The Marenon Chronicles Collection

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The Marenon Chronicles Collection Page 65

by Jason D. Morrow

  “You mother is going, but I’m staying to fight!” he said, pulling the weapons closer to him.

  Alric stepped forward into the doorway and Patrick looked at him with lowered eyebrows.

  “Who are you?” Patrick asked.

  “My name is Alric. I’m one of the sergeants in the Dunarian Order.”

  Nalani raised an eyebrow at this and looked at him.

  “Where’s your armor? Your colors?” Patrick asked.

  “We learned of the attack as recently as you did,” Alric said. “I was off duty when I heard about it. Haven’t had the chance to change into my uniform yet. Besides, that doesn’t matter. What matters is I have a job for you.”

  “What kind of job?” Patrick asked.

  “The children and the older people will be taken deep within the fortress for protection, but we aren’t sure how long we’ll be able to keep the enemy out. I’m going to need you to distribute some of your weapons, and be sure everyone in hiding will know standard protocol should the walls not stand.”

  “You want me to be in charge of them?”

  “That’s right,” Alric said. “Nalani has told me about how brave you are, and if the Stühocs charge into the fortress, they’ll need a fearless leader to help them fight. Can I count on you to do that?”

  Patrick bowed low. “Of course you can,” he said. “It will be my greatest honor.”

  “Good,” Alric said as he slapped Patrick on the shoulder. “I’ll make sure the sergeant at the city center knows about it, but you’ll need to get there quickly.”

  “I will,” Patrick said. “I just need to gather a few more things before I go out.”

  Nalani caught Alric’s eye and mouthed the words ‘thank you’. Alric gave her a wink and stepped out onto the porch.

  They didn’t have much time before they had to meet with Kaden and other leaders. With tears in her eyes, she said a quick goodbye to her parents and left with Alric. Before making their way to the east wall where every able-bodied citizen was ordered to meet, Alric stopped by the group of children and older people. He explained to the guard that an experienced fighter would be joining them in a few moments, and that he should be allowed to help lead them into the castle. The guard gave him a curious look and muttered that the old man had better get there fast.

  As they jostled through the crowd toward the wall, they heard two voices call out their names. They turned to see two familiar faces, running toward them. Dink and Emma.

  “You made it!” Emma said to Nalani. “We had heard from Alric that you had been captured.”

  “Now we aren’t in a much better situation,” she answered.

  “How can we help?” Dink asked.

  “Were about to meet up with some of the leaders,” Alric said. “You can come with us if you want.”

  They agreed and walked steadily behind the two. Nalani was glad to see them safe. When she had ordered them to go with Daewyn to tell the Erellens and the Dunarians about the Sphere, she didn’t know if they would make it. She hadn’t expected to see them again, but here they were, ready to help.

  As the four of them walked, a deafening alarm sounded throughout the city. For a brief moment Nalani and Alric looked at each other, then rushed to the east wall to see why the alarm had gone off.


  Silas stood with Lorcan and Coffman on the outer east wall when Kaden gave the order for the alarm to sound. A signal fire to the east warned them of an approaching enemy.

  “It’s a clear day,” Kaden said as he squinted into the distance. “We still have another hour or more before they make it here.”

  Darius Umar, council member and leader of the Dunarian Order, walked to them from a farther position on the wall. “We’ll only have five sarians,” he said. “They will be a help, I’m sure, but I don’t want them anywhere near the arrows.”

  “I agree with you,” Kaden said.

  Silas thought about his own sarian, Skarret. He had left the bird with Inga, along with the other sarian, Autumn. He knew they would be safe in Elysium. From what he had heard earlier that day, Inga had not left the Erellen city of Jarul. Silas was glad that she was far away from the army that was coming for Jekyll Rock.

