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SIEGE (TRAMPS Book 1) Page 9

by Ray Blackwell

  Other alien races were proven to exist and even communicated with humans, but this binary star system was even too wild for them to tame for any true benefit.

  “There’s a Republic outpost on the other side of B”

  Mitchell’s eyes widened, “Just lovely!”

  Aaron had a thought, “Rand, what if we put our captives in spacesuits and dropped them here? We could send a message to the outpost to retrieve them and be on our way.” Aaron thought it was a good idea.

  “That makes some sense but we might need those suits. Besides, with coronal ejections spewing out magnetic fields, they might not be able to find small targets like a human. That would be a terrible way to die.” Then Rand had an amusing thought, “Can you imagine them finding that kid dead, in womans panties?”

  And that question spurred more humorous outbursts until they were laughing as hard as drunken sailors.

  Rand was growing attached to these two. He could relate to them, even with the age difference, but Rand never fully grew up in some ways. He always tried to find the humorous side to the worst situation. And Mitchell being a smart-ass complimented much of the humor.

  Being short staffed for the controls, Terri brought refreshments to the bridge crew and would listen to their childish antics. She found the three of them together to be amusing. Not that she thought they were wittingly funny, but she liked hearing them laugh.

  Terri would then return to the galley where a collection of uniforms and the previous owners clothing had been piled. Her and Serena were working diligently to try and make something Perry could wear. It was a daunting task, but it brought Serena and Terri closer. Two women from opposite ends of the spectrum with the same goal to survive.

  For Serena, Terri was becoming a mentor and a female friend that Serena never had. And that spawned Serena to tell Terri her life aboard Dust Gypsy ships and hide-outs.

  Terri felt sorry for her to some degree and began wondering if all Gypsies had a similar outlook. Maybe they had been removed from society for so long that they forgot what true relationships were based on. Terri felt that Serena’s acquaintances were formed by necessity rather than choice. In either case, Terri decided to keep Serena under her wing until they reached the Free Worlds Coalition.

  Several hours had passed and Serena was found to be quite resourceful and trendy. Three butchered Republic dress coats later and Serena had made a layered coat for Perry. It was the standard Republic slate gray but the layers in the back and the sleeve gave it a Gothic flare. She had stripped a bright red shirt and sewn in red piping that further made the long coat authoritarian in looks yet it had multiple inside pockets and quite functional. The Red color and sleeve cuffs set it off and Serena smiled at the finished product.

  “Perry, come try this.”

  Perry slouched over to Serena holding the coat, yet it was still dangling on the floor. Serena couldn’t hold it any higher but she held it out to him.

  Perry took it and draped it over his shoulders. He fastened the side buttons slowly, one by one.

  “Thank you Miss Serena.”

  Terri looked at the giant in his new coat and had to admit he looked completely different.

  Serena took Perry’s arm, “Come, look.”

  Serena led Perry to the ship’s head where a large lighted mirror adorned the wall. Trevor stood back and looked. He smiled at himself, and for the first time he could remember, he straightened his back.The man staring back at him looked handsome. Perry dropped the smile and tried to look serious for once without being angry. He was so overwhelmed with his gift he fought hard not to become sentimental. For the first time he felt something unfamiliar. Something other people had without even trying. What was it, this odd feeling? He could see his old self, wearing a red t-shirt and yellow suspenders. ‘Go away’, he thought. He couldn’t find the word.

  Then Serena said, “You look proud!”

  That was it ! He was proud. He looked at Serena with a sparkle in his eyes. He quickly picked her up from the floor by at least two feet. And hugged her. Not squeezing her to death, but gently as if holding a child. For the first time in his life, this little woman was his best friend that wasn’t an animal or a pet.

  And another first in his life, words came from his mouth that he had never said. With all the control he could muster, without saying something ridiculous. He closed his eyes, fighting back a tear, and said softly, “You.....made me happy..”

