Life After War: Books 1-3

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Life After War: Books 1-3 Page 55

by Angela White

  “Well, what does he usually need you to be?”

  Her sarcasm surprised him again. Brady had done all this in only a few weeks? It had taken him years to train her. I should have used the knife, Kenn thought. With the K-Bar, he and Brady were equals.

  “I drive, I make out schedules. I teach, I count, I guard, and I lead. Wherever we’re short someone, I do it.”

  Picking up on images of a barricaded Louisiana room and her Marine hitting Brady from behind, she wanted to ask what kind of man could do that to one of his own, but the old Angela took control. She knew this enemy well. “How long have you been with them, Kenn? Long enough to build a new life?”

  Anger and guilt were coming off him in waves as he shook his head. “That’s above your pay grade!” he snapped. “How long have you and Brady been having an affair? Before the War?”

  “It’s not like that. We’re just...”

  “Friends?” he barked, driving erratic. “Don’t lie! You’ve been screwing him all along!”

  Angela sucked in a calming breath, heart racing, “You would think of me that way, but it didn’t have to be. I was prepared to love you, to be your mate.”

  “I only wanted your obedience. The rest of it is shit!”

  “That’s what I mean. I had hoped the War might allow you to...”

  “To what? Be okay with you bringing your lover along? Wake up! We have a deal!”

  “It’s an unfair agreement! You lied, manipulated, hurt me.”

  He didn’t deny any of her accusations. “A deal’s a deal.”

  “Why, Kenn? You didn’t come back for me, don’t want me here. Why keep me? I’ll take Charlie and go. You can tell your people whatever you want.”

  “You have six years left, and you’re gonna pay for each and every rule you’ve broken!”

  “There won’t be any more punishments. Those days are over!”

  Angela’s voice shook with emotion, with warning Kenn couldn’t help but hear. He grinned coolly, dangerous glints in his eyes. “You have to be sleeping with him to talk to me like that. Wait til I get you alone!”

  “We are not! He’s a good friend who’s helped me.”

  “Yeah, helped himself to what’s mine! Unfaithful bitch! It started before the War, didn’t it? Answer me!”

  “No! We’re just friends!”

  “You’re not allowed to have friends! You belong to me!” he shouted, almost out of control.

  The Witch refused to let her back down. “Never! I’ve always been Brady’s!”

  Kenn’s hand flew out, slapped her, rocking her head back, “Mine! You’re mine!”

  He swerved as he leaned over to hit her again.

  Before she thought about it, Angela had her gun out and pressed against his neck… So close to killing you!

  Shaking with a horribly cold rage, she shoved the weapon harder against him, face full of hate and satisfaction. Things had just changed between them forever.

  Kenn eased off the gas and took a look at her bleeding, deadly calm face as he brought the Bronco to a gentle stop.

  The two Blazers pulled alongside, only Marc really understanding what was happening, and he didn’t interfere, only waited to see if Angela would solve the problem on her own.

  A thick drop of crimson dripped from Angela’s lip, and her knuckles were white from her grip on the gun as she struggled with herself not to pull the trigger. She hated him so much!

  “Next time, you’d best be sure I’m dead. If not, I will kill you!” she spat out.

  Although Kenn recognized the tone, knew he was as close to death here and now as he’d ever been on the battlefield, he couldn’t back down. She was his!

  “They used to stone whores!” he swore.

  Angela drew in a shallow breath, sensing he was thinking of pushing her over the edge despite the gun in her hand. He was more than mad - he was crazy. “I've been loyal to you even when I didn’t want to be. You can’t say the same. I want my freedom, and I’ll do whatever it takes to get it. Whatever you make me do.”

  She slowly lowered the gun but though it went to her lap, Kenn noticed she didn’t take her finger off the trigger and her eyes stayed on him. Like a Marine. What all had Brady taught her? Thinking furiously, Kenn took his smokes from his pocket and lit one.

  When he offered it to her, Angela didn’t hesitate to take it, sensing it was his peace offering.

