Predator's Kiss (Gemini Island Shifters, Book 1)

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Predator's Kiss (Gemini Island Shifters, Book 1) Page 7

by Rosanna Leo

  His head throbbed harder and he released his grip on the Pepto, reaching instead in his desk drawer for a bottle of ibuprofen. He popped a couple of pills without any water, grimacing as they crept down his throat.

  Loud noises outside at the reception desk caught his attention, and he shut his laptop. He stalked outside to see if Marci needed help. “Oh, hell,” he muttered upon seeing the situation at the front desk.

  Soren’s human fans had descended.

  A throng of excited nonshifter women was lined up in front of Marci, pushing to get closer to the desk, crying out Soren’s name. Poor Marci cowered behind the desk, trying her best to maintain a hold on the situation while still shielding herself from the women.

  “Shoren Shnow ishn’t shtaying here,” she shouted as well as she could behind her braces. She turned to Ryland, her eyes bugging out. “Mr. Shnow, these women won’t go away. They’re inshane!”

  Ryland leaned over and whispered into Marci’s ear, telling her to go take a much-needed break. He watched as the girl scrambled away and dived behind the snack bar. He made a mental note to replenish the Malteser supply, knowing Marci would demolish it in the next few minutes.

  He gripped the front desk. “Ladies,” he called, getting their attention. “Shoren Shnow … Soren Snow is not at this lodge.”

  One of the ringleaders, a diminutive gal with buttons of Soren all over her front, pointed at him. “That’s a lie. We saw the picture. He’s here and you’re hiding him!”

  Another woman called out. “And he’s with that Lia Goodblood! The little slut.” There was a chorus of shouted disapproval at this, even though they were clearly all here in the hopes of getting slutty with Soren themselves.

  Ryland resisted the urge to shift and scare the bejesus out of all of them. As he heard a few more women denigrate Lia, he struggled against the impulse. He breathed in and out a few times.

  All of a sudden from around the corner came Donna Moore, dressed in her cleaning lady garb. She wandered toward the horde of women, a friendly expression on her face. “Ladies, it’s true. I clean the rooms and there’s no Soren Snow. Last I heard, he escaped to the mainland.” She leaned in conspiratorially and whispered to the ones closest to her. “One of my friends told me he’s holed up at the Mariposa Inn, but don’t tell them I’m the one who told you. I clean rooms for them on the weekends and don’t want to lose my job there.”

  The women stared and then huddled as they conferred. They broke their huddle and the one with the buttons smiled at Donna. “Thanks, sister.”

  “What can I say?” asked Donna. “We girls have to stick together. Go get ’em!”

  Ryland watched in amazement as the throng vacated, hell-bent for leather for the Mariposa Inn. Mentally, he said a prayer for the elderly innkeepers there. He turned to Donna. “Thank you.”

  “What can I say?” she repeated. “We shifters have to stick together.” With that, she smiled and pushed her cleaning cart down the hallway toward the elevators.

  Ryland breathed a sigh of relief and went to reassure poor, terrified Marci, from whom no Malteser was currently safe. And then, because he didn’t want to do anything else, God help him, he went looking for Lia.

  * * * *

  Lia sat like a board on Ryland’s bed, bunching up his duvet in her fists, and stared around at his room.

  She was in Ryland’s suite, had been holed up there all day. The thought made her mind spin with the delicious possibilities, as his name streaked over and over through her consciousness.

  “No,” she whispered to herself. “Look what your presence here has already done.”

  But as much as she tried to deny her strong attraction to the bear man, every item in his room, every inconsequential nothing, only served to remind her of him and his hungry gaze. His fresh, woodsy scent was clinging to his bed, and she wanted to bury her face in it and soak him in. A couple of his big shirts were tossed carelessly over a chair back, and it was all she could do to not grab them and put them on. And peeking out of what must be his underwear drawer was a pair of sexy black boxer briefs, the kind that looked so soft to the touch.

  Being in his room was nothing short of torture. Especially for someone like her who needed to come like it was nobody’s business. It had been so long since she’d been lost in the throes of an ecstatic orgasm, she doubted she had the ability to come anymore at all.

