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Magick (The Unwanted Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Mira Monroe

  Chapter Ten

  It’s early in the morning and the house is empty and dark. I can barely make out the grandfather clock down the hall near the formal dining room. The wall sconces in the entryway flicker with faux light, and I can see the table in the middle of the foyer. I open and close my eyes. Everything is black and white, like a noir film. This isn’t right.

  The entry light turns on and blinds me. When I refocus my eyes, nothing has changed, my vision is still without technicolor.

  “Hello? Willow, Mr. Warrington?” Mrs. Scott is in her robe, and her hair is still messy from sleep. Her plump frame and cheery face are a welcomed site. She shuffles in her house shoes and tugs at the lapel on her robe and turns around.

  “Mrs. Scott.”

  She looks right at me and again says, “Hello? Who’s here?” She is biting her lip and shivers. She can’t see me. I get right in front of her, and wave my hands in front of her face. No reaction.

  “I know someone is in here. You’d better leave, if you know what’s good for you.” She warns. She must be able to feel me there, which is causing her to freak out. I’m just happy to see her. I want to hug her, not only to comfort her but myself as well. I need her pillowy body to lean on with her sweet flowery scent. I need my family, her, my father. To understand what is going on. How Rhydian fits into the mix.

  Mrs. Scott whispers, “something is wrong. I feel it.” She turns away from me and walks to the front door slowly.

  “I am here!” I try to get her attention, but it’s useless. She can’t see me. I’m caught on some kind of different plane, or a between of some sort, from transporting wrong. Rhydian warned me and I have no idea how to get out of this.

  She turns back toward the stairs, and a loud noise from the outside shakes the house. The furniture moves, and the hanging lights wave in warning that something else is here. I exhale to control my breath. If I get scared like before, my magick will be of no use to anyone.


  “Oh, Goddess,” Mrs. Scott says, clutching onto the lapel of her robe and shuffling backwards toward the foyer table.

  The front double door flies open, and she rushes backward to the wall near the sitting room as if she’s pushed by an invisible force. Something flies up the stairs at a speed where only a trail of gray smoke is visible. A large horned demon with deep colored skin walks in, followed by three people in cloaks.

  Mrs. Scott screams and holds up her hands in surrender.

  My power is thriving on the surface of my skin. Still, no one can see me. Will my magick work?

  I throw a light ball at the group coming in the open door, but nothing happens. It goes right through them, like it was never there.

  “Father, help! Help her!” I cry.

  A cloaked figure floats through me in front of the stairs and comes to stand in front of the colored skinned demon who resembles the devil.

  “Neither the girl nor Aiden are here. It’s strange, because I sense the girl. Maybe she left recently?” The voice is female coming from the cloak.

  The demon huffs and smells the air. In a baritone voice, it says, “You’re right, it’s strong in this room.” His neon eyes focus on Mrs. Scott. “Where are they?” he demands.

  He stands menacingly in front of Mrs. Scott and touches her face with a clawed finger.

  I run and step in front of Mrs. Scott. My magick is swirling in my hands. “I’m right here! Don’t you fucking touch her!” I scream. No one can hear me or see me shaking.

  “Will you be cooperative or suffer the consequences?”

  “No! No no no.” I’m shaking more and more. Mrs. Scott would never hurt or harm a fly. I move to the side hoping she’ll see or feel me.

  “You will not take the crown. It isn’t yours,” Mrs. Scott says turning her head to the side as he leans over her. I’m looking right at her. Her eyes, the twinkle of awareness — does she know I’m here?

  “Oh? How do you know it’s not already been taken? These are all just formalities, at this point. The plot is enacted, and your little girl is but a casualty.” He sneers his fangs show.

  Mrs. Scott backs away from the wall and directs herself to the one in the cloak, standing amongst other demons. “I see you, and you should be ashamed. The goddess certainly is. You have denounced her and this family.” The tears are coming down her chubby cheeks.

  “Do it,” says the lady in the cloak. She turns and floats out the front door, the devil looking demon nods to the other demons following the remaining cloaked Wiccans.

