Dark Universe & Forbidden Love

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Dark Universe & Forbidden Love Page 32

by Hao Yang

  “I can really feel it now, in here.” Jason said as he put Gloria’s hand on his chest.

  “I know you always love me. I love you. I love you.” Gloria said slowly. They leaned to each other and kissed passionately. Nothing mattered anymore. All they cared was this heart-throbbing feeling running in their bodies.

  “Gloria, Gloria, check in.” Klaycon called in.

  Gloria threw her badge away and kept kissing Jason.

  “Gloria, Gloria, check in.” Klaycon’s voice was getting louder.

  They slowly broke up, but still held each other in arms.

  “Gloria, Gloria, where are you?”

  “Better answer that.” Jason said with a grin.

  Gloria picked up her badge and said, “Yes, Klaycon, you don’t need to scream.”

  “I was worried.”

  “Jason is here. What could happen to me!” Gloria said impatiently.


  Gloria turned off her badge before Klaycon could finish. She kissed Jason again and said, “If it’s not in here, we will have a wonderful date.”

  “I am looking forward to that.” Jason smiled.

  Later they walked into the living quarters of the base. There were kitchens, dining areas, stores and dorms. Everything was neat and in order as if someone just cleaned it up.

  “What is this place?” Gloria asked.

  “I have no idea.” Jason frowned.

  After they left the living quarters, they entered an area filled with military training equipments. In one of the rooms, Jason found a cabinet labeled as training records. There were hundreds of capsule like objects in it. Jason recognized those capsules. Estians used them to store data. He took a capsule and placed it on a stick in the middle of the room. The capsule melt into liquid, and then morphed into thousands of droplets. They floated in the air and formed a data table with names and tests results.

  “Relinee?” Jason murmured as he read the data sheet.

  “What?” Gloria asked.

  “This name Relinee sounds familiar.” Jason said as he went through the data. Relinee had the best score in almost every test.

  “Relinee. I heard this name somewhere.” Gloria said as she thought about it.

  “She was the commander of superace. This is where they got trained.” Jason said excitedly.

  “Yes, that is right! I remember now.”

  “Did Klaycon say why we had to be here?” Jason asked in a worried tone.

  “It wasn’t his idea. He father ordered him to come here and find Cruiser General Klizan.”

  “Why they want a decommissioned vessel? Besides it should be in the museum.” Jason said in confusion.

  “Gloria, we found the hangar and the cruiser.”Nissen called in.

  “Tell me the direction. I will be right there.”

  Soon, Jason and Gloria joined others in the hangar. The Cruiser General Klizan was the only vessel in the hangar and no one was there, not even a Glycan soldier. This gave Jason goose bumps. Originally, Jason planned to leave right after they found the cruiser. However, right now he felt something was wrong.

  They boarded the cruiser using Klaycon’s crystal and rushed to the bridge. Everything was fine about the cruiser, but there was no crew, dead or alive.

  “Where are all the crew?” Zier asked desperately.

  Everyone felt the chill running along their spines. They looked at each other in panic.

  “Check every compartment. Do it in groups. Be careful.” Jason said in a shaking voice.

  “I suggest we do it together this time. I mean all of us.” Nissen said nervously.

  “You scared?” Klaycon laughed.

  “Yes, I am.” Nissen said honestly.

  “Maybe there are some monsters out there.” Carila said.

  “And you think they just let us walk around for this long?” Zier said ironically.

  “There is no blood or body parts.” Etoe said uneasily.

  “You guys go together. I will take Gloria with me.” Jason said calmly.

  Klaycon glanced over at Gloria, and then led others out of the bridge.

  “What do you think?” Gloria asked nervously.

  “I don’t know what happened to this cruiser, but we should leave here right away.”

  “You don’t want to find out what happened?”

  “I hope we can survive that long.” Jason said in a worried tone.

  “Come on. I know you are curious. Me too.”

  “Alright.” Jason said excitedly.

  “So where should we start?”

  “I am thinking about checking the captain’s log.” Jason said easily.