  Maybe she could persuade him to put her back in her own room, but she knew he’d never agree to it. He’d been so upset at losing Harry Little he’d insisted Lia stay in his room so he could watch over her.

  And to be frank, she hadn’t really argued the point, she was so tempted by him.

  Oh, he makes me want to be so bad.

  He’d been about to kiss her at the fish fry, she just knew it. And she’d wanted it. But then Soren had surprised the piss out of her by doing it instead. That kiss taught her something too. It taught her that even if a woman was severely hard up, the wrong man’s kiss didn’t do a thing for her.

  Oh, Soren was cute. Devastatingly handsome, if truth be told, but he didn’t send shivers down her spine like Ryland did. And Ryland had barely touched her.

  What if he did?

  No. I need to find a way off this island, and need to make a new life somewhere far away where the press will never find me. Perhaps Nunavut or the Yukon. Did they get Entertainment Tonight up there?

  There was a knock at the door, making her jump. Ryland’s voice called out, calming her instantly. “Lia, it’s me. Are you decent?”

  Yes, but I’d like to get indecent with you, you big hunk of man. “Uh, sure. Come in.”

  Ryland walked in and she was assaulted by the same case of shivers she got each time he so much as raised a black eyebrow in her direction. “Hey. You doin’ all right?”

  “Yeah, thanks.” She smiled and relaxed her hold on his bunched-up duvet, smoothing it flat. “Last night was a bit of a scare.”

  “Lia, I have no idea how the reporter got so close. I had my people looking out for any nonshifters. We obviously dropped the ball. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

  She stood, feeling on shaky ground. “You’re not to blame, Ryland. It’s not your fault the press has decided they can have a free-for-all with my life. It’s not your fault some crazed stalker wants to lay me out on a rack and insert cucumbers into my lady parts.”

  Ryland’s face paled so much at her imagery he was the color of cream cheese. “Was that in one of his notes?”

  “It might have been.”

  He let out the breath he was holding. “Well, we won’t let it come to that.”

  “It’s already too late. The world knows I’m here, Ryland. Because of me, you and Soren are in a bad situation. It’s better if I just go.” She fought the urge to cry and blinked back the hot sting of tears.

  He must have seen her reaction. How could he have missed it? He was staring at her so intently. Ryland stepped toward her. “Look, this isn’t just a mess of your making. To be honest, Soren has people looking for him too because of his indiscretions. If Harry Little hadn’t found you, someone else would have, thanks to my brother.”

  She felt the blood rush from her head at his words. “You mean the press is after him too?”

  “The press is always after Soren,” he replied in dry tones. “Unfortunately, others are too, now.” He recounted the tale of Floro Valdez and his buxom bride.

  Lia’s head swam as he finished his story. “So there’s no way I can avoid reporters at this rate. Scott will find me.” She felt her hand tremble involuntarily against her thigh and clenched it to quell the tremors.

  “Hey,” Ryland said softly as he reached for her shaking hand and stroked it. “Maybe Scott’s given up hope of winning you over. I mean, he did break into your home so he could manhandle your panties. That’s gotta give one pause. Maybe he’s come to his senses.”

  “He won’t stop. I just know it,” she replied, feeling so cold, even though the slow strokes of his
fingers were warming her up. With her free hand, she reached into her back pocket and pulled out a piece of paper that looked as if it had been folded and refolded over and over again. “It would be easy to convince myself that he’s lost interest, but I can’t let down my guard.” She looked at the paper and handed it to him. “I keep this to remind myself that he’s capable of doing bad things.”

  Ryland took the note, unfolded it, and read.

  My lovely Lia,

  I saw you today at the rec center when you went for your weekly swim. You looked so pretty in your blue bathing suit. You know what was even prettier? The sight of you peeling it off in the change room afterward. You thought you were alone, with only that old lady in the next stall for company. But I saw everything. The way the water from your hair dripped over your body. The flowery beach towel you brought to dry yourself off. The mismatched socks you had in your bag. So adorable. And when you slid out of that wet suit, I know you were posing just for me.