  The other demon moves forward toward Mrs. Scott; she tries to hold them off with some type of magickal defensive wall. I’m throwing my light balls, with absolutely no effect. I’m screaming and yelling. My arms are lighting up in the scrolling patterns of my magick, the design is expanding, no longer in my hands, but at my wrists, my elbows, my upper arms, my shoulders. A demon with a sword runs right through me. I hear her fall behind me. I can’t turn around. I just keep throwing the light balls and trying everything I can to make them count. My vision is blurry. My shoulders slump in defeat when I see the dark liquid flow across the floor as the demons leave the house.

  I feel stronger and useless, all at the same time. She was my family, ever since I was six years old, and now, because of me, she’s gone. Mrs. Scott is — I slowly turn around and she is on the floor. The front of her robe wet with her blood. I drop to the floor by her and scream in agony. I tentatively touch her hair from her face. My tears ease as I sit there. I see she is clutching something in her hand. I open her hand, it’s the necklace Sabine gave me, my mother’s necklace. When I touch it, I feel Mrs. Scott and her warm hug and her voice rings in my ear.

  “I’m sorry Willow for the trials you will go through, sorry I won’t be there to support you. I don’t have much in magick but have attached it to this to be with you, in the Goddess name when we meet again. As above and so below, blessed be your path.” Her voice is gone and her warmth is fading.

  I wipe my face of the tears that remain and put on the necklace, the pentacle of the Goddess. If I ever thought I would be able to escape the choice for the crown, it’s resolved in this moment. I feel my magick flowing and growing to my will. I silently call Rhydian in my head, find me. I need his help; I don’t know how to get out of this… in between. Will I be stuck here?

  I hear Rhydian’s voice. “Willow? Where are you?” A moment later I shield myself from a bright light at the open door. He walks through as my Guardian. I run to him and hug him for dear life. He’s here. I can touch him, and he can touch me. I sob into his shoulder. He found me in this black and white in between.

  “How did you…? When no one else can see or hear me… how did you? Thank you.” I’m babbling.

  “I’m blooded to you; I will always find you when you need me.” He pulls back from holding me. “We need to go; they will find you in this split plane. The rift is helping to throw off positions, but not for long.”

  I nod in agreement and say, “Rhydian, Wiccans were here with demons.”

  He doesn’t look surprised. He is looking at Mrs. Scott; I can’t bare it. I know she’s gone but I can’t see it anymore. I can’t. If I do, I’ll be torn apart and I need to keep it together to find my father.

  A bright light appears, and Dr. Evan comes running at us, sliding to a stop.

  “Dr. Evan?”

  “Get away from him! He’s a Guardian, sent to kill you!” Dr. Evan yells.

  Theon from my dream comes from behind Dr. Evan and shifts into battle gear like a knight in shining armor. He draws a sword and advances so quickly that Rhydian pushes me to the side and morphs into his sleek battle gear — just as I had seen him in the woods earlier tonight. He is dark and brooding, although his face is not covered like Theon’s.

  Evan grabs my arm and transports us. My eyes blur as swords hit and lights erupt. I say a silent prayer to anyone who will listen to keep Rhydian safe. I can’t lose anyone else.

  Chapter Eleven

  I ope
n my eyes, and I’m in the familiar surroundings of Dr. Evan’s office. I’m on the chaise lounge. I push myself up.

  “Don’t you dare say it…” I say.

  “Say what, Willow? That was really close.”

  My mind immediately plays the trick that everything that has happened in the several days wasn’t real; it was all in my head. I’m losing my mind. What about Mrs. Scott death? The demons and Wiccans who raided my home? Rhydian fighting. The Guardians. Sabine and my father? My friends. Daniel.

  I look at Dr. Evan to center myself. He’s in different clothes from when I was here last. Isn’t he?

  “Willow. Focus, Willow.” He says. His voice smooth and calm.

  The office is twisting and turning. It’s like those fun-house mirrors. I am definitely losing it. I close my eyes and breathe deeply.

  “What’s up with her?” Theon asks as he enters the room, and reality snaps back into focus — especially as soon as his small horns show through his long, messy hair. He’s a demon!

