Lanie's Lessons

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Lanie's Lessons Page 27

by Maddie Taylor

  “Sooner if you’re swelling feet have anything to do with it.” Steven put in. “You’re supposed to be resting with your feet up for two hours every afternoon.” To the group, he added, “I may need to call upon reinforcements to see that happens.”

  “I’m on it.” Patti volunteered immediately. Their receptionist and senior staff member, she made it her business to know everyone else’s business, but if she said she would do something, it got done.

  Laura, one of their legal secretaries, also offered to make it happen. “Since she can’t get up on her own any more, it should be easy.”

  “I’m feeling ganged up on,” Beth grumbled. Steven looked on with a satisfied grin, which she ignored. “I think we should move on to the next item of business, our name. A press release will go out on Monday welcoming Michelle to our practice and announcing our new name.”

  “It’s about time, too,” Lanie declared. “We’ll finally get rid of that awful acronym.”

  In unison the staff all called out, “F ‘n A!”

  As everyone laughed at the running office joke, Lanie glanced at Beth and asked, “What were we thinking?”

  “That’s just it, honey,” Beth replied. “We weren’t.”

  “What’s the new name?” Patti asked.

  “We thought alphabetical order would be best,” Beth told them. “Anderson, Fischer and Greene has a nice ring to it, but we’re open for suggestions as long as they’re not vulgar acronyms.”

  “No abbreviations period!” Lanie announced. “That’s an executive decision.”

  Everyone nodded in agreement and in minutes, the new name was approved by the partners. Another round of champagne toasts followed, and another after that.

  “Baby,” Ethan whispered in her ear when it went on for a while. “Tell them the really big news so we can order and get some food into them. In the meantime, I’ll have them bring some bread and appetizers to soak up all the champagne.

  “Good idea.” She nudged Beth. “Tell them what we got today.”

  “Okay gang, before I lose you to the booze, the big news is that after months of motions and post-trial discovery, we were able to get what’s left of WW&S to comply with the judgment. We got our settlement check today—” The applause and whoops of excitement cut off the rest of her announcement. She held up her hands and raised her voice. “Wait, there’s more.” That got their attention. “We used some of the money and signed a new lease… on the big office on the next block. We’re movin’ on up!”

  They burst out in squeals and hoots, a few of the old women singing the Jefferson’s theme song while the youngsters watched and laughed. Lanie understood their exuberance. Space had been at a premium for too long as the business expanded and for those sharing three to an office; it was the best news of the night.

  She was wiping tears of laughter from her face as the waitress came in with loaves of their signature rye bread and two huge sampler platters of appetizers, courtesy of Ethan. She stood up and announced, “Okay guys, that’s the end of business. Drink up, order what you want and we’ll cover the cab fare home if you don’t have a designated driver, or there are rooms available if you prefer to stay.”

  They clapped and cheered, “Go A. F. &G.”

  She flopped down beside Ethan. As his arm came around her shoulders, she could feel him shaking with laughter and groaned, “So much for no more acronyms.”


  It was close to ten when the party wound down and their guests began to make plans to get home. All but two had gotten a room for the night. They put the last employee in a cab and watched as their newest partner was helped into her car by her designated driver husband.

  Ethan stood behind her as she gave Michelle a small wave. When they pulled away, Lanie leaned back against him with a sigh.

  “Everyone seemed to have a good time.”

  “How could they not with so much champagne flowing?” His hands lingered on her hips, as whispered in her ear. “What about you, baby? Tipsy?”

  “No, honey. I had one glass hours ago, so I’m good to drive.”

  “Me too.” He pulled her against him until his noticeable erection prodded her backside. “I thought it would be nice to stay, so I got us a room. West Tower. Number five-oh-eight. Be there in fifteen minutes. Steven and Beth will keep you company until then.” Teeth nipped at her earlobe as she felt his hand slip something in her pocket. “Do not keep me waiting,” he warned, then walked to the bank of elevators behind them, and was gone.

