The Final Link_The Gateway Saga

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The Final Link_The Gateway Saga Page 15

by Erin Thornton

  “Eldon, if you don’t mind, I think Ky might like to at least come a little closer. It will be harder for him to see from over there.” She didn’t know Eldon’s true viewpoint so she wasn’t going to push her luck.

  Eldon turned to Ky, “Is that right?”

  “I’ll stay where you want me but I would love to watch her face as you enter her.” Kyrel wasn’t shy, but he was respectful.

  “Why don’t you climb up here on the bed. There is plenty of room and you will have a better view.” Eldon was more gracious than Aggie expected. Perhaps he had a similar idea. Kyrel didn’t waste a minute. He shucked his pants and made his way over.

  “I hope you don’t mind, seeing as I wasn’t going to be putting this away those pants were just going to make the climb more difficult.

  “I don’t mind, only if you don’t mind if in the heat of a moment I reach out and touch it myself.” Aggie was feeling brave and freer than she ever had before. She’d never experienced a high like this to have someone watch while she got sexual with another man. It was stimulating and her hormones were working overtime.

  “You are welcome to touch any part of me you wish.” Kyrel’s smile spoke volumes and Aggie returned it.

  “Will that bother you, Eldon. I’d hate to do anything and ruin what we already have going.” Aggie wanted his okay to include Kyrel in their escapades but she wasn’t asking for permission to have fun with Kyrel, that was her decision and hers alone.

  “I’m happy, if you’re happy. I only want to please you. Kyrel is no threat to me and I know we will have fun either way.” Aggie breathed a sigh of relief. It amazed her how well Eldon was handling another man in his bed.

  “Now if you don’t mind, could we get on with this, I’m worried someone is going to come in and stop us again and you will end up with blue balls as bad as whatever it is women get and I’ve had enough of it.” They all laughed with her and Eldon dropped his head back between her legs. His eyes never left hers and she glanced over at Kyrel and he continued working himself again with slow even strokes, his eyes firmly on where Eldon’s face was lapping and fingers pumping and stretching. Aggie moaned and pumped her hips. It was hard not to rub her clit and press it into his face. She didn’t want to take the control away from him.

  She let her eyes travel over to Ky again. “Ky, will you take off your shirt? I’d like you to feel more included.” A grin broke out on his face and he did as she asked without complaint. It seemed all the men she’d seen or felt were just as built and all she wanted to do was feel his muscles that were flexed underneath his tanned skin. Reaching for him, he leaned toward her. Running her fingers over his chest, she dragged her nails down the exposed skin, squeezing himself and Eldon added a third finger and pumped them in deeper. She cried out and arched forward. Pulling out his fingers, Eldon quickly lined himself up with her entrance, easing himself in but Aggie felt no pain. He pressed in further and soon was seated fully. Frozen in time, Aggie enjoyed the full sensation of Eldon’s cock pressed deeply into her and tightly against her inner walls.

  “If you don’t move soon I’m going to have to do it for you.” Aggie cried out as the pressure was building inside of her. She wanted to feel his cock pumping in and out more than anything. Eldon chuckled deeply the sound vibrated through her but quickly complied with her request. As Eldon picked up speed Aggie felt herself climbing toward her own release. Turning to look at Kyrel she saw he was pumping his own dick faster than ever. “You need to bring that over here and I’ll handle it for you.” Kyrel froze, but that award-winning smile broke the tension as he got up on his knees and crawled to her.

  Seated on the heels of his feet, his cock stood proudly between his legs and the tip glistened with early release begging to be tasted. Propped up on her elbows she gripped him as best she could from the base, she gently pulled him closer and brought the tip to her lips. Her other hand openly stroked his sac. Ky’s eyes never left her face, watching intently her every move. She glanced back and saw Eldon who was also watching her holding Ky’s cock. Eyes wide with interest, he watched her lick the tip slowly, drawing out the pleasure for them all. The sight made Eldon move faster inside her. She felt his dick flex with the approval of her ministrations and Ky relaxed toward her allowing her to do anything she wanted.