  “Whoa, look at her hands.” Theon is holding his helmet, and puts it on the desk in the middle of the room. “By the way, the Guardian is fine. Good fighter. I think I may look him up for fun next time.” Theon stretches out his shoulders and neck.

  I look down and my scrolling pattern on my hands and arms is pulsing and flowing like a river. I push my sleeve up and see the design flowing there, too, and then push it back in place. I feel a hum inside as it flows up my arms and down my shoulders. It’s powerful, and it comforts me, makes me brave. I’m not okay being in the presence of a demon. I don’t trust Dr. Evan as a result of being with Theon. Something is off here and I’m tired of not knowing. I grit my teeth to steady myself.

  “Look at that.” Dr. Evan responds looking at my hands, takes off his jacket and throws it on a chair in front of his desk. “Hell of a night. You know the Guardians have orders to kill you. What were you doing at your house with a Guardian?”

  “So, it’s fair to say you aren’t a doctor?”

  He shakes his head to confirm.

  “As you’re condemning me for being around a Guardian, exactly who are you, and why should I trust you?” I stand up in my emboldened state. This man, who I trusted put me under hypnosis, my doctor. Evan is in front of me, while Theon stays in the background working on a laptop. Probably a smart move demon.

  “I really wanted more time for us to get to know one another before Sabine came riding in on her dark horse.”

  “What does that mean? And how do you know Sabine? I assume you’re a Wiccan?” I pace the floor.

  “Yes, I am Wiccan. Sabine’s a bit complicated when it comes to me. I’m the bastard child of Harkin MacKinnon. Harkin and I had an interesting relationship, to say the least, but Sabine and I… well, I was the reminder she hated and ignored.”

  “You’re my uncle.” I stand there, frozen to the spot. “Did you grow up with my… my mother?”

  His face softened at the mention of my mother. “I lived in the house since I was a baby. I grew up with Liam and Nuala in the highlands of the Ember region in Edyari. It wasn’t an awful childhood, but I stayed in the shadows as the dirty little secret of the family. Liam and Nuala were the joy of Harkin, and the Wiccan covens. A new era, if you will.” He pauses and turns away from me. “Nuala was wonderful to me. I was her baby brother.” He smiles and it reminds me of a photo of my mother. She’s laughing and her eyes sparkle. He continues, “When Liam left it hurt, but when Nuala ran with Aiden, it broke the foundation of the family. Harkin became bitter, and I became a bargaining chip to retain the royal line and High Coven positioning.”

  I walk over to Evan, wanting to comfort him. He’s my uncle, we are family, but I’m cautious. I see familiar features of my mother in him. The dark blonde hair and dark blue eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me this in the beginning? Why pose as my doctor?” I ask.

  “I hope you can forgive me for that. I needed to ease my way in. Nuala and I use to do this when we were younger. Come together in riffs and alternate planes, it was a safe way for me to reach you. You see, Sabine and everyone else think I’m dead.”

  I step back and Theon, who’s been quiet, chuckles. “Surprise.”

  “And who are you?” I snap.

  He looks up from the laptop. “I’m Theon. No familial relation.” He goes back to typing.

  “He’s a good friend,” Evan says. “Come on, let’s get you something to eat.” He walks to the door, and I follow.

  The familiar office gives way to an apartment. Through the door there’s an open floor with a spacious, modern living room and kitchen. I sit at the bar in the kitchen while Evan prepares coffee.

  “Just so you know, Rhydian has gone rogue from the Guardians. He wasn’t there to hurt me, only to protect me. He said he’s blood bonded or something like that? I dunno.”

  Evan raises his eyebrows.


  “Do you know what that means?”

  I shrug. I figure it’s like the Secret Service, but I don’t want to sound foolish, so I kept my mouth shut on that one.

  “His family and yours made a bonded blood pact, and his life and duty are yours.”


  “Without his choice in the matter. Or yours, I might add.” He sounds bitter and continues, “he will die for you, literally. Should something happen to you, he will follow to protect you in Heaven, Valhalla, or in the Elysian Fields — whichever you’re inclined to believe.”

