Betrayed: A Sexy Sword & Sorcery Short Story

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Betrayed: A Sexy Sword & Sorcery Short Story Page 3

by Jamie K. Schmidt

  "Maron twisted his mind."

  "I believe he was the one who was unfaithful and accused you of the things he and Maron were doing." Guy braided her hair in swift, sure tugs.

  Rhee had to bite her lip to keep from moaning. She liked her hair being tugged. Now if he'd only tug it back and kiss her. The throbbing returned to her pussy. "It's possible." It was probable. "Why, though?"

  "Maron wanted more power and Kamal wanted to get his dick wet."

  She coughed out a surprised laugh. Guy never said things like that. The dirty talk kind of turned her on. Closing her eyes in frustration, Rhee tried to get herself under control. She shouldn't have dream fucked Kamal.

  Oil splashing on her chest made her eyes fly open.

  "I'm sorry, my queen," Guy murmured in her ear, the sound a rough growl that shot right to her clit.

  His big hands came around her and rubbed the oil in large circles. Her nipples dragged across his palms. She could barely breathe from the shock and unexpected pleasure of the slick way his hands soothed over her breasts.

  "Guy," she whispered as his lips touched her earlobe.

  "We've been accused of a crime we didn't commit and punished for it." He sucked on her earlobe and her nipples tightened against his oiled hands. "I accepted it because I've done the crime in my mind since I was sixteen."

  Rhee took in a shaky breath as he continued to massage her breasts, thumbing her nipples. "Me too," she admitted what they both already knew.

  His teeth were on her neck and he nipped and sucked at the skin there. Rhee's thighs trembled in the water and she arched into his hands.

  "I want to make love to you," he said. "I want to forget the ugliness in this world and the danger of a demon attacking children I should have been there protecting. But most of all, I want to watch your face as I make you come." He lifted her out of the tub until she was standing naked in front of him.

  He already knew the answer. Rhee knew he would have stopped as soon as the oil hit her had she balked. But she hadn't. Guy smiled at her and poured more oil into his hands. He rubbed the oil over her belly in languorous circles, and then he knelt in front of her to pour more of it over her ass.

  "Yes," she said anyway. It was time.

  Rubbing his cheek against the curls at the V of her legs, his fingers dipped between her cheeks and dusted his fingertips over the rim of her hole.

  "Guy," she gasped in surprise and then had to grip his hair to keep her balance when he picked up her leg and threw it over his shoulder.

  His strong hands held her steady while he tilted her pussy so he could lick and suck at the folds until she grew hotter and wetter. One strong finger was tapping at her backside while he tongued her clit.

  Rhee moaned, rubbing herself against his talented mouth. The only sound in the bathroom was her ragged breathing and his eager slurping sounds. She mewed and ran her fingers through his hair.

  "Yes," she whispered again, her hips moving fast.

  His tongue was everywhere and her knees trembled at the intensity of the feelings coursing through her. Everything was changing. The sweet lapping was driving her crazy. Her heart was pounding and her body was demanding more.

  Guy growled against her pussy and the vibrations scattered through her. It tipped her over the edge and she came with a wordless scream, throwing her head back so far, she thought she'd fall over. But Guy's hands were there holding her steady, protecting her as always.

  He kissed his way up her body. "You're mine now. As you always were and always will be."

  He took her lips then. It should have been sweet and loving and it was, but it was also all greedy passion as Rhee struggled to get him out of his clothes. They staggered out of the bathroom, Guy ditching his boots while she whipped off his belt. Flinging off his shirt, she lowered his pants so he could kick them off.

  He was perfect. She knew every scar on his body and every contour of his muscles. Now, she was allowed to touch them. Backing her up to her bed, he pushed her back and eased his underwear down.

  His cock was beautiful, thick and curved and he sheathed himself inside her with a quick, sure thrust. He fucked her slow, sliding his entire body over hers. She kissed him, rolling with him to take him faster, until he groaned and flipped her face down on the mattress.

  Rhee looked over her shoulder at him, a part of her still not believing this was real. He watched her with a predator's gaze that made her pussy quiver against his cock. He took her with long slow strokes as he caressed every inch of her.

