Angel's Destiny

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Angel's Destiny Page 3

by Dawn Sullivan

  “Really?” Fallon whispered, taking a step closer to him. “You aren’t going to leave me here?”

  “Of course not,” Sable promised, smiling gently at them both, “but it is best if we get going now before someone sees us.”

  “My purse is inside,” Fallon said hesitantly.

  “You won’t need it where we are going,” Chase told her. “He can track any credit cards you use, or a cell phone. You can’t return to your homes, you can’t take your cars. Nothing. You won’t need anything except the clothes on your back and shoes on your feet. It will be safest that way.”

  Alanna and Fallon exchanged a long look before Alanna straightened her shoulders and turned back to him. “Let’s go then.”


  Tell me one of you has the enemy in sight. Angel held her gun firmly at her side, her finger on the trigger, as she waited for a response. They had been hired three days ago to find the son and daughter of a billionaire out of Los Angeles, California. The teenagers had been kidnapped when their father was out of town on business. When there was no ransom call after forty-eight hours, and no leads, the Federal Bureau of Investigations called in RARE. It took her team two days to locate the missing children, and one to devise a plan of attack. The children were being held in the basement of a large, abandoned school, just two hours from their home. They had never even left the state of California, but she was finding out that was the plan all along.

  Negative, Trace replied calmly, but Angel felt the tension through their link. He was just as worried about the teenagers as she was.


  Nothing, came the reply, tinged with frustration. I can sense at least two of them up on the roof, but can’t get a bead on them. Same with the one on the main floor.

  Shit, they were going to have to infiltrate the building blindly. Trace and Sapphire, hold your positions. Jaxson, make your way to the roof on the south side of the building. Flame, you take the north. Be very careful once you reach the top. Stop and listen before climbing over the ledge. Let us know as soon as it is clear. The warning was for Flame. Jackson had scaled many buildings, but Flame was still considered a newbie to the team. As was Sapphire, but when she heard that Angel didn’t have a second sniper, she refused to stay home. Nico and Phoenix, you are with me.

  On your six, boss. Normally Phoenix would be outside rigging the building to blow, but not this time. They wouldn’t be igniting any bombs today, not in the middle of a large city. It was hopefully going to be an in and out situation, with no deaths. That hardly ever happened when RARE was involved, but the situation today was different. After she had delved deeper into the Perkins family and realized exactly what was going on, Angel knew they had to be very cautious with how they proceeded.

  Actually, I want you with Nico. You two clear the building. I’m slipping into the basement through one of the broken windows on the east side. She didn’t need backup, and she did not want to frighten the kids any more than they already were. When she was done here, though, someone was going to answer for what they had been put through. Either from her or the FBI, she didn’t care which.

  Not sure if that is a good idea, boss.

  Angel chuckled softly as she let her gaze slowly wander around the area. It’s a good thing I’m not asking then, isn’t it?

  Dammit, Angel.

  There is no one in the basement right now except two scared teenagers, Nico. If they see you and Phoenix with me, they are going to become even more terrified. After everything they have gone through, I refuse to put them through more.

  There was silence, and then Nico grunted, Copy that.

  Angel waited patiently by the back of the building until she heard, Two idiots up here. We couldn’t find them because they are a bit preoccupied…with each other.

  Shaking her head in disgust, Angel ordered, Tranq them, then move down and help Nico and Phoenix clear the building.


  That was all Angel needed to hear before slipping around to the side of the building. Fading into the dark of the night, she stayed low to the ground, evaluating each window she came to. Finally, she found one where most of the glass was already broken out of it, knowing if she had to smash it herself it would make noise that could attract attention. Very carefully, she removed the rest of the glass, and after one last look around, she slipped inside.

  Found one on the top floor. He’s down for the count. I hear another talking to someone at the end of the hall. Moving that way now, Nico told them.

  Two on the second smoking a joint. None of these dumbasses are professionals, Phoenix said in disgust.

  No, Angel agreed, they aren’t. They are just some wanna-be thugs hired to scare the shit out of some innocent kids. That’s why we aren’t using live ammo unless we have to.


  It was just one word, but Angel could hear the barely contained fury behind it. Phoenix’s mate, Serenity, was pregnant with their first child, and the protectiveness in him for any and all children had risen dangerously high. Right now, our main objective is getting Nathan and Natalie out of here, she warned him. Get control of yourself, or get the hell outside. You aren’t going to fuck up this mission, Phoenix.

  She felt his anger, along with the need to find and kill the bastard who had orchestrated all of this, but Phoenix replied, Understood.

  Second one is taken out, Nico interrupted.

  Main floor is clear, Jaxson told them.

  I only sense one more in the building, but I can’t pinpoint where. Flame’s voice whispered through their connection, low and steady. She still had a lot to learn, but was fast becoming a respected member of the team.

  That’s because he’s made his way down here now, Angel responded, as she held herself flush to the wall and closed her eyes. He’s angry because he hasn’t seen any of the money that was promised to him yet. He thinks maybe if he hurts one of them, sends a piece of them back to the father, that he will pay up faster. What he doesn’t understand, is that there was never going to be any money. There is no ransom. That’s not what this is about.

