Tales from the New Earth: Volume One

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Tales from the New Earth: Volume One Page 139

by Thompson, J. J.

  The low hill extended for at least a half a mile in all directions from where they were standing. It was high enough that any approaching danger could be seen a long way off. In the distance was a stand of trees. Simon squinted as he tried to make them out and thought, although he was no expert, that it could be an orange grove.

  He took a moment to imagine the taste of a fresh orange and then pushed that idea away. There was no time for self-indulgence. Later though...

  “Simon, this is wonderful,” Aiden said as he looked around with wide eyes. “Just being here is so, I don't know, uplifting. It's hard to believe that a few minutes ago we were in the middle of winter. I don't suppose you could teach me to cast that Gate spell, could you?” he added wistfully.

  The wizard chuckled and shook his head as he pulled off his jacket. He was beginning to sweat. The others had been dressed for indoors and looked quite comfortable. He smiled as he watched Malcolm and Aiden begin to walk the perimeter of the hill, talking excitedly and pointing out different features of the landscape to each other.

  Clara simply stood still and Simon was shocked to see a tear roll down her cheek.

  “Are you okay?” he asked as he stepped closer and looked at her worriedly. Aeris hovered just behind him.

  She looked up at him, her twisted expression a mixture of grief and hope, something the wizard had never seen before.

  “I'm fine, I suppose. It's just that, this is like a dream, isn't it? Some sort of wish fulfillment. After the attack by the wights, I have to admit that I gave in to despair. I was sure that our little group was doomed.”

  She shrugged and irritably wiped her tears away.

  “But now here we are. You, Simon, are giving us a second chance. A second chance to survive and, the gods willing, thrive. How many people get that?”

  He looked away in embarrassment and focused on the distant waves.

  “I'm not giving you anything, Clara,” he said softly. “What powers I have came from the same gods that you now serve. Maybe, I don't know. Maybe they foresaw this somehow and made sure that I was in the right place at the right time. Who knows?”

  He looked back at her and tried to smile.

  “Besides, I'm doing this for my own selfish reasons. I don't want to be left alone in this crazy new world of ours. I may like living alone, but I need to know that there are friends out there. Friends who will welcome me when I need company, the sounds of laughter and conversation. So you can thank my self-interest more than anything else, I suppose.”

  She laughed and poked him lightly on the chest.

  “Play the selfish card all you want, but I know better. We need you more than you need us, my friend. And that is the plain truth.”

  “Perhaps we can argue each other's merits another time,” Aeris said abruptly and they both turned to look at him in surprise.

  “Time is ticking, lady and gentleman,” he said solemnly. “The storm may be a distant memory down here, but it is racing toward Nottinghill as we speak. So why not decide if this is where you want to set up the new community and start moving it along?”

  “He's right,” Clara said. “The main point now is to confirm that this is a viable location.”

  She turned and looked around for Mark. He was far across the hill now, looking around and talking to Kronk, who couldn't be seen in the tall grass.

  “Come on, Simon. Let's see what our resident engineer thinks.”

  They hurried toward the odd couple, lifting their legs high to avoid being tripped up by the grass. As they approached, the man spotted them and waved.

  “So what's the verdict?” Clara asked a little breathlessly as they reached him.

  Mark crouched down and patted the ground under the grass. Kronk appeared near his hand and smiled up at Simon.

  “Well, my new friend here tells me that the soil extends down a long way and is quite rich in nutrients. Also,” he stood up again and pointed toward the trees that Simon had spotted earlier.

  “If the soil can support a mature growth like that, it should be able to sustain other crops as well.”

  Mark looked down at Kronk.

  “How deep do we have to go to hit drinking water?”

  “There is an artesian flow no more than fifty feet below us,” the earthen told them. “We can have a well dug out in short order and my brethren and I will shore up the walls to ensure that it does not cave in.” He looked at Simon. “That will be our first order of business, master, if this is the location chosen for the move.”

  “Good. So Clara, what do you think?” Simon asked.

  She glanced at Mark, who nodded once in confirmation. Then she turned and a broad smile lit up her face. Simon followed her gaze and laughed out loud. Malcolm and Aiden were running through the grass like a couple of school boys, pushing and shoving each other and giggling loudly. It was even funnier to watch considering that both were wearing full armor and had a sword banging off of their legs.

  “I think that this is exactly where we need to be,” Clara said firmly. “Let's head back and tell the others, shall we?”

  Simon waved at Malcolm and gestured for him and Aiden to return to the group. Once they had, panting and grinning like loons, he cast the Gate spell and took them all back to Nottinghill.

  Things began to move rapidly once they returned and Clara told her people what they'd found.

  The entire population of Nottinghill, all twenty souls, began buzzing with excitement and the packing increased to a fever pitch. Simon and Kronk popped back to the tower to gather up the five earthen who were patrolling the wall and Gated directly back to the site of the new town so that they could begin digging the well.

  The little guy ordered his people to get started and then took Simon aside.

  “Master,” he said quietly. “This will not take too long. Should we begin the construction of the perimeter wall when we are done?”