  When he wound her braid around her fist and gently pulled her hair back, she came gasping. She was still feeling shocks of pleasure when he grabbed her hips and finished with quick, deep jerks.

  They sank to the bed, panting and clasping their sweaty bodies closer.

  "I love you," he said, kissing her forehead.

  Rhee loved him too, always had. But she did feel a sting of shame. What would their families think? Did this prove that Kamal had been right to toss them out? Guy rubbed soothing circles over her back until she fell into a troubled sleep.

  Chapter Three

  Since the weather was mild this time of year, they traveled through the towns and cities quickly. Guy acted no differently, but the others noticed a change in their relationship. Rhee rode closer to him, touched him more, and they shared a bed when they stopped in an inn or tavern.

  Within five days they were on the fringes of Winterlore.

  Rhee loved the land that she had married into. The people had welcomed her, and she adored them as well. It could have been so perfect. Looking at the castle in the distance, it was easily a half day’s travel away. But it was so familiar to her that she wanted to burn some power and fly to the upper battlements, catching the thermals like one of the castle’s hawks.

  “Here’s where we split up,” Evan said. “I’m still not sure how the queen over here is going to go in without being recognized, and I don’t really want to know.”

  “Be careful, everyone,” Kess said. “We are most vulnerable when we are alone. May Dara’s blessings be upon us.”

  Evan looked at her. “Then perhaps we should go in two by two?”

  Guy and Rhee exchanged amused glances. Ever since they had started sharing a room, Evan had been trying to get Kess to agree to sharing one as well. To save money, of course.

  “You’ve often said you work better alone, Evan. Here’s your chance to prove it,” Kess said.

  Evan winked at her. “Playing hard to get, are you? That’s fine. I’ll wait.”

  “Patience is a virtue,” Kess deadpanned. “Besides, the sisters of my order do not open their gates to non-believers and that is where I'm headed.”

  “You’d be surprised at what I believe in. I'll see what the word on the street is.” Evan bowed his head mockingly at them and rode off towards the city.

  “I'm hoping they have some insight in the creature that killed Wynne or any of the strange magic that you sensed. I’ll catch up with you at the street carnival.” Kess cantered in the direction of the Abbey of Dara.

  “Alone at last,” Rhee said.

  Guy peered out of the eye slots of his helm. His voice was slightly muffled from the face shield that protected his identity. “Command me, my queen.”

  “I wish I knew what to tell you.”

  “As do I.”

  Rhee frowned at the sad tone in his voice. “What do you think I should do?”

  “I will kill Kamal and we take Winterlore.”

  “Guy, that’s barbaric,” Rhee scolded. She knew how Larkspurs thought too well to be shocked. “He needs to live.”

  “Why?” Guy demanded. He took off both mail gloves, fiddled with his helm and tossed the whole thing to the ground. He was sweating, and the metal of the protective gear left grooves on his nose and cheeks. “Why?” He repeated through clenched teeth.

  Rhee stared at him in shock. “He’s Irena's father.”

  “He's been compromised. He's a danger to you and Irena.”
  Rhee flinched and said quietly, “We need proof Maron has bespelled him. And I can break that spell once I know what it is.”

  “Did you see evidence of the spell about him?”

  “Well, no I wouldn’t. Being so close to him and all.”

  “No, it’s because there wasn’t a spell. Tamar told you that. Why won’t you face it? If Maron bespelled him, it was with her body and not her will. He needs to die.”

  “I command you to shut up,” Rhee said covering her face with her hands.

  Guy made a loud, frustrated noise. “He doesn’t deserve your loyalty. He never did.”

  “Guy, please ...not again. I can’t go through this again.”

  Swearing, Guy got off his horse and went over to help Rhee down from hers. He cradled her as she hugged him fiercely. “I have lost my reputation because of Kamal. He has cast doubts upon your honor. Banished my family from Winterlore. Separated his daughter from her mother. You and I have had to starve and scrape to survive because of him. And most recently, my niece has died because of Kamal. And yet you stay my hand from killing him yet again.”