  “Good idea.”

  They left the bridge and headed to the captain’s cabin.

  Chapter 106

  Captain’s log: 314, 47, 593, 29, 01

  Left planet Agirue with 32 crew and 21 scientists. Right now the cruiser is sailing towards Triangulum Galaxy. I don’t know the destination yet. Since this order was given directly by General Klizan, I didn’t ask much. But as a captain, I should at least know the destination.

  Captain’s log: 325, 51, 435, 22, 02

  The scientists have been requesting the cruiser travel at different speeds. It is very annoying. The destination is still unknown. The cruiser is operating normally.

  Captain’s log: 366, 34, 565, 25, 03

  I talked with the onboard scientists. They told me that the stability tests were all done. The weapon was ready for a operating range test. I didn’t even know we had a weapon on board until that moment. One of the scientist showed me the weapon. If I didn’t see it, I couldn’t believe it. He didn’t ask me to keep it as a secret. I can understand that. If I told anyone what I saw, that person will think I am crazy.

  Captain’s log: 325, 51, 436, 28, 04

  We just went a cycle. More tests were done. All scientists are very happy. They say we might do something real.

  Captain’s log: 698, 33, 322, 12, 05

  I received the destination coordinates. We are heading to planet Yieie, the mother planet of Dolanz, at full speed. It seems we will test the weapon on those second class species. Scientists are nervous. They are not sure the weapon’s full power.

  Captain’s log: 788, 34, 234, 11, 06

  We didn’t even get close to planet Yieie. To my best knowledge, I didn’t see any damage on Yieie or any nearby planet. Right now, we are heading to planet NH0398-3345, the mother planet of Oepttese. Another second class species.

  Captain’s log: 788, 23, 222, 23, 07

  Same drill like Yieie. Received the order to sail to planet Yuwtoow, stay there and wait for further instruction. The cruiser was operating normally.

  Captain’s log: 7889, 243, 2234, 213, 08

  Arrived at planet Yuwtoow. I somehow thought two crews are missing. The first officer told me that the number was wrong at the very beginning. I guess I didn’t really pay attention. I didn’t count them anyway. So I make a correction here: the cruiser was sailing with 30 crews and 21 scientists.

  Captain’s log: 7889, 243, 2234, 213, 09

  I need to make another correction regarding the crew status. We started with 25 crews and 15 scientists when we left planet Agirue. Apparently, we left in a hurry. That is what I remembered.

  Captain’s log: 7889, 243, 2234, 213, 10

  Third day on plant Yuwtoow. I need to make another correction regarding the crew status. We started with 12 crews and six scientists when we left planet Agirue. I remember now that we were required to bring the minimum crew and keep communication silent. Two of the scientists ran off the cruiser today, we brought them back. They are scared.

  Captain’s log: 7889, 243, 2234, 213, 11

  I checked all my logs. It seems, I remembered I knew, anyway, they, we still on planet Yuwtoow. Sometimes, my logs... Everything is fine.

  Captain’s log: 7889, 243, 2234, 213, 12

  My family...I have…

  That was all on the captain’s log. Jason was lost in thoughts. Glo
ria got goose bumps all over her body.

  “So, so, captain was the last one? Then at least we should find his body. How many crews they had?” Gloria was frightened.

  “They all vanished. But that’s not what is bothering me.” Jason said in a heavy tone.

  “What is that?”

  “Until the last moment, this captain still thought everything was fine.” Jason said as he looked around the cabin. Everything was in order, nice and clean.

  They fell into silence for a while.

  “Gloria, you want to see this.” Klaycon called in.

  “What is it?”

  “You need to see it. You won’t believe me, if I tell you. We are in the middle part of the cruiser.” Klaycon’s voice was shaking.

  Jason and Gloria went there and saw the massive Hylocan eyeball. The sheer size of it was daunting. As everyone looked up at it, the eyeball was also checking them out. Its blue pupil was moving around in its red iris, glowing like a sapphire.

