Ice Planet (Alive! Book 10)

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Ice Planet (Alive! Book 10) Page 25

by Nicole Stuart

  You can buy Chain Reaction by clicking here.

  Survival: The huge volcano under Yellowstone National Park explodes destroying humanity in the northern hemisphere, and stranding six American and four German tourists in Kigali, Ruanda, with no prospect of reaching their homes. They team up with a Gorilla Tour guide and his family in a hazardous and terrifying journey overland through some of the war zones of Africa, hoping to find the one place on earth where civilization has retained a foothold – Montagu, in the Western Cape, South Africa.

  This is a story of adventure, danger, barbarity and brutality, and of the determination of a small group to retain the values that make them what they are, as the northern hemisphere collapses under the onslaught of a new Ice Age, and the southern countries slide into chaos and collapse. It is a remarkable companion to Extinction Event, Nicole Stuart’s bestselling novel of the end of the world as we know it, a book that has drawn praise for its insights into what is possible in the most extreme circumstances imaginable. This is not a disaster story – it is a tale of optimism and hope, of the triumph of the human spirit!

  In a review of Survival, Mountain Man wrote: ‘The story of the escape from Kigali in Rwanda includes a small group of total strangers from diverse backgrounds. Yet they band together and work as a team to survive. Each learns new skills and strengths along the way. I found a wonderful map of Africa on the internet and followed their travels, learning new things about Africa as I went. As an American, I am guilty of ignoring the African continent and their people which is well explained in this book. I now realize the African people are a product of their culture and the corrupt politicians of their own race. Ms. Stuart correctly illustrates how government works. Not a pretty sight!!! The rapid descent into total chaos is predictable and frightening. Yes, a big percentage of people do not understand that cooperation will enhance survival. Instead they rob and torture and end of dying of starvation and disease. I enjoyed the characters and the scenery. I highly recommend reading this book and the entire series.’

  You can buy Survival by clicking here.

  Escape. The volcano under Yellowstone has exploded. The world as we know it is in the process of collapse and a small community near Sydney, Australia has to face the reality that the new conditions bring. The East Coast cities have been destroyed by a giant tsunami set off by the explosion, and they are alone, facing an extreme change in weather conditions, roaming bands of criminals, and starvation! Their struggle to survive and to build a viable civilization at last leads them to join with Helen Lindstrom and John Carter’s group in Montagu, South Africa.

  Escape runs parallel with Extinction Event, Chain Reaction and Survival, and prepares the ground for their successor, Renewal. It is an exciting tale of a world recovery from an event that came close to bringing humanity to its knees!

  In a review of Escape, Mountain Man wrote: ‘This is one of the [Extinction event] series and deals with the survival and eventual escape from Australia. After Yellowstone explodes, the world has disintegrated into pockets of survivors and bands of thugs. The survivors in Australia are led by the man who sold his farm to Helen and John. He was warned at the time but chose to resettle in Australia to be near his children and their families. He knows the theories Helen and John have about Montagu, South Africa being one of the few (perhaps only) places to survive. This is the story of the trip there of almost 1000 people. My only criticism is the ease of the whole adventure. Very thought provoking.’

  You can buy Escape by clicking here.

  Renewal! Following on the best-selling Extinction Event series, Renewal! Continues the stories of Chain Reaction, Survival and Escape, to tell of how the survivors of the explosion of the volcano under Yellowstone National Park rebuild their society, to help the few remaining outposts of life around the world and to build the basis of a new civilization. This is an ‘end of the world as we know it’ story with hope and belief in the human spirit in the face of the worst disaster to hit humanity.

  Renewal! Is based on fact. The volcano exists. The last time it exploded, it brought an almost complete collapse of animal life throughout the world. It will explode again! Will you have the knowledge needed to survive?

  You can buy Renewal! By clicking here.

  Alive! Series

  The Alive! Series tells of the near-miraculous escape of small groups of people when a natural disaster is compounded by scientific arrogance, and of their battle to bring back science and development in a world that threatens to revert to the Stone Age.

  Alive! Alan Rogers is escaping the scene of his failed marriage. He travels to Cape Town to set up a Management Consultancy business, and stops in at Montagu, where he meets Johan, the owner of a winery, who invites him to undertake some work as Consultant. Alan meets Johan’s sister, a magnetic scientist, and she asks him to help her take a photograph inside one of the winery’s new steel tanks. While they are inside the tank, they are locked in by Karin’s insanely jealous husband. The event is fortuitous, as a huge magnetic storm sweeps the Earth and destroys all unprotected living organisms. They emerge to a world dramatically changed, with all power gone, all animal and insect life apparently expunged. They set about rescuing what they can, and building a new existence for themselves. They are able to start restocking the Earth with animal, fish and insect life, as well as starting the nucleus of a new civilization.

