Lesbian Love: Virgins and Cheerleaders

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Lesbian Love: Virgins and Cheerleaders Page 7

by Jacqui Knight

  “Not yet, Alexis, but maybe I could be persuaded, I don’t know.”

  She gave me a soft kiss that sent shivers down me. “Anything I can do to help you along the way, you let me know.”

  I looked her in the eyes. “You’ve already done a lot, Alexis.”

  “Anything you didn’t like?”

  I shook my head. “Nothing.”

  We danced and I was in heaven. Sometime later, Gale told me that she and her new friend, Jeanne, were leaving to go home.

  “I’m pleased, you have a good time.”

  “You too, Sarah. She’s gorgeous,” she said, referring to Alexis.

  “I know, she is lovely but don’t get any ideas, it’s a schoolgirl crush, nothing more.”

  “That’s how I started out,” Jeanne said. “I still haven’t got over it.”

  We danced for the rest of the evening. I was terribly conscious that the job was coming to a climax and when it ended, that would be the end of things with Alexis when she found out I was really twenty two. I was tempted to tell her, but I knew instinctively that it would throw the switch that turned off our relationship.

  Patrick joined us later with his boyfriend, James.

  “We thought it would look better if there were two guys and two girls together, at least we could explain it away,” he said with a laugh.

  Alexis gave him a surprised glance. “In here? How the fuck would you explain this place away?”

  We looked around the bar, it had filled up quite a bit more. Guys dancing with guys, girls with girls, exotic clothes, leather, rubber, PVC, cross dressers, pretty girls with size eleven shoes, tough looking guys with size four shoes. Bikers with studs and chains, lipstick lesbians with exquisite cocktail dresses and makeup that was crafted to perfection. We all laughed like crazy, nope, explaining anything away here was a lost cause.

  When we came out of the bar I suggested that Alexis come to my apartment.

  “Mom and Dad are away this weekend so I’ve got it to myself.”

  “That’d be great,” she said.

  I’d prepared for this in case I met up with her and could invite her home. I’d cleared away my single girl junk and managed to make it look a bit more Momsy and domesticated. As soon as we were through the door we fell on each other with a deep hunger. We ripped off each others’ clothes, just like at the party and greedily stroked and licked the other’s body. We went into my bedroom, I had a selection of toys ready and we chose a double dildo so that Alexis could fuck me and herself at the same time. She pushed it into her cunt and moved towards me, I took the other end and guided it into myself. Then she started screwing me, we were both totally lost in each other, sighing with pleasure at the nearness of each other, the intimacy. I smelt her musk, the spicy, rich girl scent of her and it drove me crazy. Her eyes flicked open as I rammed the dildo deeper inside me which made it go deeper inside her.

  “Steady on, cowboy, you’re really hot tonight.”

  I didn’t answer, just sucked at her lips, her tongue, then felt her breasts and lowered my head to chew softly on her nipples. She groaned and arched her back and I felt her push harder against me, her hands holding my hips tightly desperately trying to reach further and further inside. We were screaming, perspiration pouring off us, the young girl scent of sex was overpowering, we were dizzy, transported and yes, we came, both of us, gasping and screaming to an incredible climax. We clutched each other and squirmed, holding each other’s bodies as we strung out the peak until the last possible moment. Then we relaxed. I leaned forward and kissed her.

  “Alexis, my darling, that was awesome.”

  She opened her eyes and smiled. “I’m not letting you go just yet, tiger. Stay with it, that was just the warm up.

  Chapter Nine

  Alexis stayed all night and we made love twice more. In the morning she dressed and we had breakfast, then she got a cab home. Our parting kiss and caress was very long, the cab driver started to blip the gas to remind her that he was waiting. I spent Sunday clearing my apartment and catching up with my homework, it was time to think of my next move. I had a new cellphone that Morgan had sent around together with a range of electronic gizmos that he assured me would protect me if I got into trouble. On Monday I put on my school uniform, something of a change from the outrageous outfit I’d worn to the gay bar. I adjusted my miniskirt, buttoned my blouse and double checked my hair and makeup, I’d fastened ribbons in my hair this morning to pretty it all up a little. It was time to go and finish with these bastards once and for all. I caught sight of myself in the mirror, I looked like one of those dinky little Japanese schoolgirls in the Manga stories that go out and slaughter the bad guys. Exactly, Sarah-San. I put on my raincoat, picked up my backpack and left for school.