  The next time you go swimming, I’ll be there to slice that bathing suit right off you.

  With undying affection,


  “Sick bastard.”

  Ryland’s comment was whispered, but there was more threat in that whisper than Lia had ever heard in any shout or bloodthirsty cry. It awed her Ryland could feel so deeply on her behalf. And she couldn’t deny it excited her too, as much as her fear was doing its best job to dampen her raging desire. “I don’t know what to do, Ryland.”

  She wouldn’t have thought their bodies could get closer without her spontaneously bursting into flame. However, he moved closer, to within an inch of her. Somehow she stayed intact, even though her brain already screamed for release. He shoved the note into his own pocket and tipped up her chin. His steady gaze acted like a hammer, breaking down walls inside her. As he stroked her chin with his thumb, she began to wonder if a chin could be classified as an erogenous zone, because his touch was playing havoc with her already frazzled nerve endings.

  “No one is going to hurt you,” he uttered in a soft voice. “I’ll personally see to that.”

  For a deliciously uneasy moment, neither of them said another word. Then Lia watched, helpless, as Ryland’s lips parted. Hers parted as well, in sync with his. For a second, she expected Soren to burst through the door and interrupt them again. He didn’t. No one did. It was just her and Ryland, and she had the distinct impression he was going to kiss her this time.

  His potent gaze held her captive. She couldn’t have moved away from him if she’d wanted to, and she didn’t want to in the slightest. And then, just when she thought the intensity of his stare might kill her altogether, his eyes crinkled at the corners and the smallest grin graced his lips.

  He pulled away, killing the moment as definitively as a newly sprung trap killed mice. “Did you get any writing done today?” There was a small sigh in his tone, as if writing was actually the last thing on his mind.

  Her mind reeled with thwarted desire. Why wouldn’t he kiss her? “Oh, a little. Garbage, mostly, I think. I wasn’t in the right frame of mind.”

  He glared at her lips and she saw his jaw clench. “I should let you get back to work.” He turned toward the door.

  No! Kiss me, you fool. She took a step, following him. “Ryland, wait.”

  He had his fist curled around the door handle and was staring at the floor. He finally looked up at her as if her presence vexed him to the extreme. “Yes?”

  Say something. “I, uh, am having trouble with this one scene in my book. I could use your help.”

  “What kind of help? I’m not a writer.”

  “Well,” she began, not quite sure how she was going to finish her sentence. “I need my characters to have a kiss, but they’re fighting me on it. The hero is being way too stubborn and won’t accept the heroine really wants him to kiss her.”

  Ryland pinned his gaze on her face, his nostrils flared as if breathing her in. “Maybe the hero is worried he’s too different from the heroine. Maybe he’s worried the timing is wrong. Maybe he’s just a worrier, period.”

  A tremor of need pulsated through her whole core, making her reply, even when she wasn’t sure she should. “Maybe the heroine doesn’t care about all that. Maybe she just really needs his kiss.”

  He only paused a moment. Within seconds, Ryland Snow was stalking his way back to her, looming over her. She wanted to sink into him and drown in his masculine aura.

  He stared down at her, engulfing her as easily as flames shooting through kindling. “Soren doesn’t get to kiss you again, Lia,” he threatened in silky tones. “But I do.”

  He pulled her against him into such a possessive clench her feet almost came off the floor. She had to stand on her tiptoes to remain in the position. His lips met with hers in a kiss that wasn’t soft or tentative, as a first kiss might be. Rather, he took her with his kiss. Laid claim to her. As Ryland’s mouth smashed against hers, he circled her skull with one hand, holding her where he wanted her. His other arm wove tightly around her waist, pulling her flush against him. His erection slammed against her rib cage, stunning her with delicious possibilities.