  Lanie reached in her pocket and pulled out what he left there—a keycard. She ran her finger along the edge, her lips, kicking up in a faint smile as her imagination ran wild with limitless possibilities.

  “Look at her face, Steven. I used to get that look before a romantic night at a five-star hotel.” Beth sighed wistfully as she and Steven walked up beside her. “My play dates are behind me now and the only scene I’m good for is ‘Jonah and the Whale.’ One guess who I get to play.” Beth’s comment ended with a yelp. When Lanie’s head jerked to her in concern, she saw her friend rubbing her posterior while staring up at her husband in surprise.

  “Don’t belittle yourself,” Steven said firmly. “You know I don’t like it. You’re beautiful all the time, even more so now while carrying my child.”

  “I’m sorry, sir.” Beth murmured softly as she leaned into him. They’d apparently had this conversation before. Steven was a lot like Ethan, radiating power and seductive charm even while scolding or teaching a lesson. If she were a betting woman, Lanie would lay money on Steven more so than Beth’s pregnancy being responsible for the glow of happiness her friend exuded.

  “We’ll ride up with you and see you to your room, honey,” Beth said from the circle of her husband’s arms.

  “That’s not necessary. I’ll be fine. I’m sure you want to get home to get Beth’s feet up.”

  “Ethan’s orders, Lanie.” Steven offered his free arm and escorted both women to the elevators. “Let’s not give him any reason to be displeased when he has a special night planned.”

  As the elevator doors slid closed, Beth looked at Lanie and winked.

  She rolled her eyes in return. “I know you two are our best friends, but do you have to know everything about our sex life?”

  “She doesn’t know anything, sweetie,” Steven assured. “Ethan isn’t one to kiss and tell. He’s very discreet.”

  “More like spank and tell,” his wife added with a giggle. Finding her joke and Lanie’s reaction hilarious for some reason, her giggle turned into a laugh. If Lanie hadn’t seen them bring Beth ginger ale, she’d have sworn she was smashed.

  Her eyes shot to Steven in question.

  “She gets this way when she’s tired.” Steven explained. “It’s the pregnancy. The doctor said it happens sometimes due to the hormone levels. She gets these sudden mood swings, mostly euphoria like this. Occasionally it’s been tears and irritability, so we’ll count ourselves lucky we have bubbly Beth tonight.” He cast an indulgent look at his still tittering wife. “You missed your nap today, didn’t you, baby girl?”

  “Yes, and it’s way past my bedtime.” Shaking her head, she glanced over at Lanie. “Can you believe I have an eight thirty bedtime? Otherwise, I act like a nine year old at a slumber party and can’t stop laughing. Everything is funny when I’m tired for some reason.”

  Lanie glanced cuttingly at Steven.

  “Hey, don’t look at me,” he protested. “It was self-imposed, although if she hadn’t, I probably would have. She acts so silly sometimes. I’m half expecting social services to be waiting outside the delivery room to snatch the child from the arms of his drunk of a mother.”

  “They wouldn’t dare,” Beth cried. “Mama grizzly will kick their collective ass.”

  They laughed at the diminutive Beth, who was growing so rapidly she’d soon be almost as wide as she was tall. Lanie looked on with a smile as Steven placed an affectionate kiss on top of her head.

so glad we’ve gotten to be such close friends. I never thanked you two for the suggestions you gave Ethan.”

  They looked at her at the same time. “What suggestions?” they asked in unison.

  “I believe you, Dr. Anderson, mentioned something about how to role-play away the stress. And you, my best friend and law partner, suggested he spank me. I believe you are both guilty of conspiracy to commit a crime against my person.”

  When Steven remained silent, unsure of what to say. The ever irrepressible Beth didn’t have that problem, asking cheekily, “Excuse me. Are you the one on your way to a special night of fun and games with your sexy husband?”

  “Uh… yeah.”

  “Case dismissed. What damages are you claiming? Great sex with multiple orgasms? All I can say is wah wah wah, quit rubbing it in. We’re on the sexual sidelines for another three months and don’t want to hear it, do we Steven?”

