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_______ Between Moon and Moon: Selected Letters 1946–1972, ed. Paul O’Prey (London 1984).
_______ Poems about War, ed. William Graves (London 1988).
_______ Conversations with Robert Graves, ed. Frank L. Kersnowski (Jackson, Miss., and London 1989).
_______ and Spike Milligan. Dear Robert, Dear Spike: The Graves–Milligan Correspondence, ed. Pauline Scudamore (Stroud 1991).
Grenfell, Julian. Julian Grenfell, Soldier & Poet: Letters and Diaries 1910–1915, ed. Kate Thompson (Hertford 2004).
Gurney, Ivor. War Letters, ed. R. K. R. Thornton (London 1984).
_______ Collected Letters, ed. R. K. R. Thornton (Manchester 1991).
Hamilton, Sir Ian. Gallipoli Diary, vol. I (London 1920).
Hassall, Christopher. Edward Marsh (London 1959).
_______ Rupert Brooke (London 1964).
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_______ Wilfred Owen: The Last Year (London 1992).
_______ Harold Monro (Basingstoke 2001).
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_______ and John Onions (eds). Poetry of the Great War (London 1986).
_______ and _______ (eds). The Winter of the World: Poems of the First World War (London 2007).
Hollis, Matthew. Now All Roads Lead to France: The Last Years of Edward Thomas (London 2011).
Hurd, Michael. The Ordeal of Ivor Gurney (Oxford 1978).
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_______ Collected Works, ed. Ian Parsons (London 1979).
_______ Selected Poems and Letters, ed. Jean Liddiard (London 2003).
_______ The Poems and Plays of Isaac Rosenberg, ed. Vivian Noakes (Oxford 2004).
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Sorley, C. H. The Letters of Charles Sorley, ed. W. R. Sorley (Cambridge 1916).
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Index of Poems
The index that appears in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
‘A Fallodon Memory’
‘A Private’
‘A Terre’
‘A Worm Fed on the Heart of Corinth’
‘All the Hills and Vales Along’
‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’
‘Arms and the Boy’
‘As the Team’s Head-Brass’
‘August 1914’
‘Bach and the Sentry’
‘Ballad of the Three Spectres’
‘Battery Moving Up to a New Position from Rest Camp: Dawn’
‘Break of Day in the Trenches’
‘Crickley Hill’
‘Dawn on the Somme’
‘Dead Men’s Dump’
‘Dulce et Decorum Est’
‘Everyone Sang’
‘First Time In’
‘Gouzeaucourt: The Deceitful Calm’
‘Home’ (1915)
‘Home’ (1916)
‘I Saw England – July Night’
‘I Saw his Round Mouth’s Crimson’
‘In Memoriam (Easter, 1915)’
‘Into Battle’
‘It is Near Toussaints’
‘Letter to Robert Graves’
‘Lights Out’
‘Louse Hunting’
‘Marching – As Seen from the Left File’
‘1916 Seen from 1921’
‘On Passing the New Menin Gate’
‘On Receiving News of the War’: Cape Town
‘Photographs (To Two Scots Lads)’
‘Poem for End’
‘Prayer for Those on the Staff’
‘Recalling War’
‘Report on Experience’
‘Returning, We Hear the Larks’
‘Sergeant-Major Money’
‘Soldier: Twentieth Century’
‘Strange Meeting’
‘Strange Service’
‘Such, Such is Death’
‘The Bohemians’
‘The Combe’
‘The Dead’
‘The Death Bed’
‘The Festubert Shrine’
‘The General’
‘The Interview’
‘The Kiss’
‘The Last Day of Leave (1916)’
‘The Mangel-Bury’
‘The Owl’
‘The Redeemer’
‘The Rock Below’
‘The Secret’
‘The Silent One’
‘The Soldier’
‘The Sun Used to Shine’
‘The Troop Ship’
‘The Trumpet’
‘The Unknown Bird’
‘The Watchers’
‘The Zonnebeke Road’
‘This is No Case of Petty Right or Wrong’
‘Through These Pale Cold Days’
‘To Any Dead Officer’
‘To Germany’
‘To his Love’
‘To the Poet Before Battle’
‘To the Prussians of England’
‘Two Voices’
‘Vlamertinghe: Passing the Chateau’
‘War Books’
‘When You See Millions of the Mouthless Dead’
The index that appears in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search
function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
Abercrombie, Lascelles
Albert, Belgium
Amis, Kingsley
Arnold, Thomas
Arras; battle of (1917)
Asquith, Arthur
Asquith, Herbert Henry, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith: and war threat; at fancy-dress ball; succeeded as PM by Lloyd George
Asquith, Raymond
Asquith, (Lady) Violet (later Bonham Carter)
Auden, W. H.; ‘The Malverns’
Balfour, Arthur James
Bangour, Scottish borders
Baring, Maurice: ‘Julian Grenfell’ (poem)
Barnett, Correlli
Beaumont Hamel
Belgium: invaded and occupied by Germany; German atrocities reported; part flooded
Belloc, Hilaire
Bennett, Arnold
Bethmann-Hollweg, Theobald von
Billing, Noel Pemberton
Binyon, Laurence: xi; ‘For the Fallen’; (ed.) Golden Treasury of Modern Lyrics
Bismarck, Prince Otto von
Blackadder (TV programme)
Blomfield, Sir Reginald
Bloomsbury: cynicism
Blunden, Claire
Blunden, Edward: in Kent villages; romantic view of countryside; at Christ’s Hospital; background; enlistment and commission; in France; awarded Military Cross; on trench names; pride in British army achievements; praises Sassoon; on Third Ypres; at Third Ypres; in Flanders; poetry published; on Graves’s claim to importance; reads Sassoon’s Counter-Attack; at war’s end; marriage; at Oxford after war; post-war poetic style; edits Gurney poems; Marsh publishes in Georgian anthology; Sassoon on; teaches in Japan; praises Owen’s Poems; reputation; friendship with Sassoon; remembers virtues of First War; revisits Flanders; elected Oxford Professor of Poetry; death; drawn to pacificism before Second World War; ‘Almswomen’; ‘The Festubert Shrine’; ‘Gouzeaucourt: The Deceitful Calm’; ‘In Festubert’; 1916 Seen from 1921; ‘The Midnight Skaters’; ‘Report on Experience’; ‘The Silver Bird of Herndyke Mill’; ‘Two Voices’; Undertones of War; ‘Vlameringhe: Passing the Chateau’; ‘The Watchers’; ‘The Zonnebeke Road’