  Pressing the overly thick cock back to her lips, she opened around them. While she wasn’t going to get very far, she would do her best. Aggie moaned around the massive erection in her mouth and twisted her hand up and down tightly, enjoying the sensation of both men. Then while her eyes were closed, a hand wrapped around one breast and a set of lips sucked the other nipple into its mouth. Opening her eyes, she saw both men captivated by her nipples fully erect, waiting to be played with and teased. When Ky squeezed her available nipple closest to him she screamed and found her release instantly. It had always been a hair trigger for her, he must have sensed that. Eldon followed her quickly and after one more long suck from Aggie’s plump lips, Ky was hot on their heels exploding his load into her awaiting mouth.

  She swallowed every drop and wiped anything that escaped before she leaned forward to kiss Ky on the mouth. She realized then that she had openly sucked his cock before actually kissing him to invite him into their inner circle created by her and Eldon. Eldon kissed her neck, making room and somehow not making her feel cramped at all. They stayed wrapped up, kissing for a few more minutes before Aggie fell back with a flop of exhaustion.

  “Oh my God, that was amazing! Is sex with all of you always going to be like that or was that just because it was my first time with two men at the same time? Do you realize how big of a turn on it was to have you silently watching from a distance, Ky?” Aggie was out of breath and completely sated from their bedroom escapades.

  “I know watching the two of you was truly the best thing I’ve seen in ages.” Aggie assumed that meant a lot because Kyrel had likely seen a lot in his day. “I also love that you have chosen to shorten my name. The sound of it from your lips is the greatest gift you could ever give me.”

  “Also, I should probably say that you felt like that because of the transfer of power. Since you and I are now mated, your body took on more than the average human. I will say you were worth it. I can’t say I’ve ever felt that wonderful with any woman. I’m blessed that you chose me to be your first.” Eldon’s words were spoken softly and Aggie tried not to let it grate on her that he was mentioning his other conquests mere moments after being inside her. The rest of what he was saying made her feel special. She hadn’t thought about it being him first or another waiting, she just had a connection with him throughout the day. Everything just clicked with him. If she was going to have sex with all of them to complete her role as the ninth, then she wanted it to happen organically and not be forced. Sort of like adding Kyrel to the mix. That wasn’t the original plan, but at the moment, it felt right.

  “Does that mean that we are also mated because we also had….” Aggie didn’t finish her thought because he knew what they had done and to say it out loud felt stupid. She wasn’t ashamed of what she had done, but sometimes the words don’t matter as much as the feeling.

  “No, that isn’t how it works. Each time you have natural sexual intercourse with one of us, we are able to break the spell by spilling inside of you. While you won’t be able to get pregnant the first time with us, it is required to break the magic placed upon us by our oath.” Kyrel sounded a bit disappointed by the thought of not being mated to her.

  “Wait, I don’t want to get pregnant. That isn’t in my game plan right now.” Aggie’s voice rose as she panicked a little.

  “Not to worry, Gryson can create an individual spell for each of us. That way we aren’t at risk and we aren’t inhibited either.” Eldon didn’t sound concerned in the least so Aggie calmed down. Both men laid down on either side of her.

  “Given that information, if I take any of you in my mouth or in my…” Aggie hesitated because she had never considered any of the alter
natives before and now with the idea of multiple partners gave her pause. “If I take anyone in my ass, does that mean I’m not mated with them and therefore won’t take on any new magic?” She was never one who openly talked about sex or sexually related things, but this seemed different somehow. Like she wasn’t talking about sex, but what would happen to her afterward. With her muscles still languid she didn’t feel the need to move or turn her head to look at either. Whoever decided to answer was up to them.

  “You can have as many or few partners that you want whenever you choose. If you don’t want to mate anyone else for a time, you can just provide them an alternative position.” Eldon seemed cautious, “Are you upset that we are now mated and I didn’t clarify this before we proceeded this evening?”

