Dating for Demons

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Dating for Demons Page 11

by Serena Robar

  “What is it?”

  “Liquid silver. Aesthetically, it adds a nice shimmering quality to the potion; fundamentally, it will boost the potency, helping create a more solid symbol.”

  I nodded and she added it to my bag.

  “So you know what I’m doing?” I blurted out.

  “I have a sneaking suspicion. Do you know what you’re doing?”

  “Vaguely,” I assured her with a half smile.

  “Then what can possibly go wrong?”

  We shared a nervous laugh together. She took my bag and placed each one of the ingredients on her desk. Among the things I could identify were small bags of herbs, a sort of paste, two rocks and a vial of dried black paint.

  “Uh-oh,” she said, opening the paint and sniffing it. “This won’t work. It’s dried.” She looked at the receipt and shook her head in dismay. “This is a very reputable distributor. I’d bet they gave you their last vial. Without this, your potion will be useless. I’m so sorry, Colby.” She seemed genuinely distressed to share the news with me.

  “Can’t I use a substitute or find it online?”

  She shook her head at me. “How would you know it was pure if you bought it from some unknown source on the Internet? This is too important to risk that. No, you’re going to have to come up with a Plan B.”

  I shook my head at her. “There is no Plan B. At least, not one I would seriously like to entertain. Please, is there anything I can do?”

  She eyed me warily, visibly torn between doing what I asked and possibly protecting me. “All right, Colby. I’ll help you. I can tell you where to find this last ingredient, but it’s up to you to get the liquid equivalent, okay? You will need less if it’s fresh.” She riffled through the same file cabinet and gave me a vial. “About this much.”

  I nodded. “Where do I get it?”

  “Close the door,” she instructed and I hurried to comply. Something was about to happen. Something cool and mystical and I was going to witness it. I watched her pull out a phone book and drop it open on her desk. The pages fluttered, falling open to a yellow section. She closed her eyes and dropped her finger. She looked at the address and wrote it down, including a room number.

  You have got to be kidding me. “That was magick in its greatest form?” I was incredulous.

  She handed me the paper. “No, that was me, jerking your chain. I knew the address before you got here. I had a vision last night.”

  “Oh, good one.” I was disconcerted. Ms. Weatherbee had a warped sense of humor and was actually pretty entertaining. I never even suspected.

  “And Colby, if you hurry, you can be in and out with no one being the wiser. Come back tonight and we’ll make your potion.”

  I had to ask, “Ms. Weatherbee? Why are you doing all this for me?”

  She seemed surprised. “Because you asked for my help.”

  “Really? Just because I asked?”

  “No, not really. Mr. Holloway instructed me to help you in any way I could. It just made me sound pretty cool the other way, didn’t it?”

  I laughed at her again. She was actually a riot.

  “One more thing. What am I getting, anyway?”

  She became serious. “Blood. You’re getting the blood of a Demon Slayer.”



  I decided to go to bed. When feeling overwhelmed, climbing in bed and hiding seemed the logical course of action. Of course, I couldn’t stay in bed forever, but a nice long nap sounded heavenly.

  Sleep came surprisingly quick. I was exhausted, but my mind had a hard time shutting off. I dreamt Hunter was being crushed to death by a demon and he was screaming my name. I had to help him but I did what I always did: I froze. He just kept calling to me and I couldn’t move. I was stuck. Incapable of motion.

  The dream constantly changed but the results were the same. I couldn’t help because I was paralyzed with fear. I would be the worse Demon Slayer in history. It didn’t take a talking cat to figure that out.

  Depressed and feeling sorry for myself, I drove to the Psi Phi House. I called and left Hunter a voice mail to join me at the teahouse when he woke up. My best friend didn’t believe I was a Demon Slayer and Hunter hadn’t really jumped at the chance to confirm the cat’s suspicions either. Apparently, the only creatures that believed I was a Demon Slayer were Mr. Whiskers and me. Hardly an auspicious beginning.

