Buying the Virgin Box Set - Books One to Five

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Buying the Virgin Box Set - Books One to Five Page 9

by Simone Leigh

  His hips, hovering over my face, are beginning to tremble, almost to vibrate, above me. Now, rather than let me work him with my mouth, he slides up and down, in and out in a slow face fuck which, I can tell, is taking him trouble to control. His balls swing against my eyes, scented delicately of arousal, sweat and masculine fragrance

  His thick shaft is growing ever more distended as I work it with my mouth and tongue. My jaws wide and beginning to ache, a steady trickle of pre-cum lines my mouth with its delectable briny-sweet taste.

  The heat of breath disappears from my pussy. In the mirror I see Michael’s head raised as he gasps and pants, quivering on the edge of climax. My Master watches him, working his own erection ever harder.

  My lips sealed around his shaft, I feel Michael’s climax arising. The tension builds and the pulsing at the root of his cock spreads to taut thigh muscles. His balls tighten and crinkle, writhing in their own way as I watch, fascinated.

  With a groan he cums, and my mouth fills with hot cream, spurting to the rhythm of his pulsating root and flooding me. I try to take it, swallowing hard and this time, I accommodate him. As his cock presses in to my gag spot, abruptly my throat relaxes and he gushes directly and deeply in, loins grinding against my face and shoulders, trembling and bucking as orgasm takes him.

  With a last gasp, he slides free of me. As he does so, my Master steps forward, pulling me forward to sit upright, helping me to breath as I splutter and gasp.

  “You okay Charlotte?” he asks.

  I do not quite have my breath back but “Yes, I’m fine. Didn’t think I could do that. It’s okay. I just had to, not breath for a few seconds.”

  Michael has recovered himself and looks sheepish “Thank you Charlotte. I’m sorry. I truly didn’t mean to go so deep in.”

  “It’s fine really. And you’re welcome.”

  “Get your breath back.” My Master sits next to me, stroking my back, his own cock trembling, the fluid droplet at the end, quivering to a pulse beat. My wind recovered, I lean to drink in the milky bead, mixing it in my mouth with the taste of Michael. Sliding my tongue over the silken skin of the cock-head, I savour the taste of my Master.

  For a few moments, he allows it, then pushing me down again onto my back, he straddles me, on all fours, cock over my face, poised.

  Michael parts my thighs once more, this time kneeling on the floor, leaning into me over the bed, face into my liquid pussy.

  Again, in the mirrors, peripherally I can see them, each fucking me in different ways; the three over us together, with a thousand candle-lit reflections. Although my Master is waiting for me to serve him, I take a moment to enjoy the sight. I, laid and spread, Michael parting my folds with his tongue and my Master, with his thick cock a-quiver over my face.

  A nudge at my mouth reminds me of my duties, and I turn back to lick-fuck the shaft probing at me.

  As I manoeuvre back into position, the seeping slit draws a thin line of pre-cum over my face, fragrant and erotic. Greedily licking at the remainder, I open my mouth wide, ready to lap and suck and mouth.

  “Just hold your mouth tight for me.” says my Master. “You don’t have to do anything. Just take me in as far as you can.”

  I draw my lips tight around, concentration made difficult by Michael’s working of my bud and pussy. Finger fucking my cunt, and the other hand holding back the hood of my clit, his tongue is revolving the hard nub, encircling it with a growing tension, a tidal heat that flows in waves outwards through my sex, along my belly and thighs. Involuntarily, my hips move with the pulsating rhythm. Knees up and feet flat down on the bed, it is easy for me to support myself, arching, to ease into Michael, to try to take him in.

  My Master guides himself gradually between my poised lips, sliding in, little by little, not too deeply at first. Then out again. In and out.

  I hold him tightly as he exits; slacken a little as he enters. He seeps pre-cum, a trickle over my lips, helping with lubrication. It is difficult to moisten his way with my mouth so full and my tongue pinned to the base of my jaw.