  I met up with Julia and we went into class together.

  “Have you seen anything useful, anything that might lead to the people who killed Katie?” I asked her.

  She shook her head. “Sorry, I’ve been looking around, but nothing yet. I did have one possibility, I don’t want to say anything now in case it goes nowhere, but I’ll let you know later if it looks any good. It could be a large stash of drugs or it could be innocent janitor’s supplies, so I need to check.”

  The teacher arrived and we started on the daily grind of generally below-par lessons, punctuated by schoolgirl gossip. Afterwards we went into the cafeteria where Alexis and the other cheerleaders were drinking mineral water.

  “You’re not with us today?” Alexis asked. They were all wearing their ditzy cheerleading dresses.

  I nodded. “Yep, I’ll be along this afternoon, my dress is in my locker, I’ve got a few things to do first.”

  She gave Julia a sour look. “Julia, you ok?”

  She nodded, gave a frosty glance and moved away from the girls.

  “I’ll catch up with you later, Alexis, I’m sorting out some work with Julia.”

  “Yeah, knock yourself out.”

  I grinned. “Knock her out too?” She laughed.

  I rejoined Julia and went on to our next class, we got there early so that I could help her catch up with some of her work.

  “Give me a minute, I need to get something,” she said as she got up.

  I nodded and went back over my own work. She seemed to be taking a long time and I began to get anxious, hoping that she hadn’t put her head somewhere it wasn’t wanted. Like a drugs lab. Then she reappeared, she looked excited.

  “I’ve got it, Sarah, a stash of chemicals just where I thought I’d seen them before. There’s an account book there too and some documents. Do you want to take a look? I’m worried it may not be there if they realize it’s not too well hidden and move it somewhere else.”

  “Damn right I do.” Christ, an account book, it could be enough to put names to what was going on here and call in the cops to start making arrests. We wound our way through the school to a part I hadn’t seen before.

  “This is the rear of the science block, we’re nearly there,” she said. She opened a door and went quietly down a long flight of steps. There was another door leading into a basement and she opened it.

  “This is where I saw it,” she said. “Come on, take a look.”

  As soon as I walked through the door it banged shut and I realized that I’d been hoodwinked. My arms were held in a strong grip and the light went on, I was staring at the face of Molly Zelinski.

  “Well, well, if it isn’t the little lesbian girl guide. Can’t leave anything alone, can you, girlie?”

  I was pushed to the floor and Matt Phillips stepped out in front of me. “You little fucker, who the hell are you, who sent you here?”

  He kicked me hard and I felt one of my ribs crack.

  “No-one sent me, I’m a pupil at this school, what have you done with Julia?”

  I wondered if they’d captured her too. Then a black girl’s face appeared from the back of the basement. “You don’t need to worry about me, darlin’, I reckon you’ve got all the proble
ms you can handle yourself.”

  “Fuck you Julia. So you were part of it all along?”

  “A girl’s got to make a few dollars somehow, sweetie. Drugs are too good to ignore. I’m putting a few dollars aside for when I leave school, maybe I’ll buy myself a little something. Like a ranch,” she exploded with giggles.

  “You’re wasting your time, Sarah,” Phillips said. “We know you’re here to fuck with us, the only thing we don’t know yet is who you work for. You will tell us sooner or later, the only question is do you want the easy way or the hard way?”

  I burned with anger at these scum taking money for supposedly looking after and educating kids and all the time they were screwing them, getting them hooked on drugs and in the case of Katie, murdering them if they got too close.

  “How about the way that gets you to the electric chair, shitface? That’ll do for me.”

  He kicked me in the ribs again and I screamed, Christ it hurt. But it only made him laugh.

  “Help me get her up, Molly and we’ll take her over to the table and tie her down. She’s in for a shock, I would guess.”