  I parked about a block away from the House so I could walk around and get some air. I wasn’t sure what I was going to say when I saw Colby. We’d had a fight, sure. But then, that’s what we did. We fought. It wasn’t like we couldn’t work things out. She’d come around, eventually.

  The weather was brisk for a spring morning, but I didn’t mind. The cool air cleared my head. I noticed a small gray cat about two houses from Psi Phi House patiently waiting for me to approach, as though it was expecting me. I thought about Mr. Whiskers. Should I greet this cat and risk looking like an idiot when it turned out to be just another cat?

  Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain rush through my stomach and I doubled over, therefore narrowly missing the sword that came swooshing at my head. I spun around behind one of the trees that lined the street, using it defensively. A very determined and fermenting vampire was swinging the sword at me for all he was worth, but the tree kept getting in the way.

  I did what any self-respecting Demon Slayer would do. I screamed bloody murder. I was too far away from Psi Phi House for a regular person to hear me, but a half-blood who inherited super vampire hearing would have no problem. Were any of those at home?

  My only other option was to break off a tree branch and stake my attacker. Did I mention he had a sword? It was unlikely I could get close enough with a piece of wood, even if I did manage to snap one off the healthy tree, without being stabbed or beheaded.

  The vampire made another attempt with his sword, this time embedding it in the tree. It was my chance. I kicked him in the groin as he tried to pull the sword lose. The results were not pretty. At least not for him. My foot caught him in the upper right thigh and his leg snapped off at the hip. He tipped over, still trying to pull the sword out.

  I tried to run past him, but he grabbed my leg with his hand and I fell.

  “My master is coming for you, Demon Slayer,” it rasped as I tried to kick loose. See, even the vampire zombie knew I was a Demon Slayer, why couldn’t Colby see it?

  He pulled me closer and I kicked again, this time making contact with his head, snapping it at the neck. When that didn’t stop him from pulling me toward him I thought, Enough is enough already. I trapped his hand by crossing my legs together at the ankle and rolled, hard. The bones in his hand splintered and snapped until he couldn’t hold on anymore.

  I scrambled to my feet to run but faltered when I looked back. On the ground, looking much like a bad-smelling, skeletal Terminator, was the vampire zombie, still trying to get to me. I nimbly jumped out of his reach and yanked the sword from the tree.

  “Nighty-night,” I said right before severing his neck, effectively removing his head from his body. A hiss of white mist escaped the wound and dissipated into the thin air.

  Proud of myself, I looked around to see who witnessed my heroic deed. That would be a resounding no one. Well, no one except the gray cat, who hadn’t moved from his spot through the entire fight.

  “Not bad for a newbie, eh?” I said in his direction as I sauntered toward Psi Phi House, brimming with self-confidence.

  “Yeah, cutting down a decaying zombie is pretty hot stuff, Slayer.”

  The damn cat spoke to me.

  “You know, you think it’s easy being a Slayer? There you are in your safe little kitty body, drinking milk out of bowls and getting scratched behind the ears. I don’t see anyone chasing you down with a sword.” I so did not need any attitude from a Sloth Demon right now.

  “Ever been chased by a dog? It’s not all peaches and cream.” It started walking beside me.

  “I don’t remember
asking for an escort.” I glared at him.

  “I got news,” the cat said.

  “Find Hunter, he’s the guy you want.”

  “Can’t. Word on the street is the Protector’s after him. She should be taking care of business right about now.”

  I stopped and demanded, “How do you know that?”

  “I have my ways,” he assured me mysteriously. I waved the sword around menacingly. “Okay, fine. I’ll spill. You Slayers are all so violent. I know a cat who hangs with a Familiar. Some teacher dame at the college is making up a potion for the Protector that requires Demon Slayer blood.”

  “What kind of potion?”

  “Do I look like a magick encyclopedia to you?” He was indignant.

  “Whatever, I have to go.”

  “But what about my news?”

  I halted. “Tell me.”

  “The cats at Murphy’s house are talking about doing in the old lady.”

  “Doing in Mrs. Murphy?”

