Pleasured at Last (A swinger, hotwife, menage erotic story)

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by Alexandra Vaugh

  Pleasured at Last (A swinger, hotwife, menage erotic story)

  Pleasured at Last (A swinger, hotwife, menage erotic story)


  Pleasured at Last

  A swinger, hotwife, menage erotic story

  Alexandra Vaughn

  Pleasured at Last

  Copyright 2016 Alexandra Vaughn

  San Francisco, CA

  All rights are reserved to the author. No part of this ebook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, character, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  Pleasured at Last

  A swinger, hotwife, menage erotic story

  ‘Is that a new necklace?’

  Karla felt her eyes drag down to the gemstone hanging about her neck, unable to stop the shape they made at the sight of it, the furrowing of her brows matching the slight downturn of her mouth. She caught herself quickly, arranging her delicate features into something more appropriate for the conversation; excitement (maybe too flat?) and pleasure (too obviously false?) swelled in her smile and her voice as she looked up to Jennifer, but never did such positivity reach her eyes. It never reached her eyes.

  ‘Oh, this?’ She gestured pointlessly, using the span of seconds to buy time and, perhaps, make what she had to say next sound believable. ‘It is. William got it for me on his last trip away, at some High Street jewelry store in England. I wish I could remember the name…’

  ‘Well, it looks good on you,’ Jennifer responded, waving a hand vaguely to dismiss the information she didn’t need. There was nothing but authenticity in the blonde’s voice, a genuine pleasure at being out and about with her friend pervading her entire demeanor. Karla supposed it was easy to be that way, when one looked the way Jennifer did; the one-time model had always glowed, like someone who had stepped out of a fairytale, happy ending already firmly in hand. Looking like that in college was one thing, hell, Karla herself had once upon a time been young and bouncy, and the pair of them had been quite a threat for the young men on campus during their tenure as roommates there, but a gulf had, all too quickly, opened up between them.

  Karla had met William, nice, career focused, dependable William, and that had really been the end of Karla-The-Party-Girl. William had known what he wanted, and their shared college experience had taught him how to get it; Karla had done her best to support him as he rose, had watched him succeed and succeed and succeed… but she had watched it all from their shared living room, alone. She had watched it from an endless carousel of business functions, alone. She had listened to it from the other end of countless hotel telephone lines as he traveled the world on trips, meeting foreign dignitaries, forging connections that would pay dividends over a lifetime together. It didn’t do to have a wife who went out and went wild, as Karla and Jennifer once had.

  The price of her stability, her comfortable life, even her ability to meet old friends for brunch like she was right now, was to watch from the lonely perch of their suburban home.

  And how had Jennifer spent that same time? She had been discovered at age 20 in some nightclub Karla had long forgotten the name of, had ascended herself instead of watching someone else do it for her. Jennifer the model. Jennifer on the runway. Jennifer, being paid to wear the sorts of clothes that had once been a far off dream for the both of them. Eventually, Jennifer the wife, even, once she had met Roger and intertwined her life with one just as devoted to her success as he had been to his own. When her career had wound down, it had been because the catwalk had lost its appeal, not out of devotion to Roger, and stepping down from that role hadn’t made her step down in his estimation; he still worshiped the ground she walked on, and anything she attempted came with his unqualified support.

  The contrast was unwelcome and painful. Karla didn’t like comparing herself to Jennifer, for a whole host of reasons, but when the woman was sitting there in front of her, somehow contriving even to eat a salad with grace and poise, it was hard not to feel as though Karla wasn’t measuring up. All she could do was hope that it didn’t show on her face.

  ‘It really draws the eye to your tits,’ Jennifer said, the salacious tone of her voice cutting through a silence Karla hadn’t even been aware she was producing. The blonde woman opposite her winked, and it actually took Karla a moment to remember what they had been talking about. Unthinkingly, her hand went to her chest.

  ‘Don’t say that,’ Karla blushed, looking down at her plate, where her own food remained largely uneaten, yet deeply interfered with, as though someone had dissected an omelet. ‘I can’t imagine that was what William was thinking when he bought it…’

  She trailed off, unbidden disappointment etching the edges of her voice as it faded away into nothing, and Karla could see the thread of it catching in Jennifer’s mind from that moment onward. The one-time model had always been deft at reading Karla, no problem that she had ever had during college had escaped Jennifer’s shrewd gaze, and even now, years later and with- Karla had to admit- more time apart than there perhaps should be, her friend could see how Karla was feeling no matter how it was hidden. Jennifer tilted her head to one side, golden hair falling in frustratingly perfect ringlets over one shoulder, sunlight slanting in through a nearby window granting her an almost fairy-like aspect.

  ‘How was it this time?’ She asked, with an expectant tone that suggested she knew exactly what was going on.