  “This is why my father wanted me to secure this cruiser.” Klayocn said excitedly.

  “I’ve never seen anything like this before.” Zier said, his eyes widening.

  “Man, this is just unbelievable.” Nissen sounded scared.

  “This may have something to do with those missing crew.” Gloria said.

  “I hope not.” Etoe said sadly.

  “Klaycon, did your father tell you anything about this?” Carila asked.


  While others were marvelling at the eyeball, Jason felt something was shaking in his chest pocket. He reached into the pocket and found the ring was shaking slightly. He took it out and noticed its color changed from black to bloody red. Jason slowly put the ring on his index finger and then he noticed the pupil looking at him. When he took it off, the pupil disengaged.

  After a while, all of them returned to the bridge. Klaycon phoned his father, but the call didn’t go through. Jason brought the captain’s log to them and they checked every log.

  “Is it possible that the big eyeball killed them all?” Carilar asked.

  “Then the captain should at least write something down.” Zier said.

  “There is no body or whatever, we have checked everywhere.” Nissen said.

  “They could be killed somewhere in the facility not on the cruiser. We don’t even know how many crew they started with.” Klaycon said calmly.

  “Can we just go home?” Etoe said in a begging voice.

  “We will leave here right now but we probably can’t go back to Sylareon.” Klaycon said.

  Jason had no interest in joining this kind of discussion. He was thinking about the ring.

  “Warning! Incoming subjects. Warning! Incoming subjects.” The alert sounded in the bridge.

  Klaycon and Jason rushed to the scanner and found out that there were some 50 Human soldiers closing in from the distance.

  “Gloria, you need to come with me before they get closer.” Jason said quickly.

  “Are they friendly?” Gloria asked.

  “I don’t think so. I am quite sure they are not here for me. Let’s go to the cargo vessel and get out of here.” Jason said hastily.

  “Gloria, stay here. Those Human will capture you and who knows what will happen next?” Klaycon said.

  “Stay here? You want to end up like the crew?” Jason shouted.

  “Well, you go wherever you want. We don’t give a fuck.” Klaycon said angrily.

  “Actually, Klaycon is right. We appreciate your help, but your assistance is no longer required.” Zier said politely.

  “Jason, let’s go.” Gloria said decisively and grabbed Jason’s hand. They ran out of the bridge.

  Klaycon punched the table and said, “Take off. I can’t let him take Gloria.”

  “OK.” Nissen said and quickly initiated the control system.

  Outside the cruiser, Mark, Salmon and other Human soldiers quickly ran to the cruiser, trying to find the entrance.

  “Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!” A series of explosions rocked the cruiser. Human soldiers were trying to break into the cruiser. But their explosives only scratched the surface. Mark knew they couldn’t get in, so he attached a tracer on the hull.

  Klaycon heard the explosions in the bridge. He turned to Zier and asked, “Can we fire back?”

  “We don’t have the authorization code for the weapon system.” Zier said quickly.

  “Take off. Now!”

  Before Jason and Gloria could get off the cruiser, it left the ground. The ceiling rotated open like a twirl and the cruiser blasted off into the sky in a blink.

  Chapter 107

  Even though other species didn’t know what happened on Sylareon, they could smell something from the incident in training center. The official statement from Glycan royal family had it that there was a sudden outbreak of an epidemic in the Glycan area of the training center and they took swift actions and removed those infected trainees. No one bought this bullshit. Some of the species such as Intinese, Lysisese, Ajiese and Yaseen started to take diplomatic actions to find out what really happened. Diilre began to advise their weapons to Glycan so that they could sell them to whoever involved. Estian, Oireitan and Uainanese had mobilized their fleets as if it was the morning of black Friday and they needed to get in the line.