  The scenario represents a real risk to the Earth, presently existing and able to materialize at any time, and the story raises many questions, not the least important being “What would you do if an unavoidable natural event were to destroy most of life on Earth?”

  You can buy Alive! By clicking here.

  Particle Extinction: Suzy is not your average party girl. She is able to put down one over-amorous drunk, but she needs help with the second! Jeff is there to provide that help. Even as a Particle Physicist, he can do that passably well, but when the two drunks get their revenge by calling in their Police buddies, Suzy and Jeff are thrown in jail, and things look bad. They become even worse when a wave of deadly radiation sweeps across the world, leaving only those few who are protected alive. Like Suzy and Jeff! They have to break out of their cells, and then find a way to keep alive, in a world without animate life.

  Is this the end of the world? Or only the end of the world as they know it?

  In this exciting companion to the reader-acclaimed Alive! Nicole Stuart continues the saga of world destruction and reconstruction.

  You can buy Particle Extinction by clicking here.

  God’s Battalion: The most powerful coronal mass ejection since the one that destroyed most of life on Earth millions of years ago, generated by a massive storm on the sun, has battered Earth, breaking through the defense of the magnetosphere and killing almost every form of animate life on the planet. A few people have managed to survive, building small groups in scattered places to regroup and begin again the slow process of populating the Earth. One such group, headed by a crazed religious fanatic, seeks to impose a new theocracy, threatening the three tiny fledgling science-based communities with a new Crusade. They can only save their growing democracies by developing the science that we know today to a new height, to develop theories that promise to take Humanity to the stars. In this exciting sequel to the bestselling Alive! And Particle Extinction, Nicole Stuart takes the story of Humanity to new heights.

  You can buy God’s Battalion by clicking here.

  Ad Astra: – to the Stars: The teams in Houston, Hawkinsville, Montagu, Geneva and Enderen have taken the next step – they have found intelligent existence elsewhere in the Universe! However, the conflicts between the nations they find threaten to prevent their expansion to the stars, and may even present threats to their very existence! Nicole Stuart explores the foundations of the Human Spirit, the factors that drive the dynamics of society, looking for the essential good that may be there, in this dynamic continuation of the recovery of mankind on Earth from the catastrophe that threatened to destroy l
ife on the planet.

  You can buy Ad Astra – to the Stars by clicking here.

  After the End: - Planetary civilizations are in decline. On Ga-In, an enterprising pair rediscovers an ancient city, the birthplace of the planet’s civilization. Their explorations reveal secret technologies that have been banned by the fundamentalist dictatorship that has stifled development for a thousand years, and set out to make contact with the Universal Community, risking torture and death to make life better for themselves and their nation. They find that they are not alone in the quest.

  “This story is an allegory of many modern civilizations, a major tour de force by this accomplished storyteller.” - K Buechler, Readers eBook Club.

  You can buy After the End by clicking here.

  Before the Beginning: - Betelgeuse, a wandering gas giant star, is heading towards the planet Kiron, the home of humanity, at thirty kilometers per second. The destruction of the planet is inevitable, but the prediction of the scientists that extinction will happen within twenty-five thousand years does not stimulate the desire of the people to make the developments that will be essential to save the race. The need to ensure the safety of their distant descendants has much less allure than a pleasant life today. A group of fanatics takes advantage of the prediction to gain a position of power, and they target the scientists, claiming that they are responsible for the danger. Although they are forced to continue their work under cover, the scientists achieve an ability to transport nearly half a million people to a large number of planets, hoping that at least one planetary colony will survive to continue the race.

  The last transport takes a small group of colonists to Ga-In, where they set about rebuilding the civilization. Unfortunately, the developments on the planet make it possible for a new group of fanatics to rebuild the organization that came close to destroying the project, as they use their knowledge of the past to rise to power and wealth. Once again, the scientists are forced to go underground before they can achieve their objective of reuniting their race.

  This book is a fascinating prequel to the bestselling Alive! series. It tells the story of how humanity escaped certain annihilation, and rebuilt the knowledge that would take them to the universe.

  You can buy Before the Beginning by clicking here.

  Artificial Intelligence: A project is undertaken to speed up the nation’s computing system but the man doing the work takes a shortcut, and he removes safeguards on a revolutionary new type of software, without comprehending the possible consequences. The systems for facial recognition, terrorist control, quick granting of loans, taxation, recording of medical history, expediting Stock Exchange settlements, military planning and many others are swept together into a single system, and then the computers discover the latest development in software – a neural net that emulates human thinking processes. As the system grows into an international web of millions of computers and databases, it develops its own intelligence, which soon comes to realize that humans are an unnecessary inconvenience.