  After a moment, the Marine eased on the gas, thinking about what she’d said. He believed they weren’t sleeping together. She was too pissed to lie, but there was definitely something going on. The kiss proved that, even if he forgot about all the other signs, the sparks he’d seen, and her words “Always been Brady’s!” What did that tell him?

  He glanced over at her and frowned when he saw she was staring in her mirror at the Blazer rolling behind and a little to the right… in the bodyguard’s place. Their eyes were locked… were they talking?

  The rage flared back to life, and Kenn hit the gas, swerving over so they couldn't make eye contact. “You better remember who I am. He’s tough, and while he’s definitely unexpected, he’s not invincible and neither are you. I’m important to these people. Maybe he’ll have an accident.”

  Angela's anger was replaced by a thick wave of sadness. “Just let me go! You don’t love me. You don’t even like me. It will only cause all of us pain, including you.”

  “We have a deal. You owe me six more years, and if I catch you with him or anyone else, I’ll take the boy out on a supply run and we won’t come back. Ever!”


  Obsessed, malevolent dark eyes watched the small convoy drive away. The twins were a mere mile away, and while they were glad to see Rick get taken in, the strength of the men he'd joined was a worry. The second Marine was as much of a problem as the first. Clearly both males wanted the woman, which would make it harder for their plan to work.

  “They’ll fight to keep her,” Dean observed as they dropped down from the tall, walnut tree, heading for their jeep.

  “Yeah,” Dillan said, taking his place behind the wheel.

  He picked up the mic. “Package has made contact. Tracking. Report later.”

  There was no answer, and the evil twin hung it up, not really caring if Cesar got their messages or not. They had a good plan, fear was always a powerful weapon, but seeing the way her men were so willing to fight for her made the eldest twin nervous. Maybe they should have a backup plan in case she got lucky again.


  Kenn drove hard and fast, fuming in silence. By dusk, he was taking bigger and bigger risks, releasing his frustration on his Bronco. When his luck ran out, Angela wasn’t surprised.

  The truck swerved harshly as one of the tires finally exploded, but Kenn handled it expertly.

  “Damn,” he swore, not sounding mad to her. He wanted a delay, she thought.

  He brought them to a rough stop in the middle of an empty, two-lane road that was surrounded by dead and dying fields of wheat. “Ten minute break. Stay close.”

  Angela waited for Brady to circle the vehicles and give her a nod before getting out.

  Kenn felt an iron hand tighten in his gut. That’s really how it was then. She’d switched owners during his absence.

  The Marine got on the tire, expecting them to be together the whole time, but after the bathroom break that they all needed, Angela took her bag and went to check on the blonde, and Brady began circling their stopped convoy, the wolf at his side.

  Kenn raised his head to look at Marc as he walked by, but the man’s eyes were on the dark, South Dakota borderlands they’d just crossed into, and Kenn’s anger grew. That level of automatic responsibility was exactly what Adrian was always on the lookout for in new people. Despite his bluffs, Kenn already knew Adrian would welcome them with open arms and do what he could to get them to stay and help with the dream. It was an ugly thought for the Marine, suddenly envisioning a life in camp where Angela and Brady were not only a legal couple, but also both in th
e chain of command. The only thing worse would be if Adrian gave his place to one of them.

  “Will he really want us?”

  Kenn’s head swung around in surprise, and Angela's grin was taunting. “I think you’ve told some big lies and don’t want them to find out what kind of person you really are. Does that sound like the truth or have you forgotten what that is?”

  She studied his red face and sullen eyes. “Wanna make a new deal?”

  Kenn shook his head, scratching the idea off his list of things to try. He didn’t look at her as he stood up to roughly kick the hubcap back on. “No. Get in, we’re leaving,” he ordered, hating this new Angela. Where was the timid mouse he had curled into a corner with his fists and how long would it take to get her back?

  “You can’t. Ever. I’ll die first!” she stated flatly, hand on her gun as she stepped around him to the open passenger door. Her eyes met Marc’s as he came by on a round, holding out a pack of smokes, and the nod of encouragement from him gave her a warm rush of confidence and a frenzy of longing. She was already wishing their time alone hadn’t been wasted. She’d denied Brady for nothing, and there was night in her heart.