  Michael’s work on my clit, his fingers grinding at my g-spot is bringing me rapidly to climax. I need to pant, to gasp. Groaning and quivering, I try to keep up my performance on my Master, but concentration is growing more difficult.

  I think my Master knows this as he does not attempt to penetrate my mouth deeply, leaving my throat free and allowing me to breath freely. Instead, he hovers between my lips, allowing me to suckle his cock, to enjoy the, now streaming, creamy flow.

  My orgasm arises and blossoms. In waves of heat and electric, it pulsates through me. I cry out, a triumphant wail, an exultant howl of glory. My hips bucking, Michael plants his tongue inside my throbbing cunt, drinking my gushing pussy. On and on it goes. My body must know that our time together is almost gone, because my orgasm stretches and lasts seemingly forever.

  As the glitter fades, I have a final moment as my Master cums and spurts. His cream jets, hot over my lips and tongue and as my mouth fills, my pussy leaps again. I convulse, a paroxysm of pleasure once more rippling through me.

  The cock in my mouth juddering and dripping, my pounding cunt clenching and pulsating, I scream. My hands flail, snatching at whatever is in reach; my Master’s thighs. My pelvis bucks and jerks and I find myself whooping and laughing. It is so good, I don’t know what else to do.

  I am still laughing as my Master pulls away from me and joins Michael, now sitting by me, watching my performance with a sparkling smile.

  “I trust all was in order my Lady?” he asks. Michael is not generally talkative, so I feel that I have made an impression.

  I lie back, limp, exhausted but grinning like an idiot. “You could say that.”

  My Master looks amused. “You’re going to wear us both out Charlotte. Perhaps we should eat?”

  We order food. Steak. Salad. Delicious little baby vegetables steam cooked and just crisp. Strawberries and cream. Sitting together of the bed, we share a meal, drink champagne.

  “So how shall we say good bye Charlotte? Tomorrow’s your last day with us. What would you like to do?”

  “Can we go somewhere? The beach again? The mountains? A park perhaps? A picnic would be lovely again.”


  We drive up to the mountains. The weather isn’t good enough for a picnic, but we find a hotel overlooking the lake. Great wide picture windows display panoramic views of Heaven and, sitting at a table eating our meal, we watch scudding clouds cast light and shade over sparking waters.

  Back at my Masters apartment, our mood is quiet. This is our last evening.

  I lie on my side, Michael curled in front of me, facing me. Behind me, my Master’s long frame is in ‘spoons’ position, nestled up close behind me. His long arms are wrapped around me in a loose embrace, hands be-devilling my nipples, plucking and teasing, rolling already engorged flesh between thumb and forefinger.

  His stiff cock presses hard against my back, the pulse of his heartbeat echoing through me, counter-pointing my own.

  Sandwiched between my two Masters, I feel warm, secure and incredibly horny. Although I have barely been touched as yet, my tight closeness with these two men who take such pleasure in me and in my own pleasure, is winding me gently up the road of arousal. Already I feel wet and ready, pussy vibrating with anticipation, clit slowly pulsing.

  A week ago, I knew nothing of this. I was waiting, afraid for what would happen to me over the next few days, as I auctioned myself and my virginity to the highest bidder, hoping desperately that it would be worthwhile, that I would earn enough funds to help me out of my poverty trap and through college to the future I hoped for.

  I was lucky. I know I was lucky. It could easily have been different if I’d had another buyer, a man of…... different tastes.

  But the buyer was my Master here. He took my virginity so carefully, treating my first time as something special. Then he introduced me to Michael, who again, has taken pleasure in pl
easuring me.

  Ah - the games we have played together….

  My Master’s voice, close by my ear. “Charlotte, lift your leg slightly. Swing it over Michael’s.”