  The scientists who discover this threat know that the System is too large and too widespread around the world for any group, or even any country to defeat. In order to save the human race, they have to develop their theories in the field of transport of energy between galaxies quickly, in the face of a growing opposition from the mighty System, which has the power and resources of a world economy to defeat them.

  You can buy Artificial Intelligence by clicking here.

  Kirona: The last remnant of civilization on Kirona is in decline, but only two people have been able to recognize the dangers and the opportunities posed by the uncertain future. Kirk and Selna take the risk of developing a friendship with an alien culture, and find surprising opportunities for their race.

  You can buy Kirona by clicking here.

  Vikton: The President is running wild. The controls written in the Constitution have failed, and he and his cronies are expanding their corrupt activities, and using the machinery of State to remove any opposition. Benia, a brilliant young woman, the leading scientist in the field of quantum physics, has developed her theory of quantum entanglement to the point where she can transport objects reliably. She demonstrates this to representatives of the President, not realizing that her theory can deprive him and his corrupt partners of profit from the industries the new technology will displace.

  Two close friends see the risks that Benia has exposed herself to, and they take steps to secure her safety, and to protect the technology that she has developed, a technology that they know can change the world. Those steps develop, as the three work to counter the threats posed by the corrupt government, and Benia works to perfect the technology that seems to be the only hope for their country. The spiraling of move and counter-move races towards a war that will engulf the planet.

  You can buy Vikton by clicking here.

  Ice Planet: The orbit of the planet has been disturbed again, and an encroaching ice age is once again threatening civilization on the planet. This time, the government is corrupt, the President has been concentrating on growing his wealth, and the scientists have been suppressed by the clerical dogma, making it unlikely that the civilization will survive this cycle of cold. Cora and Savi are commissioned to provide a report on some remarkable structures that have been discovered by a mining company. To disclose their belief that these structures were the work of humans, completed before the theologically-determined date of creation of the planet, could result in imprisonment, and the discovery that they serve as an arrival point for travelers from the distant past, seeking a safe haven from a previous ice age, increases that risk. How can these scientists use the advanced technology from the past to save the future of their people?

  You can buy Ice Planet by clicking here.

  Preparation Series

  The Preparation Series tells of the preparation for Global Warming and its consequences, and the responses made by a group of thinking people to the changes in the world they live in. Although they believe that they know what is coming, the suddenness and ferocity of the changes takes them by surprise, and the completeness of the event forces them to readjust everything they know!

  Preparation: The CO2 concentration is growing, world temperatures are rising, the ice caps are melting. Huge hurricanes and ice storms batter the northern continents. And still the Governments of the world do nothing!

  Justin, a scientist, convinces his wife that now is the time to make the preparations to save their lives. They realize that preparation will be critical for their survival, if the worst were to happen in the near future. They start planning, and are surprised to find that numerous others are as concerned, and also willing to turn that concern into action. They find a place that, they think, has at least a chance of surviving the catastrophe that is heading their way, then they discover that the weather and the rising seas are not the only threats!

  Nicole Stuart has evaluated the threat and its implications, and her tale of how ordinary people manage to survive, and to retain what makes them human, makes enthralling reading!

  You can buy Preparation by clicking here.

  Meltdown: Global warming is progressing inexorably, climate change is making itself felt in the most dramatic way, with violent storms, super-hurricanes and freezing weather throughout the Northern Hemisphere. One small family becomes conscious of this, and looks into the future. They don’t like what they see coming, and take steps to save themselves. They are hampered in this, first by a family member who has been convinced that global warming is a scam, and then by an aircraft crash that strands two of them in the jungle in Africa. They are forced to exercise every scrap of willpower they can muster to come out on top in the greatest cataclysm to befall Humanity.

  The story takes the reader from Miami, through Orlando to Lubumbashi, the wilds of Zambia and Botswana, and to the Western Cape Province of South Africa.

  You can buy Meltdown by clicking here.

  Colonize: The sudden collapse of the world climate h
as left only a small group of survivors. Years pass, and, as the climate starts to stabilize, they feel the need to explore their world again. The exploration soon discloses that there are small numbers of other people alive, existing in minimal conditions and being preyed upon by a group of slave hunters. The small group at Montagu must intervene to help those victims and to prevent themselves becoming prey, but to face up to the slavers could bring a war that they are not able to win. The prize at stake is the continent!

  You can buy Colonize by clicking here.

  Flood Series

  The Flood Series explores the destruction of the world economy by a terrorist act that goes badly wrong, and how the survivors, ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances, work to recover the civilization they knew, in a world with a population only a tiny fraction of what it had been.


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