Dystopian Girls

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Dystopian Girls Page 8

by Rodzil LaBraun

  "Is she okay?" Alexa asked. Thank goodness that she had not seen what happened. I did my best not to respond to Jada's advance, but it might not have looked that way from Alexa's viewpoint.

  "Yeah, she's fine. She's already awake." I avoided thinking about Jada or feeling guilty in case Alexa would pick up on it. If she did sense anything in me, I wanted it to be my attraction to my girlfriend. I slid back under the thin blanket and put my arm around her.

  "Do you want me to make coffee?" Alexa asked.

  "No, I think I prefer to lay here with you."

  Alexa smiled and placed her chin on my chest. I pulled her close and gave her a firm kiss. She seemed to melt in my arms, so I continued. I never studied how to be a good kisser, so I just let my passion for this young woman guide me. She responded well as I varied my position and pressure, using my tongue on occasion. Alexa's tongue was small but active. Before long she had me moaning softly into her mouth. When she adjusted her position to lie directly on top of me there was no confusion about my arousal. It seemed to turn her on even more, so I took a chance and slid my hands down her back to gently grip her tight little ass. If felt so good, but I could tell I was getting too carried away. Soon after that we broke the lip lock with a mutual gasp.

  "Okay," Alexa whispered as she sat up and removed my hands from her butt. "Slow down cowboy. That was fun, but I think I need to pace myself. I hope you understand."

  “No!” That's what I thought anyway. I wanted more, of course. Who wouldn't? She no doubt sensed that I felt that way. There was no hiding it from her. However, it wasn't like she led me on and needed to follow through. She was just taking the next step in showing her affection. I should be glad that my advance was received as well as it was.

  "Sure," is all I said.

  Alexa sat beside me and looked at my shorts. "Are you going to be okay?"

  "Yes, I'll be fine. Let's just lay here together for a few more minutes." It wasn't long before we were talking about what to do if it was going to be raining all day. We had some projects for inside the store. More cleaning and rearranging. I also wanted to do some exercise. I had gotten away from any sort of athletic routine since the world went to shit. Alexa also reminded me that we should be testing my special deflection ability to understand it better. Knowledge in that area could one day make the difference between life and death.

  After breakfast I recruited Jada to help me with some manual work. She didn't struggle with lifting and pushing heavy objects like Alexa. From what I could tell, she appreciated the opportunity to work her already impressive muscles.

  The rain continued to come down hard, but the lightning had stopped. I checked the perimeter to make sure we wouldn't get flooded out of our home. So far, the elevation of the concrete floor was high enough to keep out the river of rain water that was starting to form in the parking lot. I couldn't see all the way over to the main road. The slope was slight in this area, so I figured that we shouldn't have any raging rapids.

  All three of us did some workouts and stretching after breakfast. Jada guided us through a cardio program that felt taxing on my body. Alexa tried her best to keep up, but she had to take more breaks to avoid exhaustion.

  "Sorry, I can't exercise as hard as you two," Alexa said to me as we paused for a drink of water. "Jada's body is much better than mine."

  "No," I replied. "You are just made differently. Believe me, there is nothing about your body to be ashamed of. You know that I love you just the way you are."

  "Thanks," she replied timidly. Then a few seconds later, "so you love me, do you?"

  "Well, it was meant as a figure of speech, but yes. Alexa, I am growing very fond of you." I was hesitant to repeat the L word.

  "I'm growing very fond of you, too," she replied smiling as she leaned in for a kiss. One day soon we'll have to confess that we are falling in love. When we released the embrace, I saw Jada looking longingly at us out of the corner of her eye.

  I was about to apologize to the dark beauty but decided against it. She decided to join us. She would have to deal responsibly with our relationship. Though I could clearly understand the struggle with sexual urges. I ought to be more understanding when she flirted with me, but I absolutely didn't want to send the wrong signal. That would only make matters worse.

  During lunch we talked about what we knew of my ability so far. I had dodged a sword and a bullet when fighting Earl. Alexa had witnessed that, so we believed it to be true. Then, I deflected the hatchet that Jada threw at Alexa. According to both women there was no denying that was me. The ball that Jada tossed at me, though. I had no effect on it. Was it because there was no real danger? Or, was it due to the composition of the object? Perhaps, I could only deflect metal. We made a list of tests that would not be too dangerous. I told Alexa I wanted her to stay out of the exercise area when we did them, but she insisted on being nearby.

  "Okay," Jada said. "Let's try the ball again." She threw it hard at my chest, but I was expecting it this time. Instead of defecting or dodging it, I instinctively caught it with one hand. "Nice catch," she said. "But that's not what we are trying to do here. Let me throw it at Alexa instead."

  "What?" my girlfriend said.

  "No," I snapped. "I don't want to take a chance on her getting hurt."

  "From a rubber ball?" Jada asked annoyingly.

  "Let her hold a piece of cardboard to protect herself."

