Buying the Virgin Box Set - Books One to Five

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Buying the Virgin Box Set - Books One to Five Page 1

by Simone Leigh

  Buying The Virgin

  A Tale of Billionaire, Alpha Male & Virgin,

  BDSM, Ménage Erotica

  A Five Book Series

  The Virgin – Auctioned

  The Virgin – Sold

  The Virgin – No More

  The Virgin – Unleashed

  The Virgin - Fulfilled

  Author: Simone Leigh

  Copyright © 2016

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, digital, mechanical, electronic including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without permission in writing from the author


  Part One - The Virgin Auctioned

  Part Two - The Virgin - Sold

  Part Three - The Virgin No More

  Part Four - The Virgin Unleashed

  Part Five - The Virgin Fulfilled

  Free Book - The Master’s Birthday

  Also by Simone Leigh

  Coffee Break Erotica Website

  The Master’s Maid

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  Contact Me

  Part One - The Virgin Auctioned

  I stand on the podium, looking at the crowd in front of me. I’m scared, trembling as I face them.

  I can’t complain. I volunteered for this, and in a few days I’ll have more money than I’ve ever seen in my life. But I have to get through the next few days and…. I’m scared.

  I am looking at a sea of male faces; handsome, ugly, white, black, Hispanic, Asian, tall, short. You name it, they’re in front of me. The only thing they have in common; they’re all rich. Some of them are very rich. I suppose that it will be one of the very rich ones who buys me.

  “Charlotte, turn around.” instructs the auctioneer. “They clients want to see what they are paying for.”

  I swallow hard and turn slowly around and, trying not to look anyone in the eye, drop my gaze to the floor. My breath is fast and short, my heart pounding.

  “Raise your head.” shouts a voice from the floor. “At these prices, I want to see what I’m getting.”

  I raise my head, biting my lip and trying to be brave. It’s too late for me to back out now. If I do, they’ll never give me a second chance and I’ll have lost the opportunity of a lifetime.

  All the faces are staring at me. The auctioneer leans over to me and whispers. “If you want to get your price up, look at them. Smile a bit. You need to look young and shy, but not scared stupid. They want to know they’re going to have a good time with you.”

  I nod and try to follow his advice. Perhaps I could pick out odd individual faces and just exchange a look with them for a moment. Scanning the array of faces, I settle on a few of the handsomer, or more friendly looking ones. Some of the guys look quite scary and I really hope than none of them will be the winning bidder.

  “Now then Gentlemen.” Starts the auctioneer. “We all know why we are here. Charlotte here is twenty-two years old and has been certified by our medical experts to be a virgin. Of course, the winning bidder will be able to test that out for himself. All bids are final except in the event of Charlotte herself not complying with the terms of the auction. Which is to say that she will willingly serve the winning bidder in any way he requires for a period of one week. The sale of her virginity is included in the terms. Recipients of the proceeds of the sale are: House takes 50%. Charlotte takes 50%. The winning bid will be lodged in full by the winning bidder with an intermediary attorney immediately after the close of the auction for the period of one week, after which it will be paid to the recipients.”

  “So Gentlemen. Who is going to start the bidding?”

  Please, please let the bidding go well. I can’t have done this for nothing.

  There is a huge computer screen on the wall, displaying the progress of the bidding. There are perhaps a couple of hundred faces or so, actually in front of me, but I know there are remote bids being taken and I see agents pressing ear plugs to their heads, or scanning computer screens as the bidding progresses.

  The bidding goes very well, opening with an amount of money that makes me blink then progressing in thousand dollar increments. Well, at least I don’t have to worry about not coming out of this with something worthwhile. My hope is that I can fund my way through college afterwards.

  One of the bidders catches my eye. He looks quite nice, good looking. Will it be him? But after only a few minutes, he drops out, shaking his head at me.

  A note is passed to the auctioneer. He holds up his hand. “A pause please Gentlemen. I am getting the message from several sources that for them to be willing to bid any higher, they want to be able to see more.” He addresses me directly. “Charlotte. It is entirely your choice, but are you willing to undress at this stage, on the podium? It will almost certainly help you to bring a better price.”

  “Undress now? All the way?”

  “It’s up to you Charlotte. No-one is going to make you. But the better they can see what they are buying, the better your chances.”

  I nod, gulping. Except for the black leather collar at my throat, I am dressed sexily but demurely, not showing too much beyond displaying a bit of cleavage with a low cut blouse. The hall falls silent as I unbutton the blouse and let it fall to the floor. My skirt follows, leaving me skimpily dressed in black lace bra and panties.

  “C’mon.” shouts a voice from the back. “Let’s see the rest.” Oh God, don’t let it be him….