  “No, cupcake, doing in the Psi Phi house mother.” He licked a paw delicately.

  “How in the world are a bunch of cats going to do that?” I was impatient to leave.

  “Don’t you get it, girl? The cats are working for Barnaby. They’re masterminding his coming-out party. Trying to catch the Protector unawares. Heard they’re sending some vampires in the next blood van.”

  I knew the next blood drive was scheduled for later today. “These cats, how many are there?”

  “I’d guess around a dozen, give or take.”

  “Thanks, er, what’s your name?”

  “Name’s Fluffy. I was living with Murphy before those Avarice Demons moved in. Now I’m prowling around, looking for a new gig. Thinking maybe you could set me up at the Psi Phi House.”

  “Dude, you are so barking up the wrong tree.”

  “Hey, I was good to you. Now it’s your turn to be good to me.” He stamped his paw in annoyance.

  “If what you say is true, then I’ll do what I can. But I can’t make any promises.”

  He sniggered at me, the little poop. “Some all-powerful Slayer you are. Can’t even find a home for a helpless cat.”

  “I said I’d try; give it a rest.” And I ran the rest of the way to Psi Phi House.

  I arrived in time to smell fresh cookies baking in the oven. It was marvelous. Aunt Chloe was orchestrating treats for the anticipated donors. The sullen faces of half-bloods had me realizing they were not helping out of the kindness of their hearts.

  “Why the long faces?” I asked Angie.

  “Would you want to be baking cookies you can’t eat?”

  She made an excellent point. “Where’s Aunt Chloe?”

  She tossed her wild brown hair in the direction of the kitchen. Aunt Chloe was issuing orders like a drill sergeant.

  “Pick up the pace, ladies. If you want to get to bed, you have to finish this last batch. You can’t get something for nothing, you know.”

  “I did last night.” One of the new girls tittered and several others joined in.

  “I’m not talking about that, girlie. I’m talking about blood. If you want to feed, you have to give back to the community. Those are the rules. How often you want to be listed on the ho chart is up to you.”

  The girl gasped, but kept quiet after that. You had to love Aunt Chloe.

  “Have you seen Colby?” I asked as soon as I was noticed.

  “No dear, she went to school early this morning. What’s wrong?”

  I debated telling her about the cat’s message. I didn’t feel like sounding crazy in front of the other inhabitants of the House, so I just shook my head and asked to use the phone.

  After a quick call to Animal Control complaining about the poor health and living conditions of the cats at Mrs. Murphy’s house, I tried to call Hunter again. This time a very groggy Slayer answered the phone.


  “Morning, sunshine. Everything okay over there?” I jumped to the point right away.

  “Piper?” He was still muddled.

  “Yeah it’s Piper. Expecting another girl to call and wake you up?” I tried not to sound jealous, but really. I hardly knew anything about the guy except he was a Demon Slayer and too sexy for words.

  “Sorry, I’m just so tired. Hard to wake up this morning. I need some tea.” I smiled at his reference to tea instead of coffee. We always met at the teahouse.

  “Anything unusual happen this morning? Any unexpected visitors?” I tried to keep the urgency out of my voice. After all, I only had the word of a very suspicious cat.

  “No, I don’t think so. ’Course I’ve been dead to the world so a football team could have played through here and I wouldn’t have noticed.”

  Nice to know Demon Slayers were such light sleepers. Not.

  “Great, well, meet me at the teahouse in an hour, okay?”

  “Will do.” And he hung up.

  I should have known better than to believe that Colby was going after Demon Slayer blood. I was such a fool. That cat was gonna get it the next time it crossed my path. But still, I shouldn’t take any chances so I flagged down Angie, who was heading the blood drive.

  “Angie, I think maybe some demons might be after Aunt Chloe. I heard they might crash the blood drive. Can you have Tribunal Security greet the van?”

  “Sure, but why not ask Thomas to do it?”

  Yeah, that would work. Let me ask the guy being possessed by the head demon to protect us. Thomas had no idea what was happening and I couldn’t be sure Barnaby couldn’t read Thomas’s thoughts.