  When Alexa reached for the broken-down beer box that I handed her, Jada threw the ball at her before she was ready. I quickly tried to stick my hand in the way of the projectile to protect Alexa. She didn't have time to bring the cardboard up to protect herself yet. Instead, she cowered away naturally, preparing to take the hit in her shoulder or back. I wasn't quite able to place my hand in the way fast enough. Fortunately, the ball missed her by maybe one inch.

  "What the fuck, Jada!" I yelled, as I comforted Alexa. She was still a little cringed up, but not hurt or terribly offended. I saw the blue flashes on her face and knew she was reading Jada's intentions.

  "Well, it worked," Jada responded, like it was a simple matter of fact.

  "You are lucky that you missed," I snapped.

  "No dear, I didn't miss. I never miss. Mason, you deflected the ball. It doesn't have to be metal, then. Let's try more stuff."

  I calmed down and Alexa agreed that we should try more tests to best understand my ability. For the first few attempts I was unable to dodge anything not dangerous thrown at me, but I protected Alexa every time. Jada then taught me some focus exercises to try to harness my ability so I could use it at will. I struggled, but eventually it worked. After an hour or so of practice I was able to dodge or deflect everything directed at me.

  "My next question," Jada said, "would be if you could move a stationary object with your ability." We worked at that idea for a while, but nothing panned out. I couldn't make anything move no matter how hard I focused.

  "Let me try this," I said as I tossed the ball into the air in front of me. I swung my hand at it like I was going to smack it, handball style. Before I made impact with the object, though, it propelled itself at Jada. It didn't come at her at great speed, so she was easily able to catch it. She appeared delightfully surprised after all the failed attempts to move something sitting still.

  "Okay," she said. "So, it needs to be an object already in motion. What if I toss the ball in front of you from the side?" We tried several angles and had a measure of success each time. Unfortunately, I had very little control. The ball would get projected off at all angles, occasionally knocking beer and wine bottles to the floor. Alexa cleaned them up without hesitation and insisted that I keep trying. I eventually tired out before perfecting the ability, but we were all happy with the progress that I made.

  The rain had gradually let up, diminishing to just a drizzle. However, the water continued to run through the parking lot as it rolled down from the nearby hills. There was no going outside today. It wasn't worth taking a chance on some object
floating in the water cutting our leg. We had basic medical supplies but didn't want to risk an infection.

  After dinner we played some more games. I drank some of the warm beer that I’d been eyeballing for a few days as the girls split another bottle of wine. Alexa kept her portions smaller than the night before and didn't get drunk this time. I often placed my arm around her shoulders, and she responded by placing her dainty hand on my thigh. We kissed a few times but I could tell that Jada was getting annoyed.

  "What I wouldn't give for a nice soft sofa," Jada announced.

  "Yes!" Alexa agreed. "Oh my God! That would be awesome. We need to get one after it dries up outside. Mason? Please!"

  "Let's grab one that is big enough for all three of us," Jada added. With that she slid her bare foot up my shin under the table. She avoided looking at me as she ran her toes up and down the back of my calf muscle. Perhaps she thought that Alexa wouldn't know what she was doing if there weren't any visible clues. The contact was very sensual, and I debated on what to do about it.

  "Jada," Alexa said quietly. "I know you want my man."

  "Dear, if I wanted your man, I..."

  "You can't hide your feelings from me," Alexa stated simply. She didn't appear to be overly angry. It was more like she was addressing a business matter with a coworker.

  "That's not fair!" Jada raised her voice. "You can't just pop into my head anytime you want, bitch! There has got to be some boundaries." With that she removed her foot from my leg and I immediately missed it. I shouldn't have, but I did.

  "Hey!" I snapped at her use of the B word.

  "It's okay, Mason," Alexa waved me off. Then she spoke again to the temptress on the other side of the table. She was remaining remarkably calm under the circumstances. "I'm sorry Jada, but it's not like that. I'm not going into your head, but I also can't control what emotions that I pick up. Regarding boundaries, I agree. You should respect my relationship with Mason and stop trying to steal him from me."

  "She's right," I chirped in. "We took you in. It's only right that you show appreciation by not interfering with us." I was trying to be careful with what I said. I wanted to support Alexa wholeheartedly, but I didn't want to chase off Jada. I was growing quite fond of her as well, just not near as much as I was for my slender blond girlfriend.

  Jada looked angry for a little while as we sat there silently. Alexa and I both stared at her as she alternated looking back and forth between us. Eventually she relaxed and reached across the table for Alexa's hand. My girl accepted it easily as she took an expression looking much like sadness. She was no doubt reading Jada and sympathizing with her. I figured that was a very good thing for all of us.

  "Dear," Jada said to Alexa, looking more vulnerable than I had ever seen her. "I don't want to steal your man. I do respect you, Alexa, very much. But it's not fair that you keep him all to yourself. I just want you to share. Every woman needs a man, whether they want to admit it or not. Believe me, I denied it for a long time. But it's not healthy. We are better off understanding our needs and finding solutions. Mason is a good, good man. There aren't many left in this world, I bet. Don't you think you could be a little more generous? Wouldn't you want the same from me if our roles were reversed?"