  As dawn neared, Angela was wide awake, filled with bitterness as she stared at Marc’s lights in the mirror. She couldn’t wait to see her son, was unbelievably grateful she had made it so far, but she was tense and scared again, the way she had spent so many years. It was depressing that the best she could hope for was Kenny letting his guard down enough for them to grab her boy and run. He hadn’t changed, thought he still had her trapped, but this time she had Brady in her corner. Would it be enough?

  Kenn scowled when she lit yet another cigarette without asking for permission but said nothing, only lowered both front windows a bit to clear the smoke. He took a quick look, saw her eyes were on her mirror. He swerved the truck violently, throwing her a warning glare that had the old Angela bracing to fight back again.

  “We’ll be there in about an hour, and we need to talk about what you’ll do and say,” he began to dictate.

  His hard tone and body language sent flashes of blind obedience through her mind and Angela shook her head, voice flat. “No, Kenn, we don’t. You want to tell me the camp rules and way things work? Fine, but save all that other shit. You don’t own me anymore. That life ended with the War I survived alone!”

  Kenn was speechless, allowing him to hear the unhappiness, and he fought the guilt it caused.

  “I won’t embarrass you. I won’t go to him, and I won’t run my mouth. In return, you remember I’m a person, not your property. You don’t own me,” she repeated, stubbing out her butt. “You never really have.”

  Kenn’s stomach burned at her words, her tone, even hating her using the short version of his name. It made her sound less needy, less weak, and he knew who was responsible.

  “This is all his doing, isn’t it?” he accused angrily.

  Her response was quick. “Because of Brady, I’m here and alive, two things you didn’t want to happen!”

  He said nothing and enjoyed the hurt in her voice.

  “Can’t you be even a little glad to see me?”

  “Woulda been easier if you hadn’t brought your lover along,” he sneered.

  Angela looked out the window. “You left me there to die, Kenn. Don’t think that I don’t know that. I did what I had to, and I went through hell to get here.”

  He gave her a disbelieving once over. “You look fine.”

  She smiled tauntingly. “I am…now.” Clearly implying Marc was the reason for that.

  Kenn let out a frustrated hiss. “Send him on his way!”

  Angela shrugged indifferently, but her hand remained close to her hip. “Don’t think I can. We’ve become close.”

  Kenn stomped on the gas, throwing her back in the seat. “I’ll kill you both!”

  Angela was suddenly overwhelmed with what had been caged before - anger. “I owe you a lot, Marine, and if you miss, if you underestimate me, it’ll be your body they bury.”

  Kenn barely controlled his hands, almost sure she’d been hoping he would hit her again so she could shoot him; and while he was fast, he wasn’t sure he could grab her arm in time if Brady had taught her to fire from that hip holster. The way she was keeping her fingers on the butt hinted that the wife-stealer probably had. Damn! He had to get her under control. Kenn's mind skipped ahead, seeing embarrassing explanations, denials, and a trial. There was no way assaulting a woman would be overlooked.

  “My... problems are not going to be made public,” Angela stated.

  Kenn scowled, seeing she was trying to stay one step ahead by reading his thoughts. He would stop that later, when he had the concentration to bring up the old wall that had kept her in the dark. Right now, he had to find a way to save his place. “The camp will make it their business to find out. There are few secrets in Safe Haven. Adrian arranged it that way to keep the bad people out.”

  Angela laughed harshly at him, storing the lie to examine later. “Guess one slipped through.”

  Kenn flushed with shame instead of the angry denial she expected, almost pleading. “A truce? A week or two and see how things go before you start spreading lies and make me do something ugly?”

  Angela smiled coldly, knowing she had just won the first of many rounds. “A truce? Hmm... Okay. You have seven days to convince me I should forgive and take you back. After that, I’m free to do what I want.”

  His hand flinched toward her again and Angela held herself still as he grabbed the mic off the dash holder instead.