  “Yes,” Rhee said against his black cloak.

  Guy rested his chin on the top of her head. “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Maybe you should stay here.” Rhee sniffed.

  Guy gripped her upper arms and thrust her back to look at him. “I’m to sacrifice my honor for Kamal, too? Is that what you want?”

  “No, Guy, no. But what will our families say once they know we're together like Kamal accused?”

  “They know the truth. What happened afterward was inevitable. You did not create this situation. Kamal did, probably with the help of Maron.”

  “I keep wondering what if, I had been a better wife? What if I spent less time with my books and studying and more time with him? Would he still have accused us of cuckolding him?”

  “I don’t believe I’m hearing this. Are you actually taking the blame for Kamal’s misconception? I swear I’ll kill him without your consent if you don’t stop this line of thought.”

  “No. Yes. I don’t know. I must have done something to make him doubt me. Maybe I deferred to your opinion too often or indulged in one too many of our private jokes.” She looked up at him. "Or maybe I was too obvious that I had hidden fantasies about you."

  His mouth quirked up. "You hid that well from me. If I didn't notice it, neither did Kamal. We have been together since we were Wynne and Irena’s age. Our friendship was something Kamal couldn’t understand. He has never been friends with a woman. Women to him are good for cooking, cleaning and fucking. Maybe not in that order. I don't share Kamal's views on women, although I do enjoy when they do all three.”

  Rhee thumped her fist against his chest. “Ow!” She shook out her hand.

  “That’s plate mail, my queen. Arrows don’t often go through it. Your delicate fist won’t either.”

  “It’s easy for you to say, they don’t call you the whore queen.”

  His smile made her quiver with unease. “Who calls you these things?”

  She shivered at his tone. “I heard it when I passed by people in ballrooms and in the city.”

  “Don’t worry, my queen. They’ll only say it once. And I will make such an example of them, no one will dare say it again.”

  She stamped on his foot. “Ow!” She wiggled her leg.

  “Also armored. And I wouldn’t try kicking me in the shin either.”

  Rhee shook her head at him. “Remind me to zap you the next time there’s a storm warning.”

  “I’ll make a note of it.”

  “Kamal was always so jealous of you. You were a knight and had earned your spurs gloriously. He was never good enough to be knighted.”

  “So, he became king. He has my sympathies.” Guy rolled his eyes.

  Rhee lifted her shoulder in a shrug. “Enough about him. Why is Maron trying to harm Irena? And more importantly how do we stop her?”

  Mocking feminine laughter drifted to them from above. “An arrow to her lovely throat would do the job.”

  “Tamar!” Rhee looked around for Guy’s mother.

  The air shimmered in front of them and a swan materialized at their feet.

  “Hello, Mother, you're looking lovely,” Guy said sardonically.

  Tamar honked at him. “Well, you two make good targets up upon this hill. Why don’t you just hire a crier to announce your presence.” She waved her white-feathered wing. Tamar’s magic swirled around Rhee and she felt herself being transformed into a blond hair, blue eyed shepherdess.

  “How bucolic.” Rhee gave Tamar a pained smile.

  “Oh, no you don’t..." Guy backed away from the swan until it gave ungainly pursuit. Each time Tamar would get close enough to cast the spell, Guy would dodge away. “No, no I don’t want to be a farmer!”

  Tamar squawked and feathers flew trying to catch up with him.

  “I look fine just the way I..." Guy sighed as the spell slammed into him. He hitched up his overalls. “Am.”

  “Now, your costumes should last for most of the day. I suggest you hurry into the town and set up. I will be waiting for your group in the gypsy quarter. You’ll be safe there until the town goes to sleep. My wagon bears the crest of the charging bull.”

  “Oh, that’s appropriate,” Guy muttered under his breath.

  Tamar ignored him and continued, “I have a squadron of Larkspurs camped out on the Winterlore/Ferriskeep border. They can be here in a few hours if we need reinforcements,” Tamar said and gently nudged an itch under her wing.

  “Why could we possibly need reinforcements? I have a pitchfork after all.”

