Art of Loyalty (A Stern Family Saga Book 4)

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Art of Loyalty (A Stern Family Saga Book 4) Page 2

by Monique Orgeron

  Time starts to go by and I continue to study Brittany. She doesn’t seem affected by Fallon in the slightest. She smiles and holds herself with confidence, which is something I didn’t expect. I’ve seen her over the years with Gabriel and a couple of other men. I’ve always noticed that Brittany was a beautiful woman, a blind man could see that. But now, watching and studying her, I see there is more to her. She intrigues me. I sit up in my chair and pay special attention to her movements and posture. She holds herself with class. I guess she would have to for the price she gets paid. But then I notice her face; when I’ve seen her before she always had this edge to her, but now it looks like her guard has come down. Her face softens as she gets more comfortable and seems completely at ease with Fallon. I see her give Fallon a genuine smile and then she laughs. I catch myself smiling in return at hearing her. I can’t help it, try as I might, I can’t seem to lose the damn smile on my face.

  A noise of clanking glasses breaks me out of my minute of bliss and I start to realize how stupid I must look, smiling and staring at a woman from a few tables over. I look around the room to make sure no one sees me as a possible stalker but then all my insecurity fades away when I hear the sound of her laughter again. I glance back over as she pushes her long, brown hair over her ear. It’s such a little thing but it grabs my attention and doesn’t let go. I find myself becoming entranced by all her little movements. Things I’ve never noticed about a woman are all hitting me at once. The subtlety of the smallest details has me staring harder, learning all I can about her. Until she throws me off and lifts her dark brown eyes my way. She stares at me for a second then gives me a knowing smile. She finishes it off with a wink before her attention goes back to Fallon. What the…

  After they finish their meal and a complete bottle of wine, they stand. I also stand, waiting for Fallon to tell me she’s ready to leave, but instead, she walks over to me and tells me that they have decided to go to the bar. When I try to protest she reminds me that she does not belong to anyone yet and has no reason to return by a particular hour. She sees my patience running thin, but she couldn’t care less, so I don’t say another word. Knowing Fallon like I do, I know she will not be ordered around, so I watch her walk away with Brittany as they settle at the bar on the side of the restaurant. I pay the bill in the restaurant and ask to be seated at a table in the lounge area. Ordering a whiskey, I sit back with my legs wide in the chair, trying to get comfortable for what is beginning to feel like a long night. Looking around the room, I watch as men throughout the bar take notice of Fallon and Brittany. This could be bad, but I have been directed not to interfere unless it’s required. So, I sit back drinking my whiskey, watching as man after man walks up to them and buys them drinks. Brittany flirts but Fallon becomes uncomfortable. Brittany seems to notice because every time Fallon’s body tenses, Brittany lays her hand on Fallon’s leg. It’s such a simple touch, but it immediately puts Fallon at ease. Brittany puts her expertise to work and lures the men’s eyes off Fallon and onto her. I watch her do what she does best, which is to control the situation.

  Again, I can’t help but wonder about her. I’ve heard men talking about her, they say she has a quality that allows men to become relaxed around her. They say it’s almost like she casts a spell on them, taking all their stresses away with only one night with her. How can one woman do that? I hear the way Gabriel talks about her too. He claims that when he gets frustrated or stressed, she is the only one he needs. She allows him to work it all out with her. I never really gave it much thought, but now leaning back in my chair, I can’t help but wonder. What is it about this woman, and what power does she have over her clients?

  The waitress comes over breaking me out of my thoughts but not causing me to remove my eyes from Brittany.

  “Would you like another whiskey, Honey?”


  “You sure, baby? I’ll make sure to bring it back to you personally.”

  I look at her, letting her know I’m neither in the mood or interested in small talk. She gets the message and squirms away. The interesting thing though, when I look back towards the girls, I find Brittany watching what just happened and smiling straight at me.