  Zelinski took one of my arms and they dragged me over to an old physio’s table. I was too sore to escape but Phillips punched me in the face to make sure I didn’t make too much trouble. They wrenched my arms over my head and I felt Zelinski fumbling with my panties.

  “Hey, leave those along you bitch.”

  She laughed again. “Don’t worry, Sarah, you won’t be needing these, we’ve got something else to keep you warm.”

  She fastened my legs to a pair of stirrups that were built into the bench, and then adjusted them upwards so that my feet were stuck up in the air like for a gynecological exam. With a start I realized my cunt was on view to all of them if they stood in front of my legs. Which they did, all three of them and inspected me closely. Fucking perverts. But I was afraid, very afraid.

  “For the last time, Sarah, who sent you?” Phillips asked.

  “Fuck off, you sick minded piece of shit,” I spat out at him.

  He just laughed and went to a closet set into the wall. He pulled a metal case out and brought it over to me. Then he pulled a huge, metal dildo out of it with a cable attached to the end. He took a tube of gel and rubbed it over the metal dildo.

  “It’s conducting gel, Sarah. I figure that if you’re going to get information out of someone you need to do it right.”

  He gave me a sickly grin. Then he stepped forward and I felt the ghastly device being pushed all the way into my cunt, it was horrible.

  “The cable is connected to this control box, you see. It’s a rechargeable device, you can take it anyway so it’s ideal for using in the field. Don’t worry that the battery is flat, I keep it fully charged. When I switch it on, current starts to flow to your cunt. Like this.”

  He flicked a switch and a bolt of lightning shot through me, an agonizing pain that made me feel as if I’d been hit with hammers.

  “Then I adjust the voltage and when I throw the switch, the current increases and so does the pain, let me show you.”

  He fiddled with the device and threw the switch, my whole body erupted in utter agony, a pain like nothing else I’d ever known shot through my crotch and my whole body, for a moment I nearly blacked out.

  When I recovered, he was speaking again. “Now, who are you working for? I need names and I need to know how much you’ve told them.”

  Oh fuck, Morgan, I don’t know if I can stand it. I knew if I told them they would send a hit man into his offices and quite likely kill him and Gale, as well as any other of the field operatives that were there at the time. But I couldn’t take much more of the pain it was like nothing on this planet, a seeping, insidious agony that tore through your very soul. My body leapt off the bench again as he threw the switch and a blackness came over my brain once more. I don’t know how long I was out that time but when I came to my crotch was burning with agony, like it was on fire.

  “We’ll leave you to think about it for a while and when we come back you’ll either tell us or I’ll turn it up full. What a way to go, eh, a high voltage fuck. You’d better make up your mind.”

  He went away and left me with my legs hooked up on the stirrups. The dildo was still in my cunt and I shivered at its touch on the inside of my vagina. It hurt bad, real bad, I had smelt burning flesh on the last jolt and I knew that I had sustained a serious injury down there, if I ever got out of here it would take a long time to heal. I didn’t know what the hell to do for the best. If I told them everything, he’d still kill me, probably brutally out of pure spite and malice. As well as that I had hopes that Morgan would get to me in time, I hadn’t lost all hope. Then the agony ripped through my crotch even worse, the pain washing over me again and I blacked out. When I came to they were back, Phillips, Zelinski and Julia, who was smiling at my misery. Matt Phillips stood over me, I could see his eyes clearly, they were staring, mad, the eyes of someone who had completely lost all humanity.

  “Sarah, this is your last chance, are you going to tell us or not?”

  No, shithead, my last chance was to string this out as long as possible in the hopes that Morgan would turn up with the cavalry.

  “What’s in it for me, why should I tell you anything?”

  “Ah, you’re thinking about helping us are you? Well, we won’t kill you if you’re honest with us, how’s that for starters?”

  “No dice, I know there’s no way you’ll let me live.”

  “Perceptive of you, Sarah,” Zelinski said, walking over to us. “Of course we can’t let you live, we’re not completely insane, you know.”

  Not fucking much you’re not, you loopy cow.

  “So why would I bother to help then?”