  “No, dear.” To Lanie he said, “You hit a sore spot, sweetie. It’s best not to mention ‘s-e-x’ around the scary pregnant woman.”

  “Duly noted,” Lanie nodded in wide-eyed agreement.

  They arrived on the fifth floor in the nick of time to Lanie’s way of thinking because Beth was not only scary, but moody, going from giddy to grouch in all of thirty seconds. When Lanie followed them out, telling them good night and that she could find her room on her own. Steven produced a key card and said they were staying too, their room a few doors down the other way.

  “We’ll watch you inside, Lanie.” Steven said firmly.

  “More of Ethan’s orders?”

  “No, Lanie. This one is all mine.” His stern face said there would be no further discussion. Lanie looked to Beth, who was nodding knowingly. She might be a scary pregnant woman, but Steven was a scarier dominant.

  “Good night, Lanie” she said stepping in to give her a hug, which was kind of an awkward bent in half hug so they could reach around her big belly. “Sorry, I went a little nutso.”

  “No worries. My time will come. When it does, and I’m crazy with pregnancy hormones, I’ll expect you to be very understanding.”

  Beth grinned. “I’ve got a big head start, honey. You’ll have to get busy if they’re gonna be best friends and grow up together.”

  “I’ll tell Ethan to get right on that, honey. Goodnight you two.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Room 508 was at the end of the corridor. As Lanie let herself in, she saw it wasn’t merely a room, but a suite. Immediately crossing to the floor to ceiling windows, she stared out at Boston from the banks of the Charles River. It was beautiful. She turned to survey the suite. It was posh and stylish, but comfortable.

  “Ethan?” she called. He wasn’t in the main living area, so she started toward the bedroom. After only a step, as her heels sunk into the thick carpet, she paused to kick off her shoes. She let out a relieved groan as her feet, tortured in heels all day, sank into the plush pile carpet. It was a very nice room.

  In the dark bedroom, she searched for a switch along the wall. Her hand found a hard-muscled abdomen instead. She jumped when strong fingers encircled her wrist and spun her around. Held with her arms behind her back, she felt his other hand slide over her belly, palm flat and fingers splayed. His voice was gruff in her ear as he immediately started the game.

  “You’re late, Miss Langston. Not a smart move for a woman that needs a few favors from our government to keep herself alive.”

  She stood still trying to assemble his clues and figure out how she should play it. She needed favors from the government? What could that mean?

  “Nothing to say? I have ways of making you talk.”

  She had a hard time containing a giggle over that cheesy line, but she did and with his words the game became clear. Spy games, this was a new one—nice. A plan came together in her head.

  With mock indignation, she replied, “Nevah vill I tolk, Yankee Peeg.” Her eyes clenched shut when she realized her off-the-cuff Russian accent was really, really bad. Ethan made a choked sound behind her and she could imagine the humor twinkling in his eyes. But in for a penny, in for a pound, she started out on this path and needed to see it through or risk ruining the game. So Russian spy she would be.

  He started moving her toward the big four poster bed across the large bedroom. He stood her at the foot and one by one bound her wrists overhead, her arms outstretched and bound with straps already attached to the wooden posts. As he manipulated her body, she decided not to resist him physically, instead she would battle him with her wits. She also would resist giving him answers being curious to find out exactly what ways he had of making her talk. A smile curved her lips at the possibilities.

  “Oh, you’ll talk, little spy. I’m familiar with this body and we both know I can make it sing. We’ll see how long you can hold out.”

  She felt the brush of his hands on her lower back as he eased the zipper of her skirt down. His fingers curled into the fabric at her hips and with a sharp tug, ripped it down her legs.

  His hands grazed along the backs of her thighs and she heard a growl of approval. It must be the lace topped stockings and garter belt she wore. She usually went without hose altogether, but today for some reason she’d felt the urge to put them on.