  Flushing, I unclip my bra, releasing my large pendulous breasts. It feels no better, seeing appreciative, and sometimes calculating looks from some of the faces in front of me.

  Slipping fingers inside my panties, I slide them down to join the puddle of clothes on the floor. I hadn’t anticipated this, thinking that I would at least be in private with whoever my owner of one week was going to be.

  Naked, I stand in front of my audience, trying to stand straight and thinking that I should be wanting to burst into tears.

  Oddly, I don’t.

  The attack of nerves that has been holding for the last two days is fading away and is being replaced with a kind of anticipation. My trembling is turning instead into a kind of quivering.

  It dawns on me that I am actually beginning to enjoy this.

  Shaking my head, my long copper bronze hair settles in a cloud around my shoulders, draping slightly over my breasts and cascading down to my waist. I am at least confident that I look good; flat stomached, narrow waisted and long legged, I know that I have something worth selling.

  The bidding resumes.

  With mounting excitement, I watch the monitor as the high bid climbs ever higher. To my relief, the creep who shouted from the back of the room seems to be knocked out of the bidding early. Some of the audience seem to be there only to watch. Is this how they get their kicks? But plenty more do bid and I see more remote bids coming in through the agents.

  The bidding settles into a three-way war between a short fat man (urgghhhh… noooo….), a tall, kinda-chinesey looking guy, and someone at the back that I cannot see.

  The fat guy drops out, shaking his head and looking pissed off. The bidding continues between the Chinese guy and the other…. then pauses….

  “Final offer gentlemen? I have the bidding with number 247 at the back?” The hammer hovers, then bangs down. “Sold! Number 247.”

  “Charlotte. Come down to the office please.” says the auctioneer. Once I am inside he says “Please read the sale document aloud and then sign it.”

  I read the document. I agree that I am selling myself for the period of
one week, to include the sale of my virginity. I certify that I am a virgin and ‘clean’. I accept that I am agreeing to anything required of me by my Master that does not result in permanent injury to me…. It goes on. I read it aloud, demonstrating that I know exactly what I am agreeing to.

  Who is my new Master?

  A man pushes out of the crowd and passes a credit card to the auctioneer. A minute later he has keyed in a PIN. The auctioneer clips a lead to the collar on my neck and passes it to the man.

  He is tall, and quite good looking in a severe sort of way. Dressed in a white shirt, black pants and a hip length leather jacket his clothes look expensive but restrained. Blond but silvering hair frames a tanned face and deep brown eyes.

  His eyes smile as he looks at me, but his mouth does not. “Nice to meet you Charlotte. I’m your new Master for the week.”

  “Nice to meet you too.” I mumble, my nerves returning big-time.

  “Nice to meet you Master.” he says, tugging sharply at the leash.

  “Sorry, Master. Nice to meet you Master.”

  “That’s better. Now come with me. We’re going to have a little chat.”

  He leads me to an ante-room to the auction chamber. It seems to be a storage room for the more usual kind of auction, furniture stacked everywhere, pictures and ornaments, bric-a-brac, the left overs of the lives of people who have moved on. My Master sits on an antique chair, dark wood intricately carved, gleaming gold in reflected sunlight and smelling of beeswax.

  He is still holding my leash and looks me up and down carefully from where he sits. “Don’t worry.” he says. “I’ll let you put some clothes on before we go. But right now, I’m enjoying the view.”

  I am lost for words and just nod, standing awkwardly under the gaze of my Master.

  “On your knees Charlotte.” he says. I obey, trying not to graze my knees on the stone flag floor.

  Looking me straight in the face he says “Are you really a virgin Charlotte?”

  I nod dumbly.

  “Is Charlotte your real name?”

  Shake head.

  “No of course not. But for the avoidance of doubt for you, the auction house knows exactly who I am.” He laughs. “If nothing else, they have my credit card details.”

  Looking down at me, he tilts his head. “You are, how old? Twenty-two was it?”


  “It’s not easy to be a twenty-two year old virgin these days. How did you manage it?”

  “I got married. But he didn’t love me. I found out later that he’d only got married to please his parents…. He… he didn’t like girls…On our wedding night he wouldn’t….” I run out of words.

  My Master sucks in his cheeks. “Not a good start to life I have to agree. So after the failure of this miserable marriage?”

  “I didn’t have anything. I didn’t know what to do. I want to go to college, but that needs a lot of money and my parents can’t afford to help, so….”

  “So you decided to sell the assets you have, to the highest bidder to fund your way through college?”


