Dystopian Girls

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Dystopian Girls Page 14

by Rodzil LaBraun

  After a few wonderful seconds Alexa called for Riley come, too. Jada and Alexa parted to allow Riley in, wrapping her into the circle with their arms when she pressed her tiny body against ours. I hated to break up the embrace, but I suggested that we all get some much-needed rest.

  "May I give Mason a kiss goodnight?" Jada asked Alexa.

  Alexa smiled and answered without much hesitation, "Sure."

  The gorgeous dark and sexy woman grabbed my face with both hands and kissed me square on the lips. It was brief but meaningful. I expected Alexa to complain. Instead she asked Riley if she wanted to kiss me goodnight as well.

  "If it pleases you miss Alexa, I would be happy to," Riley answered.

  Alexa nodded, so Riley stepped forward and placed the softest kiss ever on the tip of my lips. We almost didn't touch, I thought, but my lips tingled as evidence that we did. She then nodded slightly as she backed away before turning and following Jada to their side of the store. I stared after her in wonderment at the experience.

  "Are you okay?" Alexa asked.

  I laughed and said, "She is a very unusual woman." Then I gave my girl the best kiss I had in me attempting to take her breath away. When I released the lip-lock I gallantly scooped her up in my arms and carried her off to bed.


  The next morning, I woke to Alexa's hot breath and velvety kisses on my belly. Once she noticed that I was awake she began to tug off my shorts. I didn't complain. As usual I was already physically prepared to receive some sexual attention. My girl might have been timid and inexperienced, but she was determined to satisfy her man. I only gave instruction when it was asked for, but plenty of moaning feedback when she was doing well. And I thought she was doing quite well. The sight of my beautiful mate's face being using to bring me such pleasure was positively amazing, despite her laid-back technique. I don’t know how far I was supposed to let her go because I wasn't sure if she was going eventually mount me or complete the task orally. She stayed vigilant with the fellatio and followed through passionately, profoundly delighted when she finished the job to my satisfaction. Her vocal celebration from bringing me to orgasm was louder than any noise that I had made during the ordeal, and I thought I was being too loud.

  "You didn't have to finish me off like that," I whispered heavily as I tried to catch my breath. "You know I love to bring you pleasure."

  "I know," she replied softly. "I'm okay. I really enjoyed doing this for you this time."

  "Is everybody okay over there?" I heard Jada yell from her side of the big retail space.

  "Yes, thanks for asking," Alexa hollered back joyously. "We're doing great!"

  "Sounds like it," Jada answered, not quite as loud.

  As we were getting cleaned up, we heard the undesirable sound of trucks outside once again. I quickly scurried to the roof with my trusty binoculars. In the broad daylight of a cloudless morning I knew that I would need to stay very stealthy, so I instructed the girls to stay below and remain as quiet as possible.

  After gaining a westward viewpoint close to a large post for cover, I slowly popped up just enough to see with my naked eye. There were four trucks visible on the main road adjacent to the church parking lot. That was uncomfortably close to us. I could see that some of the militia girls were already actively rounding up many of the rancid folks that were hanging around the church grounds. There were no shots fired yet, but some of the armed women were getting a little rough with the weaker diseased people before a man hurriedly stepped out of the truck and told them to go easy. He was an older guy, slightly bald, wearing something like a linen suit. Healthy men were very rare to see these days. Someone wearing long pants and a jacket were even rarer still.

  "They injure easily," he explained in anger. "Don't be any rougher than necessary. We need them at their best."

  It seemed like their entire focus at this point was on the area around the church. No one appeared to be searching farther into the neighborhood from what I could see. Two of the trucks had pulled into the parking lot to have supplies unloaded and taken inside the building. They had apparently decided to make it a base of operations for this section of their domain. That was extremely bad news for us. I had to tell the girls right away. When I turned around, I almost let out a yelp of surprise to see Jada’s gorgeous face right behind me. She had obviously refused to follow my instructions to stay below. At least she was being careful not to get spotted, crouching slightly lower than me.

  "Damn it, Jada," I whispered. "What are you doing up here?"

  "I wanted to see what was going on. The girls are worried downstairs and I didn't know how long you would be up here observing. What can I tell them so far?"

  "Oh, okay," I said. That would allow me to stay up top a little longer while Jada passed them some details. "Well, the militia girls and trucks are back, and they are taking over your church. They're clearing out the skanks and have taken captive the decent ones, just like we had seen before. Tell Alexa and Riley to start packing. We might have to leave soon before they come looking around over here."

  "You don't think we should stay and fight? Do we have a chance? Our collective abilities and the element of surprise could outweigh their numbers."

  "Not a good enough chance to get all of us out of it alive. It's not worth it. We should just move," I said.