  His stomach dropped as he remembered seeing them from high in the air after escaping Mudavé. Coffman had handed Silas a small scope from a pouch on the sarian saddle as they flew over the giant horde. The Nestorians had remained unreadable with their wooden masks. The demon-like Stühocs looked hungry for battle. Then there were the Humans. The Soldiers of the Dead. They seemed vicious and extremely angry, but their eyes were completely void of life. All they desired was blood. They would crush the small city.

  Soon, Dublin joined the group at the top of the wall and then Alric, Nalani and two others came running from the middle of the city.

  There was a woman with them that Silas had never seen before, and a man…

  “Dink?” Silas said to himself as he stepped forward.

  Dink smiled widely and extended a hand when he came within a foot of Silas. “When I said I hoped our paths would cross again, I didn’t mean on a day like today.”

  Silas grinned at the man. Though Kaden had told him Dink was in Jekyll Rock, it was still strange to see him.

  “I assume you found her?” Silas asked, motioning toward the woman.

  “Yes,” Dink said. “This is my wife, Emma.” He gestured to Silas. “Emma, this is Silas Ainsley.”

  “We’ve heard so much about you in the past couple of days,” she said.

  “When I first found out about who this Meshulan was, I couldn’t believe it! I don’t think anyone believed me at first when I told them I had been near you in the gauntlet.”

  “This is all so wonderful,” Alric said, “but shouldn’t we be making preparations?”

  Kaden shifted his weight and looked out toward the grassy plain. The warning fire burned bright in the distance. He looked up at the sky and took a deep breath. “Looks like we’ll be fighting in the dark,” he said. He turned to Darius. “Have your men finished barricading the east gate into the city?”

  “It is as strong as it can be,” he answered. “Depending on what they are using to break down the doors, the barricade could last for an hour or so before it breaks down. Unless of course our archers are top-notch tonight.”

  “We don’t have many,” Kaden said, more to himself than the others. “Dublin, you’ll be sure to stay within the fortress?”

  “As yeh command, sir,” the old man said as he bowed low.

  “We’re going to have to be ready to fight within the city walls,” Kaden said.

  Silas wasn’t sure if anyone else had noticed it, perhaps they were distracted by their fear of what was to come, but he could see the sadness in Kaden’s eyes. There was no fear in the man, but Silas knew he was frustrated. Everything had crumbled on his watch, and he was taking responsibility for it.

  Silas wished there was something he could do to stop the inevitable defeat of the Dunarians. Jekyll Rock had never faced such an enemy.

  After a long silence, Dink spoke up. “We should be encouraged. We have the Meshulan with us! I’ve seen him fight. The prophecy says he will deliver us. I think today, will be the beginning of the prophecy’s fulfillment.”

  Silas wanted to shut him up somehow, but he said nothing. There was nothing in history that said Silas would do any such thing. If the enemy broke through into the city it would be over. The Dunarians would be finished.

  Another alarm sounded, calling for everyone to ready their weapons and take their posts.

  “Already?” Alric asked.

  Each of them ran to the edge of the city wall to watch for the enemy.

  Like a gust of cold wind, the realization hit them all at once.

  The first signal fire had not been lit by a guard at his post. The fire had been ignited by the passing army who had destroyed the tower in rage. Whether the Dunarians were ready or not, it did not matter. The battle was upon them.

  Chapter Eleven

  Julian, Inga, and Daewyn knelt beside a tree with the three sarians sitting low behind them. Jekyll Rock would only be about a minute’s flight away, but they weren’t sure if flying would be the wisest choice anymore.

  “Did either of you know there was an army of that size headed for Jekyll Rock?” Julian asked them.

  The other two said nothing, but no answer was actually needed. Of course they didn’t. In fact, the Dunarians might not have even known about it until now. The next thought struck Julian like a bolt of lightning. The Dunarians might have seen the enemy coming if he hadn’t taken the medallions from them. The thought made him sick to his stomach. Kaden would have thought about this too.

  “It’s not too late to help them,” Julian said. “But how, I’m not so sure.”

  Inga cleared her throat.

  “How long can you hold the invisibility?” he asked her.

