Alpha Defenders-Rescue

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Alpha Defenders-Rescue Page 6

by Lyzie Carlisle

  “Okay, what you said makes sense,” Joe said, sounding resigned. “I’ll give myself time to heal completely before I think about making such a drastic change.”

  “Good decision,” Chris said. “I think it would also be good to have a meeting with the other agents we’ve been working closely with and talk about what’s been happening lately with that gang continuing to cause problems.”

  “I agree,” Joe said. “How about we give them all a call tomorrow and plan a meeting to talk about it.”

  “Good, the sooner, the better. We need to come up with a plan of action, but right now I’m ready for some bedtime loving with Valerie. Are you going to join us?”

  “Wouldn’t miss it,” Joe agreed, his mouth quirking up on one side.

  They headed down the hall to the bedroom the three of them shared. Chris’s cock responded quickly when he saw Valerie standing in the bathroom brushing her silky hair, her luscious curves easy to see beneath her see-through nightgown. “How do you feel about a little bed-time loving, babe?”

  She turned toward him and smiled. “You know I’m always ready and willing for you and Joe.”

  Joe sat down on the end of the big bed. “How about you come on top of me tonight?”

  “I’d love to,” she said, smiling at Joe.

  “Are you good with me pleasuring you from behind?” Chris asked her.

  She gave him a big smile, as well. “Definitely.”

  Chris smiled back at her. “Great.” He steadied her as she turned and climbed on the end of the bed with her knees on either side of Joe’s hips.

  Joe slid a condom over his cock then gave her a hand, and she settled on his upper thighs and stroked his already aroused cock.

  Chris’s cock was hard and rising to attention. Joe made quick work of unfastening her nightgown. Chris slipped it off her shoulders and draped it across the chair in the corner of the bedroom. He opened a drawer in the top of the dresser, and after taking a small dildo from the boxed set and lubricant they kept nearby, he closed the drawer, returned to her, and cupped the globes of her sweet butt in his hands. He caressed her and couldn’t help smiling at her little shiver. “Does that feel good, babe?”

  “Yes,” she said and moaned softly. She grasped Joe’s cock in one hand and supported herself with her other hand just below his muscular chest. “Does that hurt you?”

  “No.” Joe caressed her breasts in his palms. “Kiss me, babe,” he said.

  When she leaned down to kiss Joe, she raised her hips in just the right position, and Chris lubricated the dildo and then rubbed more of the gel over her puckered hole. She shivered. Taking more of the lubricant on one finger, he slid that finger inside her rim, slipped it out, and repeated the process, making sure she was well prepared. She moaned and wiggled her hips back and forth. When she stopped, he slowly slid the dildo inside her tight little opening. She moaned softly.

  “Does that feel all right, hon?” He didn’t want to cause her any discomfort. He slowly slid it deeper, a little way at a time. “Is that okay?”

  “Yes,” she said softly. “It feels so good and so hot.”

  He gently pushed it deeper until it was just right. “Still good, babe?”

  “Yes,” she hissed, sounding breathless. “I need you inside me.”

  “That’s next,” he said. They didn’t use this method often, but she always seemed to like it.

  “Hurry,” she urged him.

  “As soon as I get you nice and slick,” he said softly. “You’re already wet for me.” He slid two fingers through her slippery juices, smoothing them up and down between her pussy lips and along her slit. Finally, he slid one finger into her opening. He felt her shudder as she moaned softly. “Does that feel all right, babe?”

  “Yes, it feels amazing,” she said. “Keep going.”

  Chris heard Joe growl softly as she stroked his balls and cock. The sounds aroused Chris even more. As Joe continued to caress her breasts and hardened nipples, Chris slid two fingers slowly inside her hot, wet passage. He stroked deep inside her, slipped his fingers in and out slowly and gently. When he was close to coming and she was whimpering with her impending climax, he slowly slid his fingers from her opening, positioned the head of his cock, which now stretched the protective condom, and pushed slowly inside her opening, stretching her slippery flesh as he pressed to the hilt inside her heat.

  She moaned deep in her chest.

  Joe grasped her shoulders. “Kiss me, hon,” he said, his voice low and rough with his need.

  She held on to Joe’s cock as she lowered her body to press her lips over his, and he slid his fingers through her hair and held her close as they kissed deeply. Joe’s hips bucked, and his low growl rumbled in his chest with his climax.

  Chris didn’t think he could hold out any longer either. With one hand on her hip, he gently manipulated the dildo to pleasure her more. Her sharp cry of pleasure sent him over the edge and he climaxed, his cum shooting into the end of the condom as he ejaculated, his cock pumping inside her hot flesh over and over. The contractions of her pussy stroked his sensitive cock until finally they all three moaned softly as their bodies eased and their contractions grew gentle. They were replete and so relaxed they were limp.

  Chris tried not to let his upper body press too hard against her back as they caught their breath. After they rested for a little while, Chris raised his upper body and slid his softened cock from her warm, slick passage. Then he took hold of the end of the dildo and slowly eased it from her puckered opening.

  She moaned softly. “That feels so good, Chris. You’re both incredible. Thank you.”