  I turned back to the edge of the building and started using my binoculars again. I didn't hear Jada leave behind me, so I looked back her way. She hadn't moved an inch. Instead she was checking out my body. I had time to put on my shorts before I heard the trucks but went shirtless to get up to the roof as fast as I could.

  "What are you doing?" I asked impatiently.

  "I'm just looking," she said as she rested her hand on my bicep. "Did you have a good time with your girl this morning?"

  "Jada, now is not the time. Please go back down and get them started packing."

  This time she did as she was told, but not without a couple backward glances and a sultry smile. The woman was so sexy and seductive that it was hard to be upset with her bad timing. We should have been in crisis mode, not flirting. Her hormones must have been in high gear that morning. The sound of Alexa and I having some intimate fun probably made it worse.

  I continued to watch the group unload supplies and set up a perimeter of guards around the building. So far, they were not leaving the church grounds. That gave us some time, but how much? It was hard to say. I tried to read lips with the magnified lenses, but I couldn't make out anything useful. At one point it looked like the older man told a younger rifle toting girl that he liked her tits. But I could be wrong. I was not very skilled out making out the words at a distance. The next sentence that I thought I could lip read was "grab your heart and get to boogie." I finally gave up and went below.

  "How much stuff should we take?" Alexa asked in near panic.

  "As much as we can carry. Just prioritize. All the essentials first, then lots of water, then some food. We don't know where we'll end up." All three heard my instructions and nodded. Thankfully, Jada appeared to be much more focused on the task at hand than previously.

  We barricaded the front entrance after we all exited, hoping to hide our existing living quarters for as long as possible. We preferred that they not come searching after us. There was not enough time to toss the store well enough to completely cover our trail.

  We then set out due south at first, away from the church, going as quick as we could without abandoning all caution. A few blocks away we paused for a quick break.

  "There aren't many skanks about," Jada said. It was true. They had either all been rounded up, killed, or scared off. I hadn't seen one yet since we left the store.

  "What is a skank?" Riley asked. We all chuckled at the question. It sounded so funny coming from her soft melodic voice.

  "That's what we call the female people that can't heal. The guys we call skunks, but there aren't near as many of them, of course." Alexa was the first to give the

  "Oh," Riley responded. "Everyone else is calling them zombies. I know that is inaccurate, because they are not the living dead, but that's the term that is popular. However, I must say, I like the skanks and skunks option much better."

  "Me, too," Jada said. "I used to call them zombies and didn't think twice about killing them. Appreciating that they are still alive has kind of changed my viewpoint."

  "Okay," I interrupted. "Once everyone has enough to drink, we should continue to head away from the intruders. We will also cross the main road at some point and then get as far away from it as possible. We have two destination options the way I see it. I'd like to get your opinions before we decide where to go."

  "Really?" Riley asked with perplexed expression.

  "Sure," I replied.

  "It's going to take you a while to get used to Mason, I think," Jada said to Riley.

  "I look forward to it," Riley answered her.

  "First option," I told my girls, "is to find a nice big house that we can take over. It will already be furnished, so that would make it better than the store. There are plenty of them off the beaten path, so we'll be secluded. However, if someone stumbles across us, we might have trouble defending the place."

  "I miss our sofa already," Jada said, trying to lighten up the moment. "I think the big house sounds like a good idea."

  "Me, too," Alexa added.

  "Wait a minute," I said. "Listen to option two. We could take over a small apartment building instead. It would also be furnished, possibly with big sofas. The advantages of that option would be better security and privacy. There would be limited access that we could fortify. It would be easier to defend than a house. And, each of you could get your own apartment."

  "Wouldn't you and I be staying together?" Alexa asked, sounding hurt.

  "Yeah, sure," I answered. "That's not what I meant. I was saying each of you women could have your own place."

  "Then Mason can take turns where he sleeps," Jada offered seductively. "I'm fine with waiting my turn. It sure as hell would be more than I'm getting right now."

  "No," I said annoyed. "That's not it either. Damn it, Jada. Can we have a conversation without you bringing up sex?"

  "It's okay," Alexa interjected, touching my arm. "She didn't mean any harm."

  "Thank you," Jada said to Alexa.

  "Alright, how do you all feel about it?" I asked.

  "I vote for the house," Alexa said. "I like seeing us as one family, having dinners together, playing cards in the evening, and helping each other every day."

  "I agree," Jada said. "The privacy of our own apartment would be nice in some ways, but I would definitely miss being around you guys every day."

  "We can still have a common space where we gather, or visit each other's apartments," I said.

  "It wouldn't be the same," Alexa and Jada said together.

  "What about you, Riley? What do you think?" I asked.

  "I'm fine with whatever you decide, sir. I mean Mason."