  “I’m starting to become good at it,” she said. “We just have to stay near each other.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Daewyn said behind them.

  Julian turned slightly and shook his head. “You aren’t coming with us.”

  Inga and Daewyn both looked at Julian with bewildered expressions.

  “Excuse me?” Daewyn said.

  “All you want is someone’s life,” Julian explained. “You aren’t here to help in any way.”

  Daewyn stood from his kneeling position and the other two did the same. “You should really think about what you’re doing, King Julian Hobbes,” the Erellen said.

  “I have thought about it. I thought about it the entire flight here.”

  “I will be king over Elysium someday. I will remember those who helped me and those that betrayed me.”

  Julian smirked at him. “Your father knows what you did. I’d be surprised if he doesn’t leave his throne up for election. Besides, I probably won’t be king when that time comes anyway.”

  Daewyn stared at Julian and Inga with narrowed eyes. “Humans,” he said in a bitter tone. “What’s to stop me from going into Jekyll Rock by myself?”

  Julian glanced back at the battle, then to the Erellen. “Be my guest,” he said. “We’ll see if you can find Lorcan in all that mess. Or survive the walk to the city for that matter.”

  Julian whistled for the sarians to join them, and he nodded to Inga. When the two of them mounted the birds, he felt the icy breeze of invisibility wisp around him. Daewyn could no longer see them nor the three sarians.

  “I’m sure you can find the way back to Elysium from here,” Julian called out. “Maybe you should get a horse first.”

  Daewyn cursed him in the Erellen tongue, but Julian barely heard it. They were already flying to Jekyll Rock.



  The Nestorians hammered the east gate with a heavy battering ram. Silas’ staff had remained a bow and arrow since the horde of enemies had come screaming toward the city. Kaden stood near him, looking through a scope to try and find the leader among them.

  “Yeah, Mintuk is holding the Humans back,” he yelled to Silas.

  Silas trained his arrow on another Nestorian soldier.

  “He’s waiting to use the Soldiers of the Dead after the gate comes crashing down,” Kaden said.

  Silas released an arrow, which allowed another to appear out of thin air into his right hand. He took a second to look out over the sea of soldiers. None of the ground was visible under the moonlit sky – only angry combatants.

  Line after line of Dunarian soldiers shot into the army without knowing where their arrows hit. Each shot probably took down an enemy, but it didn’t seem to matter. Silas was at least thankful to have the mountain fortress at their backs so they weren’t completely surrounded. Eventually though, even the mountain wouldn’t help them.


  A large group of Dunarian soldiers pushed against the wooden supports that held the city gate, trying to keep the enemy out as long as possible. Silas could hear Darius shouting encouragement to his fighters to hold strong.

  Because of the limited number of arrows, most of the Dunarian soldiers were forced to stand and wait. Silas was at least happy to have something to keep him occupied as he aimed at the Nestorians pushing the battering ram. But he wished there was more he could do besides just shooting arrows.


  Following the boom, a loud crack resounded through the city. The barrier was beginning to break.

  Not much longer now, Silas thought.

  That’s right, the voice sounded in his mind. All of you are so close to death.

  Silas threw down his staff and dropped to his knees, holding his ears tightly. He could barely hear Kaden running to him, asking him if he had been hit by something.

  “Get out!” Silas screamed. “How can you do this from so far away?”

  Shouting will do nothing for you. I am here to stay.

  Silas wished he could pound the noise out of his head, but he knew physical treatment would do no good. Somehow, Hroth had access to his mind. Silas took a deep breath, ignoring Kaden’s questions.

  Silas would just have to talk back.

  You know this is your last day, Hroth continued.

  I know, Silas thought back. But at least I will have fought to the end. At least my existence will have meant something!

  How did you come to that conclusion? How will you mean anything when you have died, crushing the hope of those whom you have promised to deliver? You know you will die, Silas. You will die, and your life will have been for nothing.