  You know who had these kids kidnapped, don’t you, Angel? You know who made them suffer through hell? The barely concealed rage in Jaxson’s voice matched Phoenix’s now. Please tell me we are going hunting after this, boss lady.

  Raising her gun, Angel turned quickly, slipping out of the room and down the long hallway toward the voices at the end. How well do you know me, Jaxson?

  Fuck, yes!

  Stopping just outside the room where the teens were being held, Angel cocked her head to the side and listened intently. “Your father didn’t pay up,” someone sneered. “I guess he doesn’t love you brats as much as you thought he did.”

  “Yes, he does!” Natalie cried. “He’s coming for us. I know he is!”

  There was a short laugh, and then, “You keep telling yourself that, little girl. That pansy-ass won’t be riding to the rescue anytime soon. Don’t worry, though. I have something we can do while we are waiting.”

  “Get the hell away from her,” her brother muttered, and Angel could hear the pain in his voice. Someone had hurt him, and they were going to pay.

  “What are you doing?”

  The terror in the young girl’s voice had Angel around the door and descending on the man in seconds. Taking in the situation, her eyes narrowed on the revolver the man held in his right hand as he started to slide Natalie’s shirt off with his left. “That wouldn’t be your smartest move,” she growled, unwilling to let him expose the child anymore. Knowing what was going to happen before it even did, Angel squeezed the trigger on her Glock as she dove to the side, barely dodging the bullet that came her way. She was back on her feet within seconds, blocking out Natalie’s screams as she closed the distance between herself and the guy who now lay bleeding out on the floor.

  Dismay filled her when she realized he couldn’t have been much older than Nathan and Natalie. What the hell was this world coming to when children were kidnapping an
d threatening other children?

  Shaking her head, she turned as her team entered the room. “Jaxson, get a hold of the FBI and let them know we found the children, and make sure they know someone needs to come out here to collect what’s left of the bastards who took them. Flame, I want you, Trace, and Sapphire to take the kids to the FBI office and wait there for the rest of us. You do not let them out of your sight, do you understand?”

  Flame agreed quickly before rushing past her to get to Natalie. After quickly untying the girl, she pulled her gently into her arms. “It’s going to be all right now, sweetheart,” she promised. “You will be back home soon, safe and sound.”

  Angel moved to where Nathan sat stiffly in a chair just a few feet from his sister. He had obviously been worked over, sporting a black eye, bruised cheekbones, and a bloody, split lip. Squatting down in front of him, she brushed a lock of dark hair back from his face, whispering, “You know who did this to you, don’t you, Nathan?”

  The boy stiffened, his jaw set as he refused to talk. She had wanted to have this conversation in private, but there wasn’t enough time. She and her team needed to get on the road if they were going to catch the person who caused all of this pain and heartache in the first place.

  Angel waited until Nico moved behind Nathan to undo his bonds before she placed a gentle hand on his arm. “You can’t let her get away with this, Nathan. I know you want to, but you can’t. She will keep coming back again and again, placing all of you in danger. I know you are just trying to look out for your sister and father, but this isn’t going to stop unless you help me stop it. We have to do it together.”

  “She will kill them.”

  Her eyes never leaving his, Angel vowed, “I will not let that happen. I promise you, Nathan, I will make sure she rots in prison after everything she has done.”

  “What’s she talking about, Nate?” Natalie broke in. “If you know something, if you know who did this to us, you have to tell them.”

  Nathan looked over at his sister, then back to Angel. Taking a deep breath, he held his head high and nodded. “Okay.”

  Standing, Angel held out a hand to him, smiling when he took it. “Let’s get you upstairs. Some of my team will get you to the FBI, and you need to tell them your story.”

  “Where are you going?” he asked nervously.

  Squeezing his arm gently, Angel told him, “I made you a promise, Nathan Perkins, and when I make a promise, I keep it.”

  “I won’t tell them everything until I know she’s caught,” Nathan said stubbornly. “I want proof that you have her first.”

  Angel glanced at her watch, “You got it, Nathan, but I need to leave now to make that happen.”

  Nico clapped a hand on Nathan’s shoulder from behind, and Angel winced when the boy jumped in fear. “You can trust Angel, son. If she says she will deliver this person to you, she will.”

  “And we will help,” Phoenix growled. “Let’s do this.”


  Chase and his team rolled through the gates of the White River Wolves compound just after midnight, utter exhaustion beating at them. The windows on the SUV were darkened, so no one could see inside. His sister, Jenna, met them in front of his office building. When she became the mate of a member of RARE the year before, Chase had tried to remove her from the rescue missions, but she stubbornly refused. She said what they did saved lives, and she would take the secret to her grave if she had to, but she was not stepping back from it all. After hearing her story and knowing what she’d gone through when she became pregnant with his niece Lily, Chase now understood why she refused. He let her continue even though the guilt ate at him that he’d never given her permission to share what they did with Nico. That was going to change. Secrets tore worlds apart, and he wasn’t going to let that happen to his sister.

  “Jenna, go on home to your family. We have this.”

  “It’s fine, Chase. Lily is spending the night at Serenity’s, and Nico isn’t here.”