  "No, Riley. I'd like to know how you feel about it before I decide. You are part of our group now. You get a voice. You earned your spot yesterday, for sure."

  "Well," she hesitated. "Initially, I would have promoted the apartment building idea. That's what I have seen done successfully by the other groups. However, you guys are not like the other clans. That is crystal clear already. Your friendship is very strong. I can see that easily. And, I must admit, I'm a little jealous. I have not really had a friend since mine all died from the viruses. I can visualize myself holed up in my apartment and not joining in activities unless you asked. The idea of us all four together every day is very appealing to me. The experience I had with you all last night was one of my favorite moments in my life. So, I vote for the house, too, if I get a voice."

  "Wow," Jada said, placing her hand on Riley's arm. "You really opened up."

  "Yes. It's not something I do often. In fact, it has been a while. I’m not used to being asked my opinion. Did I say too much?"

  "No," I responded first, and reached for her dainty hand. Again, her soft touch and angelic face were mesmerizing. "I truly appreciate you sharing your feelings. The fact is, I was leaning toward the apartment building idea myself, for security reasons. But with all three of you expressing your desire to stay like a family unit, I must agree. I want the house, too. Let's go find one."

  The farther we got from New Hampshire Avenue, the more distanced the houses were. However, we did see a few more skanks than earlier, and a lot more animals. Now that we had four in our group, perhaps we would be much less likely to face an attack. When it came to crazed beasts, though, anything could happen. We continued to use the extreme caution that I stressed with my girls daily.

  Eventually, we ended up on Apple Grove Road. It held the last wooded neighborhood going south toward the city before things got more urban. The houses there weren't as large as the ones on Warrenton, but that is where the rifle girls were patrolling when we had that altercation that cost a woman her life. I would just as soon avoid them.

  We were well into the afternoon searching the variety of houses. The buildings that were suitable for us, and not already busted up, were just a few. We made our notes and figured we would check out a few more before deciding on one. They each had features that the girls liked. It would take a little work to get them fortified to my liking, though. Too many of the properties had been heavily vandalized or had animal carcasses or human corpses that would need attention. Yuck. It would be easier to just pick one that was reasonably clean already.

  Then we hit the gold mine. As we approached, I could tell that it was a huge single floor white brick home with a shitload of solar panels on the roof. If I could figure out how they worked, we just might be able to have some electricity. Also, all the doors and windows appeared to be unbroken. The security system was extensive, but no longer active. There was a four-car attached garage with its doors closed. If there were cars in there, we could find a way to move them out and possibly use that space for something. The tennis court and swimming pool in the back yard wouldn't likely have any realistic function, though.

  We were all excited to check out the inside. It did not disappoint. A large open living room with a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree fireplace won the girls over immediately, even though it was always too hot to need one. The kitchen was fancy and included a ten-foot by three-foot marble-top island. Five bedrooms! That left us space for guests, if we ever had any. The basement was absolutely wonderful, too. A game room complete with pool table, foosball table, and six player poker table. There was a large bar down there already well stocked with liquor and wine. But, my favorite aspect of this house was the workshop that was below the garage. It was full of lumber that could be used to board up all the windows and secure the doors. We could make this awesome place even more fortified than the beer store. I was sold, and so were the girls. Alexa ripped up our notes on the other houses to solidify the decision.

  The long day had taken its toll on us. We were all utterly exhausted. The brown leather sectional on one side of the living room had seating for four, plus the corner piece. We all crashed there for a while trying to regain our energy for the minimum amount of work that would be needed before we could safely sleep there that night.

  Riley sat properly upright on one end, her legs crossed, and her hands folded in her lap. Alexa laid her head on the arm cushion of the opposite end and stretched her shapely slender body across two seats. They were seated before me. I, of course, decided to sit beside my girl, lifting her feet to rest on my lap. I felt like laying down, too, but resisted the temptation. It would only make me more tired. I still had work to do.

  Jada continued to walk around a little, not yet done talking about how much she loved the place. So, she was the last to take a seat. Perhaps it had be her plan to be. Instead of taking the open seat by Riley, she plopped into the corner section. It wasn't long before she laid her legs across the vacant chair and her
head beside my lap, propped up on her arm.

  "Your feet are dirty," she told Alexa. It wasn't an insult. It was just something to say since her face was just inches from said feet.

  "I did a lot of walking today in sandals," Alexa replied, completely not offended by her friend's remark as she wiggled her toes.

  "They stink, too," Jada said with an ornery smile.

  "Hey, they do not!" Alexa replied, faking hurt feelings.

  "Alexa's feet are precious," I jumped into the conversation grabbing my girlfriend's feet.

  "They are?" Jada asked. "What other parts of Alexa do you think are precious?"

  "I love all her parts."

  "Such as?"


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