Some Desperate Glory
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Boer War (1899–1902)
Bomberg, David
Bottomley, Gordon
Brest Litovsk, treaty of (1918)
Brewer, Herbert
Britain: avoids conscription; effect of war on; and impending war; pre-war unrest and change in; empire; public school system; and outbreak of war; introduces conscription; strategy after Somme; retreat before German spring offensive (1918); justification for entering war
British Expeditionary Force: casualties
Brittain, Vera
Britten, Benjamin: War Requiem
Brooke, Rupert: joins Fabians; and Isaac Rosenberg; published in Georgian Poetry; romantic life-style; background; and outbreak of war; reputation; appearance; affair with Ka Cox; moodiness; nervous collapse; visits Germany; travels to USA and South Seas; on English peace; Sassoon meets; Grenfell praises; Marsh helps to enlist; on ‘foreign field’; sees action at Antwerp; returns to England; sent to Dardanelles; death and obituary; poetry criticized; inexperience; spirit of poetry; Gurney on; Gurney dedicates book to; Virginia Woolf on; memorialized; post-war reputation; in Yeats’s Oxford Book of Modern Verse; in Larkin’s Oxford anthology; Collected Poems; ‘The Dead’; ‘Fragment’; ‘Heaven’; 1914 and Other Poems (ed. Marsh); ‘The Old Vicarage at Grantchester’; ‘Peace’; ‘The Soldier’; ‘Tiare Tahiti’
Browne, Denis
Browning, Robert
Brunswick manifesto
Buchan, John
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward
Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron
Cambrai, battle of (1917)
Cambridge Magazine
Carpenter, Edward
Carrington, Charles
Chaliapin, Feodor Ivanovich
Charterhouse school
Chatto and Windus (publishers)
Chemin des Dames
Chesterton, G. K.
Christ’s Hospital school
Churchill (Sir) Winston: Marsh serves as private secretary; forms Royal Naval Division; defends action at Antwerp; plans Dardanelles campaign
Cohen, Mrs (Rosenberg’s benefactor)
Cohen, Reuben (‘Crazy’)
Colefax, Sibyl, Lady
Cornford, Frances
Cox, Ka
Craiglockart Sanatorium, Scotland: Owen and Sassoon at
Cuinchy (village)
Cunard, Nancy
Daily Herald
Dardanelles Straits
Davies, W. H.
Day Lewis, Cecil
de la Mare, Walter
Delville Wood
Dent, Edward Joseph
Desborough, Ethel, Lady (Grenfells’ mother); Pages from a Family Journal
Desborough, William Henry Grenfell, Baron (Grenfells’ father)
Donne, John
Douglas, Lord Alfred
Douglas, Keith; ‘Aristocrats’; ‘Desert Flowers’
Drinkwater, John
Dunkerley, William see Oxenham, John
Dymock, Gloucestershire
Edward VII, King
Eliot, T. S.; The Waste Land
Farjeon, Eleanor
Finzi, Gerald
First World War: poets; casualties; western front; outbreak; ends; evaluated
Flanders: Allied retreat (1914)
Flecker, James Elroy
Foch, Marshal Ferdinand
Ford, Ford Madox; Parade’s End
Forster, E. M.: on Brooke’s sonnets; in Alexandria; Howards End; The Longest Journey
France: and outbreak of war; famines and poor harvests; impoverished nobility; social ambitions; relations with Austria; German advance through (1914); in American War of Independence; financial state; role of monarchy; and defence of Verdun; casualties; army mutinies; part-occupied by Germany; counter-attack (1918); censorship; public opinion in
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria
Fraser, Claude Lovat
French, Field Marshal Sir John
Freyberg, Bernard, VC
Frost, Robert; North of Boston
Fry, Roger
Gardner, Brian: (ed.) Up the Line to Death
gas (poison)
Georgian Poetry (ed. Marsh)
Germany: and outbreak of war; unification; Sorley in; student fraternities; supports Austria-Hungary; Robert Graves in; Brooke visits; early advance in France (1914); war aims; attack on Verdun; casualties; territorial occupation; negotiates peace with Soviet Russia; strength in 1917–18; spring offensive (1918); control of Romanian oilfields; internal unrest; repelled; sense of injustice over Treaty of Versailles
Gertler, Mark
Gibson, Wilfred
Gosse, Edmund; ‘War and Literature’ (essay)
Goya, Francisco