  Another few hours pass and after quite a few drinks, the women start getting more and more attention as they become louder, revealing some of their conversation to the room. They’re drunk. Well that’s my cue, whether Fallon wants to or not. It’s time to go before some man gets the idea that he might have a shot with her, not knowing she belongs to Gabriel Stern.

  I stand and walk over, Brittany eyes me with every step I take in their direction. “All right, you two, it’s getting late.” I look at Brittany and tell her, “I’ll drive you home first. I’ll have someone pick up your car and bring it to you in the morning.”

  She agrees. “Good, because we’re drunk.”

  She tries to stand but stumbles grabbing a hold of my arm, flirting with me. “Whoa, hey, you’re a very big boy, aren’t you?”

  I look down at her hand on my arm, noticing how delicate it looks. I must have scared her because she removes it quickly and says,

  “You hear that, Vin? Fallon’s going to let me borrow you.”

  I look up at her giving her a questioning look. I have no idea what she’s talking about. Since the minute her hand touched my arm I haven’t heard a word from anyone. In fact, I haven’t heard anything but my heartbeat speeding up. When I don’t say anything, she turns and walks away from me, leaving me to help Fallon stand and walk out of the restaurant.

  Once I load them both into the back seat of my car, I call Gabriel to let him know what’s going on. Then Fallon yells out, “Vin, put the music on, and turn it up.” I do as instructed, then hear Fallon start belting out what I assume are the words to the song. She can’t hold a note to save her life, which puts a smirk on my face. But then I hear the sweet sound of laughter; music to my ears. I look in my rearview mirror and see a carefree Brittany. She’s so relaxed, there’s not one hard edge to her at the moment. I’m broken out of my trance by a car horn blowing. The red light has turned green, but I was too mesmerized to notice.

  With my focus back on the road, Fallon decides she’s hungry. I pull up to a drive-thru to get them both something to soak the alcohol up. Now that they’re focused on eating, I decide to change my route and take Fallon home first. Gabriel sounded pissed when I told him we were on our way home and that Fallon was drunk. Best not leave him waiting for long.

  I pull up to the side entrance of the house. I figure I can try to get Fallon upstairs using the back staircase instead of waking the rest of the house by using the front entrance. She’s still singing as I tell Brittany, “I need to get her to her room. I’ll be back in a minute.” She nods her head acknowledging she understands. Then I take a very drunk, singing Fallon inside the house. Once the lights come on, we see Gabriel sitting in the kitchen waiting. He gives me the gesture to leave, so I make sure Fallon can stand on her own then take my exit. I can only imagine what he has planned. Now, to get rid of the other drunk still in my car.

  I open the back door, to tell Brittany I’m ready to bring her home, but I find her passed out, sleeping peacefully. “Fuck!”

  It takes me about five minutes to find her address. If people only knew how easy it is to find out everything there is about them, it would scare the shit out of most. Once I have her address programmed into my GPS, I start driving her home. Pulling up to her upscale townhouse, I exit the car. Opening the back door, I lay my hands on my hips and take a deep breath looking at her passed out. Now to get her out. I grab her purse first, digging for her keys. Then I walk to her front door, unlocking it and throw her purse on a small table in the entryway. Now, to retrieve sleeping beauty. I pull her into my arms, carrying her into the house. She wakes with her head lying on my chest as I close the door.

  “Vin, where are we?”

  “You’re home now. Which direction do I go?”

  “Oh shit, I fell asleep, d
idn’t I? You can put me down here, I’ll be fine.”

  I look down at her and maybe too roughly demand, “Where?!”

  Her eyes get a little bigger, but she points to the stairs, “Second door on the right.”

  I carry her to her bedroom and set her on her feet. She instantly takes off her heels and proceeds to remove her skirt. At first, I’m shocked, but then I can’t quit staring. She gives me a knowing look and smiles up at me when she starts to unbutton her blouse.

  “Maybe you should wait until I leave to take off your shirt.”

  She gives me a devious smile and says, “Why, are you scared? I’m not.”