  Obediently, I comply, lifting up so that my knee rests over Michael’s thigh. His erection also trembles against me. Easing himself forward, he nuzzles against my engorged and slippery entrance, shifting position carefully before he pushes inside. Slowly he moves, a couple of light thrusts opening me, easing his way, before with a sigh, he slides inside me.

  To the rear I feel the chill moisture of lube, then my Master as he inserts an experimental finger, circling and stretching me wider. Then he also, testing me first, smoothly inserts himself, full length, deep within me.

  “Everyone comfortable?” whispers my Master.

  There is a rumble of agreement from Michael. “Mmm.” I agree, biting my lips in anticipation.

  I am quite unable to move. There is no question of my riding the rhythm of my Masters. On this occasion, I will simply be the vessel, not the participant. I will be fucked, pure and simple, from front and rear.

  My Master starts it, slipping into a gentle, in-out rhythm. There is no pain, no discomfort, only the sensation of being repeatedly filled. Each time, he presses slowly into me, completely sheathing himself within me, before pausing to withdraw. Gently he moves; a gradual penetration of me.

  Michael follows. Equally slowly, he enters me, coating himself in my wetness. He matches my Master’s rhythm, timing his slow thrusting to my Master’s beat.

  Pinned front and rear, I lie still, my only movement, the rocking of my body in time to the double penetration of Michael and my Master.

  It is slow. A gradual spiralling up the pathway of arousal, a smoking ember, being fanned to flame.

  Caged between my two lovers, I am warm, a sheen of perspiration coating my breasts, pressed against Michael’s chest. My Master kisses the back of my neck, nibbling at my ear, the warm scent of his breath curling through my hair. His arms, curled around me, cup my breasts, presenting them to Michael who bends to caress them with his lips, and to suck and bite gently at my pale skin.

  My Master increases his beat, thrusting harder, deeper, faster. Michael matches him. Caught between the two, doubly pierced by them, I can only groan and gasp at the repeated sensation of being filled and voided, entered, fucked.

  My pussy is creaming, juices spilling, working their way front and back. I smell of sex, of sheer animal desire.

  Michael breaks beat. Now, instead of two cocks entering me together, I have two alternately, rocking back and forth to a pounding double beat. Michael’s curved position at my front is bringing his cock hard against my g-spot, and I know that he is straining to hit the right spot.

  He gazes up at me, holding my eyes as he works me. He is enjoying this, but he is working for my pleasure. They both are. I can feel it, see it. My Master’s breathing behind me is steady, not gasping or straining. He is enjoying this also, but he is working for me. Here, now, on our last night together, these two men are both working for me and my pleasure.

  Michael ceases to thrust. Instead, he presses inwards, hard, grinding his shaft in circles inside me. Placing a hand on my belly and pressing inwards, he sandwiches my g-spot between palm and cock.

  The effect is electric. My belly muscles spasm uncontrollably, trying to convulse, but the steady pound of my Master pistoning into me at the rear pins me further. I cry out, screaming in ecstasy yet craving more.

  My Master delivers more. He pumps me harder, pounding inwards on me, harder and harder. I cannot speak now. I cannot yell. My only sounds are an inchoate outburst each time he pistons into me.

  I am hovering on the edge of orgasm, dancing over the precipice and not quite ready to fall. Michael, still watching me, winks and reaches for something. Before I have time to register what it is, there is a buzzing and he slips a vibe between the two of us and then down between my legs.

  He is no longer grinding me, but his shaft still fills my sopping cunt. And, as I am filled at the front and being pumped to the rear, Michael touches my clit with the vibe.

  Searing pleasure blasts through my body, taking me with it. Blind to everything except the sheer intensity of the sensations flowing through me, I am helpless to do anything but convulse and writhe. My Master’s arms lock around me, pinning mine, holding me while Michael torments/pleasures my swollen and now explosive clit.

  I scream. And cum.