  “No, not at all, I’m just trying to make sense of it all.” She reached for Eldon with heavy arms and wondered why he felt different and why it was so hard to reach for him. She understood post-sex bliss, but this was ridiculous. Instead of the sharp sense of butterflies across her skin, it was more like they were a part of her now, not simply trying to gain access. They were inside and all around her like a warm blanket cloaking and protecting her. “Oddly enough, I just feel extra tired.”

  “That is not just your average exhaustion. Likely, your body is trying to reallocate where to put your magic. It should manifest itself soon and we will know what you need to learn in order to control it. That can be added to your training schedule when you begin your defense training tomorrow.” Eldon caressed her head softly and she closed her eyes, still fighting not to let the sleep overtake her. “I should carry you back over to the other room so you can get settled. I’ll let the guys know what is happening and they will keep an extra close eye on you.”

  Chapter 14

  When Aggie woke up, she was wrapped in the warmest blanket she had ever felt. Snuggling deeper she realized that she bumped into what felt like something furry resting against her shoulder. Opening her eyes just a slit, she saw a black-as-night snout sitting there. She tried not to move so she wouldn’t disturb Alpha but Aggie smiled that he was wrapped around her like a fur blanket. The only way he could have gotten any closer would have been to sleep completely on top of her.

  “He hasn’t moved from that spot all night. When Eldon carried you in, his wolf went crazy. Mitchell couldn’t contain him and had to shift. That says a lot because the Alpha has the most control. My wolf didn’t go as crazy once he knew Mitchell had you under control.” Ren was sitting across the room, in a high back, dark red chair and his feet propped on a stool. He ran his hand through his sandy hair and stretched his back out.

  “Did you sleep in the chair, all night?” Aggie shifted out from under Alpha’s head, causing him to growl lightly. She placed her hand on his neck and he calmed immediately. Sitting up on her elbows, she got a better look at Ren across the room.

  “Someone had to keep an eye on you two.” He shot her a lopsided smile and scooted forward so he could rest his arms on his legs.

  “That couldn’t have been comfortable at all. Why didn’t you just crawl into bed with us?” Aggie pressed her hand into her hair and brushed her hair back. “God, my hair feels like Medusa’s snakes.”

  “I think it looks hot, and I didn’t want to disturb you two you looked so cozy. Not to mention, I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable if you woke up sandwiched between us.” Ren’s words were spoken on a whisper, as he was trying to not wake up his sleeping brother.

  “Get over here, you look like death on a stick.” Aggie laid back down and pulled the blanket down behind her. Snuggling into Alpha’s thick, soft fur, the bed dipped, as she felt Ren press up against her back. She rolled over slowly, meeting Ren’s piercing gaze. “See was that so hard?”

  “No, but it will be.” Ren wrapped his arms around her and kissed her right on the nose. Aggie giggled until she felt a similar body pressed up against her back. Turning to look over her shoulder she was surprised to see Mitchell had taken control again and shifted back while her back was turned. She noticed something rather quickly, he was completely naked and his dick was pressed against her ass, hard as a rock.

  “Now this is an awkward position you have me in here, boys. Did you plan this?” Aggie shifted slightly so she could look at them both at once. Unfortunately, in doing so she pressed a bit hard against Mitchell’s nakedness under the blankets, causing him to groan and his dick twitched in response. Eyes wide, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.”

  “It’s not our fault, you’re in bed with us and we are drawn to you like moths to a flame.” Mitchell nuzzled his nose into her neck, just as Alpha had done.

  “Are you awake when your wolf has control?” As usual blurting was Aggie’s go-to when a question was burning. Now that Mitchell could speak to her it was the only thing she wanted to know.