  Simon looked at him thoughtfully and then spun in a slow circle, checking out the size of the flat hill.

  “Can you build the wall just inside the edge of the hill?” he asked. “That way, when you're done, the view from on top of it will enable the guards to see anyone or anything coming from miles away.”

  “Easily, master. I was going to suggest that very thing.”

  Kronk jumped up for a moment to see over the top of the tall grass and then nodded to himself.

  “I would also suggest that when the wall is complete, we can dig a trench similar to the one that is around Nottinghill now. The drop-off will be significant and an assault against the town will be very difficult indeed.”

  “With a drawbridge to span the trench?” Simon asked.

  “Of course, master. And a smaller gate opposite, just in case of emergencies.”

  “Okay, do it. I'll tell Clara when I get back and see if she agrees, but I can't imagine her not wanting to make the place as secure as possible.”

  “Very well, master. I will join my fellow earthen now.”

  He turned away, hesitated and looked back at the wizard.

  “Do not overexert yourself, master,” he said firmly, shaking his finger at Simon. “You know what happens if you use too much power; you will collapse. It would not do to leave the people of Nottinghill exposed to the oncoming storm because you overdid it.”

  “I know, Kronk. I know. Go on now. I'll see you soon.”

  “Yes master. Good luck.”

  He walked off, disappearing into the grass and Simon smiled to himself.

  Kronk wouldn't be Kronk if he didn't worry, he thought as he began to cast the Gate spell again.

  Clara was more than happy at the news that the earthen would begin work on the perimeter wall as soon as they were done digging the well, as were the rest of the townspeople. While everyone gathered up their essentials, the wizard decided that it was time to talk to the cleric about Liliana and her small group.

  He took her aside and explained the situation as quickly and concisely as he could and then waited for
her reaction.

  The cleric had listened calmly and, when Simon was finished, patted his hand gently.

  “Of course they can join us if they want to,” she said with a glance at the people excitedly coming in and out of the barracks.

  “We are so few now. So few. New members would be welcome, and Liliana is a formidable fighter, a fine addition to the town. Malcolm and Aiden both speak very highly of her, as of course do you.”

  “Thank you, Clara,” Simon said gratefully. “I don't know that an additional handful of people are going to make that much of an impact, but I'm sure they will work hard to help build the new town. As to whether they will stay with you long-term, well, I suppose it depends on how well they fit in.”

  “I'll do what I can to make them feel welcome, my friend. And the paladin's healing powers will help to lift the burden off of me a bit, hopefully.”

  “Speaking of powers,” Simon said and looked back at the people arranging the pile of supplies, “I haven't seen Virginia or the other members of her group lately. Where are they?”

  “In and out. They've volunteered to be the clean-up crew, meaning that they are combing the village to make sure that we haven't missed any essentials.”

  “Now that's a good idea. Are they well?”

  Clara frowned at him.

  “They're fine. Why do you ask?”

  “No reason. I may want to speak to them down the road about something though, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.”

  Simon decided that now was not the right time to tell the cleric that he might be asking four of her people to join him in the elven realm to fight dragons.

  “Hmm, okay then,” she said with a shrug. “Anyway, the day is passing as we sit here chatting. Shouldn't we get started?”

  “Yup. Ready when you are.”

  He stood up and took off his coat, tossing it in a corner along with his backpack.

  “Won't be needing those down south. So who's coming along on the first Gate? Six max including me.”

  Aeris had been hovering in the background and now flew forward. Before he could speak, the wizard grinned at him.

  “Yes, and you too,” he said.

  The elemental smiled in obvious relief.

  Clara walked quickly over to the group of townspeople who were standing near the belongings across the room. Almost everyone seemed to be gathered now except for Virginia and her three friends and it was obvious that they were as ready as they were going to be.

  Simon remembered the guy named Henry who hadn't wanted to leave and had acted violently toward his girlfriend when she'd said she wanted to move south.

  I wonder which one he is, he thought as he considered the group. He knew most of them by sight but very few by name and no one stood out as a total jerk.

  Oh well, maybe he's learned his lesson. A smack on the head from Malcolm could have taught him better manners.

  Clara came back followed by Malcolm and Aiden. Two women, one carrying a little boy, the other a delicate little girl, were with them.

  “Malcolm and Aiden want to go in the first group, for security,” the cleric told him as the big men grinned down at the wizard. “We'd like to get the kids down as soon as possible. Patty will take her son, and Madeline will bring her daughter. Shelly and her daughter will go in the second group.”

  The cleric looked at Simon as if waiting for his approval and he bowed elaborately, which made her laugh.

  “Excellent choices, my lady cleric,” he said and the entire group laughed. The two children smiled innocently, too young to really understand what was happening.

  “Patty and Madeline,” Simon said more seriously. “Have you told your kids about what's going to happen?”

  The pretty blond woman, Patty, ruffled her son's hair as he watched the wizard with wide eyes.

  “Of course. All the kids are excited. The first time they Gated, when you saved us during the wight attack, was scary, but then when Tommy got over the initial shock, he acted like it was some sort of amusement ride.” She laughed fondly. “Trust me, they won't be scared this time.”