  "Maybe," Alexa replied. "But I'm not wired that way. What exactly is it that you want? A relationship with him? Or, do you just need sex? Because you can take care of your sexual needs yourself. Maybe you should have more privacy."

  "So, you want me to just fuck myself for the rest of my life? There is no substitute for real lovin’, girl. Would you be satisfied with just touching yourself?"

  "I don't know," Alexa answered. "I guess I'd do what I'd have to do. There is no shame in it."

  "Uh," I interjected. The thought of these two beautiful women touching themselves was getting me uncontrollably horny. "Should I be here for this conversation?"

  "Seriously?" Alexa turned to me. "There is no way you would want to miss this, I'm sure. I know that you are very attracted to Jada. And I know that you want to be true to me. But, admit it. You would love to have both of us for your lovers."

  "That's not fair," I replied, shocked at the turn in the conversation. Jada, however, seemed to be delighted with it as she eagerly awaited my reply. "Yes, you are both drop dead gorgeous. I admit that. In fact, I have never denied that. I'm a man. I can't control certain things, you know. But Alexa, I love you and I want to make you happy. If that means keeping me to yourself, I am fully prepared to do so."

  "I love you, too, Mason," Alexa replied. She was still holding Jada's hand. She reached for mine, too. "Maybe one day I will be a more generous woman. I don't know. Right now, I'm not totally secure in my relationship with you. Can we wait and see?"

  I nodded. Of course, I nodded. Alexa loves me and is considering sharing me with the super-hot Jada. She just needs time. Not a single word was going to come out of my mouth. I just nodded and tried not to be too enthusiastic about it.

  "Jada?" she asked. "Can you please be patient? I know that flirting is in your nature. I can't fault you for that. I think that I've been very tolerant of it so far. Will you respect me on this?"

  Jada nodded, also refraining from speaking. We released hands and decided to play some more cards to take our minds off the conversation. When Jada's bare foot caressed my leg under the table again, I didn't object. I figured she was going to do what she could get away with without going far enough to get kicked out. She was hoping that Alexa would eventually agree to share her man. I had to admit that I was hoping the same. The question was, would I be able to handle them both?


  It was big, black and sticky. The thing unquestionably needed a thorough cleaning. Both girls said they would be up to the task, though, no problem. They obviously wanted it really bad. So, I agreed. The oversized leather sofa wasn't even as heavy as I originally expected. Jada and I were able to carry it the five hundred feet or so back to our place with only a couple breaks. Alexa kept watch for any possible trouble and cheered us on excitedly. Once back in the store I cut the bottom open to check for bugs and rodents. Then the girls took over with the scrubbing, etc. An hour later they were done and called me over to join them in breaking it in.

  It was a beautiful sight indeed. Not only did we now have a large couch to fill the living room space and accommodate all three of us, complete with all the throw pillows Alexa had previously collected. I had two sexy women posing as if a photo would be taken to sell the thing online. Jada was seated traditionally on the right side, her legs crossed as her bare feet rested on crate she decided to use as an ottoman. Then fair Alexa laid across the sofa, her head resting on the stronger woman's lap. One leg was raised up for her bare foot to rest on the back of the couch. I figured she had no idea how sexual the scene appeared to me. One of Jada's hands rested softly on Alexa's flat, exposed belly. I wasn’t entirely sure what to make of the invitation.

  "We're ready for you to join us," Jada announced provocatively. Alexa giggled. I walked briskly to the vacant seat awaiting me on the left. Alexa raised her other leg to allow room for me then brought them both down to rest on my lap. The bottom of her feet was more than a little dirty, but I didn't care. I massaged them and her calves as I reclined onto the cushions with a relaxing sigh.

  "What do you think?" Alexa asked.

  "I like them," I replied.

  "Not my legs, silly. I already know that. How do you like the sofa?"

  "It's nice," I replied. "It's surprisingly comfortable. You got it nice and clean, too. There is plenty of room for all three of us to enjoy it at the same time. All we need now is a working television and a video game console."

  "You are on a couch with the two of us," Jada said feigning offense, "and you are thinking about video games?"

  "No," I responded. "I'm actually thinking about how good I have it. A couple of weeks ago I could never have dreamed that I would be happy again."

  "Well," Jada looked thoughtful. "You had Ale
xa, right?" Long pause with no response. "Wait a minute! You two haven't been together that long, have you? Why did you lie to me about your relationship?"

  Both girls sat up and faced each other as Alexa responded. "We didn't really lie about it. We just kind of allowed you to be misled. But it was a survival tactic, you understand? We believed portraying a strong bond between us was important when meeting new people."

  Jada thought about it for a while. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Still, though. You could have come clean about it since."

  "Honestly," I added. "Our relationship is growing much faster than it would have in the old world. It's like we've been together much longer."


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