  For Perry it meant everything, and Serena could feel it; but for herself, she just made a coat. And now she wanted to make him an entire wardrobe..


  For several hours they waited, then finally the wait had ended as a blip appeared on the radar of a controlled object. The three men on the bridge watched it intently. It maneuvered gently as it circumvented Sirius A. It was a single blip, unlike patrols.

  “Mitch, don’t charge in and Aaron keep your eyes clear. Medium acceleration.”

  Rand pressed the all intercom button. “All hands, we have an unknown. Be ready if things get hairy.”

  The Banshee accelerated smoothly toward the unknown vessel.

  On board the liner, the crew also detected an unknown signal.

  “Sir, unknown vessel on an intercept course.”


  “Too far sir, can’t get a clear reading.”

  “Communications, hail that ship.”

  “Aye sir.”

  “Unknown vessel, this is liner ‘Aurora Princess,’ do you copy?”

  On the Banshee bridge, Aaron and Mitchell both turned toward Rand,

  who replied immediately

  “Aurora Princess, this is BNS7727, Commander Remke. We request you shut down engines upon confirmation.”

  “What’s this about?” came the stern request

  “We’re searching for a dangerous fugitive. We’ll need to board your ship for retinal confirmation.”

  The Captain’s voice came back frustrated but approvingly. “Aurora complies, Security. Engines going offline and placing thrusters at station keeping.”

  “Thank you Captain, we’ll make it as brief as possible.”

  The voice returned, “We will have airlock 3 prepared, you can dock at port side on arrival.”

  “Acknowledged Aurora, we apologize for the inconvenience. BNS7727 out.”

  Rand looked at the two young men, “That was easy. Mitch, you stay here in case something goes wrong. Aaron, you’re with me.”

  Rand and Aaron left the bridge and quickly made their way to the galley.

  Rand ducked through the hatch.

  “Terri, Serena, Lock and....,” then Rand and Aaron caught a look at Perry. He was beaming with pride and strutting back and forth showing off his new coat.

  “WOW!, look....good,” Rand said surprised.

  “Miss Serena made it for me,” He grinned.

  “Nice, anyway...girls, grab your gear. We’re boarding a liner under pretense of looking for a dangerous fugitive. Need to do this quick then give ‘em our passengers and get out of here before a real patrol comes by!”

  “Here we go again,” Terri said.

  The gang minus Perry and Mitchell entered the right airlock.

  “Keep your guns holstered, and watch for agents.”

  “Terri,” Rand handed her the retina scanner, “you scan the men like we’re looking for that Vallin we disposed of.”

  “We?” she accented.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “The rest of you just follow my lead.”

  The four of them stepped into the airlock just when the light turned green. The door opened to the ‘Aurora’s lock and they passed through, then another hatch was unlocked and a purser opened it for their arrival.

  “Commander, welcome aboard. Our Captain should be with you shortly.”

  Both Rand and Terri looked at each other. The Captain should have met them at the lock.

  Rand immediately grabbed his radio, “Mitchell?”
br />   Mitchell answered over the speaker, “Go ahead ol’ man.”

  “Hey, while I’m here it’s Commander.”

  “Ooooops.” Mitchell felt stupid. That could cost them if anyone heard.

  “Nevermind, did you hear any chatter or was anything launched?”

  “That’s a negative, the screen is green.”

  “Good, just...stay alert.”

  “Yes, mmmmm, Commander.”

  Rand clipped the radio to his belt.

  The liner Captain arrived, dressed sharply but still looking agitated.

  “My apologies, I was summoning the guests to the launch seating for your inspection, If you will follow me sirs’.”

  “I’m Commander Remke, these are my”...

  “No need for acquaintances Commander, I’m sure you have a job to do as well as I. We have several dignitaries as well as influential persons’ on board.” He added, “Tact is not necessary with service men.”

  Rand, followed the Captain, and out of sight Rand imitated the Captain’s huffiness by swaying his shoulders from side to side.