  Now she has me intrigued. “Maybe you should be, you don’t know me.”

  “I know all I need to. I’ve heard about you Vin. The girls all say ‘Vin Stern is a man of mystery. The quiet one that watches but doesn’t touch.’ Why is that Vin? Don’t you want to touch?”

  Her shirt falls to the floor and she stands there looking like sin. All legs, with a tight body covered in a black lace bra and thong. Perfection. She saunters to her bed.

  “You don’t touch, but do you like to watch?”

  She lays her body down in the middle of her bed, bending her legs and spreading them wide.

  “I saw you watching me tonight. Is that what you’re into? Do you like watching from afar?” She slides her hand down her body and slips into her panties.

  “Then watch me Vin. I know you want to.”

  She looks directly at me and says in a low sultry voice, “I want you to.”

  I’m frozen. I know this is wrong, I shouldn’t be here. She’s drunk and even if she weren’t, she’s Gabriel’s. Well not his, but she has been with him through the years as a regular. It’s wrong ten different ways but I can’t turn away. I continue to watch as her fingers pull her thong away to put her bare pussy further on display. She works her fingers over her sex just like she likes it and I study every movement. I watch as her fingers penetrate and how she glistens. The sounds of her moans are getting breathy, heightened in desire. Her hips raise off the bed as her fingers slide deeper inside her. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever witnessed. I couldn’t walk out that door if my life depended on it.

  “You like this Vin? Do you like watching me pleasure myself? I’m going to cum so hard for you, baby.”

  Her head falls back as she makes herself cum. I watch with fascination as her body writhes in pleasure. Once her body has come down from ecstasy, she looks back up at me with a smile from ear to ear.

  “Was it good for you?”

  I walk up to her and grab her hard by the back of her neck, pulling her up to my face. “Don’t fuck with me Brittany! You don’t know what lies beneath!”

  With her still in my grasp, I grab her hand and suck her fingers into my mouth, tasting how sweet she really is.

  I release her and start walking out of the room. I hear her laugh and yell at me, “I know exactly what lies beneath Vin. You’re just scared of letting him out to play.”

  I pause on the stairs, wanting so desperately to go back in there and show her who the fuck I am, but I don’t. I walk all the way down the stairs opening the front door, but for some reason, I can’t take the last step. It takes me about five minutes before I say, “Fuck it!” I slam the door and race back up the stairs. But by the time I get into her bedroom she’s passed out, sound asleep again. I quietly walk beside her bed and take in her body that’s on display. She’s absolutely fucking gorgeous. I gently brush her hair away from her face and squat down studying how beautiful she really is. She looks almost angelic like this. Her edge has totally vanished. How can someone so brazen look so innocent while she sleeps? I stay that way for a few minutes, taking in all her features, from her head to her painted toes. Standing, I cover her with a blanket that lies on the end of the bed. It’s hard, but I force myself out of the room and go back home.



  The next day I decide to clean the mess that Fallon and Brittany made in my car. They just had to eat fast food in my car. Putting all their garbage into a trash bag, I notice something shiny in between the seat. I reach for it and discover it’s a silver compact mirror. Not the really expensive kind, just a regular mall type of purchase. But then I notice it’s engraved with Brittany’s name and the words ‘We love you’ on the back. My first instinct is to throw it away, but I pause holding on to it tight, deciding to return it to her by messenger. Maybe it’s important even if it’s not expensive, someone after all took the time to have it engraved. I put it in my pocket and finish my work.

  Back in my room, I take the compact out of my pocket and rub it back and forth between my fingers. ‘We love you,’ who loves her? Why can’t I get this girl out of my head? She’s just as big of a mystery to me as she claims I am to her. Last night I could’ve easily taken her, but I chose not to. My number one rule is no prostitutes. Brittany says the other girls talk about me not touching. I touch plenty, just not prostitutes.