  He nudged her lips open with his tongue. And of course she opened to him. She let him come inside, let him explore and take her on a journey she’d lost hope of ever traveling again. As he slid his tongue against hers, Lia’s pussy sent out sweet, moist warning signals. She did everything she could to not open her legs and appear the shameless tart her parents had labeled her. But everything in her wanted to swallow Ryland up. She wanted to embrace him with every limb and take him deep inside herself.

  Lia could barely think, he felt so good, and she couldn’t have asked for a better first kiss with him. It was proprietary and carnal, just what she’d sought to express in her novel when Claudio kissed Adelaide for the first time. Her every sense felt dazzled; her limbs were mush.

  He knew it too. As he held her close, the bulge of excitement in his jeans seemed to grow. Dazed, she wondered at his apparent length and girth. Was it possible for a man to be so big? Of course, this was no regular man.

  Oh, golly, I’m in big trouble here. What would Lady Adelaide have done?

  Stifling a laugh, she realized her novel’s heroine would have already have been spanked and disciplined at this point. Perhaps even tied to her bedposts by the sinful Claudio. Okay, maybe she wasn’t quite that brazen, as much as she really wanted Ryland to follow suit.

  And yet, with every playful, territorial nip from Ryland’s teeth, Lia couldn’t help but wonder if he had a bit of Claudio in him.

  The bear shifter uttered a low growl as he moved his lips down to her neck.

  Oh, damn. This man is an animal. For real!

  The thought sobered her immediately and Lia pushed herself away from his hard body.

  Ryland looked at her, clearly stunned. His seductive black eyes were wide and she could almost read his thought process. It was obvious he’d been lost in the moment too.

  “I scared you,” he mumbled.

  “No,” she replied in a haze. “I just … shouldn’t. I got carried away. I’m sorry.”

  His gaze hardened. “I’m not.”

  And just as her legs got all wobbly again, she watched Ryland’s expression change. Watched some strange memory flit behind his eyes, rendering him gruff and inscrutable once more. She tried not to let her disappointment show. What did she expect? She pushed the man away because she didn’t trust her instincts and was scared of what he was. Never mind the fact that their timing was indeed so bad it was tragic.

  “Listen,” he said, not meeting her stricken gaze. “Do you need anything else to make you comfortable here? More bottled water? Magazines, maybe?”

  “No, I think I’ll just have a quiet evening in. Thanks.”

  “What about dinner?” he demanded. “You have to eat dinner.”

  “I’ll get room service.”

  “You’re not eating alone, Lia.” He frowned. “Let me just go finish up my work
, and then I’ll grab some things from the buffet and bring them here. You shouldn’t have to hide away on your lonesome. Lock up behind me.”

  And before Lia could articulate a thought, Ryland opened the door and headed outside. She listened as his heavy footfall echoed in the hallway, until she heard nothing more.

  And she realized with dismay Ryland walking away from her made her feel sadder than she’d ever felt before.

  Chapter 7

  Ryland stormed down the hallway.

  What the fucking hell was that?

  He’d kissed her. What was he thinking? And she’d pushed him away because she equated him with Mr. Hyde. Could this day get any better?

  He rounded the corner leading to the reception area and ran smack into his “little buddy,” Carter.

  “Hey, Mr. Snow!”

  “What do you want?”

  “Someone’s cranky.” Carter raised an eyebrow at him. “I was hoping to run into you. Where’s that Lia Goodblood? Can I meet her? Is she doing book signings? How long has she been doing the nasty with your brother?”

  Ryland bristled. “Ms. Goodblood is not ‘doing the nasty’ with my good-for-nothing brother. And no, you can’t meet her.” He moved around Carter and headed to his office.

  Carter called out to him. “What did I say that was so wrong?”

  Ryland ignored him, went into his office, closed and locked the door and put his forehead down on his desk.

  Why did he want to punch something? Or better yet, run into the woods, tear off his clothes, shift into the bear he was and take a big bite out of something. Preferably something warm and squirming.

  Okay, calm down.

  He knew he was just sore because the kiss with Lia floored him in ways he’d never anticipated. She had brought out the beast in him. He’d never wanted so much to mark someone as his own, which was ridiculous considering he’d known her for mere days.


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