  Serena giggled.

  All of them entered a room with rows of chairs and a center isle. To each side was four chairs per row. Terri pulled the scanner from her belt.

  She spoke indirectly to the crowd, “Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to make this as brief and as unobtrusive as possible. So, if all ladies and children would please move to the right side of the room?”

  She waited as women, mothers and children stepped around the men and shuffled to the right and the men on the right shuffled to the left. Grumbled voices of the well-to-to could be audibly heard quietly protesting this outrage.

  “Now if all spouses and boyfriends will please join their ladies and families?”

  Again more shuffling but the left side had thinned considerably.

  “Thank you so very much, now all guests on the right may be excused. Please exit through the back and we apologize for the inconvenience.”

  Terri’s actions appeared very professional and it certainly was a Coalition trait to avoid unnecessary antagonism. There were only 12 men remaining, so whatever Rand was planning, it had to be quick. While Terri began her scans, Rand tried to open a dialog with the Captain.

  “Captain, how long does one of these tours last?”

  “Well, that would depend on the tour. Some may only last three days while the longer tours such as this one can be as long as ten days. Of course we have several stopping points of interest where guests can shop and visit with the local communities.”

  “Are there any other access points to the forward command center where a fugitive might hide?”

  “Oh no, this is the only way to the front. Even our dining facilities in the aft section is separate from the galley. All staff and work areas are housed toward the front and the amenities for guests pleasure are in the aft.”

  “What a well thought out design.” Rand said.

  “We pride ourselves on the superior service we have attained.” The Captain felt boastful now, “Our ship is ranked in the top five of the Republic Transit Authority for service and reliability.”

  Rand and Serena thought they were gonna puke if he kept talking. Aaron just ignored him and gawked at the opulence of the ship’s design.

  Terri had inspected the last man and dismissed him to the aft of the ship. She returned to the Captain and the imitating Commander.

  “Sir, everyone checked out. No fugitive on this ship.”

  “That’s good,” said Rand, “Except for us.”

  Rand pulled his pistol on the Captain.

  “What’s the meaning of this?” he warbled.

  “Calm down Captain, all we want is some food and supplies and we’re going to give you a trade.”

  “A t-t-trade?”

  “Yes, food for some Republic Security officers, quite a deal if you ask me.”

  Rand used his pistol to urge the Captain to take a seat.

  “Terri, watch him, I’m going to bring our guests, and Serena, check the galley for fresh food.”

  “Yes Rand,” nodded Terri and Serena was adapt at scrounging ships food stores. She was off in a flash.

  “Aaron, stay here and back up Terri.”

  “Gotcha chief.”

  Rand quickly traveled back into the Banshee, grabbed a torch and then Perry.

  He pulled the radio from is belt, “Mitchell, join me in the lower turret control!”

  They arrived together outside the Tracker bay. Rand cut the weld on the latch.He opened and entered the Tracker bay.

  “Good news everyone. You’re getting off my ship.”

  “Commander, you and that Dan guy carry Williams.”

  They did as instructed. Perry waited for them in the turret control in his new coat. He blocked the path until the other two entered, followed by an armed Rand.

  “Ok Perry, lead them to the airlock.”

  Mitchell was waiting at the far end of the circuit control room in case one made a run for it. After they passed, Mitchell joined Rand in the back.

  Rand pulled his radio again, “Terri, we’re coming over.”

  Terri kept her eye on the Captain but backed to the other side of the airlock.

  First walked in a giant of a man, followed by two men in boxers dragging a wounded but still dressed Republic soldier. Two more young men entered, also boxer dressed, and nothing more, then Rand and Mitchell.

  Terri showed them to the front row seats.

  “Now Captain, do you have an infirmary?”

  “Of course we do and a top physician.”

  “Please stop gloating, a ‘yes’ would have been sufficient.”

  Serena came from the galley, she was dragging a large cloth table cover filled with food of all sorts.