  A husky laugh and a rare smile was the answer she got and his kisses trailed down her neck to her collarbone. She felt her nipples perk up and scrape across the fabric of the shirt she was wearing. Glancing down, Aggie realized it wasn’t her shirt. Lifting the collar, she inhaled deeply and caught a whiff of earth and a light petal scent. Smiling, she knew it was Eldon’s shirt. He always smelled like a walk through a garden. She couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled out. He always swore he wasn’t a fairy like Tinker Bell or other TV concoctions but he smelled like she imagined one would.

  “You didn’t answer my question, pup.” Aggie knew she was poking the bear, or more like the wolf, but she didn’t care. She wanted her answer

  “Who are you calling a pup?” Though he was growly, Mitchell was smiling through gritted teeth. He pressed his very large cock into her ass for good measure. “I will show you how much of a pup I am if you keep pressing.” He then proceeded to tickle her with a vengeance and she thrashed left and right to try and break free. Unable to speak through her laughter, except for broken words, she pleaded with her eyes to get Ren to help her.

  “Help? You want me to help? You insulted my brother’s manhood, my Alpha, and you expect me to help you? I don’t think I can do that in good conscience.” With that he held her down and started to tickle her feet while she was locked at the knees by his muscled arm. There was no way she would escape. The best she could do was thrust back and forth from her hips in hopes to throw them off. Sadly, that only resulted in her inching closer and closer to the edge of the bed. With Ren now at the foot of the bed holding her down that meant there was no one there to stop her from,THUMP! Without warning to Aggie because her eyes were closed, she fell to the floor. All horseplay stopped instantly.

  “Are you alright?” the twins echoed each other, and for the first time, actually sounded like one would expect of a twin. Finishing each other’s sentences and reading each other’s minds.

  To their surprise, Aggie just found herself laughing at the insanity of it all. “I’m fine, I’m just glad I fell before you two made me pee myself. I ask a simple question and you two gang up on me.” She was laughing hysterically now and the guys joined her. It took a couple minutes for them to calm down. She crawled back into the bed between them.

  “I pick up the stronger feelings. Mostly from my wolf, whom I believe you named, Alpha, am I correct?” Aggie felt a blush rise in her cheeks, these guys were good at getting her to do that. “No, he likes it. I do too, mostly because you understand that we might be connected but our wolves are separate in their own right. It changes things when people understand that.”

  “I didn’t want to keep calling him ‘Mitchell’s wolf’ all the time. I thought that was worse than naming him.” She turned to Ren, “You don’t mind me calling your wolf ‘Wolfie’ do you?”

  “If I recall correctly, you called me ‘Wolfie’ before you deemed it my wolf’s name.” Ren winked and his hand crept up her hip, under her shirt and slid closer to her.

  “Well, I think you might have been acting rather wolfish at the time.” She smirked and poked him in the ribs.

  “Don’t st
art that again. You just fell off the bed a moment ago, I’d hate for you to repeat that.” Ren rolled over and pushed her hand back. Leveraging himself he leaned upon his forearm and kissed her passionately, but this didn’t stop Mitchell from keeping his hands busy with her breasts beneath her shirt. Aggie decided she was enjoying their ministrations too much. Stopping them wasn’t worth it. They obviously knew that she had been with Eldon the night before and that didn’t bother them. Why should she let it bother her? Sharing wasn’t an issue for them, so she was going to enjoy whatever attention they graced her with.

  Just as Ren let his free hands wander to the top of her panties, Aggie knew this was going to be a fun way to wake up. Reaching up she laced her fingers of each hand in each of the brother’s hair running her nails across their scalps.

  In the still slightly darkened room, not yet kissed by the morning sunrise, sparks skittered out from Aggie’s hands right off the heads of both guys. Aggie screeched and held her hands aloft as they continued to glow. The twins leaped from the bed at speeds Aggie didn’t know was possible and wondered if they were actually descendants of The Flash. Ren was frantically brushing his head and Aggie was worried she had hurt him. Mitchell, the ever stoic one, had his gaze firmly locked on Aggie and her suspended hands. She realized that it looked like she was a criminal standing off against the police.


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