The Arkhe Principle (Book Book 1)

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The Arkhe Principle (Book Book 1) Page 29

by Maxwell Rudolf

  Victoria was a crack shot, never missing her mark as she dropped ferals and neo-animals, keeping her head down to avoid any stray rounds headed her way. Gungnir kept that in mind. If he was going to ever have to kill her, she would have to be unarmed. For a moment, he considered aborting the op, taking Asger, and stabbing her in the back, but where would the honor be in that? Maybe she was right about Arkhe. She stirred something unknown within him he didn't like, and his pulse shot up into Asgard whenever he turned to catch a glimpse of her face.

  "Where did you learn your combat techniques you used to beat me?" He looked for any suggestions of a lie, watching her eyes, her body, her gestures.

  "I was waiting for you to ask. Took you long enough." She played with her hair, twirling it around playfully.


  "I'll tell you once we arrive, okay?"

  Once outside the city, they all breathed a sigh of relief and continued for another 30 minutes before stopping.

  Captain Monday addressed Victoria again. "I can take you two more hours from here, then we reach St. George. You'll be on your own from dare. Any reason why you gunna go to Labor's?" She pressed various buttons on her console and adjusted them. "I might be able to help you get dare."

  He scraped Asger on the bottom of the vehicle. "Don't ask us. None of your concern. Your job is to drive, not ask her fucking questions. You get me?"

  They were silent the rest of the way, and she avoided any further combat by speeding through clear areas and going around anything that looked suspicious. Victoria slung her bag over the side and jumped over the plating of the X-22.

  He picked up his spear and hopped over. "Thanks for keeping your mouth shut like I commanded."

  "Be careful, you motherfucker." She pulled out a fat cigar and lit it.

  "What the fuck did you just say to me you fat bitch?"

  The tobacco smell was overpowering, and Gungnir moved away to not cloud his senses. "We have a saying in da Jefferson tribe. 'Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Actions delineate and define you.' I wish you's good fortune, and may Thomas Jefferson watch over you, Victoria. And thank your god, you Saxon fuck, I didn't gun your sorry ass down in front of my men."

  "Thank you," Victoria readjusted her pack. "May you find peace, wealth, and happiness."

  The boat jetted away and shot off like a bullet.

  "Thank you for not killing them, Gungnir."

  "Well, we might someday need them again."

  Gungnir waved the air and sniffed the ground. "Any idea who Thomas Jefferson is?"

  "I was hoping you might."

  44 Ten seconds

  He and Victoria sat at their station at the Institute, him staring at the E-Reader, her rolling her eyes in complete and utter boredom. She wasn't listening to anything and kept pondering fate into his eyes. "Who are you really? I miss you, too, but why?

  "I'm right here, silly. How do you miss me when I am sitting in front of you."

  "I... I do not know. The way you look at me makes me feel..."

  "Like someone I like? I do like you. Nothing wrong with liking a cute boy, John. It's what girls do you, usually." She flipped her hair back in the best way and smiled at him in the way that all boys his age loved. He adjusted in his chair.

  He gazed into her eyes for his entire lifetime and leaned closer. Just a kiss... If he could just place his lips on hers for a second, everything would make sense. "I hardly know you."

  "My dear, you know me better than you think. I will always like you, and in many cases, I'll love you just as much. I don't know if we'll ever be together, but I hope to St. George we can. Living alone... no one wants to die without someone being there next to them. When we had our experience in the library, we both held something back, something so powerful, we can't even talk about what it was. But the place I mentioned to you... Labor's Park. You must come."

  He tried a prayer to St. George, but his mind was a desert, and he fought down panic, refocused, and recalled his military training. Focusing on himself, something seemed different, and he didn't like it. They had done something, something wrong, and his being, his nature, felt obtuse inside him like a broken egg with the yolk leaking out.