Graves, Robert: Marsh reads; wins school boxing cup; background; schooling; enlists; commissioned and trained; links with Germany; in action; meets Robert Frost at Poetry Bookshop; in France; Sassoon meets; unpopularity; at battle of Loos; on German superior military equipment; inexperience; influence on Sassoon; absent from Somme; on Sassoon’s charge at Somme; wounded; and Sassoon’s war protest and treatment; visits Sassoon at Craiglockhart; on Nichols; marriage to Nancy Nicholson; Sassoon leaves money legacy to; Sassoon’s ‘Letter to’; at war’s end; Nichols reads works in USA; admires Brooke; at Oxford after war; post-war poetic style; infatuation with Laura Riding; life in Oxfordshire; in Roberts’s Faber anthology; post-war activities and preoccupations; visits Hardy; returns to England and Majorca; on Sassoon’s homosexuality; views on First War; death; affection for north Wales; But It Still Goes On; Fairies and Fusiliers (collection); Goodbye to All That; ‘The Last Day of Leave’; Over the Brazier (collection); ‘Recalling War’; ‘The Rock Below’; ‘Sergeant-Major Money’; Whipperginny (collection)
Great War, The (BBC series)
Grenfell, Billy
Grenfell, Julian: background; in South Africa; in India; mocks Edward Marsh; political ambitions; on outbreak of war; poetry; wishes to return from South Africa on outbreak of war; serves in France and Belgium; letters printed in The Times; boxing; on Brooke’s ‘The Soldier’; declines staff post; death; as hero poet; later reputation; ‘Into Battle’; ‘Prayer for Those on the Staff’
Grey, Sir Edward
Gunston, Leslie
Gurney, Ivor: depression and mental problems; education; in Cotswolds; romantic view of countryside; background; musical talent; serves as private soldier; rejected for army service; enlists; criticizes Brooke; arrives in France; letter-writing; relishes army comradeship; training in England; in action; on brutality of war; sets songs to music; wounded in arm; bequeaths copyrights; told of superior French staff; at war’s end; post-war life; detained in asylums; sets Edward Thomas poems to music; death (1937); reputation; post-war poetry; ‘After War’; ‘After-Glow’; ‘Bach and the Sentry’; ‘Ballad of the Three Spectres’; ‘The Bohemians’; ‘Crickley Hill’; ‘First Time In’; Five Elizabethan Songs (music); ‘I Saw England – July Night’; ‘The Interview’; ‘It is Near Toussaints’; ‘Laventie’; ‘The Mangel-Bury’; ‘Memory’; ‘Pain; ‘Photographs (To Two Scots Lads)’; Poem for End; ‘Requiem’; ‘Servitude’; Severn and Somme (collection); ‘The Silent One’; ‘Song’; ‘Song and Pain’; ‘Strange Service’; ‘Time and the Soldier’; ‘To his Love’; ‘To the Poet Before Battle’; ‘To the Prussians of England’; ‘War Books’; War’s Embers (collection)
Gurney, Ronald
Habsburg Empire (Austria-Hungary)
Haig, General Sir Douglas
Hall, Edna Clark
Hamilton, General Sir Ian
Hardy, Thomas: xi; ‘Drummer Hodge’; ‘Men Who March Away’
Hare Hall (training camp), Essex
Harrow School
Hart, Basil Liddell
Harvey, F. W. (‘Will’)
Heinemann, William (publisher
Henley, W. E.
Henty, G. A.
Heseltine, Philip
High Beech Camp, Essex
High Wood
Hindenburg, General Paul Ludwig Hans Anton von Beneckendorff und
Hindenburg Line
Hodgson, Ralph
homosexuality: campaign against
Hope, Anthony: The Prisoner of Zenda
Housman, A. E.
Howells, Herbert
Hudson, W. H.
Hughes, Ted
Hulme, T. E.
Hunt, Leigh
Huxley, Aldous
Hydra (magazine)
Illustrated London News
India: military life in
Inge, William Ralph, Dean of St Paul’s
Ireland: Home Rule question; excluded from conscription; Sassoon in
Isherwood, Christopher
Jack, Captain James
James, Henry
Japan: treaty with Britain (1902)
Jefferies, Richard; The Life in the Fields; Wild Life in a Southern County
Joffre, General Joseph Jacques Césaire
John, Augustus
Johnson, Private
Jones, David: on effect of Somme battle; In Parenthesis
Jones, Captain ‘Shots’
Joyce, James; Ulysses
Jünger, Ernst
Jutland, battle of (1916)
Keats, John
Keynes, John Maynard; The Economic Consequences of the Peace
Kipling, Rudyard: glorifies common soldier; praises Roberts; poems printed in The Times; praises Lady Desborough’s memorial book on sons
La Bassée canal
La Touret
Lamont, Mrs (of New York)
Lansdowne, Henry Charles Keith Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquess of
Larkin, Philip; ‘MCMXIV’; (ed.) Oxford Book of Twentieth Century Verse
Lawrence, D. H.