  I have a few regulars that understand, I want nothing more from them, but a good fuck and they more than happily oblige. Last night, I left Brittany’s and went straight to one of my friend’s house. I fucked for hours trying to get the scene of Brittany getting herself off in front of me, out of my head. It should’ve worked but it didn’t, so it has me questioning again. Why this woman? She’s everything I purposely stay away from.

  Hours later, I’m walking through the halls of an empty house. Catherine told me first thing this morning she’s having a family dinner tonight at the casino, but I made an excuse. I’m not in the mood for family social night. Catherine loves nights like this; putting the whole family on display for her customers, showing them our power as a unit. I made my excuse expecting for her to complain, but she just touched my face and told me to try to get some sleep. She knows I’ve been restless again.

  With the house empty and nothing else to do, I have a glass of whiskey and try to do like Catherine said. I shower and lay in my bed trying to fall asleep. It’s been almost a week since I’ve gotten more than an hour or two here and there, and it’s starting to affect me.

  An hour passes and still no sleep. Every time I close my eyes, I see my nightmares. Different visions but still, all fucked up. I lay there for almost another hour tossing and turning trying hard not to think about any of my shit from the past. Then visions of Brittany pop into my mind. Her laugh and smile then her devilish seduction.

  “Motherfucker!” I jump out of bed fast scrubbing my hands over my face. I look at my phone seeing it’s still early enough. Feeling like I’m on a mission, I throw on some jeans and a t-shirt, then head to my car. I am going to get this girl out of my head one way or another.

  Pulling up to her townhome, I see her BMW parked, so I know she’s home. I knock on the door, not knowing what the fuck I am really doing. Before I can change my mind, she opens the door in yoga pants and a zipped hoody. Her hair is thrown up into what the girls call a top knot. I don’t care what it’s called, it’s sexy as fuck.

  “Vin? What are you doing here?”

  I gesture my head back. “I see you got your car back.”

  She smiles and says, “Yes, thank you. Would you like to come in? I would like the chance to talk to you for a minute.”

  She starts to back away from the door like she knows before letting me answer that I’m coming inside. I pass the threshold and she closes the door behind me. This woman has no fear. How many women would let a man into their home without knowing anything about them?

  Before she can say anything, I dig in my pocket and hand her the compact I found. She takes it and starts rubbing her fingers all over it. A tear or two even slips down her face. But she quickly wipes them away and shakes her head, trying to conceal the moment. It only makes me more curious about the damn engraved message.

  “I found it in the backseat of my car. I thought you might want it back.”

  “Thank you, I have been looking for it everywhere. I thought I
lost it. I know it’s just a funny little thing, but I appreciate you returning it.”

  She walks into her living room and lays the compact on a side table. I look around taking in the surroundings. I never had a chance to the last time I was here, but with her in my arms, I really didn’t care to. Her place is impressive. Very clean and streamlined, but then there are some out of place items that seem very quirky in the space. Over the sofa is a crocheted multi-colored afghan. Then in the corner is an old torn recliner. Even some of the knick-knacks are wacky and don’t belong in the modern space. This woman is a walking contradiction. She catches me looking around and starts to roll up a mat laying on the floor.

  “Is that a yoga mat?”

  She smiles and says, “Yes, I love yoga. It helps to center my mind and it helps me to relax. My mother used to… well never mind. I also like to do Thai Chi. Have you ever tried it?”


  She eyes me stunned with my harsh tone. I didn’t mean it, this is going all wrong, so I try softening my tone knowing I need my words.

  “No, I don’t think a man like me can do those poses. I don’t much believe in all the shit about meditation.”

  She smiles in response, almost proud that she got an answer out of me that was more than one or two words. “You’d be surprised. You should try, you might like it.”

  She lays the mat in the corner behind the recliner then turns and nervously says,

  “Vin, I want to apologize to you for last night. I was drunk and way out of line. I should’ve never put you in that position. I guess when I’m nervous I just revert back to being…”

  She shrugs and finishes, “Well, Brittany.”


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