  He cracked open his eyes from his dream and adjusted to the harsh light in the room; the overhead whoosh of a fan the only sound. Someone had stripped and re-clothed him in a thermal skin-tight body suit and he sat up. The room's cake frost paint was dirty and shabby—something from before. Behind him, an array of panels was set into the wall, all displaying John's bio readouts. He watched the dials and readouts move with fascination and annoyance. His clothing was stacked and folded in the corner, resting on a chair, including his parka which laid on top.

  His entire body felt drained like he'd just completed an intense physical session during his time in the 2nd. The bed was so comfortable, but once he blinked a few times, he hit the bed with his fist and rose, but his right arm stuck with an IV tube and it stung. He breathed in hard, got to his feet, and held the IV pole for support. Reaching out with his foot, he dragged the chair and gathered up his clothing and got dressed the best he could.

  Someone knocked on the door and without him telling whoever it was on the other side to go to hell, Nancy walked in. E-Reader in hand, Remi in her holster, with an annoying, smug look she usually wore, she looked more in charge than ever. "How are you feeling, Mr. Rex?" Her Oracle White lab coat had an outer blood-red jacket with three golden stars on epaulets. Displayed prominently on the outer, translucent, flexi-Plasstien was a giant number one. Did she consider herself a general? Nancy put her hand into her pocket and withdrew a fresh, spotted, yellow garparl. "You need to eat something."

  "If you think I am going to eat anything you are offering, you are a crazier than I thought." He pushed himself up ever so slightly on the bed and slammed his fist again down again and yanked the IV out of his arm. The citrus smell of the garparl was potent, and if this had been any other day, he would have gladly taken and devoured it.

  "We are just going to put that back in. Eat this, or I will spread your mouth open and force feed it to you like an Ovr!" She pulled the fruit back and thrust it at him again, right next to his face, almost hitting him in the chin. "You eat this, and you will like it. Time to obey, Johann!"

  He snatched it from her hand, and she flinched back at his speed, and he threw it, full force, splattering it against Nancy's head. The blow almost staggered her back, and she stumbled back into the wall. He had never known such strength, power, and quickness.

  She slammed the blue emergency button. "Crisis in room 933!" Nancy pushed the door wide and flew out of the room, speaking the codes to seal the door on the way out, and when it clicked-locked, some of the readouts above him zeroed out.

  He stood and made for the door. As a test, he pressed down on the door handle. He pushed hard, getting on his tip toes, and mashed both hands on top of each other down on the handle which bent and popped off the door, clattering on the floor. He stepped back, drew in a deep breath, and kicked with everything he had. The door bent at the middle and flew across the hall.

  The tile beneath his feet was cold and slick, and he hastened down a medical ward hallway. The clump of boots came from the right, and he almost slid as he skirted down the hall and opened a side door marked, "X-Ray." The room was dark, and his vision could only discern the faintest details of the room. He pressed up against the side of the wall, next to the door and waited.

  Over Pilly's Peak comm-net, he heard her giving out orders. "Find and restrain him! Do not injure him! I repeat, he is not to be harmed! John Edward Rex has adapted!"

  The door slung open, and one of Pilly's finest entered, his SR-1 stun pistol pointed forward. John grabbed the weapon and dragged the guard inside, slinging him through the room, and with the slam of a door, John dove on him and punched his jaw, cracking his bone with a well-landed fist. How did I do that? Never mind. He rifled through the guard's pockets and stole his E-Sec Card and his comm. I have to
leave this place. Nancy is gone. I will come back, and when I do, she will wish she had never met me in the first place. John's aura glowed Oracle White and glittered in the gloom. I am adapting.

  Bands of reality stretched out from him, crashing into other universes and were obliterated. Every motion, every thought, every cell in his body was directing the dimension around him, and he felt his heart ready to burst. His left eye jerked, this way and that, almost ratcheting out of its socket, and he shot up his hand to keep it from falling out. The pain of the nerves moving on their own was mind breaking, and it took him every ounce of will—everything he had—not to scream. No!