Lawrence, T. E.: Revolt in the Desert
Leavis, F. R.
Leftwich, Joseph
Léger family
Litherland, near Liverpool
Littlewood, Joan
Lloyd George, David: Nichols pelts in Oxford; attacks Churchill over Antwerp; succeeds Asquith as Prime Minister; memoirs
London Mercury (journal)
Loos, battle of (1915)
Lords, House of: constitutional crisis (1911)
Lowell, Robert
Ludendorff, General Erich von
Lusitania, RMS
Macaulay, Rose: Non-Combatants and Others
McCrae, John: ‘In Flanders Fields’
MacNeice, Louis
Mallory, George
Mametz Wood
Manchester Guardian
Mansfield, Katherine
Marlborough, John Churchill, 1st Duke of
Marlborough school
Marne: battle of the (1914); French counter-attack (1918)
Marsh, Sir Edward: Gertler introduces Rosenberg to; Georgian anthologies; falls for Rupert Brooke; and Edward Thomas; praises and mentors Sassoon; helps Gurney; helps Rosenberg; helps Brooke’s army career; sends Inge’s remarks to Brooke; obituary of Brooke; letter from Graves and Sassoon; Sassoon confesses being changed by trenches; sends Rosenberg poems to Abercrombie; and Sassoon’s statement opposing war; Nichols meets; Owen meets; edits Brooke’s Collected Poems; caricatured by Wells
Masefield, John; ‘August 1914’
Masterman, C. F. G.
Menin Road
Milligan, Spike
Monro, Harold
Monroe, Harriet
Morrell, Lady Ottoline
Morrell, Philip
Morris, William
Murry, John Middleton
Music and Letters (magazine)
Nash, Paul
Nation (magazine)
Nesbitt, Cathleen
Neuve Chapelle
Nevinson, Christopher
New Numbers (magazine)
Newbolt, Sir Henry; ‘The Vigil’
Nichols, Robert: background; enlists; commissioned; held in England; elegy to Brooke; in France; health and mental problems; Gurney admires; success and reputation; Graves’s regard for; not pacifist; Sassoon hopes for elegy by; claims Sassoon deliberately shot; lecture tour of USA; admires Brooke; reviews Owen’s Poems; in Yeats’s Oxford Book of Modern Verse; post-war activities; writes introduction to anthology of First War poetry; death; Ardours and Endurances (collection); ‘Battery Moving Up to a New Position from Rest Camp: Dawn’; ‘Dawn on the Somme’; ‘The Day’s March’; ‘Five Sonnets upon Imminent Departure’; Invocation (collection); ‘The Secret’; ‘Thanksgiving’
Nicholson, Nancy: marriage to Graves
Nivelle, General Robert
Novello, Ivor
Oh, What a Lovely War (stage musical and film)
Orpen, William
Osborne, E. B.: (ed.) The Muse at Arms
Ottoman empire
Owen, Colin (Wilfred’s brother)
Owen, Harold (Wilfred’s brother)
Owen, Susan (Wilfred’s mother)
Owen, Thomas (Wilfred’s father)
Owen, Wilfred: influenced by evangelical Christianity; education; reputation; background; in Bordeaux at outbreak and early years of war; considers enlisting; in London; joins Artists’ Rifles; at training camp; serves in England; posted to Ripon and Scarborough; in France; bitter poetry; on breaching class distinction; commissioned in Manchester Regiment; accidental injury; concussed in fall; in front line; on going over top; at Craiglockhart; war aim; not pacifist; Graves advises; leaves Craiglockhart; attends Graves’s wedding; makes plans for post-war world; waits to leave for France; pride in fighting qualities; rejoins battalion in France; wins Military Cross; killed in action; on war’s reality; Sassoon on; Graves on; ‘A Terre’; ‘Antaeus’; ‘Anthem of Doomed Youth’; ‘Apologia Pro Poemate Meo’; ‘Arms and the Boy’; ‘The Chances’; ‘The Dead Beat’; ‘Disabled’; ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’; ‘Exposure’; ‘Futility’; ‘Hospital Barge’; ‘I Saw his Round Mouth’s Crimson’; ‘Insensibility’; ‘Miners’; ‘Preface’; ‘The Sentry’; ‘Song of Songs’; ‘Spring Offensive’; ‘Strange Meeting’; Works (ed. Blunden)
Oxenham, John (pseud. of William Dunkerley): sales; All’s Well; ‘For the Men at the Front’
Oxford Dictionary of Quotations: 1953 edition omits Owen
Paris: German threat to (1914)
Parsons, Ian: (ed.) Men Who March Away
Passchendaele, battle of see Ypres, 3rd battle of
Pater, Walter
Perceval, Spencer
Philpot, Glyn
Pinney, Major General Sir Reginald
Plowman, Max: A Subaltern on the Somme
Plumer, General Herbert Charles Onslow
Poetry Bookshop, London
Poetry (US magazine)
Pollard, Alfred
Pound, Ezra
public schools
Punch (magazine)
Raleigh, Sir Walter
Ranke, Leopold von
Rawlinson, General Henry
Read, Herbert; ‘The End of a War’
Riding, Laura
Ripon, Yorkshire
Rivers, Dr William H. R.