  “Guy, darling, only the outside appearances have changed. You are still wearing beastly amounts of armor and that is your sword you are waving about. Please try and control yourself.” Tamar cleared her throat. “Now then, the castle is locked down tight. The only chance to get in is through the front door or fly over the top.”

  “We were going to go down into the ancient city and follow the tunnel to the private royal chambers,” Rhee said.

  “That’s almost as good as broad daylight,” Guy said sourly.

  “Well, I didn’t think Kamal would just let us in.” Rhee looked at Tamar. “Do you think Kamal’s under Maron’s influence? Some kind of charm or enchantment?”

  The swan faded from view. “Seek the answer in your own heart, Rhee. You already know the truth.”

  “I hate when she does that,” Rhee sighed.

  “Try growing up with that,” Guy countered.

  Chapter Four

  They made their way into the city without attracting any attention. Rhee’s heart pounded when they crossed the guard station into the walled city. She could walk these roads blindfolded, but she still made herself to pause in the City Square and look around. The statue of the ancients stood as proudly as ever in the center of the fountain. The fountain was the water supply for most of the city, maintained by an underground aqueduct. Some said the ancients were gods, some said they were scientists, but whatever they were, they had long since abandoned this plane.

  “Probably grew bored after solving all our mysteries,” Rhee thought. “Maybe when we solve the mysteries they left behind, we will all be united.”

  Rhee glanced over at Guy. He was still plucking at his shirt, reassuring that it was still plate metal and not gingham as it appeared. She touched his sleeve and they moved casually to the merchants.

  “Too bad you can’t use the animal form spell like Tamar,” Guy murmured in her ear. “We could have all flew in like hawks. Or crawled into the underground as rats.”

  “And if I was a battle mage like Maron, I would have teleported Irena out and blasted the castle to its foundations.” Rhee muttered sarcastically. She moved along the stalls pausing to look at a swatch of fabric or a silver chain.

  “That would’ve been more effective,” Guy agreed, as usual approving the destructive solution.

  Suddenly, Guy
’s hand shot out and grabbed the arm that was reaching for Rhee’s purse. “S-Sorry, Mister,” a grubby faced boy said.

  “I should break it,” Guy tugged on the boy’s arm, dragging him closer.

  Rhee fumbled for a few coins, “Stop that.” She tapped Guy’s fist until he let go. “Here, young man, these will at least keep you from stealing for a few days.”

  The boy took the coins from Rhee but didn’t run away. He stood there rubbing his wrists and looked at them thoughtfully. “I steal for the fun of it, not for the money itself."

  Rhee scowled at him, “Then the next time, I’ll let him break your arm.”

  “There won’t be a next time, Lady. I’m not stupid to try for your purse again with him around. My name is Aaron the Snake. I’m going to be famous one day,” he said. “Besides, the swan sent me to find you and escort you to her wagon.”

  “Escort,” Guy snorted. “From you?”

  Aaron pulled back his sleeve and showed Guy a tattoo. It was the Larkspur shield. He leaned in close and spoke low. “Yes, Cousin, from me. The princess’ new guard.”

  Rhee grabbed Aaron by the ear. “We’ll just see about that, young man.”

  Aaron ducked away from her grasp, but led them through the maze of the merchants and into the vagabond quarter. He hailed sentries with intricate hand gestures, and they were allowed to pass unsearched. Rhee was glad that Tamar had sent Aaron along, even though the boy spent most of the trip trying to persuade Guy that the street urchin act was just a cover and that he really was a Larkspur.

  When they arrived at the largest vagabond wagon, Aaron faded from sight. Guy went in first and then motioned her in. Rhee was glad to see Evan and Kess there waiting for them. Guy must have been relieved to see his mother out of her swan form, even though she was dressed up like a fortuneteller.

  “Come in, my friends and have your fortune told.”

  “Mother, for the love of the gods...” Guy sat down just as his farmer guise wisped away into the night air.

  Tamar ignored him and passed her hands over a clear glass globe. Rhee sat down next to her friends and the wagon door creaked shut. “I have heard that the sewers are a dangerous place to be,” Tamar intoned.


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