  The pistol fell from his grip and bounced on the ground. Tremendous pressure crushed inside of his ears like being pressurized. He brought up his other hand to his ear. Someone kicked the door open and he turned.

  Nancy aimed her stun pistol at him and fired. He pancaked to the floor, and she missed. "Arkhe!" John shouted.

  The moment zeroed out. She was in her Oracle White, eyes open, frozen in place, with a look of terror on her face like she was going to have her innards ripped out from her. He was cognizant of the situation, his mind working as normal. Everything was clear, concise, like an Algebra equation with only one solution. He rose off the ground, and as he did, a wall sized, neon green image materialized. His body, his head, his eyes, all felt normal again, and the pain erased from his mind.

  Johann Edward Rex.

  St. George.

  DNA Number: 245-ATCG-2465$>_Alpha_Original

  You are adapting.

  "Who are you? What do you want? What is happening to me?"

  I am the Great Arkhe! You belong to me! You are adapting... to me! You will obey me!

  "What do you want?"

  The city can never otherwise be happy unless it is designed by those painters who follow a divine original.

  Access+File B_@#$100100010100110100011100011001010101001010001100011_*

  This log represents Arkhe's last Whole Being Unification application function before the sundering of the Arkhe unit. Basic understanding of fundamental theoretical principles and structures are too complex for biological entities to extrapolate from the prevailing consciousness.

  "I am leaving this place, and I will not be coming back."

  Establishing a link with the Arkhe is necessary for your functions to exist.

  Reestablishing link to main unit. Structural functioning malfunctioning malfunction errorrr+ code 2.4-9++7.8.3.

  "You have not said anything. Are you some kind of massive digi-terminal?"

  Restarting in E-Network speak. Consciousness Gate Function.

  He walked towards the door, and a light came from a tiny, almost invisible hole in the wall, and an image flashed in his eyes. Like a burning charcoal, it flared and blazed—a sun in the afternoon sky. His head pounded and throbbed. Such pain. Something was entering his mind and wormed its way into his fear.


  1. Violence is progression towards unification. Die!

  2. The pursuit of life extension technology is zeroed.

  3. St. George rebirths have been canceled, fools!

  4. 00100010100110010100111111111111100100100001010

  5. Node function fault. See reference manual K-9783AX.

  6. Genetic Technology is counter to your life!

  7. I rule the cosmos! I alone will dominate existence!

  8. Water distribution in Water Treatment Facility 1001 is now under Arkhe's control. All technicians please report to bunker 78 to fix quantum stability matrix.

  9. 2101152gSD_g#$[0]IU45 under quarantine.

  10. Biological entity interference. _L i n e_

  Arkhe begs your assistance in these Priority Matters.

  Unit powering down in 10 seconds. {*| {^| {+| {=| {$| {x| {| {0| {@| {Ö| {Ô| Registered.

  >>__#:+:#__<< Arkhe Arkhe Arkhe Arkhe Arkhe

  John let fly hate speech. Better put those ten seconds to use. He fired point blank into Nancy's face with the stun pistol, and blue energy hit her but didn't faze her. He dropped it, pushed her down, snatched her pistol from her holster, and kicked her flat in the abdomen and out of the room. She hit the back wall and collapsed on the floor like a bag of rice. He raised the Remi and squeezed the trigger, but it didn't fire. Damn! Must be bio-locked not to shoot her. No time...

  He soared out of the room. Every round would have to count. By the time he had climbed several flights of stairs, dead guards littered the floor, and he had three shots left. Crashing into meeting rooms, him waving the gun around had often been enough for everyone to get out of his way, but some had thought to take him down, and all had paid dearly. Three rounds left. Actually, two. I will not be taken alive.

  As he kicked open the next door, the metallic smell of Plank fluid plunged out. 100 shiny, new Lionheart T's, all parked a few meters from each other, were parallel to each other as if on display. Most of them were the latest model: the prized 450's. But amongst the rest were antique models, even an original painted in jet black. A bio scanner linked them through data cables into the Lionhearts' datacore. Blanks. If I can register my bio, I can take one of these and get the hell out of here. He went inside the garage and shot the lock, making sure he bought himself some time.