  He leans forward, sliding a finger down the side of my face to my collar bone and down between my breasts. “A brave thing to do. I have to admire your guts, but it was astonishingly dangerous. You’re lucky you have me as your buyer. Men who play these sorts of games can have very…. elaborate tastes in entertainment. I suspect you don’t know what you were agreeing to when you signed that contract. I’m going to enjoy taking your cherry and I’ll test you to the edge with other games, believe me. But I won’t do anything that might hurt you, not permanently.”

  I gulp at the thought of what this might mean. What is he suggesting?

  “Tell me Charlotte. How much were you hoping to make out of this? That auction total was good, but it won’t get you through college.”

  “I don’t really know. Just as much as possible.”

  He pauses, obviously trying to choose his words. “The reason I am asking this Charlotte, is that I have paid a very good price for you, but you could earn more if you are willing and if you have the nerve to carry it through.”

  What does he mean? My mouth is dry and I simply wait for him to continue.

  “Let me tell you a little about myself. You have done this because you dream of a better life. Good for you. I have dreams too. Perhaps fantasies is a better word…. One of them is to have a young and beautiful girl kneeling naked in front of me.” He smiles down at me and I blush. “Another is…. Well, this is going to be your first time. They say that we all remember our first time and I suppose mine would have been about average. I was a young, incompetent fumbler, but an older woman did me a favour and guided me through. She made it good for me. I’ve always dreamed of being able to take a girl’s virginity and make her first time wonderful for her. Do you understand me?”

  Feeling much reassured “Mmm. That sounds… nice.”

  “I’m glad you think so. Don’t worry. Your first time is going to be as good as I know how to make it for you……… However……” He draws a deep breath. “There was a room full of men in there who would willingly pay to play other games with a girl like you; young, inexperienced, beautiful.”

  My mouth is dry. “I’m sorry, I don’t understand….”

  “I own you for week Charlotte. If you want to earn as much money as possible, then it doesn’t have to be just me. I have other fantasies than simply having your virginity. I’d like to share you with other men. Watch them with you. Let them watch me with you. Several of us sharing you. But….” He stabs a finger towards me. “Understand that I won’t do this without your agreement and without your being well rewarded for it. I’m asking you now, because while we are still here at the auction house, this could be arranged, if it is what you want and are willing to do.”

  I am shaking now. “Can I have a few minutes to think about it?”

  “Of course. That’s only fair. But I will stress; if you agree to this, you will be tested to the limit, but you won’t be permanently hurt. I won’t let anything serious happen to you. I will be in control and I will control what happens. It’s your choice.”

  He stands. “I’m going to leave you alone for a while. Give you some space to think. I’ll be in the auction chamber. Come through when you’re ready.”

  He walks out, but then a moment later the door swings open again and he tosses something to me. “And put your clothes on Charlotte. I own you now, but you are in charge of what happens in the next few minutes.”

  I get dressed, thinking hard. This could bring in enough to see me right through college. In truth, I know that I am not considering what to do. I have already decided. I am simply screwing up the courage to do it.

  Fully dressed, I step into the auction chamber and stand on the podium again, head raised, standing straight, staring over the sea of faces. They have waited. They knew this might happen. I stand with my hands clasped before me. It was once given to me as advice for a job interview; clasp the hands together so as not to show them shaking, to hide nerves. The advice stands me in good stead now.

  Trying to keep any wavering out of my voice, I look at my Master and then the auctioneer. “I’ll do it. Let’s get on with it.”

  There is a glint in my Master’s eye. He nods acknowledgment to me but do I see…. admiration?

  The bidding resumes, but this time I am uncertain what exactly is being bid for. What exactly have I agreed to? All I know is that the bids keep climbing and that half that money is mine. I must simply keep my nerve for a week. Light-headed, feeling a little spaced out, I allow myself to drift off….

  With a bang, the hammer comes down again. As I see the winning bid on the monitor, my heart misses a beat. So much money. Who is it? Who is it?

  Immediately, my Master comes to my side. Taking me by the arm he leads me to the office. “Sign there and there Charlotte. I’ll handle everything else. Don’t worry. I’ll look after you and your interests.”

  I sign
and then sit awhile while my Master speaks with the auctioneer. There is much muttered discussion.

  My Master breaks loose from the discussion, looking pleased. “Come on Charlotte. Let’s get you out of here. You have an exciting week ahead of you.”

  Still a bit dazed I follow my Master. Taking my hand, as though we are a perfectly normal couple, he hails a taxi and barks an hotel address at the driver. The address is very much at the classy end of town. I had sort of expected this. With what he is paying for me, he just has to be rich. But when we arrive at the block, we take the lift to the Penthouse. He catches my eye. “Not my home Charlotte. I’ve just rented it for the week, but the auction house knows where I have brought you.”


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