  “Thank you, babe,” Joe said.

  “You’re amazing,” Chris told her. “Thanks, hon. Are you ready to sleep now?”

  “Definitely,” she said. “After that amazing sex, I’ll sleep soundly tonight.”

  “So will I,” Joe said, smiling at her. Joe eased her onto the bed beside him. “Be back in a minute, hon.”

  Chris followed Joe into the bathroom, and they both washed up. Joe returned to their bed beside Valerie, who looked comfortable in the middle of the bed on her stomach, her head on her pillow. Chris returned the cleaned and dried dildo to the box in the drawer then grabbed a wet washcloth for Valerie.

  “Let me wipe you off, hon,” he said to her. She moaned softly and spread her legs apart for him. After he finished, he returned the washcloth to the bathroom and joined them in bed on the other side of her. Joe had an arm around her waist. Chris slipped his hand over her hips, caressing her satin-smooth skin as he did so.

  “Good night,” she said sleepily.

  “Night, babe,” he and Joe said together.

  Chris knew he’d sleep well. He hoped Valerie and Joe would, too.

  Chapter Seven

  Valerie paced in her bedroom, wondering over and over what was the best thing to do to prove to Joe that they could successfully continue to live together.

  Sleep had been sketchy the night before, and she had jerked awake over and over during the night as bad dreams haunted her. Maybe she should talk with Jen about this change in Joe’s feelings and now wanting to cool things. For that matter, she should tell Jen everything. Then hopefully, Jen could give her some help with understanding how she could deal with it.

  She called Jen right away and invited her to come by for a serious talk.

  Joe and Chris planned to take the truck to fill up the gas tank and check the oil. Valerie knew they’d also take time to wash it like they usually did, so she and Jen would have plenty of time to talk about Valerie’s concerns.

  When Jen arrived, Valerie welcomed her inside their home and offered Jen a seat at the island in the kitchen as she asked her what she’d like to drink.

  “Whatever you’re having is fine with me,” Jen said and smiled at her.

  Valerie poured each of them a cold soda and sat down beside Jen.

  “How are you and Chris and Joe doing?” Jen asked her. “You’ve had a couple of r
ough jobs for C.P.O. recently.”

  “Yes, we have,” Valerie said. “It made me realize that Joe and Chris have become much more important to me than I’d admitted to myself before. I’d also thought things were going fine between the three of us. I was beginning to feel like our threesome had become stronger, and I hoped that I could trust in a loving relationship with them. I let down my guard and believed a forever relationship with Joe and Chris was possible. And then, yesterday, after we enjoyed a day off after the previous day, when we’d brought Joe home from the hospital following his injury fighting that gang, Joe acted like he wanted to cool things in our relationship. I overheard Chris talking to Joe about the change in how Joe seemed to feel. Later when we went to bed, Joe appeared in a better mood, but I’m still worried about his change of mind. Did you ever have anything like that happen between you and your guys?”

  “I did,” Jen admitted quickly. “It happened right after a tough fight with that gang of outlaw shifters. I was surprised that Roger was the one who became worried about the three of us working together on dangerous cases. It would have made more sense if Trav had been the one who worried, but instead it was our self-confident Roger who suddenly decided I shouldn’t take part in any work that would put me in danger.”

  “What did you do?” Valerie asked.

  “I set out to prove to them that I could be useful on the job for C.P.O.,” Jen said, smiling at Valerie. “When Roger realized I would be doing work that would place me too close to the outlaws, he and Trav talked it over again. Trav had a big part in helping Roger see that I could handle the danger. I think also that Roger could see that I was happier and more comfortable working with them than being on my own.”

  Valerie couldn’t help giving Jen a big smile. “You proved to them that you could do the job safely. It makes sense to me that they felt better with you working alongside them than on your own.”

  “Well, I was determined to prove to them that I could do a job for C.P.O. on my own and be a valuable agent for them. I think Trav also helped in convincing Roger that I would be just as safe working with them as working alone.”

  Valerie considered the option of having to work by herself for C.P.O. if Joe wasn’t comfortable with her working beside him and Chris.

  “Thanks for telling me about your experience, Jen. I hope I don’t have to take things that far for Joe to accept my presence on the job with him and Chris.”

  “I hope so, too,” Jen said and smiled at her. They finished their sodas while they talked about their jobs with C.P.O. After a while Jen said she’d best be getting back home.

  Valerie walked outside with her and watched her drive away. Valerie knew she had to convince Joe that she would be safe working side by side with him and Chris. She noticed their truck coming down the road toward their house just as she started back inside. She waved to them as they stopped at the garage door and it raised with their automatic opener. She’d wait inside the house for them.

  “Hey,” Chris greeted her as he came into the kitchen from the utility room. “What have you been up to?”

  “Jen and I had a nice visit. She left just before you arrived.” Valerie smiled at Chris as he gave her a hug.

  “Everything all right?” Joe asked her as he joined them and hugged her.

  She smiled at Joe and hugged him back. “Everything is fine.”

  The sound of Joe’s phone had them stepping apart so he could access it. “Yeah,” Joe answered. “We’re on it right now. Who else is coming? Good. We’ll meet them there.”