  “Very nice.” He hummed his approval as his hand smoothed over the sheer nylon, sweeping slowly from ankle to mid-thigh. “Who are these for? A boyfriend? A lover? Or maybe another mark that you’re playing like you played me?” The lace of her panties was tugged down, falling to her ankles. Kneeling behind her, he licked her cheek with a long, hot glide of his tongue. When his teeth sunk into her flesh, she cried out. Long fingers slid along her cleft from behind and found her entrance, dipping easily into her wetness.

  “You are making this too easy for me.” His words were accompanied by the slow circling of his fingertip around her clit. Fleetingly it teased her, then it was gone.

  He stood and stepped away, although she heard him moving around behind her for several minutes. She twisted around, trying to see, but the room was in shadows and she couldn’t see clearly. Returning, he crouched behind her, his warm fingers brushing her ankles as he bound her legs to the posts. When he was done, Lanie found herself spread eagled and upright, at his mercy.

  Ethan appeared on her periphery a moment before he ducked under her arm. Seating himself on the end of the bed in front of her, he held her, powerless and immobilized, and she felt vulnerable as a tremor of fear shook her, even though she knew it was a game. His hands ran over the silk of her blouse before he began undoing her buttons.

  “Anything to say? Regrets, maybe, for professing your undying love for me while you stole state secrets and sold them behind my back.”


  “Who are you working for?”

  She said nothing, turning her head away.

  “Who leaked the mission plans to the enemy?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Release me.”

  “You’re being stubborn, that’s good. I love a challenge.” He eased her blouse open and ran his hands over her belly. Her muscles twitched and contracted at his touch. Fingers in constant motion, they drew up along her sides, moving over her narrow waist and her ribs. Traveling up and over the cups of her bra, he gave each breast a firm squeeze simultaneously.

  She gasped when he pulled out a knife and opened it with a flick of his wrist. The four inch blade gleamed in the low light, looking sharp and deadly.

  “You should really start wearing front hook bras or nothing, Lanie. I hope this isn’t one of your favorites.”

  He sliced between the cups first, then severed both straps. Closing the knife, he set it safely away from him on the bed, but still within reach. His hands returned to slowly peel the clingy cups away from her breasts.

  “I remember these pretty nipples, rosy pink and hard as bullets. I thought of them often after you left me. Let’s see if I recalled their taste correctly.”

  Lanie trembled in her
four-inch pumps as his lips sucked on her nipple—hard. Using lips, teeth and tongue, he tormented the peak until it had doubled in size.

  “Delicious. Berry sweet, my memory is quite accurate. I also remember them being very sensitive to clamps. Let’s begin with these.”

  He held up his hands and dangled a pair of wicked looking nipple clamps from his outstretched forefinger. The alligator clips on each end of the foot inch long chain looked painful. Still, she didn’t believe for a minute he’d hurt her. She decided to follow his lead and up her resistance. She was the enemy, after all. If he loved a challenge so much, she’d happily give it to him.

  With a taunting smile, Lanie laughed in his face. “Is that all you’ve got? Bring it on.”

  Ethan’s fingers pinched and tugged on her already hard nipple, while his warm lips captured the other. Soon he had both nipples prepared. “

  Let’s see how these berries respond to a little bite.” His teeth clamped down. Not too hard, but enough to pinch and hold the nub in place. He flicked the end with his tongue and then sucked once more and released her. He applied the rubber tipped metal clip, smiling as she drew air sharply into her lungs as they clamped down on her already sensitized flesh.

  “Too much? Or do you want me to tighten it more and really ‘bring it on?’”

  “Were you always such a bastard, or did you save it up just for me?”

  A slap fell against her clamped breast. Holy crap! He’d never done that before. She didn’t know how to react. It didn’t hurt, but to say it was shocking would be a major understatement. When her eyes shifted to his, she saw he was watching her closely. A totally wicked thought popped in her head. What did she have to do to get him to do it again?

  “I believe respect is in order, especially from a traitor. You may address me as sir, or by my title, Chief Special Agent.”

  “Right. That’s going to come out of my mouth.”


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