  “We could give you a painless death, we’ll guarantee that for you, no more suffering, no more pain,” Phillips said. “The alternative is more of that.” He touched the probe inserted into me and I shivered.

  “How can I trust you, how do I know that when I tell you I won’t be shocked to death?”

  “You’ll have to trust us, won’t you?” Zelinski said.

  “You must be fucking crazy if you think I’d trust you, you mad cow,” I sneered at her.

  She stepped forward with a snarl on her face, her hand raised to hit me. Phillips stopped her. “Leave it out, Molly. Ok, here’s the deal. We’ll release you from the bench to show you that we mean business. Then you tell us what we need to know, after that I guarantee there’ll be no more torture. It’s that or I switch the machine back on.”

  I trembled as he said that, thinking of the voltage burning inside me,shattering me internally, I knew that I was beyond the limits of what I could take, what kep me going was willpower and a determination not to give in to these scum. If they carried on, I’d become a destroyed vegetable, unable to think or function as a human being. All they’d have to kill would be a lump of tissue and blood. Sarah Walsh would have ceased to exist.

  “Give me a minute to think about it.”

  “You’d better make it quick, Sarah, I’m running out of patience,” Phillips said.

  “For fuck’s sake, give it to her Matt, she’s playing with us.”

  He looked at me suspiciously.

  “I’m not,” I screamed. “Please, I’m not, just give me a minute.”

  “I think you need something to help you decide.”

  He turned the switch and my body erupted, I smelt the burning flesh odor again, I could also smell excrement and I realized I’d shit myself.

  “Ugh, that’s gross,” Julia said from where she’d been standing looking at the probe in my cunt. “She’s shit herself, that’s disgusting.”

  “Shut up,” snapped Zelinski. “I daresay you’d do worse if you were strapped there with electricity running through your vagina.”

  Julia glared at her and went silent.

  “Time’s up, Sarah. What’s it going to be?”

  But I already knew. There was no way they were going to l
et me live, they would probably ignore their promises and torture me to death anyway even if I did tell them and put Morgan in danger.

  “Ok, ok, I’ll tell you,” I said in a whisper.

  “What?” they both asked me. “Sarah, what did you say?” Zelinski said.

  I whispered again, as if my throat had been burned and not my cunt. They came nearer and nearer, I whispered again and they put their heads close to mine.

  “Tell us Sarah, spare yourself the pain.”

  That’s when I turned my head to first one side and then the other, spitting in their faces.

  “Fuck you, you pair of assholes. You’ll fry for this, believe me. If you think you’re making me suffer, you wait for the needle, think of when the drugs go into your arm and you start to die.”

  They stood astonished and open mouthed, my spit running down their faces. Then Zelinski rushed to the metal control box. “You bitch, I’ll fry you to hell for that.” Her hand reached for the switch and I closed my eyes and prepared to die. It was exactly then that the door burst open and men poured through it. “Police, throw down any weapons and put up your hands where we can see them. You’re all under arrest for possession and supply of drugs, murder and,” the voice stopped as the officer looked at my body in amazement. “And torture. Fuck me, you sick bastards. Move a muscle, you sons of bitches and you’re toast.”

  I heard the welcome voice of Morgan Strange and then a policewoman was removing the probe, untying me and covering me with a blanket.

  Chapter Ten

  I got back to the offices of Morgan Strange after spending two weeks recovering in hospital. I had visitors, lots of visitors. Morgan came as often as he could, so did Gale. My mom and dad travelled to see me and tried to persuade me to find a safer job and I said I’d think about it, just to shut them up. Matt Phillips and Molly Zelinski were charged with a range of offences, from drug trafficking to murder, attempted murder and kidnap amongst others. The bug that Morgan had given me and I’d sewn into my bra had done the trick and they’d incriminated themselves when they thought they were talking to me alone and not half of the Jackson PD. The bug had a locator built in which had enabled them to find me. Julia Kelly was charged with aiding and abetting and was facing a lengthy term in Juvie. During that first week it seemed that everybody I knew came to visit, except one. The one I wanted more than any of them. After nine days I was resigned to accepting that it was all based on a deception, a necessary deception but nonetheless I’d been living a lie.


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