  “Have you seen Thomas?” I asked instead.

  She shook her head. “No, but I can call security. No biggie.”

  I watched her pull a cell out of her jeans and flip it open. Great, that should help ward off any unsavory surprises.

  Colby entered the house about a half hour later. I was waiting for her in the living room. The cookie patrol had long since headed to bed.

  “Hey,” she said, slowing removing a hoodie when she saw me.

  “Hi.” We were both shy in light of our recent argument. “Where you been?”

  She shook out her hair and it fell back into perfect form. Straight and sleek, blonde and beautiful.

  “School, then breakfast. You’re here early.”

  “Yeah, I got a line on some demon activity I thought you should know about.”

  Colby’s face took on the same exasperated expression she wore the last time we spoke. I tapped down my irritation and decided to give her a quick heads-up then go meet Hunter.

  “Don’t. Just don’t, okay. I know you don’t believe me but you need to know that Barnaby is going after Aunt Chloe to distract you. It’s going to happen at the blood drive. Zombie vamps in the van.”

  “I would ask how you came by this information but let me guess: talking cat, right?”

  I stopped in front of her. “You know, you make it very hard to like you sometimes.”

  She rewarded me with a long-suffering sigh. “Look, I know how hard it is for you. I really do. You think I signed up for this? Being the Protector’s best friend probably sucks almost as much as being the Protector does. But it is what it is. It doesn’t mean you’re not important or special. You mean the world to me. You don’t have to be a Demon Slayer for me to respect you.”

  Have you ever met a cheerleader who didn’t have an ego? Make her Undead and give her a purpose like protecting half-bloods and I’ll show a very self-centered vampire.

  I took her by the shoulders and said slowly, “I know this is hard for you, but just try to focus. My being a Demon Slayer has nothing to do with you being the Protector. It has nothing to do with you, period. Difficult though that is for you to grasp, do us both a favor and just try, okay?”

  I was done trying to convince her. I was going to help her, whether she wanted it or not, because that was my job.

  She touched my shoulder and said, “It’s not that I don’t believe you Piper. It’s just—”

>   “You want proof? Well, I can’t give you that unless you have a possessed cat around I can talk to; but then, you wouldn’t know it was talking back to me, would you? You would have to take my word on it. And we know how good you are at that nowadays.”

  “Piper, that’s not fair!”

  “You know you aren’t perfect, right? I think maybe you’re a little confused about that. People need help once in a while. You’re not an island unto yourself, Colby. It doesn’t make you weak or bad at your job if you ask for help.”

  She took a step back. “You can’t help me, Piper.”

  “Just watch out for Aunt Chloe, you egomaniac.” I slammed the door on my way out, hard. She was the most exasperating person sometimes. I must have had the patience of a saint not to write her off and go home. But unlike Colby, I could recognize when a situation wasn’t all about me.

  It was time to meet Hunter.



  Call me an egomaniac, would she? Hah! If she was really a Demon Slayer, then Ms. Weatherbee would have sent me to get her blood and not that of a real Demon Slayer, that bad boy from the mall that found us in the parking garage. He was trouble, exactly like I said to Piper. Why didn’t she listen to me? She had to be right all the time. It was exasperating.

  I managed to get the blood I needed and a little breakfast without him so much as waking up. Some Demon Slayer. If I’d been Barnaby, the only thing left of him would be a scuffed pair of boots.

  I wisely kept the details of my morning from Piper. I didn’t need her getting all over me for that too. I’m sure she would have jumped to his defense and said he could help us if we just trusted him. Yeah, trust a Demon Slayer not to kill Thomas if he suspected him of being possessed? Not likely. As for Piper being a Demon Slayer, I refused to even dwell on it. That would mean she would try to kill Thomas and that was ludicrous. Piper was not a cold-blooded killer.

  The only time she’d ever killed was trying to save me in the parking garage. I couldn’t even count the first time because I’d used her to trip the vampire. That was what staked him on the picket fence, not some glorious attack by my wussy best friend.


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