  Silas stood calmly. He gave Kaden a nod to let him know he was all right. Silas bent down and picked up his staff and it changed to a bow and arrow.


  The east gate had been broken. The Nestorians would try one more time to break through completely. Darius sounded a horn from below, signaling all but the last few archers to join them in the fight that was sure to come within a moment or two.

  My servant Mintuk is about to destroy your precious Dunarians.

  Silas ran down the stairs to the bottom of the wall and toward the east gate to join the others. Kaden was next to him, probably thinking of how he could have done things differently to prevent this day. Silas moved as though his thoughts weren’t clouded with the voice.

  You killed Maroke. You killed Saul. But we have recovered. You are now witnessing the beginning of the end of Humanity in Marenon. I now have no reason to speak with you, Silas Ainsley.

  It was almost like a headache that suddenly vanished into the air, giving him sweet relief. Hroth’s taunting words were no doubt true, but Silas wouldn’t let it keep him from fighting the enemy to his fullest potential.

  He looked around him, seeing his friends. Part of him wished Inga were there, though he was glad she wouldn’t face the same death as he. But she would have been invaluable this night.


  The battering ram broke through the wood, splitting it into thousands of pieces. At first, everyone expected to see a flood of soldiers coming in, but this didn’t happen. The exposed Nestorians were quickly shot down, but the others dragged the battering ram out of the path and away from the broken gate.

  No Dunarian moved as Darius held up his sword, commanding all of them to hold position. There seemed to be a dead silence from the other side of the gate. Dunarian soldiers looked at each other, asking one another what was taking so long.

  A bowman from the top of the wall let them know. “They’ve opened up a path from the gate to the back of their ranks!” he yelled.

  “Mintuk is making the Humans charge first,” Kaden said in realization. He walked next to Darius at the front of the steadied Dunarians.

  “Dunarians!” Kaden shouted. “The Soldiers of the Dead are charging first! I know these are Humans, and they look like you and me. But be assured, they are already dead! Feel no remorse in striking them. Cut them down like you would any Stühoc! Show no mercy, for you will be given none!”

bsp; The end of his order came with the increasing sound of grunts and moans. The Soldiers of the Dead were coming.

  Silas couldn’t help but cringe when he heard the charging dead. He looked back and caught a glimpse of Coffman, Alric and Nalani. Earlier that day, Coffman had told him about how these people had been changed. The three of them had been there when the transformation took place. They had stood in front of the weapon, a glowing sphere that sucked the souls out of Humans, killing them instantly. The one in control could then command their dead bodies, and have them follow any order.

  They now followed Mintuk and were instructed to devour the Dunarians.

  They poured through the destroyed opening of the east gate like bees out of a hive, not caring about the others around them. Their skin had begun to pale, and their feet were bloodied from the endless running without shoes.

  Silas was surprised to see how easily they could be taken down. None of them possessed any weapons, but their ability to overwhelm seemed effective.

  Biting, thrashing, clawing their way through the first line of Dunarians, the Soldiers of the Dead never let up.

  Silas’ staff had changed to a broadsword, allowing him to cut through anything that came at him.

  One hundred or more Dunarians fell, but Darius was able to make them regroup and form an effective wall against the undead fighters. The Dunarian commander was a masterful leader, orchestrating his troops to maneuver in such a way as to limit their casualties.

  Silas somehow found his way to the front of the line. Three of the dead came at Silas with brutal force, but a quick slice was all he needed to bring them down. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Kaden who had been surrounded by a large group of them.

  Spinning and swinging, Kaden was holding his own against the unskilled fighters, but they kept coming at him as if his death was their ultimate goal.

  As he charged, Silas wondered if Mintuk had indeed instructed the undead to attack the leaders of the group first. He didn’t know how it was possible, but he didn’t put anything past the enemy.

  He smashed into the group surrounding his friend, blood flying in all directions as he and Kaden swung liberally. The piles of bodies created steep mounds as each was dispatched one-by-one.


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