Roberts, Field Marshal Frederick Sleigh, 1st Earl
Roberts, Michael: (ed.) The Faber Book of Modern Verse
Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th Earl of
Rosenberg, Barnett
Rosenberg, Isaac: background; in South Africa; meets revolutionaries; painting; education; serves as private soldier; returns to England; criticizes Brooke’s poetry; enlists; arrives in France; on danger of introducing conscription; dislike of army life; training in England; transferred to King’s Own (Royal Lancaster Regiment); drawing; bitter poetry; experience of action; taken out of line; further transfers in Fran
ce; writes to Marsh; takes leave in London; influenza; returns to trenches; fails to transfer to Jewish battalion; killed; post-war reputation; ‘Adam and Lilith’ (draft); ‘The Amulet’ (draft); ‘August 1914’; ‘Break of Day in the Trenches’; Collected Poems; ‘Dead Men’s Dump’; ‘Girl to Soldier on Leave’; ‘Louse Hunting’; ‘Marching – As Seen from the Left File’; ‘Moses’; Moses (collection); Night and Day (collection); ‘On Receiving News of the War: Cape Town’; ‘Pozières’; ‘Returning, We Hear the Larks’; Sacred Love (painting); ‘Soldier: Twentieth Century’; ‘Spring 1916’; ‘Through These Pale Cold Days’; ‘The Troop Ship’; ‘The Unicorn’; ‘A Worm Fed on the Heart of Corinth’; Youth (collection)
Rosenberg, Minnie (Isaac’s sister)
Ross, Alan
Ross, Robert (Robbie)
Royal Literary Fund: makes grant to Edward Thomas
Royal Naval Division
Royal Navy: and German threat; British reliance on
Rugby school
Russell, Bertrand
Russia: and impending war; supports Serbia; Germans dominate; Bolshevik revolution (October 1917); negotiates peace with Germany
Saint Quentin
Salisbury, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of
Sargent, John Singer
Sassoon, Hamo: killed
Sassoon, Siegfried: attends Russian ballet; on ‘cheery old card’; and artistic modernism; and Isaac Rosenberg; education; on Owen’s accent; fox-hunting; romantic view of countryside; lifestyle; enlists; on Blunden; volunteers for service abroad; breaks arm; delay in reaching front; commissioned in Royal Welsh (or Welch) Fusiliers; love for David Thomas; satirical poems; confusion over war; influenced by Graves; poems published; writes to mother; solitary forays into no man’s land; wins Military Cross; at Festubert; and battle of the Somme; charges enemy; on Graves’s fate; invalided home to England; concern for men’s welfare; contracts German measles; returns to France; scepticism over war; shot in head; Gurney praises; detained; statement criticizing war; admired by Blunden and Owen; at Craiglockhart; Blunden reads; criticizes Graves; verse-letter from Graves; not pacifist; sent to Palestine; Owen sends drafts of poems to; returns to western front; at war’s end; admires Brooke; poetic style after war; post-war reputation and career; writes foreword to Rosenberg collection; contributes introduction to Owen’s Poems; revisits Flanders (1927); autobiographical writings; anger at Graves’s Goodbye to All That; infatuation with Tennant; marriage and son; converts to Roman Catholicism; Graves on homosexuality; decline and death; drawn to pacifism before Second World War; ‘Absolution’; ‘Banishment’; ‘Blighters’; ‘Counter-Attack’; Counter-Attack (collection); The Daffodil Murderer (poem); ‘The Death Bed’; ‘Everyone Sang’; ‘A Fallodon Memory’; ‘The General’; ‘In the Pink’; ‘The Kiss’; ‘Letter to Robert Graves’; Memoirs of a Fox-hunting Man; Memoirs of an Infantry Officer; The Old Century; The Old Huntsman; ‘On Passing the New Menin Gate’; ‘The Redeemer’; Sherston’s Progress; ‘Storm and Rhapsody’; ‘Stretcher Case’; ‘They’; ‘To Any Dead Officer’; ‘To Victory’; ‘Today’