  ‘It’s…’ Karla tried to find the words, but emotions and excuses and qualifying language jostled for place on her tongue, tangling together into something she couldn’t easily express. ‘He tries hard. Every time he goes away, Will buys me something like this, these beautiful little things, and I know he means well, but… I mean, there’s only so much jewelery one person can have before they all become trinkets, right? And the things I really want… I tried, last night. Wore my sexiest panties, no bra, I think I looked pretty great! But when we had sex, it wasn’t any different from all those morning quickies before he has to run. I don’t feel nothing, but it’s not like when we were young. It hasn’t been for a long time. How can I… I mean, how do you change that?’

  ‘Oh, there’s plenty of ways,’ Jennifer veritably purred, some kind of thought dancing in her eyes, lively and bright. But she quickly extinguished it in favor of concern for her friend, placing her hand atop Karla’s. ‘It’s just a matter of finding what works for the two of you. And there is something, Karla.’

  ‘But he’s always away!’ A hair’s breadth from an exclamation, Karla replied. ‘How can I find what it is when Will is across the ocean, or off at some golf game, or just… not present? It’s like his mind is always elsewhere. What’s your secret, Jennifer? You and Roger, I’ve seen you together and you’re always all over one another! How do you do it?’

  It was more than that, of course. Happiness seemed to shine out of Jennifer from every pore, dripping from her whenever she moved, turning her into a luminous thing, some grand beacon of positivity. She smiled all the time, but there was an extra shine to her grin today, a certain wistful look to her eyes, like a thought was dragging at her attention even as she tried to be here, present in this moment, for Karla. Something had happene
d, it had happened recently, and it had made Jennifer so completely contented that Karla had no trouble concluding that it contained the seed of her own happiness therein.

  All she had to do was push…

  ‘Like right now, for example,’ Karla waved a hand at her friend. ‘You look radiant! More so than usual, that is. Have you and Roger been doing something fun?’

  ‘Not specifically!’ Jennifer squeaked, the words coming out suspiciously quickly, though she caught herself fast, adding. ‘I’m just having a really good day, is all. You know how it is, you wake up still feelin’ fine from the night before, your morning goes off just right-’

  ‘So something did happen the night before.’ Triumph showed in Karla’s expression, as she leaned back in her chair. ‘Spill it, sister. You’re always good for advice, don’t hold out on me now, of all times.’

  ‘I’m not sure if this is the kind of advice you can use, Karla,’ Jennifer lowered her voice, and cast her eyes around the room, as if looking for potential unwelcome audiences. Their favored brunch restaurant, however, was unusually quiet for this time of morning, stuck between the breakfast crowd that had already filtered out, and the lunch crowd that had not yet come in. Satisfied that she could speak in privacy, Jennifer gestured for their waiter. ‘If I’m gonna do this, we’re gonna need some more drinks, girl. You better settle in.’

  The momentary pause in the conversation only served to heighten Karla’s anticipation, as Jennifer shot her a saucy grin across the table until two fresh Bloody Mary’s were placed before them, their server ducking away with well-honed politeness. By the time Jennifer was finally ready to speak- after taking a long, drawn out sip of her own drink- Karla was practically leaning over the table, on the edge of her seat.

  ‘There’s a guy,’ the blonde said finally, letting the words hang as though they were somehow self-explanatory. ‘Warren. He’s just… fuck, Karla, indescribable.’

  Karla knew that she was still pulled forward, awkwardly angled over their table, but in that moment she couldn’t bring herself to care. The shock of this news was as fresh to her as it had been the first time Jennifer had floated the idea of other men entering into her marital bed by her, the very idea of it alien in the most tantalizing of ways. So far from anything Karla had ever known, it nevertheless held a strange attraction that she couldn’t easily express, and which lingered in Karla’s mind long after these conversations had ended. Jennifer had been with other men, and Roger had watched. Roger and Jennifer had traded partners with other couples.

  Roger and Jennifer were swingers, and the knowledge of it made Karla lie awake at night, pondering in the dark what might one day be.

  ‘Try,’ Karla said, sounding perhaps somewhat too serious, the possibilities of her friend’s story untraveled and dominating in her mind.

  ‘There’s a place that we go, sometimes,’ Jennifer’s initial reticence had vanished under a wave of excitement, the illicit thrill of possessing such a story and recounting it lending her voice a momentum all its own. ‘Where we can… do what we do in peace. So we have our own private room, and I’m there, you know, just slaying in my little blue dress- do you remember the one?- and he’s there, Warren. He’s huge, Karla, in all the ways that count. I mean, I have to nearly climb the guy just to kiss him, and I wanna do that because he is such a good kisser. He used to be a running back in college, I think? So much fun to touch, he’s got muscles everywhere. It’s like fucking a mountain, he just picks me up and… ugh!’