  “Terrific. Okay, I guess you all know how this works? Right, so Malcolm, touch my shoulder, grab Aiden, etcetera. Everyone just make sure you're part of the chain.”

  The group shuffled around for a moment and Aeris moved to hover by Simon's right arm, holding his sleeve.

  “All set?” he asked and everyone nodded. “Great. Here we go.”

  He chanted the Gate spell, winked at Clara and focused on the site of the new town. Then he invoked the spell and the void took them away.

  The rest of the day pretty much followed the same routine. Simon transported all of the townspeople except for Virginia, Anna, Eric and Gerard, who volunteered to stay one more night to give the wizard a chance to rest before Gating the rest of the people's belongings down south.

  Simon did transport food, clothing and enough blankets for everyone to sleep on. The evening was warm and Aeris predicted that no rain was due to fall in the area for several days.

  By the time that Simon had Gated the last of his loads for one day, Kronk and his fellow earthen had finished the wall around the site. He walked the perimeter with Clara, feeling exhausted but not ill from all of the magic use. They were both suitably impressed by the wall and watched as the elementals finished installing the gates and the main drawbridge.

  Kronk promised to build the second, smaller drawbridge the next day and dig out the trench around the town. He told the cleric in a serious tone that the sound of all of that excavation would keep the children awake all night and that they needed their sleep.

  “Thank you for your consideration, my friend,” she replied gratefully. “We are so very thankful for your efforts on our behalf. I just wish we could express that in more than words.”

  “That is unnecessary, lady,” the little guy replied with a deep bow. “We live to serve. You are a friend of my master and that is enough.”

  He grinned broadly then and added, “And you are my friend as well. I have never had a human friend before my master. I find that I like it.”

  They had all laughed at Kronk's obvious delight and then walked back to the main group.

  Torches had been planted in the ground as the sun went down and the hum of conversation was constant. The three children were running delightedly through the long grass, watched fondly by the adults who were choosing where they were going to sleep. A large bonfire was burning in the exact center of the future town, more for its comfort than its heat, although people had used it to boil water for tea and hot chocolate.

  “It all looks so...alive, doesn't it,” Simon muttered to Clara as they watched the scene.

  “I agree. Can you feel the difference in them already?” she asked as she looked from face to face. Most of them were smiling.

  “They're so much more vibrant now. They've been given a new lease in life, my friend, thanks to you.”

  “No need to thank me,” the wizard said as he watched the children wrestling and laughing together. “After all that they've been through, your people deserve this. Besides, you all have a lot of work ahead of you. Let them enjoy this brief respite before the heavy lifting begins.”

  Clara poked him sharply with an elbow and he squeaked in surprise.

  “Stop being so practical all the time,” she stated with a wide grin. “Enjoy this moment for what it is. And no matter what you say, Simon, it's as much your doing as ours, if not more.”

  “Fine. You win,” he told her, chuckling. “I have to get back. I told Virginia and the others that I'd spend the night in my tower and see them bright and early tomorrow. That storm is getting closer and we're running out of time.”

  The cleric nodded, suddenly serious.

  “I know. Go ahead and get your rest and we'll see you tomorrow.”

  She gave him a gentle squeeze on the arm and then went over and joined the others.

  “You all set?” Simon asked Aeris, who was hovering ne

  “Of course. You need to eat and rest. Tomorrow you have to transport the bulk of the town's belongings. And that will be quite the chore.”

  “Thanks for reminding me,” the wizard said, feeling even more tired just thinking about it. “Okay. Grab hold and let's go home.”

  Chapter 15

  When Simon woke up the next morning, he slowly got up and sat on the edge of the bed. His sleep had been refreshing but for some reason, he was nervous about the upcoming day. Something felt wrong.

  He lit the candle next to his bed and stood up, stretching and groaning. Then he turned and went over to dig through his drawers and cupboard, trying to decide what he should wear.

  He cursed under his breath. It was hard to see which sock matched which and he moved back to his bed and picked up the candle. As he raised the light to sort through his clothes, Simon stopped. A cold chill crept up the flesh of his back.

  It's too dark, he thought with a twist of fear and looked at the window.

  There was no sunlight streaming in through the frosted glass. The day beyond was almost as dark and gray as evening and the ice covering the window allowed very little light to seep into the room.

  It's cloudy. Oh damn.

  He grabbed a pair socks at random, slipped them on and then threw on a robe.

  “Aeris!” he yelled just as the elemental shot through the door and they almost collided.

  “The storm is coming!” they said at exactly the same time.

  “Yeah, I noticed,” Simon said hurriedly. He blew out the candle and set it down. Then he summoned a magic light and stared at Aeris.

  “You told me that we'd have one more day before it hit,” he said sharply, trying not to sound accusatory.

  “I know I did,” Aeris replied contritely. “But weather is changeable and often unpredictable, my dear wizard. I gave you an estimate but it wasn't set in stone.”

  “Great. Well, no use in whining about it now.” Simon hurried out of the room and down the stairs. “How long before it hits?”


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