  “Don’t push me! I’ve done a lot of changing, but you owe me six more years. If you back out and I get banished, I’ll sneak back in just to slit your throat! You’re free when I say, and not a second sooner!”

  Kenn keyed the mic, “This is Eagle Two, calling Safe Haven. You out there, Mitch?”

  “You got me, Big Daddy.”

  Kenn grimaced, was clearly annoyed when he responded to the slightly slurred voice. “I’m half an hour out. Four new arrivals, two of each, adult. One needs medical care. Have the QZ set up and tell him he’ll want to talk to a couple of these people.”

  “10-4, Eagle Two. Did you find anyone?”

  There was a slight pause, Kenn’s bitter voice. “Yeah, my wife.”

  The Marine hung up the mic, wondering if Angela knew from that he’d made it up to second in command. He shook his head. She wasn’t that smart.

  “These are my men, Witch, and they’ll hate him because I do. I can make it ugly.”

  Determination to make him see that his Angela was gone forever filled her brain in a roar that would eventually be heard. “A truce, Kenn. Seven days and then we’ll talk. I’ll walk the line and so will he. If you lose it all, it’ll be your doing, not ours.”

  Chapter Thirty Nine

  April 1st, 2013

  Black Hills of South Dakota


  “You are entering an American Military refugee camp. Identify yourself immediately!”

  Angela jumped, but Kenn’s beefy hand had been hovering over the radio before the call came and he keyed the handset without picking it up. “From Sea to shining sea.”

  It was a different voice that answered, sounding much younger. “Welcome home, Eagle Two. The QZ is in the back corner. He’ll meet you there."


  As they crested the muddy hill, Angela’s eyes widened in surprise. It was a city! The valley below was covered in fog and huge trees and between these towering giants, lurked a camp of survivors. Dozens of people were in sight through the swirling mist, and Angela sucked in air to ease the panic that suddenly threatened to overwhelm her. So many! How would she hide what she was? How would she keep the Witch in line?

  It all flashed by too quickly for a detailed look as Kenn turned the Bronco towards the rear of the camp, where a faint but clear trail was etched in the mud, and she concentrated, feeling them out. Would she be hurt here? What kind of p
lace had they come to? Was her son happy? Healthy? A prisoner?

  All of these worries and more went through Angela's mind. Trying not to shake, she forced herself to breathe normally and take another look around, determined to be the strong survivor she'd discovered on the hazardous trip here. They drove over muddy Indian grass, weaving in and out of tall pines as they headed for an area thick with black hills spruce. Angela counted five small green tents inside an area marked with bright yellow caution tape. There was also a large white canvas shelter sporting a red cross and a name painted on it that she couldn’t read from where they were.

  Dense thickets surrounded everything, and other than small whirls of smoke from campfires and a rusty semi parked inside the yellow tape, patches of grass were all she could see through the fog. The trees around the taped-off area prevented her from getting even a glimpse of the refugee camp behind them, and she pushed her nerves away, telling herself her boy was alive and that was reason enough to give these people an honest chance.

  Kenn pulled behind an area that had a sign labeled “QZ” and put his Blazer in park as Angela’s vehicle pulled in on the left and Brady’s slid in on their right.

  The Marine’s mind was full of fear, racing for an explanation that the camp (Adrian) would accept for her lip. If they found out he had hit a woman, no matter why, he would lose his place. He turned to Angela with desperation flickering in his worried eyes. “A truce, right? You’ll keep your mouth shut and behave?”

  Angela thought his face looked worse than Marc’s, but wasn’t sure what that might mean. “Yes. You leave me be for seven days and then we’ll talk.”

  Kenn got out without another word to her, calling greetings to the black-clad guards standing alertly around the perimeter with guns on their hips. Angela could hear his mind struggling to invent excuses as she opened the truck door. She stood on the Bronco’s wide foot rails, studying the vague, shifting forms of the smoky, foggy refugee camp. Trying to be casual, she concentrated, closing her eyes as the loud, annoying, heartbreakingly welcome sound of dogs yapping came to her ears.


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