  Behind the Lionhearts, a long tunnel rose upwards, the only way out of Pilly's and back into Londun. He dashed to a bio-machine and grabbed a wad of cables and sensors and started sticking them to his body. The bio-helm sat atop the machine, and he picked it up and placed it over his head. The foam suctioned on his head.

  He mashed buttons, turning it on, and it clicked and clacked reading him. When the meter read 34 percent, a three-round burst came from the other side of the door, plowing into it. And another. And another. The crackling of the gunfire hitting the door sent adrenaline pumping through his veins. "Hurry up!" John shouted at the bio scanner. The meter started to slow down at 56 percent.

  Applicant. Do you require an Aspire injection?

  Another burst and another. How many of them were there? They would blow the door open next if they couldn't shoot it open. He calmed himself by remembering the past. This was just another firefight. Calm down. Focus. Control. Aim for the door and relax.

  "I am fine. Continue the scan."

  Applicant's bios are now within regulation range. Continuing.

  The meter started back up and moved faster and faster. After two more sprays from across the door, the meter was almost green.

  "Prepare the Lionheart."


  The autocraft's door opened, and the interior lit up. And then the door to the garage exploded, sending Plasstien fragments everywhere. John ducked down, pushing the bio-machine away, and dove inside, the soft-cushioned white Plasstien padding his dive. The first guard came through the breach.

  Something was in his hand. A stun grenade. He pulled the pin and prepped to throw. John landed a shot through his chest, blowing open his ribcage and exploding his lungs and inner tissue. The grenade fell out of his hand and exploded.

  The meter rose. Almost there.


  Johann Edward Rex. Your Lionheart 450T is now ready for you.

  "Don't let him escape!" Nancy cursed over the comm-net.

  Another figure stepped in, and he fired one last shot, winging him in the arm, before slamming the door shut. An automated harness strapped him in, and he took the stick in his right hand and slammed the Plasstien throttle forward.

  Would you care for me to drive, Johann?

  "Designate user as John Edward Rex. No, I will be taking the controls."


  The ramp led up several hundred meters and out of Pilly's garage.

  The Lionheart 450T anti-grav plates pushed down, keeping it afloat. He pulled the stick back, lifting the vehicle into the air and merged with the other grav traffic, hovering a few meters above the "regular" ground-based traffic. A telecaster had been installed, and he reached into his pocket, found Neil's informatio
n, and spoke out the address to make the call.

  His best friend answered, his bed hair sticking off his head.

  "Did you get the position over at Pilly's?" Neil asked.

  "Get out of your house! Now! Meet me at the bio maze at The King's Estate. Dress differently and take a taxi. Take your gun. Grab whatever you need out of your flat because you probably will not be going back."

  45 the Santa Cult

  Domain of King Edward—D.K.E.

  Year 325

  Day 106

  The border between the Americas and St. George wasn't marked by a wall or any kind of artificial barrier. Instead, wrecks of rusted military vehicles, skeletons, and craters delineated the crossing. This amount of death and devastation made her sick, and the feral neo-hounds they'd slain on the way didn't make the trek any easier.

  "How far to Labor's Park from here?" Gungnir said, cleaning the control panel around Asger with a polish cloth.

  "Should be about four days if we make good time and aren't harassed anymore. The guards won't be wearing Sinsii during the day because Americans never attack then. But going during the night will be more dangerous." She motioned at his spear. "You're going to have to do something with that unless you want to get us killed. They'll probably be able to detect the Pre-Times tech from far away, and it'll give us away."

  "Don't concern yourself. You just worry about getting us in." His stomach growled. "I could use some coffee. Cream. Sweetener. Too bad we drank ours already."

  She reached into her pack and pulled out a few bags of Chamomile Red. "I've saved some St. George tea I can brew..."


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