocked the door. The inside was small but neat. The flowered sofa and gold-framed landscape photos were definitely incongruous to the muscular, powerful man. She’d love to learn what his style really was. Country didn’t suit him, nor did modern. Given he was a bear shifter, she bet he’d be more into rustic.

  “I’ll be right back,” he said.

  Even though Piper had offered to launder his shirt, he said he’d take care of it. Lucky for him, he’d worn a jacket to the bar, so it wasn’t like he had to drive half naked. Too bad.

  As promised, he returned quickly, buttoning up his shirt. “Would you like to stop by your brother’s house first or have breakfast?”

  She couldn’t believe how considerate he was. As much as she wanted to eat, making certain that Brody was safe was more important. “If you won’t starve, I’d really like to see if my brother is okay.”

  “I figured.”

  After he locked up, they jumped in the truck and took off toward town. Brody lived on the outskirts of town in a rather rundown place. “Turn in there,” she said, pointing to the apartment complex entrance.

  “Not the best area,” Cord said.

  Now, she was the one embarrassed. “I know. I’ve tried to convince him to move, but he keeps telling me he can’t afford more.” She didn’t make much, but she could have scraped together some funds to help him. She didn’t though, because at his age, he needed to figure out how to live within his means.

  A bleak picture was slowly emerging that didn’t paint her brother in a good light. The more she thought about it, the more it made sense that he just might have a gambling problem.

  Cord pulled into the parking lot. “Do you see his vehicle?” he said.

  She looked around but didn’t spot it. “No, but he might have parked on the other side of the building. I have a key to his place, so if he’s not there, I’ll leave a note for him to call me.”

  Cord parked, and together they marched up to Brody’s second-floor apartment. She knocked and waited for him to answer, and when he didn’t, she slipped the key in the lock and opened up. “Brody?” He didn’t answer, and no lights were on. “Guess he’s not here.”

  The place smelled of garbage, which wasn’t a surprise given the empty pizza box and three beer bottles on the coffee table.

  “It doesn’t appear as if there’s been any kind of struggle,” he said.

  That was a good thing. Her heart sank, though, wishing there was something she could do to help her brother fight his demons. “I’ll write him a note.”

  She had to scrounge through a few drawers to find something to scribble on. When she located a pad, she asked him to call her as soon as he came home. With each word she jotted down, dread pooled in her belly. She hoped he hadn’t been lured outside and then kidnapped.

  Stop it.

  Piper wasn’t the type to create drama, but ever since the beating, her mind had been overly active.

  She placed the note on top of the pizza box. “Do you think he might be hiding out?”

  “If I were him, I might be.”

  An image of a big tough bear flashed in her mind’s eye. “If you were in Brody’s situation, you’d find those men and tear them apart limb by limb—literally.”

  He shook his head, but she caught the small lift to his lips. “Is there some place he always liked to go? A town or a special spot where he feels safe?”

  She thought back to some of their happier times. “My brother loves to fish. He goes up to Lake Glendale about an hour from here every summer for a week and camps out there. She snapped her fingers. “Let me check his closet to see if his tackle box is there. If it isn’t, it might mean he’s at the lake.”

  She rushed into his bedroom and searched through his closet. Damn. Her brother was turning into a hoarder. After pushing aside a half dozen pairs of shoes, a ton of dirty clothes, along with a lot of unidentifiable items, she failed to find the box. Piper returned to the living room.

  “Did you find it?” he asked.

  “No, but it could mean he didn’t put it back from the last time he used it. It might still be in his truck.”

  “How about we grab a bite to eat and then head on up to this lake?”

  “Are you sure you have the time? You’re not working today?”

  He shrugged. “I will be working—kind of. I’m trying to find the men who attacked your brother, and if Brody can give me their names, I might be able to locate them.”

  A trickle of disappointment filtered through her. Piper shouldn’t have assumed that he was there just to help her. “Great.”

  They doubled back through town where they grabbed some food at a drive thru and ate on the road so as not to waste time. After she finished, she leaned back against the seat and tried to enjoy just being with Cord.

  “Have you and Brody always lived in Hidden Hills?” he asked, one arm on the wheel, and the other resting on his leg, looking as if this was some Saturday afternoon sightseeing jaunt.

  “No. We grew up in Ohio and had a good life until Dad left. After that, Mom struggled to keep food on the table.”

  His lips thinned. “That had to be tough.”

  “It was. There were times when we’d move from one apartment to another without paying, keeping one step ahead of the collection agency. Perhaps that’s where my brother learned his skills of living lean.”

  “How did you two end up here?”

  Had he not sounded so sincere, she might have skipped the sad details. “After my mom died, Brody met a girl and fell in love. It was the first time I’d seen him really happy, but then Noelle’s parents moved to Hidden Hills. Brody didn’t find out she was a shifter until a few months later when he came down here to be with her. By that time, Noelle had found her true mate. Needless to say, he was devastated and started drinking. Noelle’s brother, Denny, felt so bad for him, that he offered him a job in his garage.”

  Cord glanced at her. “That might be the reason why he called me a freak. A shifter did him wrong.”

  “You may be right.”

  “What made you move down here?” he asked.

  Now came the ugly part. “Brody attempted suicide, and I wanted to be there for him. I was able to get a job at the hospital, and the rest is history.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  So was she. “Enough of my sad tale. What about you? You said you used to work for the DEA. Why the change?”

  “Like Storm said, I became tired of the rat race. That, and too many crazies doing bad shit to good people.”

  The bitterness in his tone took her back. “Now, it’s my turn to say I’m sorry.”

  He glanced over and winked. “I’m not. I like it here.”

  Her heart sputtered, hoping she was part of the reason he enjoyed the town. “Any siblings?” She wasn’t ready to hear about his parent
s if his situation was worse than hers.

  “One older brother and a younger sister.”

  She waited for him to elaborate, but he didn’t. Perhaps he wasn’t close to them or else he wasn’t ready to share. “There’s the turn off for the lake.”

  Cord grew quiet, as if he was trying to think of a way to make her brother spill the names of the three assailants. “Have you been here before?” he asked.

  “I came here with Brody the first summer I arrived in Hidden Hills.” She leaned forward. “That’s the beginning of the lake where he used to fish. I remember it.”

  The long narrow, dirt road ended in a parking lot, and excitement sliced through her when she spotted his truck. “He’s here!”

  Before Cord even cut the engine, Piper jumped out. The engine died, and Cord eased out his side. “Let’s make certain he’s alone first.”

  She thought he was being over the top, but he was the cop, so she let him do his thing. “I’ll let you go first then.”

  He must have sensed her resistance because he held out his hand. “We’ll go together.”

  The path ended in about two hundred feet. In a small clearing on the left sat Brody’s tent. Her brother’s back was to her, and there was a fishing pole in his hand. Thankfully, no one else appeared to be around.

  “Hey there,” she said.

  Brody whipped around and shot his gaze between the two of them. From his narrowed eyes and tight grip on his pole, he wasn’t happy to see them. “Checking up on me?”

  Much of his face had turned into one big purple-yellow bruise, and his eye was still slightly swollen, but the stitches on his chin gave him a roguish look. “Can’t a sister be worried about her brother? You didn’t show up for work.”

  He shrugged and returned to his fishing. This wasn’t how she’d expected the reunion to go. Cord squeezed her hand as if to say it was his turn to try. “We found your wallet, Brody, but it was empty.”


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