  My loss of control is total. Blind to everything except the pulsating volcano of my core, my spasming belly and thighs, my clenching cunt and palpitating clit, I thrash uselessly against my Master’s grasp. He holds me firmly, clasped in his arms, speared by his shaft.

  On it goes, and on, until it is finally too much and I finally find the words.

  “Stop Michael. Stop. For God’s sake stop.”

  Michael takes away the vibe, smiling shyly, then kisses my lips. He holds me by the shoulders, stroking my hair. He is still inside me. How? I have no idea. But he is still there, and he resumes his slow pulse-beat thrusting, now working for his own pleasure.

  My pussy, twitching with after-burn, protests a little at this continued penetration, but he is careful, gentle, as he works to his own climax.

  Behind me, my Master’s beat has changed. There is an urgency now to his thrusting, a sense of immanence. His breathing is fast and ragged. And with his chest pressed against my back, his heartbeat echoes through me, beating harder, louder. With a shock I realise that I am not just feeling his heartbeat, but actually hearing it. Michael hears it too and through his gentle thrusting, looks around me, eyes wide.

  Shuddering hard against me, my Master’s head presses against my shoulder. He groans and presses his cock deep within me. The pulsations of his release ripple through my own muscles, a tension as much mine as his.

  With a gasp he withdraws, sliding out of me and releasing his death-grip on my body.

  Michael, now with sole possession of me, rolls me over to lie on my back, settling in to the comfort of my open thighs.

  Still slow and steady, in, out, in, out, he strokes my face and kisses my lips. “I’ll miss you.” he murmurs, then he cums.

  His climax seems so mild and gentle compared to the glory he gave me. I try to draw it out for him, clenching my pussy muscles around his shaft as he quivers and shoots into me.

  His groans turn to laughter as he says “Stop that Charlotte. Stop. You can’t keep doing that.”

  My Master, standing now to one side looks baffled. “What’s she doing?”

  Michael pulls himself away, rolling to one side of me. “Your protégé has figured out that she can use certain of her muscles rather than just enjoy the ride.” He grins at me to take away any sting from his words.

  “Shall we celebrate?” asks my Master. “A last meal in honour of a wonderful week and an amazing girl.”

  I don’t know quite what to say and mumble something into my chest.

  Michael is more decisive. “Yes, I think so. Charlotte, where are we going to go? Name your choice of restaurant.”

  We dine Italian. Pasta, salad, garlic bread and a deep red wine.

  “You never said earlier in the week that you like Italian food Charlotte.” complains my Master. “If you had spoken up, we would have had it before.”

  “Errr. Garlic? Would that have been a good idea?

  Both men laugh. “You have a point. but now, let me raise a glass. To Charlotte.”

  “To Charlotte.” And Michael raises his glass also.

  I gulp my wine, not quite having the nerve to toast myself.


  Driving me to the train station the following morning, my Master is pensive. “I do hope I made the week good for you Charlotte?”

  “Oh yes, you did. I was so dreading it, and you, well, you made it marvellous.”

  A smile lights his face. “I’m glad of that. I wouldn’t have pushed you farther than I thought you could go you know,
no matter how much I’d paid for the privilege. But you amazed me with just what you did do, or more to the point, wanted to do, and enjoyed.”

  “It was amazing Master. If I had to do it again, I would, but I can’t. I’m all out of virginities to sell.”

  He bursts out laughing. “Very true! Listen Charlotte, you’ve earned plenty of money from your…. adventures, but college life can be expensive. You know, materials, text books, field trips, decent digs to live in…It adds up and in unexpected ways sometimes. What I’m getting at is, I’m here. If you need anything, anything at all, get in contact and….”

  He lays a hand on my knee. “This is a no-strings offer. I’ve more than had my money’s worth from you. I won’t expect you to get back into bed with me, or anywhere else.” He pauses and winks. “Although, I’d not be likely to refuse if you offered. I think Michael would agree with me.” He head points to our friend sitting in the back.


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