  Why would someone commit to something like that without knowing the other person? I didn’t know what to think or say. I don’t know a lot about Rhydian, but I can’t see why he’d do this without knowing me at all.

  “Yeah, a little crazy huh? Let me tell you: Wiccans, in general, are stubborn in their profound beliefs, one of which is the dependence of royal blood lines from the Goddess. Lucky you for being in that line of fire.”

  We finish our coffee and Theon comes out of the office. He looks like a grunge teenager, my age. “Evan, we need to get her to the High Coven. They’re meeting tomorrow. Sabine called the meeting, as you anticipated.”

  Evan nods.

  “I need to go home and talk to my father.”

  Evan nods his head up at Theon. Theon shakes his head no.

  “Share with the class, please. What?” I ask.

  Theon turns and goes back to the office.

  “Just tell me.” I huff.

  “Your father is missing. I’ve been trying to reach him. Theon is excellent at tracking, and he hasn’t had any luck either.”

  I stand and pace. “What? Oh no, that’s what Mrs. Scott…” her name hangs on my tongue and chokes me. I wipe the immediate tear that falls. “She was looking for both of us.”

  “I’m sorry about Mrs. Scott. Really, I am. I think whatever form of magick she had, she imparted to you. It’s why your magick is flowing; it’s compounding.”

  I don’t like that he talks about Mrs. Scott in the past. I don’t like that he knows she imparted her magick to me. He maybe my uncle, but I still feel like something is wrong. I brush the faded white designs on my hands and fingers. It comes to life and glows blue. “Can a person give their magick to another?”

  Evan sits down on the modern red sofa that faces the windows to a patio.

  “Only someone very powerful can loan magick. You can only impart magick in death.”

  I immediately think of father. He has been teaching me and talking to me about dark magick, which is his heritage. It isn’t like most conventional magick.

  “This place is well protected, so you can stay here as long as you’d like. However, in return I need you to take me to the High Coven tomorrow,” Evan says.

  “How would I take you? I don’t even know where it will be.”

  “It’s not a problem. It’s at the Hallowed Hall in Edayri by the Lunar Fields, but the invite will have a magick seal that will only allow those invited. They are your High Coven when you take the crown. You need to start those intera
ctions.” His eyes sparkle.

  I nod to Evan in agreement and yawn.

  “Sorry about that. I haven’t had any sleep for over 24 hours now,” I say.

  Evan leads me to a guest room with a private bathroom. His apartment isn’t large, but it’s certainly comfortable. I decide to take a shower, and that’s where I melt into all of my emotions. My tears and anguish for Mrs. Scott, my fear of what’s happening, and my hopelessness that I can change any of it all pour out of me. The water turns cold and I lean away from the tile and turn off the water. I have no idea how long I’ve been in there, but the mirror isn’t foggy.

  I brush my hair and examine the scrolling design on my arms and shoulders that go down my back like a pair of wings. It’s beautiful, but they disappear and are barely visible unless I think about my magick, the hum. Then, I can make it come to my will, and it lights up in a neon blue color, similar to the light ball I can conjure with my hand.

  I put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that Evan has laid on the bed. They fit me and it makes me uncomfortable. Was he anticipating my stay here? I pace the room and go to the window. Looking out the window I see we are several floors up in the apartment in a city I don’t recognize. I hear Theon and Evan talking in the living room. I’m tired, but I want to listen to what they’re saying. My magick flowing, I get into bed and concentrate on self-projection. I haven’t tried this before I’m not sure it will even work, but it goes smoothly as I ghost down the hall and hang back so I can hear, but not be seen by Theon and Evan.

  “Evan, I know you’re doing this for Meghan. You should tell her what Sabine and Harkin did.”

  “In time. But first we need to stay on task, and it’s tough to manage as it is. She’s a lot like Nuala. She’ll run; I feel it. We need to keep her away from that rogue group and Rhydian, he’s blood bonded to her. Can you reach out and tell her we have Willow? Maybe she’ll back off on her primary agenda.”

  “Fine. If I don’t come back, it’s because she’s killed me.”


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