  Chris and Valerie looked expectantly at Joe and waited for him to clue them in.

  “That was headquarters,” he said. “We’re needed to help find a group of rock climbers who’ve gone missing. Gray and Case will meet us there.”

  “Let’s go,” Valerie said. After they changed into their climbing clothes and shoes, she gathered some snacks from the fridge that would be helpful when they found the missing hikers.

  Chris grabbed packs of bottled water, and they headed to the garage.

  They made sure they had all their necessary gear in the truck and all piled into the front seat. Chris drove, and they soon reached the area the missing climbers had told friends they planned to climb from. Gray and Case were already waiting for them at the parking area near the base of the hill and joined them in their own truck. Driving slowly along the dirt road, they soon came across the truck that had been described in the phone call.

  As they gathered their climbing gear from the back of the covered truck, Valerie could hear raucous voices whooping and laughing in the distance. “That sounds bad.”

  “Let’s head for that area,” Chris said. “That could be where the hikers are located.”

  Quickly finished with attaching their climbing equipment to their packs and belts, the five of them headed toward the loud voices. She wondered if the climbers might have been partying and drinking and forgotten to call in. She hoped that was all it was.

  As they walked quickly up the rocky road toward the loud voices, it seemed to Valerie that a woman’s voice sounded frightened.

  “I think something nasty is going on,” Valerie said.

  “I agree,” Joe said, sounding dismayed.

  “Sounds like the hikers ran into trouble,” Chris said.

  “We need to get to them fast,” Case said intently.

  They climbed up an easy rock slope and edged toward the top until Chris could see what was happening on the other side across from them.

  Chris motioned everyone back down a few feet. “I think we’d best shift to chase off the gang that’s plaguing the hikers, in case that damn gang of shifters wants to stay and fight,” he said quietly. “I saw that they have one of the climbers tied for their own amusement.”

  Valerie worried about the safety of the hikers. She moved to peer over the top of the hill. She couldn’t believe that the gang had tied him up so that he couldn’t escape.

  “There’s also a young woman with the other climber on the far side of the canyon,” Chris said. “She looks like she’s college age and so do the two guys.”

  “Let’s charge them from that entrance on the north side,” Joe said. “We’ll get the attention of the gang members and keep them busy while you grab the girl and the guy with her,” Joe said to Valerie.

  “We need to free the other guy,” Case said.

  “I’ll sneak behind those boulders on the other side and get him loose while you surprise those bastards and get their attention,” Joe said to Case. “Then Valerie and I can grab the other two.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Chris said. “Let’s go.” They backed off the big boulder and made their way behind cover along the ridge to the other side of the canyon.

  When they’d climbed almost to the top of that side, Chris, Case, and Gray charged the gang members who taunted the climber they’d tied up. Joe raced behind the back side of the boulders and untied the hapless hiker as the other guys drew the attention of the gang. They engaged the outlaws in an amazing, fast-paced fight.

  Valerie took advantage of the other two climbers being left alone for the moment. She ran behind the boulders, dodging back and forth around the huge rocks where she had to.

  “Come on,” she told them. Grabbing their arms, she pulled the hikers from immediate danger toward a safer place out of the way. It looked like Joe had been successful. The other climber was freed and now scrambled along the top of the canyon toward his two friends where Valerie waited with them, ready to protect all three by herself if needed.

  With the college-age climbers freed, Valerie couldn’t control the strong emotional reaction of fear over what might have happened. The one tied and held prisoner by the gang had been so helpless, his two friends unable to reach him. The memories of recently being held against her will by the same gang flashed through her mind. Her body reacted instantly. While fear threatened her with the same trembling she’d felt then, she forced her mind to focus on protecting these three hikers and t
he other C.P.O. agents, including the two men she couldn’t bear to lose. In spite of her nervous reaction, she would do her job to protect them all.

  Suddenly, Joe was attacked as he headed toward her, and then Case was attacked. Hell, they weren’t close to getting out of this yet. They fought the rogue wolf shifters with no time to shift to their own wolves. Chris and Gray raced to help them, shifting as they ran. The gang members attacking Joe ran away, but the rogue wolves tearing at Case got in more slashes against him before Chris and Gray could fight them off with Joe’s help. Case was badly injured and bloodied. Joe shifted and stood over Case to add his protection.

  Valerie motioned for the three climbers to stay hidden and close to her as Joe and Chris fought the gang with the help of Gray, who moved to stand over Case now and free up Joe, who instantly joined Chris in his fight. She needed to stay aware of everything and every sound around them.

  But as she stood with the rescued hikers, her terror from being attacked in the past haunted her with more frightening memories. Her long-time friends, Roger and Trav, had found and rescued her at the country club bar that night. They’d saved her before the awful man had been able to do more than tackle her and try to force himself on her. The sharp memory filled her mind. It had been a terrifying feeling, being held down by the weight of the bastard and almost literally held captive by him, not knowing if she’d be strong enough to get him off her. She’d been lucky and had escaped him when Roger and Trav heard her yells and rescued her. The beast had gotten away, but she’d lived through it, although roughed up and made to feel as though she’d been held prisoner.


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