  Perry sensed something was in the bag and looked curiously at it.

  “What cha got, Miss Serena?”

  “Food for our trip.”

  “Are there Moochies?”

  “No Perry but there was a case back there. You want Moochies?”

  Perry nodded emphatically.

  “Tell ya what big guy, you carry ‘tis and I’ll get you Moochies.”

  Perry smiled and picked the bag from off the ground like it was feather light..

  He looked like an evil Santa.

  Serena disappeared back through the gangway.

  “It’s been a pleasure gentlemen, I wish you all a safe trip and a quick recovery.”

  Then Rand yelled at the top of his lungs, “SERENA, Get your ass up here before we leave you!”

  That made Serena’s heart jump and she came running with a medium sized box of Moochies.

  The ragtag crew disappeared into the airlock and the lock hatch went shut.

  The Captain looked over at his new arrivals’.

  “Let me guess,” said the Captain to Remke, “You’re Commander Remke.”

  Remke’s face must have had a permanent scowl locked in place, “Does your radio work?”


  Aaron and Mitchell were in a race to the bridge. Rand was depressurizing the airlock and the girls ran to the galley to lock down everything still open or loose.

  Perry stood, not sure what to do but watched as the other three passed him in a flurry to ready the ship for Hyper. And when all the hatches were closed and sealed Rand went to re-welding the cut out plate on the Tracker bay hatch.

  He yelled into the radio, “Mitch, get us outta’ here!”

  Mitch and Aaron froze. Rand’s order wasn’t answered and he ran to the bridge.

  It wasn’t just Banshees’, but a Republic destroyer with two Banshee escort.

  Anyone else would have simply thrown up their hands and begged for mercy. Rand leaned over Aaron and slammed buttons that he hadn’t time to teach the young cadets.

  Tethered magnetic locks grabbed the liner with a solid clang. He leaned over Mitch and throttled the engines to full. The enemy vessels had a bead on the stolen Banshee but now Rand grabbed t
he stick from Mitchell and pushed it hard right. The Banshee rolled hard, it’s right engine hull slammed into the liner.

  Both tethered ships rolled right.

  “What the hell are they doing?” asked the destroyer executive officer.

  The Destroyer Captain knew right away and withdrew his fire order immediately.

  “Hold your fire, I repeat all guns go silent!”

  They watched the Banshee roll to the far-side of the liner using it for protection.

  “Mitchell, wake up!”

  Mitchell’s heart was in his throat but he wasn’t the only one.

  Rand screamed his orders and his funny side was put on hold.

  “Full collective, keep that liner between us and them!”

  “I got it, I got it!” Mitch yelled back.

  “Aaron, can you see any damage on the right hull?”

  “I-I’m looking, No, no, I don’t think so!”

  Rand hit the intercom, “Terri, take the bottom turret. Serena go to the top!”

  “If either of you see a Banshee peeking at us, don’t hesitate!”

  The liners engines came to life. It began dragging the Banshee perpendicular to the pursuing squad of ships.

  “Mitch, drop the thrust, we gotta disconnect for just a second.”

  “Terri, are you in the seat?” Rand still panicking but trying to remain in control.

  “It’s powered up, I’m good.”

  “When I say fire, shoot the liner!”

  “The liner?”

  “YES, Fire at the liner when I say!”

  “Alright, alright, got it!”

  Over wide band frequency the Destroyer Captain’s voice boomed like a bass drum.

  “There’s no escape. Shut down and we ‘might’ let you live.”

  Rand said aloud to his tutors, “Well that’s encouraging.”

  Rand released the Mag grips.


  The liner was so close Terri hardly had to aim.The brilliant white carrier beam flashed and inside the hollow beam a powerful magnetic wave lashed out at the liner. Lightning trickled along the liners surface, traveled through it’s bulkheads and critical and non critical wiring systems. It’s circuitry burned to a crisp and more importantly, it’s engines ceased to function.


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