  Liutein started to feel the pressure from Glycan armed forces. For all 23 commanders of Glycan fleets, Liutein detained 21 of them. He didn’t capture Kalan and the commander of the 22nd fleet didn’t make to the ceremony, because his fleet was so far away from home. The deputy chiefs of fleets started to checked in with their commanders. Liutein had his soldiers impersonate those generals. Lucky for him, deputy chiefs of fleets didn’t ask for the codes in regular check in. Liutein was still working on dragging generals to his side. But to his surprise, even if he killed those generals’ families, they still didn’t give in. Liutein knew those generals had the emergency code which was designed to give orders to the fleets in the case that General Klizan couldn’t. Except those high rank officers in the military, Liutein released most of the Glycans captured during the ceremony on the condition that they never talked about it.

  The public didn’t really know what happened. Liutein had the full control of media and he silenced all negative voices and rumors. However, words got around and unrest were growing among the 17 families.

  Right now Liutein was checking the blueprints of Gaya Cannon. He couldn’t initiate Gaya Cannon, so he was thinking about trading the blueprints for Estian’s help.

  Lreque walked to Liutein and said, “My lord, we have received an update from Human. Right now they are following the Cruiser General Klizan. It has been two days. Again, they are answering where our fleet are?”

  “I know. I remember that, but right now we can only send cargo vessels. That is no match to the cruiser.” Liutein said uneasily.

  “Treton London doesn’t want to send Human fleet. It seems they want to keep their involvement minimum.”

  “Even if they want to, their fleet couldn’t do much. I will try to make a deal with Estian to use their fleet. Prepare to send the coordinate of the cruiser to Estian.”

  “If they find out the Hylocan eyeball, I don’t think they will give the cruiser to us.” Lreque said in a worried tone.

  “Whoever is on the cruiser won’t let Estian board the cruiser. It is the risk we have to take. As long as we have the eyeball, we don’t need Klizan and those generals anymore.” Liutein said firmly.

  He had confidence to control the situation on Sylareon, because he got 10000 Glycans made by Human. As long as he kept the fleets in the dark about what happened, he still had time to work on those generals.

  Chapter 108

  Gloria was sleeping in Jason’s arm, her breasts pressing Jason’s chest. Jason knew if they were not on this ghost cruiser, he would definitely kiss every inch of her body and take her again and again. But right now he was not in the mood at all. He couldn’t help think what happened to the crew.
He slowly got up, sat on the edge of the bed and took out the ring from his pocket. It was still bloody red. Jason felt some connection between the ring and the eyeball. Thinking about this, Jason got off the bed and headed to the middle part of the vessel.

  Jason walked nervously to the eyeball. The pupil glanced over at Jason for a second and then moved away from him. But as soon as Jason put on the ring, the eyeball’s pupil came back at Jason.

  “Can you read my mind?” Jason asked loudly.

  There was no response from the eyeball.

  Jason felt that was very stupid. He let out a sigh and looked at his right palm. It still had “I love you. Lisania.” there.

  Klaycon walked into the compartment quietly and ask, “Where did you get the ring?”

  Jason was scared. He turned around and said, “You didn’t wait outside of my room all the time, did you?”

  “That ring belongs to the Hylocan queen. It could spare the queen from the Oracle’s ability.” Klaycon said calmly.

  “Anything else?” Jason asked easily.

  “Did Gloria know?”

  “You really care about her.” Jason said seriously.

  “That is none of your fucking business.” Klizan shouted.

  They stared at each other and got ready to fight. But Klaycon suddenly gave up and walked away. Jason thought for a second and then decided to keep the ring on. He found a piece of cloth and covered it.

  The next day Jason, Gloria and others gathered in the kitchen to have breakfast. Even though they had a whole night sleep, each of them had bloodshot eyes except Jason.

  “I feel like something was drilling into my brain last night.” Nissen said weakly.

  “Me, too.” Zier sighed.

  “It may have something to do with the eyeball.” Klaycon said tiredly.

  “So where are we going now?” Carila asked with yawns.

  “I couldn’t get in touch with my father.” Klaycon said uneasily.

  Jason slept just fine. He looked around and caught there was one girl missing. He waited a while and said, “We miss one girl here.”

  “Where is Etoe? Let me call her.” Gloria said as she made the call. But her badge gave a weird sound.


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