  She trailed off, slumped down low in her chair with wild eyes and her lower lip pinned beneath her teeth. Karla had to check to make sure that her jaw wasn’t hanging open, and she allowed herself to relax as Jennifer drained yet more of her drink. She could feel herself blushing, Karla’s cheeks flustered and hot, her fingers twisting in agitated knots in her lap, yet she remained silent, refusing to press her friend further in case it somehow broke the spell and made her clam up. Luckily, that appeared not to be the case:

  ‘Best sex of my life, I’m telling you,’ Jennifer let her voice drift lower, into a conspiratorial whisper. ‘He knows just what to do with me. He’s rough, but like in a possessive, attentive way, you know? Not like he just doesn’t give a shit. He gets it, he really does, and he’s so well equipped for it…’ And here, suggestively, Jennifer raised an arm and ran two fingers down the span of her forearm, as if to hint at the sorts of dimensions she was talking about. Karla attempted a noncommittal “mhmm,” noise, but found herself squeaking, and motioning for her lucky, lucky friend to go on.

  ‘I mean, I haven’t measured him or anything, but if I had to guess…’ Grinning, Jennifer made a show of forming speculative measurements with her hands in front of her for a moment. ‘Eleven inches, easy. Maybe more, I dunno, I might be lowballing him, since he just kinda refuses to.’

  More silence.

  ‘And what does Roger think of all this?’ Karla asked, her mouth dry, her mind flaming with ideas.

  ‘Whose idea do you think it was?’ Jennifer was all perfect white teeth and the beautifully crafted creases of her smile. ‘He loves it, Karla. He watches, sometimes. Gets me to tell him about it at others, even when we’re… otherwise occupied. Roger wants me to enjoy myself, it’s good for us. We each get what we want, no judgments, no hassle, just fun.’

  ‘I… don’t know what to say,’ Karla rolled her shoulders, the gesture somewhere close to a shrug. The gulf between her and her friend had never seemed wider; Jennifer bubbled with vivacity and contentment, and it was all Karla could do to maintain a smile without collapsing into a state of jealous fascination, soaking up every detail in as perverse a manner as she could get away with. Her thighs clenched tightly together, and she hoped her face betrayed nothing of what she was thinking, the sheer detail her imagination was capable of providing after so long without any heat in her own bedroom.

  Nevertheless, Karla’s expression must have let something of her thoughts slip through, because Jennifer’s gaze turned conspiratorial.

  ‘Hey, your husband’s at work, yeah?’ She asked, then gestured to the door when Karla nodded. ‘You want to get out of here? I can’t really tell this story in public the way it deserves to be told.’

  Karla was out of her seat almost before Jennifer had finished her sentence.


  Hours passed. Jennifer left, but Karla’s fantasies of her did not.

  The blonde’s stories played out in her head, over and over, in progressively more lurid detail, aided in no small part by the evident heat in Jennifer’s voice when she had described it all. By the time night finally fell and William- eventually- came home, Karla was sure that she could imagine her friend’s encounter with as much clarity as Jennifer’s own memories of it, every move plotted, every squealing, thrusting moment of it embedded in her mind like a fish-hook dragging at her attention. She had excused herself from William’s presence quickly, begging off to take a shower and, perhaps, soak away the growing tension that filled Karla further with every additional second she had to live with this knowledge.

  Now, she stood before the mirror, her clothes slipped off and piled in one corner of the tiled room. Karla examined the angles of her body with speculative interest, turning herself one way and then another, appraising herself in a way she hadn’t done for many years, now. Watching her reflection carefully, she couldn’t find much to complain about, if she were being honest; the years had not weighed Karla down as much as she had, perhaps, assumed. There had been a time, once, where she had been a top-tier athlete, after all; her time on the college volleyball team had lent her body a litheness that years of sensible care had allowed her to retain.

  Her skin was pale and supple, a barely-marked and tantalizing expanse that, even to Karla’s own eyes, begged to be touched. She idly ran her hands over herself, finding places on her body that were appealing wherever she went; heavy, well-rounded breasts, a pert backside, long legs made for either running or wrapping around someone. Her hair fell in ringlets th
e color of chocolate about her face, framing green eyes that sparkled and a round, full-lipped face that could, as Karla discovered by pouting into the mirror, look deeply seductive if she tried.

  But something had changed. The weight of years had worn away a feeling that Karla could clearly remember when she reminisced about her college days. A crackling sort of energy had been lost, the feeling of being at the height of her form, unbeatable, vital, desired.

  Karla could picture the old days so well, the feeling of her body as a finely honed instrument of her craft, muscles coiling tight and releasing with expert timing, deployed to bring her team to victory. She could remember the exhaustion that followed, the tired glow of a game well played, exertion turned to giddiness. When was the last time she had expended that much effort on anything?


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