  That meant RARE was out on a mission of their own. “When will he be back?”

  “I’m not sure. I try to never bother him unless I have to when they are out like this.”

  Wrapping an arm around her shoulder, Chase pulled her close and kissed her gently on the forehead. “When he does come home, you tell him what we do here, sis.”


  “You heard me. Secrets don’t make for a healthy relationship. He’s your mate. You tell him.”

  “But the council…”

  “Nico is a member of the most elite mercenary team out there, Jenna. He is also a trusted member of this pack, even if Angel is his alpha. I am giving you permission to tell him.” When she looked like she might argue again, he went on, “Let me put it to you this way little sis: if you don’t, I will.”

  A slow smile spread across his sister’s face, and her bottom lip trembled as her eyes misted over. “Thank you, Chase. Thank you so much. It has been tearing me up inside keeping this from him.”

  “I know,” Chase whispered gruffly, giving her one last hug. It was something he should have done a long time ago, but that damn stubborn gene ran in the family.

  “It is all clear, Alpha,” Sable said from behind him.

  “Get them to the safe place,” he ordered, “and then have Bran and Slade take over while the rest of you get some sleep.”

  Alanna stepped forward, a blanket covering her from head to toe, hiding her identity from anyone who might catch a glimpse of her. Glancing from him to Jenna, she hesitated before asking, “What’s going to happen to us now?”

  “I meet with the council tomorrow afternoon. They will move you and Fallon somewhere your brother will never find you, Alanna. You will be safe, and able to start a new life.”

  Alanna was quiet for a moment before she whispered, “What if we don’t want to go with them?”

  His brow furrowing in confusion, he settled his hands on his hips and questioned, “What do you mean? You aren’t having second thoughts, are you?”

  Chase felt the tension rolling through her, and when she didn’t reply, he pushed some of his power her way, hoping to calm her and make her feel safe. “We can talk about this in the morning when we have all had time to rest,” he promised. “For now, why don’t you go with my sister and Sable? They will get you settled into a room we like to call the ‘safe place’ here. No one knows about it except for me, my beta, my head enforcer, and the people you have already met.”

  Alanna agreed quietly, before turning reluctantly to follow Jenna across the lawn to an entrance on the side of the building. Chase’s eyes narrowed when he saw her glance back just once to look at them before going through the door and disappearing. Something was going on with her, but he was too tired to try and figure out what it was at the moment.

  “Get some sleep,” he told his enforcers, “I will need you all tomorrow. A couple of you will be going with me to meet the council, the others are needed here to guard our new guests.” Not waiting for a reply, Chase left and quickly made his way to the shifter hospital in the middle of his compound. He needed to get some rest, but first he would check on Rikki since Angel wasn’t in town to do it herself.

  Rikki was a much loved team member of RARE. The poor woman had been through her own personal hell for the past few months, and could not seem to break free. After Rikki was shot when they were out on a mission rescuing Trace’s family from a known drug lord, Angel had been forced to change her to save her life. They had assumed she would wake up within a few days, however weeks passed and she was still in a coma. After finding out that someone somehow managed to take over her body, not allowing her to wake up and almost killing her, Chase and Steele had managed to hunt them down and kill them. Unfortunately, Rikki still refused to wake up.

  A low growl escaped when he thought of Steele Maddox. His mate’s ex-lover, father of her children, Jinx and Jade. Shoving it back down, Chase stalked through the front doors of the hospital, grinding his teeth together so that
he didn’t bare them at the first person he saw. It wasn’t anyone else’s fault his life was so fucked up. It wasn’t their fault that Steele was now mated to Storm, and they had both joined RARE, which put him around Chase’s mate every single day. The one place Chase wanted to be, but was never allowed. Or that the young woman he wanted to claim as his own daughter, now had her real father back in her life. Or that his mate refused their mate bond and didn’t want him. He could go on and on about his jacked-up life where Angel was concerned.


  Clenching his hands tightly into fists, Chase stopped outside Rikki’s door, refusing to turn around to face the doctor. “What?” he ground out, barely holding his anger in.

  “She’s fine,” Doc Josie said softly as she came to stand beside him. “Why don’t you go home and come back in the morning?”


  “Chase, you need some rest.”

  “Don’t tell me what I need, Doc,” Chase growled in warning. “Trust me, I know damn well what I need, and it isn’t rest.”

  Josie’s eyes widened in shock, and he hoped she would just turn around and walk away after his outburst, but the woman had never been good at listening. “Well, then maybe you should stop wallowing in self-pity, be the alpha that you are, and go get it.”

  Chase froze, a low growl rumbling in his chest as he glared at the woman who dared to stand up to him. “What the hell do you think I have been trying to do for a fucking year now?”

  Raising an eyebrow, Doc Josie cocked a hip to the side and rested her hand lightly on it. “Seriously, is that what you have been doing? Because I don’t see it, Chase. All I see is you keeping your distance.”

  The muscle in his jaw ticked as Chase tried to control the fury rising inside of him. “You don’t understand anything, Doc.”

  “I don’t? Then why don’t you explain it to me?”


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